Two Episodes Beginners Bible 218 - The Beginners Bible✝️👼

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[Music] [Applause] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the Raging Sea to every leaf on every single tree it's in the holy book just open up and take a look it's a story [Music] The Greatest [Applause] and you will hear the greatest story [Applause] [Music] foreign many many years ago in the land of Israel the people were waiting for a very important event right left right left they'd heard the old story that one day God was going to send them a new king a king who would protect them bring them peace and give the people more freedom when is the new king going to come anyway our parents our grandparents our great-grandparents promised he wouldn't they said he was coming yeah but when even in King herod's Palace people waited faster faster [Music] and will that new and better can get here what was that no talking aloud we'll eat only bread and water for the next 30 days no 50 days old stale bread and only four drops of water no make that three drops of water a day foreign [Music] what are you looking at hmm [Music] then one day in the town of Nazareth a young woman named Mary had a most amazing visitor an angel [Music] who are you please don't be afraid Mary I am the angel Gabriel I've come to bring good news for me God has chosen you from all the women of the world to be the mother of his son God has chosen me how can this be everything is possible with God you will have a son he will be the Son of God and you will call the baby Jesus whatever God wants I will do oh [Music] Mary loved a man named Joseph one night an angel came to Joseph in his dream Joseph God has great and wonderful plans for you and Mary is going to have God's son he will be God's promised King give him the name of Jesus and take good care of Mary and the baby King when he comes Mary my Mary [Music] God sent an angel to tell me about the child I love you Mary I love you too Joseph soon after Mary and Joseph were married it was right about at this time that Augustus Caesar the emperor of the whole Roman Empire wanted to count the people who lived under his ruling 45 26 27. there are 692 people from the town of Hebron and 800 Jericho added to the list 29 30. I'm getting tired send servants out account all the people in my land everyone was ordered to go to their Hometown so they could be counted Joseph had to take Mary to Bethlehem the town where he was from Bethlehem was very far away excuse me Shepard how far Bethlehem is it's a long trip 70 miles from here don't worry Mary I won't I feel very safe with you Joseph for you see Mary was expecting the new baby to arrive soon thank you Shepherd God be with you and with you too [Music] by day they traveled many miles thank you we're more than halfway there I'm sure we'll be there in no time [Music] here Mary it's nice and cool thanks I'm so thirsty [Music] at night they slept in the open air [Music] the next afternoon they saw a sign Bethlehem was only three miles away we're almost there soon we'll be in a comfortable room at the end there were many Travelers in Bethlehem that night where can I get a good meal where's the Inn [Music] where's a good place to stay good evening kind man can you tell us how to get to the end of course why not take the shortcut just go around this corner then up the Steep Hill you'll pass the greenery and then go right then left then two rights then your second left and then let's see right left right left and you're there thank you you're welcome [Music] excuse me do you know where the N is sure it's right at the end of this street it is that's wonderful thank you little girl you're welcome God be with you and with you too it was closer than we thought [Music] we are here yes quit pushing I'd like a room for my wife and myself so would everyone we have too many people here now my husband keeps saying yes yes yes tonight we'll have to sleep in the kitchen but we've been traveling for days [Music] what's going on here they want a room what else I'm sorry we really have no more space at all my wife is very tired we came from very far away yes so have a lot of people and my wife is expecting a baby I'll tell you what I can do or we have a stable Outback it's full of animals but at least you'll have a roof over your heads it'll be warmer and safer than sleeping out in the open thank you you're very kind come I'll show you [Applause] you have some important company I hope you'll be comfortable here it's the best I can do thank you we're very grateful let's try and make the best of it [Music] during that night a most wonderful thing happened foreign the baby was born God's little son [Music] we'll call the baby Jesus Mary and Joseph loved their new baby boy very much I must wrap him to keep him warm and comfortable the ox's feeding box Jesus can sleep in here [Applause] and so the baby Jesus lay in a Manger surrounded by the warmth of love and the protection of God who was now ready to let all of Heaven spread the news of the baby's birth that night just outside the town of Bethlehem Shepherds were watching their sheep how can you let your sheep walk around all night he should be sleeping my sheep that one is yours you make him go to sleep I'm not going to walk way over there you take care of him no you no you look it's no big deal you just have to be nice to him that's all what do you mean just tell him to go to sleep hey sheep go to sleep come over here little guy it's time to sleep come here this way greetings Don't Be Afraid Shepherds I bring good news of great joy [Music] tonight A most wondrous thing has happened here in Bethlehem the Son of God was born Christ the lord the Lord the king that comes from God his name is Jesus and he is rap Snuggly in a Manger a Manger you can go see him right now it is the happiest time of the world wow [Music] excited a king in a Manger right here in Bethlehem I always thought he'd be in a palace let's go into town and see what the Angel's talking about let's go into town and see what the angel is talking about I just said that then let's go whoa this way hey where are you going get back with the other sheep didn't I tell you to go back all right but you'd better behave [Music] the angel was right look he's really there [Music] hello there what brings you here we came to see the baby sent from God we know about him because an angel came and told us then many angels came and sang about God's glory and peace on Earth the angel said he'd be wrapped snugly in line in a Manger just like this it's true what the angel said is true the son of God the king in a Manger Mary's heart filled with wonder as the Shepherds told their story she knew that her newborn child was the son of God meanwhile in the far distant lands of the East wise men who study the stars saw something new in the sky [Music] please [Music] [Music] not at all it was entirely my fault no it was me really I wasn't looking where I was going I was noticing that star so was I what a coincidence I was too I study the stars so do I so do I okay I am from the Far East ah I am from the near East I am from the Mideast have you ever been to the furthest East wise men down here you fellas wouldn't by any chance happen to know where that big fat star came from this was just what we were wondering we've never seen that star before it's a completely new star unless unless the star is a sign from God of course that has to be it the star is a sign from God yes I see no I don't what are you talking about see it is said that a new and bright star would be seen in the sky when the new king is born really but there it is the new and bright star it's also said that if we follow that star it'll lead us to the new king a new king his common last a star is a sign so are you going to follow it absolutely positively certainly [Music] we're gonna follow that star as long as it takes no matter how far guiding a song to the child the chosen one Starlight Star Bright glamor of Hope glorious sight shine on shine on Into the Night [Music] again [Music] [Music] lead us to our dream [Music] s into [Music] night [Music] [Music] oh Lord [Music] go west wise men and bring us the news so the wise men traveled far from the East they kept following the star never taking their eyes off it not knowing where it would lead them [Music] foreign look the star is over Israel we should go to the king's Palace in Jerusalem the newborn king must be there [Music] please forgive me Your Majesty I am so sorry to wake you but the most unusual thing has happened tell me what it is already and it better be good or I'll have you locked up yes of course your majesty it's just that there are wise men visiting from the East yes and well they say they have come to see the king so send them in they say they've come to see the newborn king what are they talking about do they think I was born yesterday perhaps they were thinking there was another king another king absurd ridiculous how can there be another king and if there is someone pretending to be a king I want to know where he is he 'll be sorry I'll tell you that yes your majesty of course your majesty but what shall I tell the wise men from the East tell them to get lost no on second thought get my advisors and hurry advisors advisors get in here [Music] yes your majesty what do you know about this newborn king oh has he been born has who been born the king I am the king we mean the other one what other one the one you speak of the one I speak of I don't know anything about any King except that everyone else seems to know about him why wasn't I told nobody tells me a thing but we didn't know he was born yet who the newborn king okay if you're so smart just where is this newborn king the old stories say he will be born in Bethlehem the story say that do they that'll be all send these wise men in at once who told you to stop keep those fans going and the rest of you get back to work [Music] your majesty I present the wise men from the East King Herod we have come to meet the newborn king and where did you hear of this King we saw the star that God put in the sky a star from God a beautiful star a bright star a sign from God [Music] we knew that if we followed the star it would lead us to the new king we want to worship him this new king is not here then where is he he's in Bethlehem I mean I'm not sure I mean maybe you should go find him yes see what I care go try and find him and if you do find him come and tell me where he is I would like to worship the new king myself oh for that [Music] when the wise men left the palace they looked into the sky and saw the star once again look there it is on to Bethlehem [Music] the Wise Men followed the star right into Bethlehem everyone come see the newborn king and there right above the manger was the star the wise men knew they had been guided to the right place [Music] foreign [Music] we've traveled from distant lands to celebrate the newborn king may we come in please [Music] we knew the baby was born because of the Stars we followed it all the way here we have brought gifts the wise men gave Jesus gold and sweet smelling perfume and incense thank you you for letting us worship the king we thank God for his great wisdom he has sent us his son [Music] God hooray for the new king praise be to God hooray for the new king the wise men never did go back to King Herod to tell him the good news about baby Jesus everyone rejoiced and thanked God for sending them his son the new king of the world [Music] it was a very sad day when the king of Babylon surrounded Jerusalem with his army his name was Nebuchadnezzar [Music] the king and his army stole things that belonged to God then they destroyed his Temple the king then ordered that the stolen things be taken back to Babylon but that was not all he stole [Music] take the brightest young man in Jerusalem they must be very healthy and very smart so they can work for me in my Palace [Music] don't touch those hear from the temple they belong to God take everything back to our kingdom so the holy cups and plates belonging to God and Jerusalem's finest young men were carried hundreds of miles away to Babylon foreign were Daniel and his friends Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and even though Daniel and his three friends were hundreds of miles away from their home and the house of God they stayed loyal to God are you studying hard this is impossible we'll never learn to read and write your language God was with Daniel and his friends very interesting your majesty teach us more God gave them more wisdom than the other young students and they loved him for it in time the king saw how the boys were ten times smarter than all the Wizards magicians and wise men in Babylon and God gave Daniel something special the ability to know and understand dreams [Music] it was a good thing too King Nebuchadnezzar began having a strange dream a dream that kept him up night after night [Music] bring me my best magician Wizard and wise man they must tell me what this dream means well what are you waiting for on my way O King sleep got to get my sleep oh King live forever what do you want to know ask any question we have all the answers thank the gods I have a most important question for you magician Wizard and wise man no he's the wizard he's the wise man he's the magician no King yeah sure whatever do you want to know what is colder snow or a dog's nose or how to turn goat's milk into cloth or the number of giants living inside the earth no no no no I have been having a very strange dream night after night that's simple piece of cake no problem so tell me what it means okay tell us what your dream was then we'll tell you what it means oh no if you are so smart first tell me what I dreamed then tell me what it means you want us to tell you what you already know then tell you what you don't know but you'll know if we know what you already know yes yes yes I knew you were smart no way forget it tell me what I dreamed right now or or I'll punish all of you but no one on earth can do such a thing only the gods can tell you that and they don't live on earth that's it now I'm mad I'll not only punish the three of you but but area [Music] get rid of all the Wizards magicians and wise men in Babylon well what are you waiting for on my way oh King [Music] aryak went to Daniel's house he told him about the king's order to punish every wise man in Babylon wait ariac please clear anyone tonight Daniel you're my friend I'll wait but only until tomorrow morning let's pray my friends God must help us understand the king's secret dream no one should be harmed over this wake up Daniel I've come to explain the king's secret dream to you thank you God oh King there is someone here to tell you what your dream means impossible who could be smarter than my wizard magician and wise man one of the captives from Judah you can tell me about my dream no not I is this some joke area but God in heaven can explain all secret things [Music] God has told me to pass the word about what I've seen and what I've heard it's a simple message sir with a truly holy thing oh I know what your dreams [Music] oh King Nebuchadnezzar believe me it's my pleasure to come here to you and shed some lights I've been praying to God and this may sound awfully odd but I understand the dream you had last night sauce that you with a head of gold he was bronze a nine with big clay toes symbolized kingdoms of this Earth [Music] the golden face that I saw shining means down here you're the number one king I'm giving you the facts for all their worth oh I know what your dream means oh I know what your dream is God has told me to pass the word about what I've seen and what I heard it's a simple message sir with a truly holy theme oh I know of your dream meets now the rock fed rolled on down and brought the statue to the ground shows that are the kingdom soon will pass [Music] yeah the interpretation is that out of all the nations Gods is the kingdom that will last oh I know what your dream means oh I know what your dream means God has told me to pass the word about what I've seen and what I've heard it's a simple message sir with a truly holy thing oh I know what your dreams [Music] [Music] dream means God has told me King what your tree treat me [Music] exactly right you are smarter than all of my Wizards magicians and wise men put together not me sire God told me this secret not because I'm greater than anyone else but so you can know what it means but what does it mean you're king for now but neither you nor your kingdom will last forever but God's kingdom will last forever your God is the god of Gods the king of all Kings your God tells people things they can't possibly know you deserve a reward From This Moment On You Will Rule over Babylon for me and be in charge of all my wise men O King I beg you do not punish them of course anything you ask what was your name again Daniel if I am to rule I need help I have three wise friends make Shadrach Meshach and Abednego leaders of Babylon as well it shall be done Daniel many years passed and after King Nebuchadnezzar left the throne his son belshazzar became king Daniel stayed in Babylon and every day three times a day he faced Jerusalem and prayed to God after so many years Daniel was completely forgotten by the new king belshazzar [Music] one night King belshazzar had a big party the foolish King used cups and plates stolen from the house of God [Music] is everyone having fun by drinking from the stolen cups he Dishonored God he only believed in false gods made from gold silver bronze iron wood and stone well let us thank the gods for this wonderful [Music] what is that [Music] [Music] Wizards magicians wise man come here quickly what does it say read it to me [Music] many many tickled person many many typical person tell you what words and it's a gold chain Eenie Meenie tackle parsnip Eeny Meeny tackle the parsnip ini Mini tackle parsnip how about this a fine purple robe Fit For A King I'll even make your third highest ruler in My Kingdom impossible feasible inconceivable [Music] they're no one in my kingdom who can read these strange words I know of someone my son tell me mother who is it in the days of your father this man had wisdom like the gods call for Daniel are you Daniel the one who believes in the God who created heaven and earth look the gold chain the purple robe and third highest ruler in the Kingdom everything is yours if you can read these words King belshazzar keep your gifts or give them to someone else oh then you can't read it either but I can and I will tell you what it says your father was so proud and stubborn he lost his kingdom God rules over everything on Earth and he decides who will be king you know all this but you aren't sorry for the terrible things you've done [Music] tonight you used cups and plates stolen from his Temple you have Dishonored God [Music] himself sent the hand that wrote these words Monet God has counted the days until your kingdom will end to kale you are not good enough to be king any longer who foreseen your kingdom will be given to some other people Daniel I know you speak the truth King belshazzar kept his promise and gave Daniel the purple robes and golden chain and made him the third highest ruler in the land what Daniel said did come true that very night thank you another ruler king Darius took over the kingdom [Music] the new king picked three men to Rule the Kingdom and since God had made Daniel very wise Daniel was one of the three soon King Darius saw how Daniel was better than the other two men and he planned to make Daniel the one and only ruler of the land that made the other two men very angry foreign [Music] the two mean wise men wanted to make Daniel look bad [Music] but he always told the truth and was not lazy nor dishonest we must make Daniel look bad but how he is just too good I have an idea Daniel really really believes in his God we will use that against him [Laughter] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] it's me God Daniel [Music] I was right Daniel faces Jerusalem and prays to his God three times a day this plan will work I can't wait to tell the king hey it's my plan I'll tell the king not if I get to him first why you oh [Music] theirs was a terrible plan a plan to get rid of Daniel [Music] oh King Darius you have many enemies and we know how to find them for 30 days let's have a holiday throughout the kingdom for 30 days no one can pray to any God or any human EX cept to you hmm I kind of like the sound of that that here's the best part if they don't pray to you they must be your enemy so we throw them into the lion's den by the gods I mean by me I like it a holiday for 30 days yes a great holiday a feast like no other I must tell Daniel it's a wonderful new law [Music] Daniel heard about the new law but he was still loyal to God he's breaking the King's new law my plan worked Daniel is praying to his god let's throw him into the lion's den wait it wasn't your plan it was my plan what's not I'm much wiser than you [Applause] [Music] oh King Darius we found someone who doesn't obey your new law unbelievable who is this terrible person he is the Israelite Daniel no not him he prays three times a day to his God just as he did before you made the law shall it be two lions or three I can't hurt Daniel he's a trusted advisor and more importantly my friend but King Darius as you know the law says no law given by the king can be changed all right Daniel to the Lion's Den my dear friend what have I done foreign I'm sorry Daniel I don't want to do this you have always been loyal to your God maybe he will save you from the Lions don't worry I won't be alone down there [Music] so that no one would move the stone and let Daniel out of the den King Darius sealed the opening with his Royal seal now [Music] King Darius could not sleep that night he was very worried about his friend the next morning King Darius ran the lion's den oh Daniel as your God kept you safe open the Lion's Den but there was nothing to fear you're up early King Darius Daniel was safe and sound [Music] [Music] I can't believe my eyes you're okay when the Lions attacked God saved me an angel to close their mouths the Lions didn't hurt me because God knew I hadn't done anything wrong and I haven't done anything wrong to you O King Daniel I'm so happy [Music] and you call yourselves wise men take them away that was a terrible plan don't look at me it was your big idea was not was to King Darius wrote a letter to everyone in the world peace and happiness to all [Music] from now on all of you will respect the god of Daniel he is greater than any other God because he uses miracles to rescue and save people Daniel continued working for King Darius and always stayed loyal to God and God blessed him for the rest of his life [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 12,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bibel, Beginners Bible, Children's Bible, kinder bible tv, childrens bible tv, kids bible tv 2018, kids bible 2018, bible 2018, bible prophecy kids, bible kids, bible children, bible 4 children, religion children, god explained for kids, god of kids, god of kids video, god video, video of god, gods plan 2018, gods plan in 2018, jesus christ loves you, eastern for kids, mose 40 years, moses and the israelis, david vs goliath for kids, kids bible, bible for kids
Id: _HpbD902ibo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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