Two of Five Ever Built: 1958 Fiat 600 Multipla Mirafiori - Jay Leno’s Garage

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it's the fastest this thing is every penny of India yeah we're hitting 65 kilometers an hour I want to see the transmission assembly before we leave well another episode of jail on garage hey two very rare Fiat's 1958 vintage you know the Fiat Multipla these were built by Fiat special projects these are the only two left in the world these are two fascinating cars people just go crazy when they see them they belonged to a gentleman named Stuart Parr he has the Stuart Park collection Stuart come on in here how are you good to see you my friend how are you hey thanks for saving these and restoring them and it's really wonderful I know they built what five of these right and what was the reason they would build Jenny le wanted he wanted some special cars to take visiting dignitaries actors whoever around the Mia Fiore Factory and he just wanted you know the spoke a little more upgraded car right right and what motors is it the 1,100 CC mode that's the 600 Wow 658 so and it's all glass roof with no air-conditioning so well there's a couple of tabs here and the roof comes off in about two minutes oh the whole thing looks like yeah well yeah I mean it's just so funny that it would be a little 600 CC you know you think you your biggest most luxurious car yeah but this is what Fiat was in the 50s yeah yeah I think you know one of the most interesting things to me is is that like with the Vespa I think people are so passionate about it and they have all these incredible memories and it's the same with the cinquecento and I think what people don't realize is is that it was the first thing that put people after the war on two wheels and the Cinquecento and the Multipla were the first thing to bring people inside from the rain and you know they happen to do a beautiful job and there's a smile on the front of the car but well I have a 59 Fiat millecento mm-hmm and I think it's fabulous that would be the equivalent of I guess maybe a Ford Galaxie a middle manager car because you could seat six people like yes in a pinch six small Italians anything and it's for speeding on the cop it's lively it's I mean it's funded it's the most fun car to drive it doesn't weigh anything and it's only about what sixty seventy horsepower something if that yes and I enjoy driving that thing all the time and I just love the effort that went into these I mean what is that mahogany lures that wouldn't bumper yeah I think those are oak they said oak yeah these are oak and those and that's always he steamed Banta yes right not how they do it well this could have been steam vent but you know it's actually if you look at if the log is going this way they might have just gotten rid of all the wood because the line I mean right they may have just thrown away the rest right it doesn't even look I don't think it's bent actually the way the quarter sun's going well it's I mean it's just and one of those 13-inch wheels or maybe twelve did something like that yeah now did you restore these so this one I bought in this condition and I just literally got this I spent quite a bit of effort combing the world I'd seen pictures of it well it was here right ten miles from where we're standing really I just got this car Wow and this one is going to have further restoration this one I sent to a place in M Kona and this has been completely rotisserie restored Patrona frow did the interior for me you know the handles are all handmade I mean they spent a lot of time on the details of this car and you know everything was made up by hand because this other that's a multiple platform the car is wider longer and taller now where all the pieces here and they were storied you have to make a lot of it I had to make a few pieces but mostly everything was there and it was in it was an original condition when I got it but it was beyond the pale you know essentially you said this is ten miles from here because I've always found whatever I was looking for I always wanted to finding within 50 miles of LA you know I come here like when I first came to town in the 70s I was looking for brough superior motorcycles and they're always in England into something and then I talked to somebody Larry up the street what there be like a guy and you realize Los Angeles especially in the 20s and 30s Lockheed was here all the engineering companies were here you know and all these guys like mechanical things all that stuff is thought of around same thing with it I would see this is probably brought back by some engineer or something after the war huh yeah I mean that happens a lot of time it's it's funny because I you know I have a lot of the history on this car and the documents go back and forth forward and you know the car sells for X amount and then the next guy sells it back for seven times the amount like there's a couple different cash registers going on right yeah well I think that's called money laundering I think that is you know yeah I buy it from you and then I sell it to look Joe the gangster then Joe he sells it to somebody else and then that's how you you get a profit we make it differently listen yeah get active good so four-speed transmission yeah so 600 cc that must be 138 horsepower maybe this maybe and I think it's around 780 cc oh okay yeah okay it's the 600 but it's around 700 a so it right but you know it's what's wild I have a lot of the cinquecento jollies and but as you know I mean you can drive them up a hill I mean you can drive I can drive them through the forest up I mean they're so Hardy right you know first let's start with a color with these the original colors of both the vehicles I have only black and white pictures so I don't actually know okay this one was sort of a muddy gold so I just thought this would be an excellent color choice well today that's the next time color card I just wanted if you found a paint chip under the door or something oh I had the original color oh okay just wasn't it was more I probably better on a hearse yeah yeah yeah no I got you okay okay and were they leather when they were done or vinyl or no vinyl yeah yeah I had to kick it up a little oh yeah no I agree yeah exactly Bertie there did you have to remake this plastic piece oh yeah yeah now that can the the part where six people tell you they can do it no problem right yeah so you know we went to helicopter companies I had this one made in Italy right this one was made locally I was happy to hear he went through the same he had a hot he went to a bunch of different places in there so yeah it took it took quite a bit of time we had six different people taken attempt at it and how many was it years to do this it wasn't fairly great this yeah I mean I do some restoration I'm sure like you and all different places right you know in Italy I find like they work like they're being chased right I mean I got this car done in one year oh that's great and this was this was more complex we had to make some parts some pieces but I have I find I have very good luck doing restoration in Italy it depends on what it is if it's a Fiat you know they're so familiar with it we're obviously it's um I mean anything engine somebody can turn around in three weeks right right there's 50 guys to do it but I like you know the restoration in America is probably overkill some of it meant a lotta but I think they did they've done probably six cars for me at this point yeah I mean they did a car for me once in three months are those the original hubcaps as well you have to make those or what any of those those came with the car oh okay so I was very fortunate let's see how that can we open the door okay you got your sort of suicide door non synchro here not not just not to go first of the whole first no none to go first okay but you yeah you're reminded when it yeah it's a noise yeah yeah and it's in kilometers obviously gross 110 kilometers that's about 60 miles an hour's you're tops yeah they pull it from another car right right right I mean it's just so hard looking just just so it almost looks like something from the Jetsons you know yeah it looks futuristic yet it's it's too high to be sort of jet age and learning so it has there's so many conflicting things happening at the same time it makes it fascinating looking it's a release and you have these here the sort of these speed lines that call air yeah just to add a bit of yeah and obviously drum brakes all around yes jump break and also I mean this is obviously I mean especially for an Italian car yeah the roof is so tall on this yeah I mean it really is super unusual I mean a normal multiplied B I don't know seven inches lower right it just lower also you know it kind of looks a little Russian as well yeah you know let's be honest it does it does looked Russian well it's kind of like a guy with a bad toupee you know well he nice-looking guy with just something weird about his head I know a guy like that in the papers off yeah and this but this comes off doesn't it yeah this comes off I see the latches because my gut in the Italian sunlight oh my god this thing must be just an oven the greenhouse yeah yeah the top comes off very easily which I'm happy to say that was engineered yeah pretty smartly okay well let's come around so then you in holes at least what six people yeah or more yeah I mean if it's an Italian family and they really got to be at a football match maybe twelve yeah yeah it's funny as long as you're not in any hurry to get there I guess no now what is that an adjustable steering column as well no this has been on the car it's actually a lock but it's vintage and I have no idea oh I see it lock the steering yeah somebody must have put that on that's probably something we're gonna have to get off oh okay because it looks like a modern you know yeah it flips up catches the wheel and there's a key to lock it yeah I mean I don't know who would have ever locked this car yeah because was in service of the factory for over ten years oh wow yeah are these both the same design there's a little different design yeah it's just a color scheme that thrown me off the only thing they're they're the same on one two three there's you know there's the speed lines right change a little bit on the car but the car is the same now this one has the reflector or a blinker but this one does not any reason for that you know they just decided to do what they wanted to do that yeah yeah you know sometimes different countries have different you know yeah I don't know I mean as I said I just got this and I'm just doing more research there's not very much anything different on the cars but I'm guessing that somebody added that on or like in any factory you know people took whatever parts were off right you know and you know this one has white walls one has black walls so this is more the sport model I guess yeah with the black vault with the Blackwall tires now this one has a grille which may make some people think the engines in front but the end you have to be just an inch wide yeah so sorry I met this just allows the air into the cabin I get wrecked but the wood bumper is is the most clever part because you think just so easy bend a piece of steel and chrome it and put it on I mean just it's all the sense of design in there and it's so funny all the wood is on the outside there's no there's not an answer it's not on the inside yeah I love the wood bumpers I have these on I mean I have a collection of I've been collecting a number of the rare one off and but this seems to be you know on the stuff that in Yeley seemed to designate seem to have that extra flare and that yeah extra elegance and sort of more nautical and what was this fourth ingenious aha Jionni Jionni Jionni and he was the most powerful guy in Italy wasn't he I mean he was and Yeley was the other Pope of Italy right right I used to love Rodney Dangerfield chugging with the Pope he took a swing at me now but I always remember generally being sort of like just the classic Italian playbook he was always driving some exotic car Ferrari or Fiat somewhere in Monaco you know the cigarette and the beautiful woman it's just the hold it just almost that I like some of them from Mad Men the TV show just fascinating fascinating I mean he was you know I had a Gunther Sachs and I mean yeah he was just the ultimate successful Playboy yeah that yeah that the people loved him yeah the laborers loved him I mean he really I mean he kept a lot of the Commerce in Italy alive I think and Fiat then was sort of a lack of a better term the general motors of it I mean they controlled every aspect trucks train I remember they had the factory with the test track on the route yeah could we come around could we see the engines roar the back let's take a look let's I'll let you open the trunk or the hood okay that's a fee out all right that's the same as my little toe Pollino except overhead valve it's an easy an engine to move in and out and I love the fact that the generator is as big as the engine block there the head almost there yeah you don't really need a cherry picker to get the end no no and just all very compact radiators back here you would think there wouldn't be enough air where is it during the air from underneath I guess but you got a polar fan here lower fan there right right so not much is coming through here as if no no in the engine that was he all stock a little dirty though oh there you go and this is fill your gas here yep they got open the hood to put gas in it yeah I'm it's pretty economic yeah and very compact it's really really just fascinating little car yeah just amazing I mean they made millions of these motors yeah I mean they they just it's like a Royal Enfield in India you know they get a little chewing gum a paper clip whether it's broken down and they're back on the road right yes yeah yeah yeah this is sort of a Model T unit of Italy just so beautifully compact or any nice obviously it's the same exact motor in that one I hope and drop the 327 small oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just the high roof is what makes it so unusual any other features you know it's pretty great at night when there's light on the inside we were driving this down sunset yeah I don't know about a month ago and it just looks like it's I mean lit up yeah it really looks like a spaceship you don't want to get t-boned in this oh no no no no no I mean the special features are the ashtrays right yeah and look there's a ashtray for everybody who just just people smoking constantly in this thing now the taillights I recognize it's just standard Fiat air lights off the trim pieces they're all off the shell and the handles are you know all the handles and the pieces inside are all you know machined up I guess on a lathe and you know there's not a much adornment to the back of the seats but it's for I mean for a car of this age in Italian it's just massive inside ironically right it's a tiny car but as you mentioned well the thing I find interesting is that you always hear the jokes about the Italian electrics right but not so much with Fiat that's more the exotic and the high-end stuff Fiat was a car that had to be dependable had to run the police used them taxis use them so I've had a number of it well not enough but a few and I will never had these standard quote joke electrical problems a Fiat it's always maybe with the Ferrari or Alfa Romeo or something like that but Fiat together wiring harness yeah they work I mean we don't spend any time talking about the electrics in these cars yeah you know right now and one thing they like to do is you know you'll find in the different Fiats is you know the the choke and the starter right you know they'll be switched around you know occasionally different they all come differently yeah and then you know one thing's for the turn signal one thing's for the brights literally the same knobs on the same car yeah yeah work seven different ways in seven different cars yeah but they don't they don't you know we haven't had any fires or anything like that can we take her for a spin absolutely go for a ride somebody take both of them out yeah let's let's have him bring the other one out as well this is great Greg how are you okay so we will have a caravan okay just shuck the head oh you have to duck your head okay oh yeah that goes in first okay so he does not adjustable no okay I mean let me get my leg on the other side of the steering Oh God once you're in you're okay look at the Headroom got Lincoln could drive this car so I make an egg and even that you can I get y'all yeah I like a big pizza pie it's Lively be not so funny I would always have a thing against the cars and only one forty or fifty miles off that drives me crazy but then you're in them and you realize that's exactly the car and they're quite relaxing is wanted to drive no this is actually a lot of fun to drive I'm gonna get this ridiculous roof and it's I ceiling have the same but when you switch to the Joey yeah you know Jolly an Italian beach oh right right so they refer to all those parts Ali's murder but if you're driving just around Santa Monica we're at the feature in Rhode Island right right it's absolutely yeah after you don't miss the speed and it's no odds right civil I you know I I love the period when cars all had a national identity the French car seemed very French a British car seemed very British now everything is so homogenized yeah I mean like there's nothing and what I know right now where I'm sort of it ours right tonight there right right you know temporary I mean I have a to to our g-wagen of g500 131 right now it's a 2001 if I get a new one it's the same body Brian I think what this thing actually dry I mean it dries very nice and the nice thing is in case of an accident you're the first one on the scene because you took close to the time you know most cars you're all the way back for is this the tow the accident happened right there we could drive with the dock suspect that's right I'm literally probably nine inches from the front of the car hilarious and what is your background you know I I've always been into cars glass they always ask you what the cars right as soon as I could pick this out where I had something in my hand I must erupt the hot wheel car over 1 million mile but actually you're an adult without wheels tip oh well I came out of 68 I oh okay well that would make sense well I mean if you really were lucky I'm really also I get to do get a relative or someone in the Bayou of Porgy right you know right top shelf right right so I don't know what two years old three or I could name every bar on the road right but and I don't know probably from Racer X and Speed Racer you know the Porsche 917 I mean I just you know you have these visual images that never leave me right yeah you know you see the trumpets on a carburetor it either hitch in the gutter you never leaves or it's funny how that works right I mean you never forget it so I I started buying and selling vintage furniture decorative arts the 20th century yeah I had a scholarship to the Art Center I never went I just moved to New York at 19 with a couple hundred bucks in my pocket and for my way right but you know I always loved cars and bikes I mean I snuck in the feel nextdoor road it has a Honda 50 my neighbors who drives well I wasn't allowed to be on motorcycles but there was no drastic though as it worth doing and I drove bicycles off into the river off ramps I mean but I just was always into cars motorcycle right I love motorcycles I mean the thing about cars is there were three dimensional so there's a lot for a party but the great thing about bikes is you can put ten of them the space of one car that's why I got it I have a space in New York I have a tenant and it there now but I had six you know 3mb boosters couple of Scotty's I had six bikes in one parking space right you gave it right right but I've always worked a design and design architecture of products cart I also love like like I've spent a lot of time in Italy and you know similarly out here take a protractor and make hunters my all these metallurgist engineers I made salmon belong yeah a hundred-mile we turn there's just so many geniuses yeah yeah is amazing Italy has incredible design but what the consumer doesn't think about is how that watch is working the parts actually have to function right even if it's you know Kashmir in northern Italy they say more piano makes the most beautiful cashman those Italians make the machine we're out here there's just there's a lot of ex aerospace engineers and a lot of thinkers we know some funny singer is less than a mile and I have like my shop I when I first heard about the other of us be in the Austrian Alps is somewhere you know and then I see I saw a couple of fortunes that singer then I realized something ever right around the quest they came to my garage and I go right around the corner it's just the fastest this thing is we're hitting 65 kilometers an hour me but I want to see the transmission assembly before we need it hurry Wow look at that 70 we're doing it huh but you know I feel like I'm going it's relaxing yeah I mean how's the seat Booya it's it's smooth my thing is brown that's not why we have the carp flowing looks like Fiats on parade you know I never thought going this slow could we just watch fun but I mean it really is it just makes you laugh people wave they walk up they look at you like you from another planet it does look like a like a cartoon version of an alien spacecraft you know with that and I have the big head you know the earlier with the big head comes down and he you know he pulls up next to the guy hey what's that you know let's do it thank you my friend thank you so oh great car thank you I don't even touch it see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 2,592,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay, Lenos, Garage, Fiat, 600, Giovanni Agnelli, Stuart Parr Design, Italy, Italian, design, rare cars, car porn, car nerd, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Id: 97Gvwe-Qc38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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