Two-State Solution Debate | Gideon Levy | Proposition

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I now look to Gideon Levy to close the case of the proposition hey first time in my entire life that I don't belong to the opposition and they say something every almost everything was said already all the lies all the propaganda and also some truth but I think that it's time to put an end to the masquerade and the mascara is going on now for at least 50 years and the masquerade contains two assumptions which both are a pure like a that Israel has intention to go for the two-state solution Israel never had an intention to go for two-state solution not even for a single moment it is really almost historical irony to see now official representatives of Israel coming and defending the two-state solution what did stop you for 50 years to go for it why did you go for it what are you waiting for why didn't you go for it and if this is not enough anyone who builds one terrorists in the occupied territories has no intention to go for the two-state solution period and there was not one single Israeli government who stopped for one day building those criminal settlements and that's the best crude and all the rest is a masquerade now the second lie is that then once they doesn't exist ladies and gentlemen the one-state exists now for 50 years the only question is what kind of state is it is it a democracy or is it an apartheid state that's the only question which is still open those who establish the settlements project declared it very clearly we are going to build settlements in order to prevent the two-state solution the State of Israel always supported this project officially unofficially by money by political support by military support Israel entire Israel not only the settlers is part of the settlement project and the settlement project has one goal to prevent the two-state solution that's the only goal of the settlement project and obviously also some kind of real estate interests nothing more than this so to claim today that Israel is in favor of the two-state solution and to claim today that that's the only solution I was a great support of the two-state solution for decades many of your arguments here where my arguments for decades by the way in those years you were perceived as a traitor to be in support of the two-state solution all those who speaking out about two-state solution 20 years ago say the two-state solution is out schmitz borders now when the two-state solution is impossible then they come up because they know that it will never happen now they come up even Netanyahu can say two-state solution why not even most of the Israelis will Satan in poles why not because they know that this train left or ready the station and will never be back because nobody is going to evacuate 700,000 settlers and without evacuation of 700,000 settlers there is no two-state solution these are all kind of mental stands all kind of other solutions but not a real solution sorry so no no I need to solve here an occupation of 50 years in ten minutes so you'll take two minutes guys it's not about peace it's not about symmetry there is no symmetry I forget about symmetry I don't speak about symmetry because there is no symmetry I would even suggest that there is no conflict was there a French Algerian conflict there was a brutal French occupation in Algeria which came to its end and there is no israeli-palestinian conflict there is a brutal Israeli occupation which must come to its end one way or the other one way was the two-state solution one way was the two-state solution it's a fair solution Israel did anything possible to destroy it in an irreversible way and now we are left only with the other alternate if there is no third way in the one state is now 50 years old in the front of it there is a democracy for the Jewish citizens of Israel with many creeks and now with our new elected the Defense Minister will have even more cracks but we can still claim democracy the second regime is - its - our Palestinian citizens - what we call the Israeli Arabs who gain some kind of civil rights but are discriminated systematically and in our backyard in our dark backyard there is a regime which is today by far one of the most cruel brutal tyranny on earth not less than this and I know what I say because I cover it - 40 years and this regime cannot be defined but as an apartheid - people's two peoples live on one piece of land one people has all the rights in the world that I'm talking now only about the occupied territories - people's share one piece of land there when people is all the rights in the world the other people has no rights whatsoever it looks like a part that he talks like a pie that it is apartheid and nobody can contradict it nobody who had been there nobody who is fair enough to look go to the Jordan Valley see the prosperity in the settlements and then go and see the Palestinians who live there without electricity without water without any rights and then tell me if it's apartheid or you might invent it another title this must come to its end and not until the Israelis will be ready for it and not until the Israelis will overcome all the fears and complexes and memories this must come to its end because it's now a Sur generation of Palestinian who live under it and this is unacceptable in the 21st century and the only way to end it is to tell to start to speak about equal rights because the settlers warn and the settlement project has criminal as it is not recognized by one state in the world including Micronesia the settlement project warned in terms of quantity 700,000 settlers as I said irreversible so now we have to discuss what is the alternative and the alternative is a new discourse of equal rights and then I want to hear from Israel what is the answer of Israel and why not equal rights because we are the chosen people because God honest as something because we are better because we deserve more what reason can a Israeli official give to lack of equal rights on this piece of land and we have to get to the core of it and the core of it is a quality not peace but equality and the day that the Israelis will realize and recognize that the Palestinians have exactly the same rights as day but exactly until the last inch this will be the day that things will be solved and then all those descriptions of civil war and this anarchy and Ireland and the one state will not work try them give them equal rights versa for and you know what by the end of the day nobody can guarantee anything nobody can guarantee anything sure not but when I steal your car I am not in a position to put conditions for returning the car first of all return the car and the only way to return the car is now giving equal rights to the Palestinians in the last sentence I mean Israeli I was born in Israel I even perceive myself as an Israeli Patriot I care about Israel I belong to Israel I'm attached to Israel and now the Israelis are horrified one state is the end of the Zionistic dream it's the end of the Jewish state so first of all I must tell my fellow Israelis end of the Jewish state where were you you could have your Jewish state in the 67 borders for years with that very clear Jewish majority if it is important for you for me it's less important I don't know what does it mean a Jewish state I know what it means a just state I know what it means a democratic state I don't know if the UK is the English state of British state I know the UK is a democracy and so must Israel be and when I say democracy it's not only for one people it's not only until certain geographic border democracy like pregnancy either you are pregnant or you are not know a third way unfortunately either you either Morrissey or not and when you have this tyranny in your backyard you are not a democracy period and for this I'm fighting and for this for this feeling of belonging to adjust place which I don't of feeling of being proud of my country which I am NOT for this the only way unfortunately it's not a simple way don't tell me about the difficulties I know them better than you but the only way that Israel left open the only way that Israel left open is to start to speak about democracy about equal rights about a one democratic state instead of a state which has this tyranny in its backyard vote for us thank you
Channel: OxfordUnion
Views: 300,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oxford, Union, Oxford Union, Oxford Union Society, debate, debating, The Oxford Union, Oxford University, Gideon Levy
Id: a5zw3Yz-yas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2016
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