Two of the Best Guitars That Cost Less Than $1000!

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what's up folks welcome back to one more guitar thanks for checking out the video my name is Kyle and my football team is in there getting their butt kicked right now so I thought it'd be a good time to come in here and make a guitar video so what I want to do today is I want to compare this Epiphone 1959 Les Paul with the new Yamaha rev star and I think that these two guitars are two of the best guitars that you can get in the eight to nine hundred dollar price range and they're two of my favorites so I wanted to compare them today just so we could hear them back to back and for anybody out there that might be looking at getting either one of these so let's dive into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you all right the first thing I want to do is just set these two guitars side by side go over them a little bit and talk about some of the spec differences so we'll start up here at the headstocks if we look at the Epiphone headstock there's not a whole lot to say about this I'm sure you guys are familiar with this it's not the Gibson headstock but it's kind of close it's got the Les Paul silk screen in here and then this particular model has a perloid Epiphone logo all right now we can take a look at the Yamaha headstock you can see that there's no writing on this the only thing on it is this little Medallion at the top and I'm not even really sure what that represents so I'll look that up and put it up on the screen now but you can see this headstock has a little bit of binding on it it's not quite as Square as the Epiphone headstock it looks a little bit different [Music] somebody commented on the Rev star review video that this headstock looked like Gumby and I have to say I laughed pretty good about that but now I can't unsee it so I've named this guitar Gumby so going over the rest of the headstock we can talk about the tuners you can see that both of these guitars have closean style tuners and I'll say that you know my experience with them has been pretty similar the ones on the Epiphone are a little more stiff um I haven't played that guitar in a couple of months until today and it was still in tune basically and the ones on the Yamaha are pretty smooth feeling um I haven't had any issues with those yet but I've only had the guitar for a little while all right let's check out the nuts you can see that the Yamaha has a black plastic nut on it where the Epiphone comes with a graph Tech nut now say I haven't had an issue with either one of these and I think the Yamaha nut is cut very well however the Epiphone comes with a graph Tech nut and graphtec is a known brand I've got numerous guitars with those nuts on it and have no problems with them so I'd probably give that to the Epiphone although you know like I said no issues with the Yamaha but time will tell on that all right let's take a look over these fretboards and talk about a few differences first the fretboard itself on this Epiphone it's made of Indian Laurel it's pretty dark it looks pretty good kind of similar to Rosewood but over here on the Yamaha you do actually get a rosewood fretboard and uh that's a little bit of a nice respect there and I personally prefer Rosewood nothing wrong with Indian Laurel but I like Rosewood a little more I like the way it looks I like the way it feels all right back to the Epiphone this comes with nickel frets and that's pretty standard you know guitars have been coming with nickel Frets forever so you know nothing wrong with that but again on the Yamaha you get stainless steel frets and that's a really nice feature it takes a lot longer for stainless steel to wear down so you know these Frets are going to last a lot longer than nickel Frets so it's pretty cool next let's talk about these inlays you can see that the Epiphone comes with perloid trapezoid inlays they're pretty big blocky inlays that cover a big chunk of the Frets you know this is classic Les Paul stuff here so um again it's pretty familiar there but I think it looks really good I think they look good on this model of guitar over here on the Yamaha again you've got perloid inlays but there are these very little thin lines we kind of wish they had done something to you know maybe fill out the Fret a little bit more there but you know that's their design choice so it's fine it is very minimal though both of these guitars come with binding along the neck you can see that here if I can get this Shadow out of the shot there you go so yep just another similarity that I wanted to mention between these two all right let's talk about the neck profiles real quick the Epiphone comes with a rounded C profile and this neck really fits in my hand well it's a little chunky but it's not very wide and to me it's a great feeling neck the Yamaha has kind of a similar neck really it's a little bit flatter on the back and maybe just a little bit wider they don't really have a name for it at least not in their spec sheet but uh I'll say they're comparable but like I said this one's a little bit flatter maybe a little bit wider all right now let's go over the stuff on the body we'll start with the Finish the Epiphone comes with what they call an aged gloss finish and this is something that Epiphone and the Gibson Custom Shop came up with together and I think this was the first Model they used it on and they've had it on a few other ones now but it's kind of got a worn plate in looking feel to it I think they're trying to simulate Nitro but both of these guitars do come with a poly finish now if we check out the Yamaha you can see that this particular one has a metallic finish on it but I think this is the only color that's metallic the rest of them are flat so nothing to complain about I think both of them look good there foreign both of these guitars come with a tuna Matic style bridge but if you take a look at the bridge on the Yamaha it's actually a little more substantial than the bridge on the Epiphone so I thought that was worth mentioning although I'll say I haven't had a problem with either one of them next we'll talk about the controls the Les Paul comes with a volume and a tone control for each pickup allowing you to set those individually on the other hand the Yamaha has a master volume and a master tone that controls both pickups but the Yamaha comes with a five-way switch giving you two extra positions that they describe as they've added some delay to the Circuit to give you some extra quack whereas the Epiphone comes with a typical three-way switch so that's a pretty cool feature that the Yamaha has however you do lose the ability to be able to set the volume and tone for each pickup and as far as the pickups go the Epiphone comes with Gibson burst bucker pickups these are Gibson USA pickups and you know that was one of the things that Drew me to that guitar I think that's a fantastic spec and those are some really nice pickups some of my favorites the Yamaha pickups um they don't really have a name or anything they're just Yamaha pickups and they've a neck and a bridge I'll put the descriptions on the screen now but I think they sound good too and we'll hear both of these here in just a minute um I'll play them back to back so we can compare them but first let's finish going over the specs all right one more special feature about the Yamaha I want to mention is it's got this push pull on the tone knob and that's called the focus switch and what it does is it's adding some EQ to your signal in some way I don't know if it's boosting it or if it's just cutting some stuff I don't know exactly what's going on but I feel like you get a volume boost with it and when you've got some gain on it really gives you a dirty sound it's a really cool extra feature to this guitar and something else I wanted to mention something that you're not going to find on the Les Paul I find that very usable and it's a lot of fun to play with all right the last thing I want to show you when we're comparing the specs here are the cases so let me pull those out of the closet real quick all right so you can see the Yamaha comes with this pretty nice case it's got some good padding in it it's got a big pocket on the front it's got a handle backpack straps on the back padding in here it's got a little piece of velcro there to hold your guitar in place I mean it's not the thickest in the back but it's all right it's a decent little case I've used it I've carried the guitar around with it and uh haven't had any problems with that I think it's going to keep the guitar safe so that's good however it doesn't touch this case that comes with this Epiphone Guitar you get a hard case it's nice brown with the Epiphone logo on it it's got four latches and it comes with this pretty cool pink interior this is a really nice case I like it a lot I've used it a few times and you know it's going to keep your guitar safe much safer than a soft bag so you know when it comes to the case I think the Epiphone definitely wins all right now what I want to do is play these two guitars and get some sound samples that we can listen to back to back and just compare how they sound we'll do this clean and dirty and we're going to use the neck the middle and the bridge positions for this because this guitar doesn't have the five-way switch like the Rev star does I will start the neck move towards the bridge and for the clean samples we'll just compare them straight up but when I do the drive samples we will add the focus switch on that so I'll do three samples this that without the focus switch and then with the focus switch and uh we'll compare how they sell them so let's Jam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] let's throw some drive on here this time we're going to start at the bridge and we'll work our way back towards the neck and at each position I'll use a different overdrive so I think I'll start with a tube screamer at the bridge [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you all right since the middle is a little bit sweeter we're going to drop the gang down a little bit we're going to go do a tumness here so I'd probably play this for a little bluesy thing [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] all right and then we'll throw a heavier gain on up here on the neck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all right now that we've heard these two guitars back to back let me go over my final Thoughts with you here first I want to say like I mentioned in the intro I believe that these two guitars are two of the best guitars you can get in the eight to nine hundred dollar price range so if you're looking at getting either one of them I don't think you're gonna go wrong I love these guitars so um I will talk about them though and tell you what I like about each of them we'll talk about the Les Paul first two of my favorite things about this guitar are the neck profile and the pickups this rounded C profile really fits my hand well it's not too thick it's not too wide and it's just about perfect for me now if you have smaller hands it might be an issue but I think it's great I love the snack profile the other thing are these pickups these are Gibson USA pickups it's a burst Buck or two in the neck and a burst Buck or three in the bridge and those are two of my favorite gets and Pickups if not my two favorite I have the same pickups in this Flying V back here love that guitar love the way it sounds I've got the one and the two in the Les Paul behind me and I don't quite like that configuration as much so I wanted to mention that because this Epiphone comes with my favorite Gibson pickups and pickup configuration and I think it sounds Stellar it's a great great guitar as far as the Yamaha goes again we'll start with the pickups I really do love the way these pickups sound for my ear I kind of prefer this one a little bit but these have a nice clean mid sound to them where this one's got a little bit more highs to it I'd say but they sound great I really enjoy the way this guitar sounds another thing I really like about this guitar is the versatility of it you've got the five-way switch that gives you two extra positions I didn't go over that in this video but if you want to check out the review of this guitar or either of these guitars I'll put links in the description um but anyway the other thing I like about the electronics is guitar is that Focus switch I use that all the time so much so that I started pulling the knob off so it's a great sound it's a very versatile guitar and I really like it a lot another thing I love about this is that it comes with stainless steel Fritz um again that's just one nice spec feature on this guitar that's you know maybe make it last a little bit longer so a really nice guitar as far as the neck profile goes it's very similar to this one but it's a little bit flatter and maybe a little bit wider but it still fits in my hand really well I think I do prefer this neck profile though um you can tell that the bodies of the guitars that this one is a little bit thicker than this one let me put this down and show you now this is one of the things that I really like about this guitar too it sits really close to your body and it's got a comfort cut on it so it's a very comfortable and balanced guitar somebody asked me in the comments of the review of this guitar if this was more like playing a Gibson or if it had its own Vibe and I'll say you definitely get the Gibson vibe from it but because this body is so thin and because it's balanced and it sits real close to you it's almost like playing a strat it really feels good up next to you it's a really comfortable guitar I don't know how to say that but it's a comfortable guitar and it also doesn't have any of the awkward quirks that some of the Gibson models have you know there's no problem up here getting to the higher Frets you know you don't have some bulky body shape that's making it hard to hold or anything like that so again very comfortable guitar and it's very fun to play so all right that's going to do it for today I hope this was fun for you maybe a little bit informative let me know in the comments which of these guitars you liked and what you say on samples you preferred and uh until next time take it easy and keep playing [Music]
Channel: One More Guitar
Views: 5,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ba4TGgFlbTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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