Two Powers in Heaven - I Have Come – Jon Garnant (Mar 25, 2017)

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last time that we met I promised the uh the third part of a subject obviously I'm my family is sick and tired of hearing about for the last many many months or years uh part of the two power series which has generated a lot of questions uh good discussion and Mr budge said you might want to have a third only to clarify the confusion that you no they wanted to what is this all about why is it important I think it's a very good question he said possibly a PowerPoint and uh whereas I do have a PowerPoint on it in fact it was supplied to me uh by uh Dr Heiser who wrote uh unseen Rome and I'm allowed to use it this I want to take it a step further and PowerPoints remind me of work I I did one yesterday if it works when I do put together PowerPoints I do about 30 to 40 a year um but his Point's still a good one why why does this matter why is it important and so with the approach of Passover I think it fits well into the Time season with the subject so the approach will be three-fold no pun intended uh one will be theological next textual and third application replicability so my SPS is here today within the context of the two powers in preparation for the Passover I'd like to discuss with you the agency as it's called of Jesus Christ as it relates to this time period which I believe is one of the most important you do realize that the Passover season is more theologically Rich than not the less important because they're all very important other holy days because they've been fulfilled the the rest are expected but this season all the way up into Pentecost we have so much information on there's so much depth a lot a lot of information it's important and I hope to prove that it is imperative that we understand the belief that we hold both the supreme authority of the being that we know as God the Father and his Eminence and the preeminence of the second Yahweh or God Jesus Christ who is enthroned seated at the exalted right hand of God the Father and this is known as the binatarian though it is not that exact view do you notice that when we say a prayer nearly every prayer that we give Dr Hoover mentioned prayers it's bynitarian we usually address it to God the Father I counted and today we did and we will end with in the name of Jesus Christ so it is bookended so they are both Yahweh they are both God but they have different aspects one of them we hope to meet one we have met that is very approachable because he has come which is the second title of this message because he has come through Passover and what it means because of Passover one day we will eventually meet the father so this theological aspect surely we don't want to ever speak about the things we don't believe in that would be a I think a very negative message is to speak about those things that we don't believe in that we would consider borderline if not fully heretical but but the Trinity is a concept of three persons three individuals three I don't know personalities it was finalized it's it's the concept of it was finalized in the 4th Century CE and it means that there are three co-equal co-eternal co-substantial or same or similar substance the homozous concept and dialogue it allegedly closes the godhead I don't think it does I think that's a red herring because even if additions to the godhead could be made it is inherently in basically a false concept inherent in its belief is that they are maybe equal the Bible is clear Jesus is subordinate to God if he wasn't in the past and I believe he was even if he wasn't in the past he is now and the New Testament is evidence to that the concept of consubstantial which means of similar substance of the three in the the Triune godhead it clouds the fact that Jesus has different agency individual to him that no one else seems to be able to or willing to do of any other he has different responsibilities he has different actions as we'll see he has multiple roles to fulfill it also clouds the issue of God's spirit it's common to both Jesus and God it's more of what they are more of what they are and what we have if indeed if indeed this is important and you you find it interesting I would ask you to Google if you're interested if you're interested simply Google the phrase ontological Trinity because there are two trinities there's an ontological Trinity and I'll let you Google that and imagine some of you are on your phones right now by the way anytime a speaker sees most of the young people's heads go down we know it's not in prayer they're either looking at their Bibles or on their phone someone recently told me why don't some of the young people bring their Bibles I said they have where are they they're right here aren't they and so you can Google us ontological and economic trinities but I warn you when you read the ontological and economic trinities make sure you have a good strong cup of coffee because you're going to need it and you're going to need a pot of coffee because it's confusing I've read a number of these monographs as they're called they are confusing to try and identify the agency of the different aspects of the Triune God Theory further if indeed the spirit is a person separate and distinct and if God's spirit is in you and Jesus Christ is in you it's getting very crowded inside it's getting a little busy with all these entities but we know that is not the case and so the spirit is the stuff of what God is it's compositional not personal but lastly as it relates to theology it actually distorts it warps I believe the work the person and the authority of Jesus Christ it is a confusing hodgepodge of explanations of what he does at different times let's look at the first part context after we've done the theological the context is we had over the last two parts describe the many references in Genesis and exodus and Deuteronomy where indeed the prophets there are dozens of references in the Old Testament and with a little bit of homework and a little bit of study you can uncover these where both yahwehs both the father and the son that we know them as are are spoken to we describe the two yahwehs that we know as God and Jesus Christ now those of you that are familiar with the term Yahweh the Eternal we will often translate that word when we speak you'll you'll see those that speak when we see the word Lord in all four caps l-o-r-d that means it's Yahweh or yahuwah however you want to pronounce it it's Yahweh or yahuwah when you see God it's usually in Hebrew Elohim so Yahweh is Elohim but not all elohims are Yahweh and that is our theology that we have taught forever turn with me if you would to one of those references and I don't want to go back to all of them Exodus chapter 3 and verse 1. this is a fascinating and has to do in fact with Passover so Exodus chapter 3 and by the way thank you for the light I read about and I need a little help I get so chapter 3 and beginning in verse 1. now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest a Midian and he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to Orab the Mountain of God and the angel of the Eternal the angel of the Eternal also known as the Malek hayahuwah the angel of the Eternal appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush and so he looked and behold the Bush was burning with fire but the Bush was not consumed then Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush does not burn so when the eternal win the Eternal same word saw that he turned aside to to look God called him from the midst of the Bush and said to Charlton Heston Moses Moses and he said here I am then he the antecedent therefore is the Lord Yahweh do not draw near to this place take off your sandals from your feet for the place where you stand is Holy Ground moreover he said Capital H in your English translations because again the antecedent is Yahweh moreover he said I am the god of your father the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob and Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God and as we know he was allowed to see the the backward parts of this being this entity and I want you to remember that it's very very important so unless there's two yahwehs we have a problem a positional problem it's geography it says is Yahweh that's who talked to him in the bush but we know from the New Testament that no man is neither seen nor heard God so what did Moses see let's keep moving further it directly connects it to the angel of of the Eternal if you view angels and say a Catholic or Protestant sense of this chubby little baby with wings that's an angel to you you missed the entire point the word in the Greek in the Hebrew is very simple what does it mean we're doing language again I guess the Sabbath I got more by the way what is the Angel messenger means messenger it's a very simple word it's a messenger and so a messenger or agent and this agent is called Yahweh further is the issue of the logos the word in Greek or memorand Aramaic turned with me to Exodus chapter 23. and you can see how this comports very easily with Passover season there's no stretch here in Exodus chapter 23 verse 20. he says behold I sent an angel before you do keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared beware of him and obey his voice do not provoke him notice this is all in capital letters for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name my name the word is Shem that Jews call it when they don't want to mention the word Yahweh what do they say Hashem Shem means name that's the word Shem nor pardon him for my name is in him but if you indeed obey his voice and do all that I speak then I will be an enemy to your enemies in an adversary to your adversaries for my angel local before you and bring you into the into the amorites the Hittites the parasites the Canaanites the heavites the jebusites and I will cut them off so you can see this Angel of the Eternal is a very very special being his name is in of God is in him so do the father and the second Yahweh ever appear together turn with me to Daniel chapter seven we're only making a very brief kind of a glancing blow here in summary form just to for those of you that haven't heard heard the first two messages or are not familiar with the subject matter oh Daniel chapter 7 will pick up the the theme in verse if I can find it verse 9. and this setting here is Heaven the Thrones are set that you'll hear in heaven and I want you to picture it in your in your mind's eye here as we read I watch still Thrones were put in place and the ancient days was seated His Garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was a fiery flame its wheels are burning fire a fire extreme issued and came forth before him a thousand thousands minutes to him Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand stood before him the court was seated the books were open verse 13. and I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the son of man coming with the Clouds Of Heaven he came to the Ancient of Days they brought him near before him and the to him were given dominion and glory in a kingdom that all peoples Nations languages should serve him his Dominion is Everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdoms and his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed void there's two there are two Eternal beings represented here and it is consistent this writer of the clouds as a whole theology behind it if you look up the word clouds I know many of us live clouds Jesus is known as the rider of the clouds which is very symbolic language this is Jesus Christ they're talking about long before long before his Incarnation time does not permit I'd ask you to read Judges chapter 6 this time get a get your cup of coffee this would be a good read and read judges 6 Abraham at the terabitha tree it is a fascinating account of of God interacting with man it's a fabulous line of reasoning but this is where we move from Context to application I'm indebted to uh gentlemen you may have heard of may not out of England New Testament scholar Simon gather Cole who has done much more research on this than I have and his is a good read his book uh the the pre pre in the pre-existent sun is excellent I have no qualms or reservations about referring you to that book but when we move to the New Testament we find multiple references to Christ and his prior life with God and this is important this is a hotly debated subject in New Testament circles how could this human being pre-exist it makes no sense to describe the Incarnation of a god-like figure to human form defies definition and it does like a bunch of gnats where I think sometimes we're all gnats just flitting about some light bulb trying to explain how the light bulb was formed then that hasn't got a clue it only knows that there's light and heat to describe the infinite when you're finite sounds ridiculous we try the best we can but we believe that did in fact happen when we move to the New Testament we see this continuity of the second Yahweh this God now in flesh but to prove that he pre-existed that's the important Point that's what makes all the difference for if Jesus Christ can be considered just a man just an elevated angel are is he worthy how could he be worthy to atone for our sins so his pre-existence is the line of proof for Jesus's pre-existence is critical but there is a key that's arised in the last few years of study and it's called the I have come verses and it's a fascinating body of work and you can Google this you'll only see a few Scholars writing about it but it's called the I have come couch sometimes in the in the negative I have not come and you can think of verses as I say that they come to mind immediately there are many dozens in fact and Scholars have argued about this because they'll say when was this verse written well this is too late they'll say that John was written too late we can't use John The Book of John the Gospel of John was written far too late and so the debate comes can we find them in the gospel accounts of Matthew Mark and Luke or even earlier in the writings of Paul Paul's writings predate the Gospels and many of Paul's writings are decades one or two decades maybe after Christ's crucifixion early 50s some believe in the 40s A.D that's importance it's important because of timing we want writings as close as we can have to the the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the early disciples the earlier the writing obviously the more authoritative it will be so it is the I have come verses and we'll touch on only a few one of the most famous and I'm going to read from the new King James which is our standard text in United doesn't make it holy does it make it devout but most of us have that but I'm going to refer often to the English Standard Version I know Dr budge you use that don't you so I'm beginning to realize why it's an excellent translation the ESV as it's known so I may move between the two for clarity and so one of the most important that we know of the high have or I have not for the Church of God is Matthew 5 verse 17. good you're with me so turn to Matthew chapter 5 verse 17. he says Matthew 5 depending on your on your translation think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets I did not come or I came not to destroy but to fulfill for assuredly I say to you till Heaven and Earth pass away not one one jot nor one Tittle will be will be by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled now we've read that as proving about the law is to be fulfilled the law is a good thing but the phrase it's so important in this in the the study that we're doing now is think not that I have come it's the I have come that's equally important this is Jesus who has not come from Capernaum to wherever he's speaking now he is saying I have come from someplace else it's it's it's called if you want to know the heiress active it means the past action continuing so he was someplace else and now he has come if I tell you that he's Jesus was in Capernaum and now he's speaking in Matthew Chapter 5 17 and he says I have come it's kind of pedestrian God there's no import ant but if it means that I have Come From Another Dimension if I've come from another realm where I existed where I pre-existed it makes all the difference in the world it's critically important it gives such added weight and uniqueness to what he's saying when you read this this phrase I have come Jesus is saying it cosmologically we would say he's coming from one existence from another existence that is the import of this I have come again as in the IRS active a past action in progress it implies from somewhere to the present location if I say to you I have come from Orange County to speak to you today not only have I told you I have come from someplace else I've also added an action to it and you will find in Jesus's Words which is so important I have come from this one place to this place to do something so in this particular verse I have not do not think that I have come to destroy the law I have not come to do that that was not the importance of why he came from another place at another time so when with when combined with specific action it has all the more importance turn with me if you would to Matthew chapter 10 and we are going over one of probably 30 or 40. versus in the New Testament of the gospels and on into John that are available to us that have the significance so chapter 10 and verse 34. he says again think not that I have come to bring peace on Earth I did not come or I came not to bring peace but a sword for I have come to set a man against his father a daughter against her mother and so forth he says I have come from a different place if he's if he's just coming from Capernaum to Jerusalem Urban Saya to Jerusalem a big deal right big deal they just said stay where you are stay where you were don't come here this is so important to understand that this phrase means that I have come from God the father from a place Far Far Away we'd say oh almost today I've come from a Galaxy a universe a dimension you cannot understand you've never been there that is how important my presence is here it's a big deal especially when we read later of who has sent him to do this so let's keep he says verse 34 I have not come to do these things for I have come to do these things and he comes as we know from heaven in Mark chapter 2 verse 17. and again we're only exposing just a few of these and I know that in you in your in your readings in your your your background in the church you know many many more I have come I have come in Chapter 2 in verse 17 when Jesus heard it he said to them Jesus when Jesus heard it he said to them let me there it is those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick think not that I came to call the righteous he says by inference I came to call Sinners to repentance I have come again from this far away place from God from heaven where I lived before he says to call Sinners to repentance the I have verses are so critically important in the Book of John he has possibly a dozen to two dozen references of the I have come many scholars as I said will not use these because it is late in writing therefore they discount it but since we don't believe that and we in John is so important to us in the in the day the night of passover we read from it more than any other book we've done that forever and ever and ever because it gives this tremendously intimate recollection of Jesus on his his final night on this Earth so we will use the Book of John and I had submitted a pic from I thought what where could I use this where could I go and if you'll turn with me to John chapter 6. and if I can find it I won't have to ask somebody to read it in John chapter 6 and verse 35 and as you read this remember I was going to make a quick note that Mr Weber brought up the Book of John the last I think it was last Sabbath and we're going to steal I told him my summer steal a little bit of a couple verses that you uh I said I use the phrase I must tell you I use the phrase that you ran roughshod over and he said what do you mean roughshod and I said well you read them quickly without ex exposition and I says I will correct that error next Sabbath so we had we had a it was we were very good friends we had a very good discussion uh but you'll see the section that I'm talking about when we read it I don't think he read from John chapter 6. in John chapter 6 and verse 35 where'd it go here we go and Jesus said to them I am the bread of life notice the verbs here about the coming and going the movement the activity he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst but I said to you that you have seen me and you did not believe all that the father gives me will I come to will come to me and the one who comes to me I will by no means cast out for I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me for this is the will of the father who sent me that all that he has given me I should lose nothing or no one but should raise it up at the last day and this is the will of him who has sent me that everyone who sees the son and believes in Him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day what a shame that people don't realize that for what it means that Jesus pre-existed he was in the godhead would fought with the father constantly working actively making sure that God's people were protected he's the one that led them through the Wilderness he's the one that met Moses at the bush and now God has sent him he says verse 38 for I have come down from heaven it tells us his source sometimes we don't realize that when we use his name or think about Jesus he is from a different dimension he has lived eternally he is at the exalted side of God the Father the two most powerful beings of reality they created it do you realize they created reality so he says I have come I have come I have come from another place the reasons are that he is here is all just as much as important and he said that I will raise those people up and the whole book of John it is a sea of red do you see in your Bibles have you ever read Letter Bible it's page after page after page in red these are the words of Jesus Christ that's why we read them during Passover note the locations here I have come from Heaven I am here with you I will raise you up at the last day he says that all those that he has given me who's that is he talking about who has God given to Jesus Christ I'm looking at them people all over the world for centuries Millennia that is who God God has given to Jesus Christ I should lose no one that's the intent he doesn't want to lose anybody it's that important to him that I should lose nothing but should raise it or them up at the last day talking about the resurrection and with this is the will of him who sent me this is God's implicit and divine objective we call it his will ugh this is the will verse 40 of him who sent me that everyone who sees the son and believes in Him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up here's the deal here's the deal here's the problem with the New Testament it tells us that whoever has seen Jesus right will never die and believes on him will never die we got a problem they don't have a problem for whom this was written we'll have a problem if we take it literally the question I have for you is have you seen Jesus metaphorically you have because blessed are those who believe who what have not seen and so by extension Jesus is indeed talking to us we overcome the problem by not being with him and seeing him by reading these words and believing him and obeying him so these words are written for us that also talks about we would say the cosmological the incredible Supernatural spiritual aspect of what Jesus says the words that he has written or has man has written down through the centuries have this massive impact even to us today we've not heard his voice we've not seen his form and yet we believe that's why we're all here today and why thousands and thousands and I don't know hundreds of thousands of people all over the world congregate to hear the words of Jesus Christ we also see here that Jesus Christ is subordinate to God he does the will of God the father he does it willingly there's no issue I do reject the concept that Jesus and God sitting one day and deciding who was going to go down I don't believe there was any other question ever it was always going to be the entity that we know as Jesus Christ he is he is humility personified he is humility personified he he and his father and it is his father there's a whole study on when did Jesus become a son that's a human concept that's a relative definition when did when did he become son he comes from Heaven being with God critically he comes to save the loss lost how by his death personified and what we today know as Passover that is why the day is so important to us it pictures so much it means so much again I that was a good calendar reference the Rocha Shah the beginning the head of the year uh it's what it means Rosh Hashanah means head of the year is now it's the beginning all holy days start with Passover and then from there do you realize if there was no Passover the rest of the holy days are worthless they're pointless they're meaningless to us if Passover doesn't occur he comes to this Earth from heaven to die from God's side this special agent the word his voice the one that they heard he came to to Earth and the purpose is to reveal the father to reveal the Father which is pictured in the fall holy days starts with Passover and Christ coming to Earth it also talks about a relationship we're all about relationships aren't we it's important we sometimes make fun of them you know guys make fun of the word relationship right I've noticed I I think it's I can't relate to it but I hear this quite often are you in a relationship I'm currently between relationships or I'm looking for a new relationship this is not a guide term and I can see some of the women giving me this snarky grin right like you don't know what you're talking about you're right I don't haven't got a clue I sat through a movie recently was had a subplot of relationships I I just couldn't relate anyway but the relationship of understanding this we can understand between Jesus and God the Father they have been together forever what's forever that's another subject not to think about late at night right in bed with the lights off all right what's forever they know what forever means we don't we think we do but we don't they have been together in heaven for eternity and Jesus at the direction of the father willingly gives up heaven for Earth and for us Hebrews chapter 10 oops Hebrews chapter 10 which we'll go to in a second is important to this construct because it talks about this very interesting concept turn with me if you would those two go there now Hebrews chapter 10. and verse 5. what's interesting about the book of Hebrews whether we will understand it to be the Apostle Paul that it wrote it it doesn't in my mind doesn't really matter the authors the authorship of the books are secondary importance in my mind the fact that they're there is to me more important in 10-5 of Hebrews it says therefore when he came into the world again think of this as this this Cosmic pre-existence of God the Father and Jesus Christ when he Jesus came into the world he said sacrifice an offering you did not desire but a body you were prepared for me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you had no pleasure then I said behold I have come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do your Will O God almost exactly the words that we read in John so this is consistency of Jesus Christ's Mission this is in fact a reference to Psalm 40 you'd have to read the Septuagint which is the Greek Edition to get it more accurate but he says I have come to do your Will O God this reconnects this verse does in Hebrews it reconnects God back to Jesus Christ and them together but they were separated at this time they were separated and God and Jesus Christ had to be separated for these 30 odd years for Jesus to do the work that he had to do from his Incarnation his birth his life his death and his resurrection so we recognize these as facts of Passover as well but the profound aspect of Separation as we'll see when we close I think wait on Jesus how would you feel how would you feel to have lived in heaven with God or with God anywhere and then have to go someplace else I mean it's nice here but it's not where God lives because God can't inhabit the Earth because there's people here and those people are to God in the most cases unclean and so how would you like to be separated as humans when we lose a loved one whom we have known all our lives or most of our Lives possibly a parent or a spouse or a dear one as Mr helgi said the prayer requests many of them are heart-wrenching we value life so much in the judeo-christian world in the western world and that's all I can relate to we value every life when there's a funeral it's a big deal or a memorial it's a big deal in some parts of the world death is day every day every day with us it isn't we seek to prolong life we put them in hospitals and hospice I have a good friend whose mother who's I think she's 88 fell and broke her hip they're going to try and fix it 100 years ago no bueno we value life that much in this culture so as humans we grieve and be more and in some ways we mourn and grieve possibly in some cases the rest of our lives but to a god our God what's the difference how does he relate to it how does he relate to the separation when you've been with someone for eternity the real quick story I I recently I was looking behind a desk and I found this picture a couple pictures and I reached behind the desk that had fallen and it was a picture of my wife Becky in front of the Coliseum in Rome she wasn't being fed to the Lions but it was on a trip that we had when we first got married uh back in central Ohio I asked her I said for our honeymoon would you like Hawaii would you like to you know go cheap to Europe right I got a couple bucks saved up we can do youth hostels or do you want to drive across California back to LA she said I haven't seen the west Western U.S I'd like to drive through and I what so that's what we did well a year later we'd just been married not more than a year or two we packed up everything and spent a few weeks in Europe we did it very cheaply we did youth hostels it was a we think about it often in that picture is from that trip the reason I bring it up is I remember about that her standing there and I thought there was a story behind that and it wasn't about Rome it was getting into Rome and we're in German Germany one night we were staying at a youth hostel and in those days I'm going to talk real slow so the younger people understand um you didn't check on flights or times or buses on your phone there was no phone this is a youth hostel right if the building burned down there was nobody to call except stand outside and scream right so one evening I saw the train schedule on the in the basement it said Rome Rome was not our itinerary so I said I wonder if she'd like to go to Rome I've never been to Rome so she said yep let's go so we were packing light we were young and crazy and we took off to Rome so we went to the gelt festival in currency exchange in Germany uh and we got on the train we had URL passes we had to just hop on a plane Flash the the ID and off we went then I remembered as I sat down I forgot our map I said I need to go back just a second to grab the map as I stepped off the train I heard unintelligible German well I could understand him it was basically foul language basically get back on the train as I turned the Train the door pneumatically had slammed the door shut and it was pulling out of the station again no bueno so what did I do I felt I was Arnold Schwarzenegger so I get up onto the platform and try and pry the door open I think I broke four ribs he said get off get off get off in a few other words I was distraught Rome was 1400 miles away she was on a milk run overnight multiple stops where would she get off would she get off to boot she had all our money and I had this picture of Becky waving at me with the lira in one hand and a half no I said this is not good and I'm making this is I was not a happy camper let me tell you so I turned to the conductor I said a few Choice words about German trains being far too on time and he called me some names no I'm kidding he was very very he knew I was very upset so Becky had multiple stops I didn't know where she'd go no cell phones no way to communicate and I what am I going to do yes I prayed furiously right for what I don't know we'd been married two years and this was it I said to myself I'll never see her again it's over oh well oh she has all the money right so I said she'll forget about me she'll move on go on with her life have kids have a wonderful life in Rome no I didn't think that at all I said I'll become a hermit I'll go to some Monastery in Germany and live out the rest of my life alone I said no I didn't think that either and I did pray and I got to think so the conductor said there is a fast train in you know it's Vita minutes or whatever he said I said ugh and that means the bullet train non-stop it stopped only in Basel Switzerland it's a four-hour trip you'll have to get off change trains and go to Rome from there and I thought I'm getting nauseous I'm going oh no this is not good what's gonna happen right I have no way to meet up with her I don't know where she I know she's going to Rome I think and so I got on the train very despondent thinking I hope I see her again will we see her again we were separated we were just newly married completely separated 1400 miles of German and Italian terrain between us in a land I hadn't been to and so I don't know I fell asleep or whatever but three or four hours later I arrived in basil Switzerland it was Pitch Black nobody was there I got off the train right I said what am I going to do I got to get to a a schedule as fast as I can so I walk around a corner another corner to look for a schedule who do I see Becky got off in basil one of 20 stops I mean you knew the you knew the result of the story because she's here and we've got children so we had to get back together but that's separation was devastating not so much devastating for her I think it's a man guy thing right I don't know but the separation looking at that picture recently brought it all home it was horrible but even then it's a simple story it was a human story and you probably have yours it's from a human perspective that's all I got I am a god of God perspective but I imagine the separation of God and Jesus Christ the two entities that we can't even begin to Fathom the relationship that they had for eternity had been separated it summed up in the Book of John which we'll end with in John chapter 17. in John chapter 17 and beginning in verse 1. this is known as the Priestly prayer John writes it from what source we do not know other than God's spirit and again if you look at this section of John 16 I can see John 16 17 and before it's all red it means these are the last words of Jesus in verse chapter 17 for beginning in verse 1 Jesus spoke these words lifted up his eyes to Heaven I mean picture this right he's on Earth does he have a good idea what's going to happen in the next 12 to 24 hours yeah he prophesied it he told prophets about it he knows exactly below by blow blow by blow nail by nail what's going to happen he lifted up his eyes toward heaven and said father the hour has come glorify your son that your son Also may glorify you as you have given him authority over All Flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him and this is eternal life that they may know you God the Father the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent there's that sending again no God in Jesus Christ whom you have sent I have glorified you on the earth I have finished the work which you have given me to do and now O Father glorify me together with yourself with the glory which I had with you before the world was before the world was I want to go back to that I want to return to back to be with God this is what Jesus wants it's one of the few times where he says I want to go home I want to go back and Mr Weber in his message last step did a very good job this is so critically important to us at Passover but buried inside this is this verse he wants to go back he wants to have the glory that he once had with God the Father it's that important to him he wants to be restored it does speak to this separation but once he had risen from the dead he did go back to the father but I want you to read at the very end of this chapter in verse verse 26. he says and I this is Jesus against speaking and I have declared to them your name and will declare it that the love with which you loved me may be in them and critically important i in them Jesus is the god that can be in two places at one time he is God and though he has returned to God the Father he is in US Romans tells us let the mind of Christ be in you let the spirit of Christ be in you let this person that we know is Jesus Christ who is so approachable he is the god that moves he moves not the God the Father can but it is different Jesus is the active one the one who talks who appears who through different parts of the Hebrew scriptures and on into the new has different functions he serves as high priest the Lamb of God he who died once and for all and no others but he is still with us he is the one that moves and constantly moves toward us if you look at the Old and New Testament it is a progressive move by Jesus Christ of closer and closer to mankind ever more real he was a vision in form to Abraham and Moses then in the flesh of a man constantly moving ever more closely to man when he's when we see him the book of Hebrew tells us when we see him we shall see him as he is so let's conclude where does this take us there are two powers in heaven there has always been two powers in heaven they are united but they are different one is somewhat distant to human beings one is now accessible one who is with the father who became a man who died for others that we celebrate in Passover so that he could return to the father and he will return again with him as the Feast of Tabernacles in the Eighth Day pictures in part when God descends but Passover that we celebrate in a few weeks is the Nexus we have to go through Passover to understand this because Jesus went through Passover but Jesus declares I have come therefore he has come to each and every one of us he is reachable and he's with us by his spirit Jesus is the one that seeks the Lost he's the one that he's the Shepherd that goes out no Shepherd would go out and leave the 99 to go after the one he is constantly moving constantly acting he now sits at the right hand of God the Father pleading our case this book of Hebrews says he is God's voice he's our voice he then comes to Earth because at the end of the day in many ways it's all about Passover because he has come
Channel: United Church of God - Los Angeles
Views: 707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nature of God, Trinity Doctrine, God the Father, Jesus Christ
Id: 1hMUFd8qeoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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