Two INCREDIBLE Sugar Free Smoked Jerky Recipes | How To

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what's up you guys it's susie from and today we are making   jerky not just any jerky i'm showing you  two different methods for a sugar free   jerky i don't know maybe your keto or  kicking off the new year with whole30   either way i've got you covered this is  gonna blow your taste buds minds let's do it first up let's talk about the meat we're using  for our jerky my favorites are i have round   roasts or rump roasts i think they have the best  size they have the least amount of like excessive   fat marbling and i can get them very affordably  each of these were buy one get one free which is   why you're getting two jerky recipes today  additionally we have them sliced and i have   mine sliced against the grain i had my butcher do  this for me i handed them the roast and i said hi   can you slice this for me against the grain for  jerky and they said you betcha i told them to set   their slicer to a two that's the thickness that  i like for this jerky cut if you're doing this   at home you want to look for between a quarter and  an eighth of an inch thick and if you are slicing   at home pop your whole roast into the freezer for  about 30 minutes before you slice it'll make the   slicing process so much easier and i would say  each of these roasts is about two and a half   pounds so between two and three pounds is kind  of our target goal for these recipes additionally   each of these recipes are printable on my  website so if you click in the video description   click the like the button to the recipe will take  you you can print it and then you don't have to   be super concerned about following each exact step  while i'm talking real fast because we got to get   two jerky marinades in let's start with our green  chili jerky marinade to a gallon zip top bag i'm   going to add all of our marinade ingredients this  is a slightly spicy like zippy and tangy kind of a   jerky marinade and we really dig it so we're gonna  add in a whole can of diced green chilies with the   liquid comes out to about a half a cup you can  go as spicy with those green chilies as you like   if you like all that heat go for like the super  hot green chilies a quarter cup of avocado oil two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three cloves of minced garlic a tablespoon of your favorite hot sauce i'm  using cholula because it doesn't have any   added sugar so if you're staying away from  sugar completely make sure you check the   ingredients list on your hot sauce cholula is  sugar free so that's what we're going with here eyeballing it also going to add in a tablespoon  of my south of the border seasoning this recipe   is available on my website also you could swap  for like a taco seasoning again just check to   make sure that it doesn't have any sugar in there  most taco seasonings are sugar-free a tablespoon   of this this has chili powder smoked paprika  garlic salt onion powder like all of those   tacoy seasonings so it's going to reinforce that  yummy green chili flavor experience also going   to add in the juice of one lime and then give it  a good mix green chili lime marinade is done i'm   gonna set that aside for a minute and work on  our teriyaki inspired sugar-free jerky marinade   another gallon zip top bag then we can add in all  of our ingredients i'm going to start with a half   a cup of pineapple juice this is going to give  us a little bit of sweetness it's also going to   help tenderize the meat so that i'm going to  add a half a cup of coconut aminos this is a   soy free version of soy sauce it's a little bit  sweeter so it gives us again that little bit of   sweetness that you want with teriyaki if you just  have soy sauce that works great but it won't make   it a whole 30. so if you're on whole 30 use the  coconut aminos because soy sauce isn't gluten free   some soy sauce is not gluten free yet gotta  watch that okay again three cloves of garlic   nicely minced we're going to add a teaspoon of  sambal now sambal is a yummy delicious chili paste   green lid golden and red label this stuff is  sugar free or you can use you know another   version of a spicy chili paste that you  like just about a teaspoon and this stuff   will bring the heat i love it we're also  going to add in a teaspoon of grated ginger   a teaspoon of sesame seeds and a  half a teaspoon of onion powder seal that up give it a nice mix and our teriyaki  inspired sugar-free jerky marinade is ready into each of our marinade bags goes our two and  a half pounds of sliced rum roast we're gonna   massage it really really good to get the marinade  on all sides of the meat it's going into the   fridge for at least eight hours a lot of people  like to leave their jerky up to 24 hours to really   maximize the flavor that's what we're gonna do so  we'll see you back here to smoke these tomorrow jerky has been marinating for 24 hours we  are gonna take this meat straight out of   the bag put it directly on our smoker grates  the smoker is preheated to about 175 degrees   we're looking to slowly cook but also really dry  out and infuse the jerky with smoke this process   typically takes about three hours but it can take  up to five depending on how thick your jerky is   i'll show you some tips for testing for  doneness once we get a little closer to   being finished with the cooking process oh  let's talk about wood selection you really   can't go wrong here choose whatever wood  you fancy but these will be in the smoke for   several hours so i wouldn't go with anything  too heavy unless you really like a super   strong smoke flavor uh any of your like  fruit or nut woods would be perfect here   about an hour and a half into our jerky  smoking process i usually like to come out   give my jerky a flip check for any that are done  kind of usually around the edges or if there   are any hot spots on your grill move those  more towards the center or if they're done   pull them off and get a little  a pre-finished jerky snack   about three and a half hours into our jerky  smoking process and we are done my friends   i'm just gonna grab a piece show you what we're  looking for this is warm but it's not like burning   my fingers these edges have curled up and you  can really see the size has shrunk down we've   probably lost about 40 to 50 percent in volume  here also our jerky is giving us a nice bend   and it starts to shred that's what  i'm looking for it's still gonna have   some softness it's not all gonna be brittle but  it's gonna be just perfectly dry enough to oh   to eat oh it's so good when  it's warm off the smoker man   i'm just gonna pull the jerky off the  smoker put it into these zip top bags   seal the bags about 80 of the way and then kind  of let them steam this is going to redistribute   any moisture from the drier pieces to the more  moist pieces and then it goes into our fridge now this jerky will last for about  two weeks in the refrigerator if it makes it that long i like to eat it warm   straight off of the smoker this is  the teriyaki style sugar-free jerky oh my gosh awesome the pineapple juice  and those coconut aminos give it sweetness   the ginger and the garlic give you that teriyaki  flair this is bomb i hope you guys give these   sugar-free jerky recipes a try at home if you  do snap photo post it online use the hashtag   #heygrillhey that way i can see it and cheer you  on on your journey to becoming a backyard barbecue hero
Channel: Hey Grill Hey
Views: 25,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerky, teriyaki jerky, sugar free jerky, smoked jerky, hey grill hey, jerky on the smoker, green chili jerky, best jerky recipe, jerky recipe, sugar free, keto, keto jerky, smoked jerky keto, hey grill hey ribs, hey grill hey jerky, hey grill hey brisket, hey grill hey pork butt, hey grill hey pulled pork
Id: 8NbzWImxusk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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