TWO Simple Card Tricks with the Double Lift to Make People PSYCHOTIC!

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when I first started magic I was obsessed with the double lift and if any one of my friends didn't know magic I would do the simplest double lift trick for them and they would go wild come closer check this out we have the Ace of Hearts I'll take it and leave it somewhere in the center check it out boom jumps to the top yo oh my God y'all oh I'm fine okay just slightly damaged so today I'll be teaching you two of my favorite card tricks using the double lift that either leave people speechless or make them go berserk what up crew hope you're doing well and welcome to the place where I show you how to lift not that kind of lift you know I did some research on the doublelift a while back and I remember reading that its first publication was in 1776 in Richard Neve's book The Merry companion and even though I knew when it was published it didn't hit me that it was 1776. here we have the American forefathers signing the Declaration of Independence going to war and then we have Richard hey you want to see some magic with my double lift seriously though I'm super glad he created this move so that I can share this video with you today and now before we begin make sure to smash that like button hit subscribe grab your favorite deck of playing cards and now let's do it before we do anything else I need to make sure we're on the same page on the double lift if you guys already know the double lift you can go ahead and Skip ahead go to the next part but if you do not know the double lift let me give you a little bit of background so the double list is where you pick up two cards to look as one right so in this case if I did a double lift I'd show the seven of clubs but if I put the card down this seven Club is still here and this was some random card and now there are multiple ways to do the double lift and everyone has their opinion on which one is the best way to do it I think if you're starting off the easiest way to do the double lift would be to pick up two cards here from the back just literally count one two cards with your thumb and you can literally just pick it up make sure everything is square your pinky ring finger on here and you can just show it as this okay so if you're just starting off with a double lift this is probably what I'd recommend if you want to get into it you know performing this trick pretty these tricks pretty quickly you can literally just do that and there you have your double lift if you want to do something a little bit more advanced you can do the strike double which I love doing for a you know a long period of time where you're pretty much coming over what you did back here you're doing on the side here using your index finger you're counting two cards with your index finger here now this will require a lot more practice because here you can kind of see the two cards with your thumb but here you know exactly you have to know exactly how much is two cards and then you flip them over like this okay so just a little bit of detail on that you've got the two cards you put the rest of these fingers inside grip tightly turn it around as you're putting it down make sure there's groom between your thumb and the rest of the deck here and these two cards so you can show it off like this then you can grab it pinch firmly turn it around and close and there's your double up to speed it would look something like this and I guess one more thing I forgot to mention it would help if you have the decks in like a bit of a tilt here so the cards are kind of they're not completely straight if you have them out like this it's easier to count cards one at a time with your index finger and if you want a more in-depth tutorial on the double lift I'll put a link to it on the screen you can go ahead and check it out now it's trick time so straight up this one of the coolest car tricks because it's so easy to do and it gets like the craziest reactions for almost no reason so we start by giving the deck a bit of a shuffle and maybe a couple of cuts as well because that's what people are accustomed to seeing and now we need a card selected by a spectator this car right over here take a look at it and get it memorized although it doesn't really matter because I can see the card as well now I want you to do your best and try to follow this card you ready boom boom boom where do you think the card is you think it's on top well you would be correct because I'm a magician and I don't follow the rules but we'll do it this way see if you can follow the card in hell right there we go there we go can you follow the card now you say it's somewhere in the deck well honestly when I perform this for like friends or family they literally just guess that it's on top because I'm a magician and I guess that's a fair guess so check it out it's still on top the six of diamonds but I'll do something different I'll leave it right here on the table and I'll cover it up with this empty tuck case right so it's empty tuck case and I'll cover that right up and this is where the magic is gonna happen because I'll take this card the four of hearts and I'll rub it right on top and watch for the moment this happens this card four of Hearts is now transformed into the six of diamonds and the card right here has transformed into the four of Hearts now I know that you have to have seen this trick somewhere it is just so phenomenal actually the first time I did it I thought I made it up I invented it and then I was showing people and then I saw Dynamo do it on TV I'm like oh I don't think I made this up but anyway so the way this trick works is you need a duplicate card so these rise playing cards come with actually four two of hearts you want to put 1 4 of hearts on the top and one four of hearts on the bottom I said two four Hearts right once you have that done you can just give the deck a bit of a fall Shuffle in the beginning or you can give the deck a riffle Shuffle but in the riffle Shuffle Just make sure the bottom card stays on the bottom and the top card stays on top and then push those together you can do a couple of false Cuts if you like and I have videos on those if you want to learn how to do those so once that's done obviously the four is still on top and the four is still on the bottom then you have a spectator go ahead and select the card boom Jack of clubs did we already pick the Jack of clips but anyway it is the Jack of clubs you turn it face down on top now your next goal is getting this card on top of these two cards now there's multiple ways of doing it I think the easiest way is to do a double undercut and since I guess this is more aimed towards a beginner type tutorial I'm going to show you how to do the double undercut you're going to peel off the bottom card using your pinky finger here and you can do this while you're in this middle grip right so um ring finger index or sorry ring finger middle finger on top and your thumb is on the bottom you can use your pinky now to just kind of grab that one card out once that's done you're going to swing cut over this packet like so bring this packet right on top here and drop that one card on top of this packet but maintain the break and what you can do now is break the bottom packet in half bring it to the top break and then get from the brake right here bring that to the top and what that essentially did was sandwich The Spectator selection between the two four of Hearts pretty easy most of the time I like to play a game with a spectator on asking them where they think their selected card is and a lot of the times after I do those false cuts and stuff and I get the cards arranged in this order I ask them where it is and they say that the card is either lost somewhere in the center they have no idea or it's on top most of the time I get on top because that's I just feel like that's the kind of people I'm with and now you're going to do a double lift so you're going to go do a double lift whichever one you prefer flip the cards over and show look you are correct it is on top I couldn't fool you but maybe I can fool you again if I try again and for this I just do the overhand shuffle a controlled overhand Shuffle that's not something you have to do but you can give it maybe a couple of false Cuts if you like something like that and again you can ask them where do they think their card is they're going to say oh my card is still on top so you do the double lift and oh my God you're absolutely correct your card's still on top you're a genius but now I want to show you this and I turned this card over and I asked the Specter to hold out their hand and I couldn't really do that I didn't have another spectator here but hold out their hand I take this card put it in their hand and immediately grab their other hand and put it on top of it because this car obviously is the four of Hearts it's not their selected carved it's still on top of the deck and they're holding it like this and I want and I told them grip as tightly as you can you want to make sure that I can't get to that card so they smash it between their hands as tightly as they possibly could getting all their sweat on the card warping it and having some bad flashbacks but anyway the card is sandwiched between their hands I'll leave it here for now and all you have to do is one more double lift right so you do that double boom oops you do that double boom you show them there's the four of Hearts it's some random arbitrary card and now when their hands like this right let's just say this is in my hand I kind of just go through like this and say look this is now your selected card the card that you had sandwiched in your hand and if you check you have the four of Hearts now this trick itself is just insane but if you want to level this trick up a little bit more what you can do is sign one of the four of Hearts sign the bottom four of hearts for the other four Hearts sign uh the bottom four of hearts and uh then do your trick right because now if you can sign it let's say you sign this card and you do the trick again the sign card now comes to the top right and you flip over and show The Spectator that's the selected card you have them sign their card so now you've uh right now you haven't shown them but you've signed anything but you've secretly signed that card ahead of time so you show them okay they signed this card we're gonna turn it face down and they're gonna hold it they're holding um you're signed four of hearts and now you do a double lift again right and you're gonna make sure that you sign the other four of Hearts the exact same way you signed uh sorry that's the exact same way you signed your first four of hearts and then once you sign it the exact same way or very similar you can turn this face down and take this card and now when you do the trick the signed a spectator's card is in your hand and your signed card is in their hand and they will they will start crying I'm I will not I'm not lying to you they will they will cry either sadness happiness confusion they will they will cry for you but there you have it such a simple yet very powerful trick I love this card trick so much like it's so much fun to perform and and you'll see why in a minute so I guess I'll give the deck a shuffle boom and maybe just a quick cut and we'll have a card selected by a spectator let's say this car right over here make sure you remember it's suit and value because I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions that may be important to your future and at least the future of this trick that's gonna be I guess more vital I'm going to show you a series of cards and whatever cards I show you you're gonna say that is your card so for example if I show you this card you're gonna say yes that's my card okay and whenever I do this trick a lot of people get confused which I don't think there's a point of any confusion I'm pretty much telling you exactly what to do so we're gonna try this out right now is this your card you're gonna say yes that's my card now honestly I'm having trouble believing you maybe because I just told you to lie to me so we'll take that cart leave it right over here because I don't believe you second card take a look deep and hard is that your card and you're gonna say yes that's my card but again what are the chances that you pick two cards when I only gave you one very low so I'll take it leave it right here and third card is that your card yes it is okay well I'm gonna tell you right now man I don't think that that's your card I don't think that's your card I don't think that that's your card I think you've been lying to me the whole time and you know how I know that because I told you to lie to me what I think is this is your card okay so I'll take this card leave it right over here and now you can tell me the truth is this really your card no yes I knew it wasn't is this really your card no yep I know it wasn't either was this really record yes nope hold on that wasn't your card was the card I mentioned right here your card the Jack of clubs so let's talk about this trick right here I actually learned this way back in the day from Miss mag 822 and it has been one of my favorites all-time favorites until now it's just so awesome to do let's just uh get you know right into it and you have a card selected by spectator right it happens to be in our case the King of Hearts of course you're not gonna look at the card you show them tell them to remember it well because sometimes people have confusion and they just remember okay Red King and that's all they remember so they asked him to remember that card very well leave it on top the next thing you want to do is control a card on top of their selected card now you can do the same method I talked about in my previous trick where you can use the double undercut where you peel off that one card from the bottom cut this here drop that card on top and then you know double undercut that over so that it's second from the top or you can do a bit more of an uh of an advanced method which I find to be more fun you start shuffling this over peel off one extra additional card push this back back continue shuffling the rest of the cards and you'll see the break or you see that where that one card has been pushed back you just push down and forward continue doing the shuffle until you get to your break and you can see now that the spectator selected card is second from the top and I know this is a bit more of an advanced control but it's something really cool that uh that you can do so you have the card now at the second from the top and while I'm doing the shuffle I explain to The Spectator what's going to happen and then I give them some examples of I'm going to show you cards and whatever I ask you just say yes this may have some other connotations but that's that's fine so I give them a quick example of is this your card that you're obviously gonna have to say yes and I turn it back around and I start going through the rest of the deck because now I kind of want to get a break above the last two cards and the reason why this seems natural is when I started spreading first I literally started spreading so here I showed them this card they say no but then it's it's natural that you keep on going once you've already spread the cards and then square up and that's how I find is the easiest way to get a break above the bottom two cards and now you're squared up with a break above the bottom two cards a pinky break but you want to transfer that now to a thumb break so you can now see a thumb break right here and these are two cards one two from this point you're going to give the deck a swing cut so cut like this swing this packet over and you're going to use his hand to flip over these cards and again in my performance you're going to show them three cards first card you're gonna ask is that your card they're obviously going to say yes if they say no repeat the instructions to them one more time and then they'll say yes and now you're going to use this hand to turn this around bring this packet all the way over like this and you'll see why in a minute right so you show this card they're going to say yes bring this packet all the way over as you turn it around then you put this card down and move it towards them second card this will be their actual selected card and this is the best part you ask them to set your card they're going to say yes you could be like I don't believe you I feel like you're lying to me there's no way you can pick two cards as you're turning this over as you get to this point you're gonna drop these two cards right on top so up to speed it's gonna look something like this is that your card yes oh I don't believe you boom and by the time I did that I've dropped those two additional cards from this packet to this packet and then you're going to put that down as well shift that towards them and then one last time is that your card they're going to say yes I don't believe you turn it around push that towards them take this packet now and put it on top of the packet in this hand because the top card of this packet is their selected card the king of hearts and now you're going to do a double lift again whichever method of double lift that you want to do I know in this trick the double lift is learning at the end if you show them I think that this is your card they may say yes no whatever they say it doesn't really matter you turn that face down put the deck here and a lot of the times I just put the deck right on top of it so it doesn't seem like there's you know I'm not approaching this deck whatsoever and then I slowly start doing the reveal first I reveal this card is that your card they're gonna say no that's not my card of course you ask them to tell you the truth this card here is that your card they're gonna say no that wasn't my card and I pause for a second before lifting up this card and I say was this your card I don't flip it over yet most of the time they say yes the second they say yes you flip it over and immediate confusion sets in you can put that down you can say remember I told you that I thought this was your card well check it out this was actually your card and they just go wild I'm telling you both of these tricks are killers so definitely try them out if you want to see more videos like this where I group tricks by certain moves do let me know down in the comments because your feedback would really mean a lot and now of course the next logical place to go with the double lift is an ambitious card routine you can check it out right over there thanks so much for spending your time with me love you guys have a great day ahead and I hope to see you in the next video or over there or on my patreon [Music]
Channel: CardMechanic
Views: 10,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic trick tutorial, card trick tutorial, card tricks, card magic tricks, magic tricks, magic card tricks, how to, magic tricks with cards, CardMechanic, card mechanic, business, money, double lift, sleight of hand, magic trick, double lift tutorial, card trick, learn magic, card magic, card magic trick, chris ramsay, dynamo, dynamo card trick, double lift card trick, easy, beginner, lie detector
Id: YjCA3rbRZfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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