Hebrew Cosmology - Who Started This Globe Lie?

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[Music] the title of tonight's message is Hebrew cosmology Catholics and Copernicus Hebrew cosmology say with me Catholics and Copernicus you believe it well you better know where it come from we will have three points as we talk about this I thought we was gonna get through all three but we just gonna cover one tonight why not take down time all right we put in straight from first Timothy 6:20 our points one keep that committed to opposition's of science three erred concerning the faith and these things have been used from antiquity to disprove Copernicus's false philosophy amen but this scripture is tremendous as we talk about the first point keep that committed we'll have like five sub points tonight and hopefully we get through them if not we'll just we'll shut it down and we'll pick up next Tuesday good loss bad life let's begin what our first point keep that committed Paul says Oh Timothy keep that which is committed to die trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and opposition's of science falsely so-called Paul tells Timothy to keep something y'all that word keep means to guard it to keep careful watch over it to preserve it and keep it safe to protect it from perishing being impaired or attacked or stolen he says Oh Timothy you see the emphasis ultimately keep that which is committed to that trust he says Kim Timothy he says something's been committed to you trust that word trust in the Greek he's saying something has been deposited with you Timothy something has been given to you of great value something has been entrusted with you amen because listen us guys we won't be here forever but we're gonna leave something with you that you have to make sure through every fiber of your being and power that you keep this thing safe keep committed to your trust Timothy firmly and faithfully hold this thing not to bury it amen but keep it firmly faithfully hold it so that when people want to know it when people want to learn it it is available for you to give to the rest of God's children are you with me here so far he says keep that which is committed to that trust what is it that Timothy has been entrusted with what is it that Paul is is his beseeching Timothy to keep safe what he's telling Timothy to keep safe is what we would call truth someone say truth that's why he's telling them to avoid profane vain babblings opposition's of science he's telling Timothy listen a lot of things gonna come and attack you and I try to attack Amen what we've deposited in youth he says you gotta keep truth all right keep truth and when he's talking about truth he's talking about everything from the truth of the gospel all the way from all the truth that's contained in the whole council of all mighty Most High God you say Timothy you gotta keep this here don't let nobody take it away from you in 1st Timothy 3 15 you got to understand Amen that that is the job of the church the church is the vault the safe the safety deposit box of what of truth all right that's what it is that's what it is that's what it is while everybody else is running after Allah there should be one place you can always come in here true or you with me here so far and not some of the true not the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God alright that's the job of the church and in first timothy 3:15 paul describes that he says but if i tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the water in the house of God he's going to describe the house of God the house of God what else is it called it's called the the Church of the Living God what else is it called it's called the pillar and the ground of what of truth pastor was a pillar hmm a pillar is something that holds up something and that's the church's job to hold up truth like light in a dark world truth in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation the church is the pillar of truth but it's not only the pillar of truth is the ground of truth is the place where you could come to find it y'all and it's the church's job why is it the church's job because it was the Messiah's job the Messiah says I'm the way the what the truth in the life so we be in the body of Christ the hands of Christ the feet of Christ we continue with the mission of Christ the mission of Yahshua he came to bring truth young and we must continue to shine truth on earth come on give God some glory man that's the job of a church he says Timothy keep that which committed to you the church has been committed it's been deposited within the church what truth first it was deposited in the Hebrews Amen but we fell away and hallelujah there was another organization another entity another group of people to pick up where we left off and it was the church that would grab that Torah grabbed that old testament grabbed that New Testament grabbed the truth of the whole counsel of God and say come hell or high water water we will be here with the Word of God are you listening here tonight truth truth see but the church in a lot of ways has not done this show God bless the truth in fact there are some churches some whole denominations so caught up in false doctrine but they have not only reneged on their calling to be a citadel of truth but they have gone the opposite way and even have attempted to hide truth to distort truth or you wouldn't be here so for tonight as we talk about cosmology we will talk about the father of the modern lie of the heliocentric universe nicholas copernicus and we will look at the Catholic Church's role in aiding and abetting this crime against God and this crime against humanity it was not my intention amen to talk about the Catholic Church tonight but as you began to dig into the source the root of the heliocentric theory philosophy lie of the devil you'd be surprised what you'll find when you start following the trail are you with me here so far and I'm for truth and wherever truth gonna lead that's what we're gonna talk about tonight amen and I don't want you to love or entity or denomination more than you love the Most High God more than you love the Word of God if that's you get up and leave right now because you're gonna get upset I'm here to preach the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God you should wanna know the truth alright sub-point a Copernicus say that with me Copernicus oh yeah he's painted as a hero and our modern school systems huh but who is he alright Nicholas Copernicus was born February 1914 73 he was born in Poland which was then the Kingdom of Prussia I got some maps of Poland as well amen that you could just keep flipping through his father and his mother died when he was 10 or 12 years old so he went to live with his uncle him and his sister right those that have eyes look was in his hand or in his picture and you see it almost in every picture that he takes no go back keep going back those that have eyes look you see it in every picture his uncle was a Catholic bishop your pastor was a bishop a bishop amen is a big time priests we have a bishop over the Lafayette area he's over a hundred twenty-one churches a bishop is a big time thing in the Catholic Church you got the Pope you got the Cardinals you got the Archbishop's you got the bishops all right its destruction copernicus uncle was a bishop that's his picture amen if you keep on going that's his picture right there his uncle's name was Lucas Watson ro the young gun right he oversaw churches he adopted nicolaus copernicus hallelujah and sent him to st. John's primary school all right Catholic school he went to the University of Krakow the University of Bologna he studied math and astronomy all right now he never graduated from those universes he did sources tell us that he was 12 years in undergrad school but he didn't finish no undergrad school all right and we only know that he studied astronomy and mathematics because that's what they told us he moved to Italy amen being big-time connected with the church he moved to Italy when he went to Italy he attended the University of Ferrara and padula he received two doctors I don't know how you received two doctors without getting undergrad he got a doctorate in law and a doctor in medicine he became what's called a Canon at a collegiate University a Collegiate Church all right on college campuses as Protestants we would say that somebody is a student pastor College pastor and the Catholic Church they call it a Canada you're not a full-blown priest but you are a priest on the university grounds you run the collegiate ministry the collegiate chapters of the Catholic Church it is the first step Amen to becoming a priest as the step right before that I'm talking about Copernicus the one who gave birth to the sun-centered solar system raised in the Catholic Church in that wood with his uncle Bishop made a cannon in a university listen to me not being a cannon you had to take a vow of celibacy and that's what he did he was never married now he had a boob we gonna talk about her later but y'all want to know everything all right he was on the church's payroll the county church is pretty a rule Copernicus right now history is unclear Misha whether he ever became a priest but I believe he was a full-blown priest and probably one of the first priests in what we would call the Jesuit Order of priests we'll talk more about the Jesuits next Tuesday pasta how do you know that he was most probably a priest well you just go to the Catholic dictionary the Catholic Encyclopedia brother Kevin James when you go to the Catholic Encyclopedia look what it says oh y'all on his boo already don't shoot who already the Catholic Encyclopedia says there is no document to show that Copernicus ever received higher orders AKA became a priest his medical practice which was only private would not speak against him becoming a priest and the fact that in 1537 pay attention is closing in 1537 a king by the name of six money of poland put Copernicus name on a list of four candidates for the vacant Episcopal seat of M land what is that they put him on a list of four candidates to become a bishop over a group of churches all right let me break this down to you you can't be a bishop without first being a priest you can't make the list to be on a bishop without being a priest that's like you trying to be District Attorney without being an attorney so the very Catholic Encyclopedia says this it says okay so he was on that list to be bishop so what does that do alright it makes it probable that at least in later life he entered into what the priests nicolaus copernicus the one who gave birth to the heliocentric solar system a priest a priest from a church who's supposed to be the ground in pillar of what of truth you gonna bring out a philosophy and a theory that's against Genesis Joshua Ezekiel against the Bible y'all offended by this okay you can decide whether he was a priest or not I know whatever has lead me because I can read you some other things that would show to you that he was connected to the high up offices of the Vatican of the church and not only that he was on the church's payroll for his entire life he never worked nor the job okay so point B let me give you a timeline who are we talking about here Nicholas who and we're talking about the connection between Copernicus and the Catholic Church and you see we got a lot of Protestants believing in the heliocentric solar system but you don't know where it came from and if you knew where it came from I guarantee you you wouldn't believe in it all right all right nothing to get a timeline just moving fast stay with me 1514 according to the Catholic Encyclopedia probably or the tenn who's probably order 10 well he's the one that gave the rule that you can buy your way into heaven pay your way in with indulgences y'all remember him you don't want to hire Michelangelo Raphael to paint all of the things that's in the Sistine Chapel when broke had needed some money he said guess what we gonna start selling forgiveness that's probably or the tenth same one of you go down the street there's a church cause a little I used to go there every now and then when I needed a quick service they got you in and out manner in 1514 listen to me na Publio the tent at the Lateran council he asked Copernicus his opinion about what about change in the calendar all right there were a lot of different calendars on the planet at that time but the major ones was the Egyptian one the Hebrew calendar and the Julian calendar created by none other than Julius Caesar himself the Pope's wanted to get the whole world on one calendar all right they not only wanted to get the world on one calendar they had a problem with the Julian calendar and the Hebrew calendar because resurrection they continually fell close to walk right on the Passover day and they didn't like resurrection they'd be in near Passover I don't know why because when Jesus died and he rose again it was it was Passover that would be consistent with truth because remember the Last Supper was him celebrating the Passover with his disciples remember when he was crucified amen Pilate amen was in custom of releasing one prisoner during what during the Passover all right he said what would y'all have they say give us who give us Barabbas it was Passover and it was the death burial and resurrection of I will not all gone together that's consistent with truth Catholic Church didn't want that together they would have rather resurrection they coincide with another pagan holiday by the name of Ishtar this is why we call it East or to this day the pagan holiday Ishtar a man was in celebration of the goddess of fertility they celebrated fornication and intimacy and reproduction and that's why we still use bunnies and chicken eggs to this day you want to know who in control of the world just watch who pulling the strings they want to take it from Passover and attach it to Ishtar that's why I don't call it Easter I call it resurrection come on give God some glory alright alright I'm just giving you the truth right yeah I'm just giving you the truth you some of y'all know this alright you know the pagan roots of the Catholic Church all right it would have been great if it would have stayed with Passover because it would have made a easy connection between Old Covenant and New Covenant because Christ is our Passover lamb and just like the Passover lamb the blood was shared amen that the death angel would have to pass over the children of Israel so the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world his blood would be shared so that death hallelujah could pass over us anybody hear me up in here so God did that right in that time of those festival because he was trying to show amen hallelujah that the thing that you've been waiting on Israel had finally come Oh God have mercy but the devil not want that connection to be maintained don't have resurrection they around Passover on Passover make sure that it's done around Ishtar and let's do bunnies chocolate bunnies and eggs to get the people mind off of what the day is really about or anybody hearing me up in here alright so they wanted to change the calendar alright and and so they asked Copernicus to do it that's in their own Catholic Encyclopedia amen hallelujah not only that glory to God let me see here I'm gonna make sure I get everything all right to this day Easter in the past over day they make sure that is never on the same day Easter is always on a Sunday right when but they just did that my change in the calendar all right and when it I'll talk about more about a little bit later all right 15 15 Copernicus gets to work on preparing a way for the calendar to be changed according to the Pope's wishes he develops the heliocentric model and in 1515 he begins to circulated throughout Europe right in 1533 young hallelujah Pope Clement the seven insists that the material be expanded he heard about the heliocentric universe and he any liked it and he said listen we got it we gotta expand this we got a publisher's we gotta make this thing work alright and in the Catholic Encyclopedia look what it says it says from this on the doctrine of the heliocentric system began to spread amen come on flip flip with me sound boom hallelujah you have you have the UH the next one I'm gonna keep reading from this on the doctrine of the heliocentric system began to spread in 1533 a man by the name of Albert Whitman's dad lectured before Pope Clement the seventh and his lecture was on the Copernican theory alright the Pope was so happy with this election that he rewarded the man Albert witless dad he rewarded him what was called a Greek codex past it was a Greek codex is one of the oldest parchments one of the oldest a New Testament copies in the earth anybody hear me up in it not even written on paper written on fabric they gave that to this man Albert for presenting a heliocentric universe it could be proven because that very codex that very New Testament are almost original that they gave to Adam is in a state library in Munich to this day everything that we saying could be verified all right all right in 1536 let's keep moving Copernicus friends began to push him so the Pope pushes him Pope Clement his friends began to push him to publish the work well who are his friends passed away I told you what we hate what I told you we hang his friends are none of the bishops and Cardinals in Miss Iola in his own work he put out about the son being a center universe look what he has in there a paragraph he says he says my friends however in spite of long delay even resistance on my part Copernicus didn't want to put out the heliocentric universe for some reason it would help me from this decision first among these was Nicolas Lucas look look his position Cardinal distinguishing all branches of London next to him comes my very dear friend a kid when guys what's his position bishop alright alright what did he do the latter has often urged me at times even spurring me on with reproaches to do what to publish Copernicus develop it but who pushing him to publish it the bishops the Cardinals the Pope's alright let me make sure y'all still up okay 15:37 Copernicus to get him a little woogie somebody a woogie it's got to throw something in now to get you all up we talk about a lot of facts up in here her name was Anna Schilling all right and I mean you could have your little woogie ain't man y'all should get married but the problem is he's a priest and she's already married y'all up now all right and a shilling all right now you see you say pacify you bring this up well you see you'll all know a tree buyers through see I can know whether to trust what you bring it by the way you operate all right so this is how he operated this is all we know there's some other things I'm but this is all that we know for sure all right she was married a very beautiful woman she agreed to be his housekeeper y'all but she wouldn't clean it home all right and everything was cool but things did not go smoothly and Anna's employment became a source of gossip for the townspeople especially as Copernicus was Anna's great-uncle wait wait past we said he was our uncle a great uncle in 1539 and we found the letter mr. de white because everything that we saying is true in 1539 the bishops knowing that he about to put on this heliocentric universe all right they know that people gonna be suspecting what he doing how he living whether he gonna listen to him on now 1539 they order him to release this woman make her leave all right and we got the letters man you could find the letters he meant of his correspondence with the bishop and he lying through his teeth but you could find the letters all right all right so he makes her leave in 1539 in 1542 Copernicus has a stroke yo he's paralyzed all right but by his side or nothing but the bishops in the corner show me show me that picture by his side or number the bishops in the corners he can't even publish it himself they publish it for him all right in in mayor 1543 the revolutions of heavenly bodies is published all right now he paralyzed with a stroke he came publish it who did it who did it all right all right now now watch this I watch this watch watch hi DP in in with the Catholic Church at the front of the book you know when you're dedicated this in mind you know how dedicated to my wife and my three kids you know who we dedicate the book on the heliocentric universe to Pope Paul the third he dedicated to the pool all right all right flip sound boom Amen you see that that's the actual dedication right there just in case you don't believe okay we talk about a heliocentric universe that the Sun and the planets are around the solar systems where does it come from Copernicus way he come from huh you come from the Catholic Church right after is published in 1543 me guess what happened y'all Copernicus dies now they publish it in me he died me that's kind of strange I hope you was really I would be really died before t I mean after I don't know listen in 1572 Pope Gregory the next pool agrees with the Jesuit astronomer usually that word again Jesuit we're gonna talk about that the Jesuit astronomer Christopher Christopher Clovis based upon Caprona cos work what do they do they reform the calendar based upon what uncle Turner cuz what all right 1582 the Gregorian calendar is instituted and it's the calendar we use to be the count that the whole world used to be Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday that's the count and it's all based on Copernicus all right the bottom Hebrew trying to follow the the The Saboteur according to the girl Gregorian calendar they don't know what they doing I don't know what they do they don't know what they're doing at all the days the months has all been changed and it's all been changed not based upon Scripture it's been changed based upon a lie of a sun-centered universe anybody hear me up for him alright now watch this I want to talk about sub-point see the prophecy I know this is deep but just stay with me I can't I can't not bring it to you I gotta bring it to you you want me to just continue to just allow you to believe that thing Mercury Venus Jupiter I don't see nothing but new things alright alright and Daniel 7:25 I want to talk with you about the prophecy you say pastor how you know that the Catholic Church was involved with this well when we look at Copernicus and we look at his timeline and we look at his connections in the church we see a man we look at the Catholic Encyclopedia itself we see a men that listen I'll tell you they paid they paid for it they published it and they promoted it but let me tell you another proof we have that they did that we have a prophecy scripture for totally and Daniel chapter 7 verse 25 this is all about the Antichrist and his kingdom in Daniel 7 remember Daniel gives four empires that's gonna govern the earth from Daniels ding alright he does this twice he does this first with the statute hallelujah where you have Babylon you have Mead Persia amen you got Greece and then you got the last Empire which is wrong in Chapter 7 he does it again but he uses different symbology misbranding mark he uses animals Daniel says in my vision I saw a lion with wings and my other visions I saw bear then you're saying this building I saw a leopard then you're saying this vision I saw a beast which could not be described unique unlike any other beast with a snort what teeth of iron and it would stamp out and it would devour and destroy your cinemas Daniel what is Holliday huh the first was which was a lie first beast which was the lack was Babylon the first Kingdom second beast which was the bear was the Persia means third beast which was a leopard was Greece Alexander the Great blitzkrieg war tactics jump on your enemy like a leopard before he even know your death you wipe them out all right in every animal bears a symbolic symbolism to the country and the empire that it that it describes but after Greece the last animal Daniel what kind of animal is it I don't know but it's cruel and it's ferocious it's got teeth like iron it stamps out its enemies it would be the last Empire the very Empire so cruel it would murder and crucify the very lord of glory what empires that every theologian every commentator knows what this last Empire is this last Empire is room and we up in there said well then you said it was only for impounds and Rome is gone so Daniel must be wrong no Roman going Romain never left it was wounded but his deadly wound has been healed Rome would have died but it attached itself to something that was everliving it attached itself to the Church in Jesus Christ because the gates of hell are never prevail against God's church so Rome attached itself to him you see you don't have to be big as a parasite all you got to do is get on something that's big and nothing to go ever mess with you you think them little fish that hang around them sharks get any trouble no I like to see somebody run up on that great white shark to try to get that little fish and so what wrong did attached itself to the king of kings and the Lord of the lawns a name only with all kind of mixed things up in that pagan traditions and rituals amen right but Rome never died and as Daniel prophesized about the last kingdom heaven 7:25 look what he says about Rome look what he says about the last kingdom is the Antichrist Kingdom and he shall speak great words against the most high blasphemy would be the thing of that last kingdom your holiness father this and father dated you ascribing to men the names that only belonged to God they will speak great swelling words and these words would be against the Most High in Revelation 13 and 14 they described this last Kingdom again blasphemous words written all over her giving words to Marik into the Saints you see queen of heaven and and the immaculate oh come on it's blasphemy core edema cold what the Bible never speak of any Cora div is blasphemy great swelling words against the Most High are you listening here tonight but not only that B Brian look look watch the prophecy they shall wear out the Saints of the Most High it's not a defeat straight face to face no it's a wear out when you wear out something you have your heart against beating it but you do it in a way that tires it out over time [Applause] you wear out the Saints we go out lash you're not only you wear out the Saints but look look at the other look at the other prophecy and they're gonna think to do what they're gonna change times and laws this is where we want to be out and got caught up in the text but I said how you knew that they would support Copernicus because they wanted to change the calendar how you know they was gonna change the calendar because Daniel hundreds of years before they would ever change you said that the last if I would change times and laws alright that's the prophecy though well pass if we understand the terms how did they change the laws well Oh God they took the second commandment right out there shall not bow down to any graven images and they shall be given into the hand until the time times and the dividing of time when you have time amen I just said time a bunch of times but when you have time read 26 27 and 28 because God is going to talk about the end of this world system alright and that the kingdom that they set up is gonna fall apart and that Kingdom is gonna be given to the true people of God the Saints of the Most High God come on give God some glory man all right just hang with me for a little while we study in deep don't be lazy of mine here amen I'm providing to you amen truth and yet evarin truth is not always exciting but it's always good all right all right all right so the Catholic Church promoted paid published for the Copernican theory the heliocentric theory all right how do we know passes the time line proves it as we look at the time line this is what I showed you the time line and if I was in a court of law amen come on samba follow me to 1 through 10 and if I was in a court of law this is how it would prove it Copernicus raised by a bishop number 2 he was educated in that schools number 3 he became a canon which was a student pastor number 4 he became a priest and we have evidence on that number 5 the church paid him his entire life number 6 he was asked by the Pope to help change the calendar number 7 he was urged by the Pope to expand his work on a heliocentric nature of the universe number number 8 he was urged by bishops and Cardinals to publish that work when it was finished number 9 amen when he finished the work and finally published it he dedicated to dedicated it to a pope and number 10 when he published it the church just like they said there was they changed the calendar based upon his research come on give God some glory for that up yes let's open and shut me and then you tack on that Miss Karen the prophecy of Daniel seven that the last great Empire would change times and laws and I said that's a done deal me alright there's a connection between Copernicus and the Catholic Church sub-point deep why why why would they want to promote a heliocentric universe how would they want to do that alright we covered number one already they wanted to get to that Grigory encountered a wanted to change the calendar we talked about that but number two is going to shock you number two is they attempted to destroy confidence in the Bible you say pastor no Church would do that you must not be woken right they wanted to destroy the confidence in the Bible the Catholic Church knew that if the Bible was wrong about creation it would be easy to prove that it would be wrong about everything else right this is no surprise to any of us who grew up in the Catholic Church because as Catholics amen we don't Revere the Bible like we supposed them we don't read our Bibles and when somebody come to us quoting the Bible telling us something that the Bible say about our lives that we should change we don't even listen to the Bible we don't read it nor listen to it right and so that's listen some of y'all got family members that's still in there you go tell them what the scripture does it mean anything you tell me you're not supposed to be praying the statute doesn't mean anything so they opposed amen to the very word of God we know they all miss to read because they resisted it being printed in the modern tongue they wanted to keep it in Latin so everybody couldn't read it because they know if you read it you would know what God said and you would see what they was doing Oh God Haverstock see for us Protestants the Bible is the final authority all right but for Catholics guess what the final authority is the pool and what he says Trump's the Bible what he says Trump's the very word of God listen listen am i reminding y'all about this because that's the way it works that's why we didn't listen to Bible we listened to her suppose all right it's sort of Bible was a problem for Catholics especially when the Reformation started and you got people like Martin Luther and John Calvin coming out there and Luther putting that ninety-five theses with with all of these scriptures on and it's yeah we've got to do something with this Bible that's disprove creation heliocentric universe why did they do it number two to destroy the Protestant Reformation all right now pastor you done said this but I didn't pay attention in school what's the Protestant Reformation now priest by the name of Martin Luther saw all the things that the church was doing that was against the Bible when against scripture 1 that particular guy under his skin was the selling of forgiveness and the works based salvation in Martin Luther mess-around reading his Bible got saved because at that time every single church in the world was Catholic the gospel was gone there was no way to be saved there was no preacher that was preaching it and so Martin Luther is out there and one day he's reading his Bible and that's why the Bible is a problem because as long as it is around God will speak to us [Applause] that's what's happening in this day and age right now he will speak to us all right so Martin Luther reading his Bible and he come across Romans the just shall live by faith wait so it's not me doing all these other words it it's not me making my community my confirmation it's not me being buried higen Baptists it's not me a mom who's like whoa wait wait then why are they charging people for forgiveness if it's all by faith so Martin Luther Gould I believe he'd go to a church and he's a priest he go to church and he puts these 95 theses up not to rebel against the church but just to put on the church so that the church can read it and get right right they ultimately kick him out when they kick him out it starts was called the Protestant Reformation the base word of Protestant is protest a piece of the Catholic Church came out of it protesting their practices and that gave birth to the different denominations that we have today remember the whole world was Catholic Martin Luther stood up for the gospel and broke off and now we got Baptists we got Lutheran we got presbyterian we got nondenomination we got caramel we got all of that but all of that stemmed back to Martin Luther so when I say Protestant all that means is is that you're not Catholic that's all I mean all right so back to the heliocentric universe they really wanted to destroy the Protestant Reformation because the Protestants knew the Bible and it's something else when you're running to somebody that know your God better than you and so they saying all this stuff about salvation forgiveness and Don Jesus Mary the Saints the Pope the whole Reformation they saying all kind of stuff and the country like if we could prove that they were wrong and their Bible is wrong about creation huh then we can show the people that they wrong about other things maybe they're wrong about Mary maybe they're wrong about the Saints maybe they're wrong about the indulgences all right and so they was behind the heliocentric universe here's my last point and then we gonna go then we're gonna go this is so important y'all this is so important all right let me tell you something right now this is Revelation for the ages right now this is God saying you my people and I want you to understand what my creation looks like I love you and I don't want you to be lied to number all right all right this lie has affected your relationship with me it has destroyed your children it has allowed you to send them to schools amen that teach them branches off of this wicked root that makes them murder each of them sleep with each other and turn into things that God did not create them to be all right all right this is the route right here I understand if you're not spiritually deep enough all right but pressing right here press n right and leave your religion outside the door all right leave your religion outside the day I'm coming with a word from the Lord I don't care what your mama was what your daddy was I don't care I don't care of you I don't care what secret society and I don't care nothing about that all I care about is what does seeing the Lord tonight that's all I care about that's all I care about all right we're not lying to the people of God no we're really not so wake up shake it off press in okay here's our last point the response of the true church okay I'll put this point in here amen to show you that the Catholic Church was supposed to protect truth but they distorted it it was the one that was pushing the line but thank God the Reformation through Martin Luther had happened and we had some safe folk on the face of the planet we live in a day where we've been taught this thing so much to where we naturally believe it without check in the stance they teach it to us so young we are too young to have the mental maturity to even debate the thing neither are we presented with an ulterior of a solution or Theory right on the side of it if we are this theory gets a whole chapter and the alternative gets a paragraph somebody just thought me mine a sentence see the devil knows that if you train them up Oh God and the way they should go when they're young you see whatever the church don't know it good but the devil really good are y'all still up out there but the true church was around Jerian when this live was going for it Martin Luther was livin y'all want to know what Martin Luther said about the Copernican theory let's look at it here all right Martin Luther says this I'm a reader tell you might be a little small only small for me Martin Luther says there is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky the Sun and the moon moving all right I'm gonna go to the next paragraph he says but that is how things are nowadays when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special he's just doing it to be clever to show himself something he just want to invent something special all right Martin Luther says the fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside down because they nobody believed this in the thousands of years before and you got to understand we're gonna talk about these secret societies the way they lie amen to the to the useless eaters the mindless masses the way they lied to regular people is you just turned truth upside down you just turn it backwards and they not smart enough to see so instead of the Sun going around the earth you make the earth go around the Sun it's a demonic Luciferian thing that's why the Cross has put upside down in a satanic Church he says however as holy scripture tells us so did Joshua bid the Sun to stand still and not the earth Martin Luther says he was against Copernicus come on give God some glory all right come on pastor hurry up look we got another one John Calvin was there during this Copernican revolution what did John Calvin see man yo John Calvin is the business show his Institute's on Christian religion is like is beyond his time this is when the Gentiles had the anointing had the power they had the favor and it was putting on people like Luther like Calvin I mean listen man and this is the dispensation we about to jump right back in it's gone Oh God have mercy the dude is the business man Calvin says this all right he says we will see some who are so deranged he says not only in religion but who in all things revealed their monstrous nature you say to be crazy and they some monsters that they will say that the Sun does not move because Calvin is like brought the Bible say the Sun the Sun move they deranged they crazy they say the Sun don't move and that it is the earth which shifts and turns John Calvin see when we see such Minds we must indeed confess that the devil possesses them if you gonna come against God's truth like that Calvin sing and you're you probably ain't read it on a John Keller you probably listen man this dude is the business man and so for me to see the church how much they honor revered Luther how much they honor and revere Calvin to let them for me to see them go against Calvin go against the Bible for some Copernicus some I say strong delusion he said a devil possessed them though and that God sets them before us as mirrors God wants you to take a good look at him in order to keep us in fear don't turn against me unless you become the range to so it is with all who argue out of pure malice because that's what's wrong with them you will see with Charles Darwin and the rest of them a lot of them y'all they just mad at God so they come up with theories for revenge against God but they're just mad at him everybody parents died or something is just malice it's just bitterness they need counseling that's what they need out of pure malice who happily make a show of their imprudence when they are told that it is hot they will reply no it is plainly cold when they are shown that an object i'ma have to say here our people is blank they will say it is why he's showing you the Luciferian he's showing you the Luciferian Illuminati way he shot are you ready for this I can't I can't go on I got some more I got Phillip Malone and his name is almost like Malone song but my lumpin one of the founders of the Reformation he he just totally eats him up he said that did not operate in honesty and decency you see them people just they perniciously destructive and if you follow them you're gonna follow them all the way to hell aw pink fire all right he talked about it he said don't you dare follow the theorizing of a Prussian astronomer to cast doubt on what God has made known to us and don't you dare try to harmonize with DC about creation with the scripture you don't compromise the scripture for this man who was living with another man why you don't compromise the scripture for him that's what the church been doing we're gonna make evolution fit in the scriptures we're gonna make the heliocentric universe fit in the scriptures all right but I got one bigger than a mole I got one bigger than aw pink I got one bigger than her aeneas a Clement of Rome Augustine all the names I have on here that speak against this heliocentric universe all the big names of the church I got a bunch of them here but I got one bigger than the mall one of one bigger than the mall who speak against her son that don't move anybody know his name Jesus all right all right and watch what Jesus say against this Catholic Copernican theory Jesus says in Matthew 5:45 he tells them love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them who hate you pray for those who desperately use you and persecute you 5:45 he says that you may be the children of who of your father which is in heaven and what does your father do to the son he make it his son to what to rise on evil and on the good come on give God some glory all right if Jesus says the Sun rises then the Sun rises I don't care what Copernicus say the Sun do if Jesus says it rise it rises if Jesus says it moves it moved and you don't trade in your saviors words the very word of God for some Catholic philosopher who was living with another man's wife to end it off y'all the Protestants rebelled against Copernicus Luther Calvin 'm they began to publish things they began to give speeches they began to preach against it the people began to fill the Protestant churches the Catholic Church got worried they say the people is not with this heliocentric stuff they not with this is moving or look too fast and so what they do in 1616 they banned the Copernicus theory but you published it they banned it now watch this Kemp they didn't change the calendar which is based on it but they banned the theory but they just waited they just waited till that generation died they're gonna outlast you their way to tell Martin Luther died John Calvin died to amalong them died they just waited till they died Joey W pink died they just waited till they died and in 1835 they took the band of a Copernicus's theory and you can go to Catholic churches in his hometown and see his picture in the churches see epitaph written to him he's become a name to become a hero even though he spoke against the very word of God listen we're gonna stop by him we're gonna stop right here but I hope that you heard me tonight I hope that you heard me today and tonight I'm not bashing amen nobody I'm just telling you what happened and if I can't tell you what happened then I can't tell you the truth all right that's what happened my sources are the only encyclopedias all right past are you saying that everybody that's Catholic is is going to hell or went to hell that's not what I'm saying you see because all you need to go to heaven is Jesus Christ and him crucified and there have been plenty of Catholics who sincerely loved Jesus all right and I don't want you to go home amen and fuss and fight with nobody talk about Nicholas Copernicus and Pope Clement two seven and you'll get yourself in trouble you won't get me in trouble you won't go fight no no no no no let's not argue nothing right now let's let these this series continue and sit in instead of gonna argue about denominations just make sure they have Jesus they not going to come out without Jesus so you give them Jesus you share with them the gospel you pray with them salvation they know they won't come out without being set free you see a stronger got to go in and bind the strongman then take his goods and that's Jesus all right if you here tonight and you would say pastor I was raised in this you would say pastor I still got a place in my heart for this and while you talk about it it something go off on the inside of me I say to you listen I never brought you here to offend me I just brought you here to tell you what happened and like Paul say have I become your enemy by telling you the truth nobody should be your enemy for keeping it real with you listen if it was up to me Amen that'd be no denominations there'd be no Catholic no Baptists no nothing cuz they none of them people died for us only one person died for us and his name is Jesus no just coming in and get all this information amen about the universe and all that and miss Jesus to me because whether the earth is flat or round whether it's being circled by the Sun or what their circles are so now that information is gonna get you what you need to get in is to understand that you a sentiment you need to understand Amen that Jesus Christ came and he died for your sins need to understand that he rose on the third day he ascended on high straight up into the clouds straight up through the windows of heaven into the throne room of Almighty God and he says whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be safe this information don't save you but it enhances our Bible it enhances our faith so listen we gonna pray we gonna get out of him and I want you to go study I don't want you to go talk I want you to go study I don't want you to go argue I want you to go study I'm going to say Heavenly Father thank you for truth I confess I'm a sinner but I believe that you died for my sins you were buried in a grave and on the third day you rose or Jesus save me my Center and show me truth show me what was show me what is you show me what is to come in Jesus name Amen amen amen come on give God some glory hi all right y'all we gonna keep on going next time amen got something good for you next time and then we're gonna talk about this thing hey man it gets it gets deeper amen y'all hang with me may the Lord bless you may keep may he cause his face to shine upon me a lot be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and bless you with Shalom peace Shalom peace in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen love y'all be blessed
Channel: School Of The Hebrews
Views: 75,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flat Earth Is Real, Flat Earth, FE, The Earth Is Not A Globe, Pastor Preaches About Flat Earth, Celebrate Truth, NASA LIED, Geocentric, The Truth About Flat Earth, Catholics & Copernicus, The Truth About Copernicus, The Earth Is Flat, Hebrew Cosmology
Id: mj8BltVuAWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 49sec (4009 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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