Two Different Ways To Make A Unicorn Shaker (Dollar Tree)

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hello and welcome back to knf design if you're new here my name is Katie and I just wanted to officially announce that I did adopt Lily and Callie so you may be seeing them here in the future on my Facebook and Instagram social medias and even here on Instagram and some shorts oh give me a like and down below and tell them congratulations on getting adopted today I'm gonna set these two down here we go oh bless you today uh we're going to be making a unicorn Shaker and this one is a piece from Dollar Tree so I'm going to show you how to use this to create a Shaker and I even have a design for you which you can find down below as well as if you can't find this cut out of wood cutout from Dollar Tree I also have all the pieces so you can make a Shaker without it I'll just be using some foam so I'll show you both methods um don't forget to hit the Subscribe as well down below so we can keep crafting but let's get going so first up is our acetate and um before we get cutting just make sure you make all of your um designs the size that you want so if you're doing just the wood cutout and putting this acetate layer over it from the wood cutout from Dollar Tree you need this acetate layer to be 5.594 inches high and 5.011 inches wide that way it fits it exactly the others you can kind of do whatever size you want um but that's kind of roughly the size I'm going to be doing for just my shaker as well um for my acetate uh I am leaving the protective layer on it just so when it cuts it doesn't scratch my acetate as much um because it's a basic shape it should be fine but just be careful because the protective layout will prevent it from sticking as much so if you have trouble with it cutting then maybe try taking off the protective layer I also use a layer to make sure my acetate is on my mat well um so I'm just using acetate setting and more pressure for my glitter code stock which is going to be the decorative layer on top it's mine's pretty thick it yours doesn't have to be but mine is so I'm doing heavy code stock setting on more pressure um I'm gonna check see if it cut all the way through before I unload my mat if it I see it's not cutting all the way through then I'm going to hit go again and just run it twice so it's something you can always do um I also like to use a Blair to make sure my code stock is adhered well to my mat so it doesn't come off a little hard for you to see but I just pulled up the corner here and it looks like it cut it nice and well the first time so I don't need to do my two passes I'm just going to unload my mat and for all my material when I unload my mat I'm just gonna fold my mat upside down and the new pieces kind of come off by themselves and that way you don't get all the bending of the paper foreign next is my foam and I actually have a foam that on the back side here has a area that you peel off and it's sticky um if you don't have that you'll just have to either use some double-sided tape or glue to attach your foam but the foam that comes with the stickies kind of nice for my foam I like to use my rotary blade since I have a makeup if you don't the um standard blade that I just took out can look also make sure you move these store Wheels off to the side so they don't roll over your foam or it will create little lines in your foam I also like to use the flannel setting and I'm doing regular pressure the default it has just a little bit of trouble with the small detail but I think that'll be just fine um this map probably was a little too sticky I thought it was a little bit more used so um this is that layer of protectant from the back of the foam um so it's the sticky doesn't get everywhere so it did stick and it's pretty stuck onto my net here so I'm just taking my scraper tool and it'll help get it out so I think next time I might use a blue mat for the foam just because of that backing it has this is our last layer it is actually the Boost back layer of the Shaker um so I did switch to a light blue mat just since my green one was pretty sticky and I'm just doing medium card stock more pressure I forgot to change my blade and it'll tell me here that it's the wrong blade these are fine here but if you want to just move them back you could okay so here's all all the pieces cut out we have a back layer white cardstock is what I chose a foam which is a layering area just to give us some height so a glitter can move around if you don't want to use the foam you could use a cardboard or a craft board even just layering up towards the dock depending on how thick um your pieces are inside your um Shaco depends how many layers of your cardstock you would need um I don't like doing that many videos and I actually like using the foam because it's sticky all the way around so it helps make that nice um um seal for glitter and then we have our acetate and this is just that top layer that's gonna make it all look nice at the top so since my sticky is already showing I'm actually gonna go a little bit backwards in place my back piece here um also just watch out with the foam it does stretch easily so don't stretch it out now you do see the little lines here but that's okay that's why we have this piece it's gonna cover all that up so you won't notice it so that's kind of what a unicorn is going to look at like um but we'll need to do the acetate and then that so a glitter can't escape [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so for the wood piece the first step is to paint it and I think I'm going to do the unicorns body white gold horn and then kind of try to do a rainbow with its main I've picked out some different colors and to go with my Glitters I'm using this Christmas one I got from Hobby Lobby I'll be using the green two greens and maybe the red one um and then I also have these little packets of um glitter that I got from Dollar Tree so I decided I did not want to try to match the colors exactly so like here's the pink I'm going to use with that Glitter that way it'll show up well so here are the colors I'm going to be using [Music] [Music] cause you try to stay strong [Music] [Music] yeah I'm about to fade away cause every time I wake up I feel like it's Monday something's going wrong with all the chemicals I did my brain all of a sudden I don't look at anything the same way gotta build up of my thoughts sitting in an ashtray I'm sorry that I'm so inconvenient okay just let me be me and I'll stay out of your way I could see the way you look at me I'm such a disgrace I never really asked to be brought into this place you wanna love me well then baby I have a taste all the highs and the lows know you'll never be the same I don't really wanna hurt you but I can't control the pain if you're sticking by my side maybe we could be okay okay okay maybe you could be [Music] [Music] to cry fade away [Music] I think that I'm broken [Music] tell me what's wrong [Music] look away [Music] okay now that our unicorn is all painted we just need to add all of my glitter inside I'm gonna be doing different glitter like I said for each section of the unicorn and then I'm going to use this glue because it dries nice and clear and that way you won't see it when I place my acetate right on top of a unicorn After the Glitter is inside now acetate is usually very staticky and when it's static that means the glitter will not shake and move around as much so I'm going to be explaining it with this is just from Dollar Tree glass window cleaner and then I'll dry it off with just a paper towel and that should help with a static um I've heard people say to use use dish soap but a lot other people say that doesn't work very well and then I've also heard of like dryer sheets because that removes the static from your clothes but that can scratch the acetate and then I've also seen people use alcohol on like a cotton swab but I don't really like the smell of the alcohol so I prefer to use the window cling window glass cleaner so that let's add a glitter [Music] there was once a day that I would pray for you I'd go and misbehaved just so you'd notice too sneaking looks up and down from across the room damn what a hell of a view I feel good you look great I like you I can't wait [Music] I drink straight don't waste time to my place so catch me if I fall [Music] ing fast sitting here [Music] [Music] so here are our two unicorn shakers and um just a side note on the wood one here I noticed that the wood there's two different layers and they must not have been flat they were warped when they glued the two layers together so there was a little Gap here and all my glitter had fallen out of certain sections so most of it so I just applied um some glue in those little gaps and that seems to be holding the rest of the glitter that didn't fall out in there so if you do get any of these wood cutouts just look for any gaps again it was only in like a couple little spots here the rest of it didn't have the gaps so just look at that when you go and buy it and if you see any uh just fill it with some glue or something before you put your glitter in it so you don't make a mess but um other than that I think they turned out really cute and fun um I think I'm kind of liking the one that's made out of the wood just because it has a little more color my husband liked this one the code stock and foam one just because it had more glitter to it so let me know down below which one you like better and till next time happy crafting
Channel: KandFDesign
Views: 26
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Id: 7AXmTJRsk9o
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Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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