Saihanba, the world's largest man-made forest!

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Yuda sauce I Honda the world's largest man-made forests stretching over seven hundred and forty seven square kilometers it asks like an environmental shield protecting northern China and sandstorms that plagued the region this machine wash special I'm Helen Bradley the four hundred kilometers north of Beijing Sai Humber is often called the briefing of North China looking after today it's hard to comprehend with a little over fifty years ago this landscape was deadly and flowers say honda was actually royal hunting ground during the Qing Dynasty but deteriorated after one of the last emperor struggling with a state that allows trees to be cut down and folded one when the idea to build a wall of trees in the area was first closer than 1960 scientists and just one lone tree the business government was to plant the seeds of an idea that grew into this vast sprawling forests of 480 million the first generation of tree planters arrived in 92 their descendants are due to finish the mammoth task next year in the meantime Leo and his wife are among the fire Martin serve housekeeper followed by a free Isis but the biggest damn time living like such pieces layout even taught himself the tank close to the isolation and their work and the project as a whole has informed China's management of its two million square kilometers of forest deforestation is not an issue he needs to China 30 percent of the earth's surface is forests it's a global challenge that's included as an area of concern under the UN sustainable development goals environmental work which China refers to ecological civilization was actually listed as one of the country's five fella patrols in 2012 the year she can king with elected general secretary of the CPC accessibility she has said that sixteen walk and the lush green are as valuable as gold is done this is reflected in the country's 13 spider attack which includes commitment to push ahead with large fairly solid station restore problems developed for a shelter and protect mattress box by the end of 2016 21 percent of China was covered in forest the fifth largest forest area in the world and it aims expanded coverage to more than 23% of total by handler illustrates how much can be changed and just this year we'll color rapid economic development since the 1980s has left China when environmental scars that need time to be reserved trying to push all to protect the environment is a commitment it deserves as if it were a matter of life or death environmental protection is a monumental global tax measures of the domestic levels have international significance and with Sky Harbor as an example China is showing the world that rewards have been reached by long-term vision and commitment see you next time you
Channel: New China TV
Views: 270,275
Rating: 4.8767986 out of 5
Id: o5xdIVvFEeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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