Two generations spent 55 years building world's largest man-made forest in Saihanba, N. China

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siempre pensé que se podría hacer algo así con nuestro desierto, ya que abajo de él hay agua.. en cuanto al vídeo me suena a la típica propaganda eco de cualquier país pero bien que lo hagan

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sataraNights 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
it's been hot in Beijing lately but fortunately where I'm going today is beautiful and cool I've learned ahead a problem is home to the largest planted forest in the world let's have a look as we get closer I can feel the temperature change here it's not just cool it's actually a little cold and though I'm visiting in July it feels more like October it may be a bit chilly for the scenery stunning just look at the size this forest believe it or not 55 years ago all of this was barren desert on Shan dark nor Thursday Humber is the source of many Sam storms that can plague beijing tianjin and all of northern china at certain times of year that's why scientists in a bid to put an end to the clouds of sand decided to plant a forest here more than half a century ago this is known as the tree of honor and it stood here for hundreds of years it served as inspiration for those scientists but when all around was desert and the forests were just a dream the snow season in Siam bar lasts for about seven months each year the earliest recorded snowfall has been in August and the latest in June in 1962 when the first generation of tree planters came they face all kinds of hardships like these as they tried to green the barren Highlands and turn them into an oasis their efforts were not in vain however because now the forest which is home to 480 million trees for those 930 trees like there's almost the same size of Hong Kong today many of the children of that first generation of tree planters are carrying on their parents work they have brought in new species of trees and care for those planted by their predecessor Luo Chun is a forest guardian it's father was among the first generation to work many would find use job intolerable with the trees and mountains being his only companion much of the year but for him looking after the forest planted by his father is an act of faith it gives him hope reminding of those who came before me today with Environmental Protection and resource conservation of key government policies Sian Barr has become a model for China's green development President Xi Jinping has called for more efforts to push green development and green lifestyles and China is integrating environmental protection in the belt and road initiative in line with the United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development China is now taking the initiative and becoming an advocate of environmental protection and sustainable development worldwide modern day scion ba is often called the green lung of North China it serves a practical purpose keeping down sound and conserving water as well as being a tourist attraction I feel fortunate to have had the chance to see such a special place and hear some of the stories associated with its development good luck China you [Music]
Channel: China Daily
Views: 211,287
Rating: 4.8657503 out of 5
Keywords: Saihanba, Hebei province, Good Luck China, man-made forest, the Green Lung of North China
Id: 3RqsUD6fyGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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