Two Decades In Amsterdam: What Italians Think About Dutch Culture After 23 Years! | The Movement Hub

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there's a lot of distance everything is planned money it's amazing they make a difference between friends and acquaintances is amazing they classify a lot because the next person will tell them that you don't integrate how am I going to do that if you don't let me this video is about two Italian ladies experience with the Dutch or better Amsterdam culture if you are Dutch and are very sensitive about hearing criticism about your own culture then this video might not be for you because these two ladies don't speak with a filter how would you describe the Dutch culture uh can I start yeah you do it's um culture of lack of to say but um they are very they're happy with the little they don't request a lot of things to to be happy because they used to have in this country almost yeah simple things almost they're happy happy with the bro and cast they're happy with the class uh Ros and they have this my God CL it's not those ready to use sentences G and I would I find the weirdest in this country or well my experience is very much related to Amsterdam so maybe it's too much if I talk about all whole country so I need to relate it to here they have almost no culture when it comes about family there's a lot of distance you know I um I would call my mom back then every day now a bit less I'm too busy but uh for me family is important friends are important so I don't need to have a reason to give a telephone call to somebody I just call and I say what's up here they only do it because there's a birthday Christmas somebody's dead or somebody got I don't know a diploma for some reason there's no other way they really feel the closeness to the family or in between friends in Italy we just know we walking by a friends we ring the doorbell why were you you come up let's have a coffee together and here is everything with the agenda you in the toilet agenda we see each other oh let me see when maybe in two weeks from now I don't know if I even alive in two weeks from now no now I want to see you so there was also something I I had to get adjusted back then and that's the culture it's um there is no being spontaneous you know let's go with the moment let go with the floor everything is planned and um also the eating habit at six you got to have dinner and if uh somebody calls you at that time you don't even pick up you think how anyone is daring to call you this not that time and um I think life is nice if you leave a room to being spontaneous what I see is that when they go abroad so when I'm in Italy and I meet a Dutch they love it I think so beautiful the way you live so I always hoped they would take the piece of culture they have learned in other culture and bring it back but as soon as they they they pass the Border it's like okay was nice we leave it behind let's go back being Dutch okay and money money it's amazing I mean in Italy we fight it's my turn to pay no no I pay if you pay I'm going to be pissed at you he's like okay I pay don't worry I'm going to send you Ticky a Ticky for like 50 Cent for one year you know yeah actually if someone pay for you you're almost crying you're like wow you think do you have anything to add yeah even if you are a friend with them or like you try you know and maybe you think your friends but if you try to call them like are you doing what a message you feel like you're a stalk here you know you feel like you're Maniac for a person you feel you inadequate inadequate to them and then it's bringing people on depression and they don't realize because it is a country where you can get depressed really really easily during like Christmas time when it's really dark there was a lot of suicide in but nobody talk about you know the news they don't say how much is the impact as well on that way to live and it's upen now also for the young guys it's even worse because now with the media and the social media people they even interact less and less not inclusive yeah they're not inclusive they they put in the Box in everything even in your study if you study and you're not performing or even for kids they they test you from when you're small and if you're not in the Box you cannot go I think it's one of the major problem on the Dutch culture it's not bad but they need to maybe open a little bit more what I noce years that they make a difference between friends and acquaintances so for example when they married they have three kind of celebrations they go eventually church or to the City Hall then they have uh like a reception and then they have the night and the dinner so it can happen if you're not belonging to the group of friends but all acquaintances they want you to go to the uh ceremonies So eventually in the church you're not allowed to go to the dinner but you're allowed to go to the reception so at one point depending what moment of the celebration is happening you might have to just suck around until actually allowed to go back and that's for me amazing I mean if you're invited you either are a friends or you are not so amazing they classify a lot if they will be a really like open culture like they said they will not they be will be more inclusive and uh to be honest I try also with my you know to have Dutch friends but after 25 years I can tell you I don't have really Dutch friends uh she's very friendly yeah and I'm really normally really the language right well uh not really because one of the problem as well if you want to work like when you are in England or in other country if you don't speak the language properly they help you to learn the language here they uh take you if you learn the you already know the language and sometimes even if you do school and you try your best but if uh also the workspace doesn't not help you to integrate on that you always remain one step behind and be exclusive again so the funnest question sometimes ask you to a lot of people why you live in the Netherlands for 15 years you don't speak Dutch it's like yeah du ask your question why you know like okay first of all is not nice language at all it's really for Italian especially you're like maybe for Arabic it's more simple but for Italian is like whole year you have a pain on your Troth then they switch to English most of the time the people so even if you force yourself but that's the thing because when you come to this country they very they try to make you feel like you know don't speak English it's okay you speak English then then you keep speaking English and then you think you know what I'm staying here so I got to learn the language you you try but they keep speaking English to you so at one point nobody's helping you and if you reach year 6 S8 they will tell you they will tell you it's about time that you speak the language yeah they get upet after with you why don't you why you don't you is our culture you need to adjust yeah like okay thank you but you don't make it easy as well you know so basically if you want to give it a try and learn the language and you try with the Dutch find a Dutch boyfriend I was I was married to a Dutch no okay not uh and they continue speaking with you in English although you try as soon as they hear the accent they will do the switch so it's about the person I this case me for example they will not give in so they will try to switch and I keep in Dutch yeah because I do speak the language but I do and I will always keep my Italian accent which I'm very proud of that's not no problem but um maybe they they try with a good intention they don't understand that they actually hurting that person is trying to integrate because the next person will tell them that you don't integrate how am I going to do that if you don't let me yeah thanks a lot for watching until the end of this video If you're looking for more videos about cultural perspectives in different European countries and other topics related to living there then you will find a lot of videos on my channel in the new future and I would highly appreciate a like subscribe or share and let me know in the comments how you experience Dutch culture and I hope to see you in the next video
Channel: The Movement Hub
Views: 5,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Two Decades In Amsterdam, What Italians Think About Dutch Culture After 23 Years, The Movement Hub, Two Decades, Amsterdam, Italian, Dutch, Culture 23 Years, Italian Expats In The Netherlands, Long-Term Expat Experiences In Amsterdam, Cultural Adaptation In Amsterdam, Italian Perspective On Dutch Life, Living Abroad In The Netherlands, Expat Life Challenges In Amsterdam, Cultural Shocks In Dutch Society, Adapting To Dutch Customs, Social Dynamics In The Netherlands, TmH&x%
Id: tbXCvaL4Y6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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