The Mysterious People of the Czech Republic

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how would you describe the Czech culture the Czech people so people often complain like that the Czechs are rude and stuff but I don't think they are rude it's the and so once that happens they really accept you and they really like you there is a bit of a lack of social awareness and uh so for example what title you have and you may even have a different treatment if you it's quite driving you crazy because you think that you're are talking you're are talking and you don't see any reaction and you don't know what they are really thinking so it's very different from uh my culture it's different from Iranian yeah in what ways would you say I can give you an anecdote maybe it will describe you more is it so he was calling me communist and I was calling him capitalist some people will think this is you know like offending like I'm not no no no my friend I would call him like how are the [Music] fots how would you describe the Czech culture comparing Czech Republic to Canada people here are more relaxed they're not rushed in Canada we're always going somewhere we're always speeding somewhere even if it's to the red light but here people are just casually are walking around perhaps you could see behind me people are just strolling and uh they're not so obsessed with money like in North America where we're always chasing to prove our status to each other check people are more about the social culture so they like to grab a beer and just relax and a Pim sit um they don't really like complaining so from my culture We complain a lot Canadians but here people are just you know what it is what it is and you should just accept it the way it is and everything is okay I will say that uh you will find them really rude they are not so open I know that for example uh friends we used to when you see your colleague to tell them uh bour good morning every day well here you check the end of your colors the first time you made then and then after it's done and and it's yeah for me it's quite with a Latin culture it's quite uh it's quite disturbing it's kind of hard to befriend locals because they well in general they tend to be a little more private as a people and unless you speak the language it's kind of hard to get to personally know them although what's very check is probably beer uh because as soon as you move in you start drinking a lot more beer at least that's what appli for me another thing that I don't like is check food if I can be really honest it's not terrible or anything it's not bad but it's the kind of food that you can enjoy after a hangover so like very heavy meat or potatoes everywhere it's not really you know interesting in my opinion maybe there might be a little bit on a distance in the beginning but later they will do their best to to get you involved so and the better you speak the local language the easier it is so a good point learning the Czech language and in general te people don't complain that much officially and in public maybe I've seen once or twice a public huge protest or demonstration but it doesn't usually happen here but it doesn't mean that they don't care they just complain about it in private in the hospital for instance or in the restaurants in the PS there you will find all these topics but officially they don't really complain and it's also about the salary so if they want to get more salary in their companies they wouldn't really ask for that they would rather change the job I find that people are very nice um but they might not do it in the friendliest manner so people often complain like that the checks are rude and stuff but I don't think they are rude it's that they do things for you are very that are very nice but they're just they get to the point very quickly so that's one thing that some people don't like but I I find it a bit more honest straight to the point in direct yeah would you say that hierarchies are here more pronounced than in in Germany yeah definitely yeah yeah and Al it also plays a role what title you have if you have a bachelor if you have a master degree they would also make a note and mention their title in everything possible and you will also be asked in doctor's uh practice what title you have and you may even have a different treatment if you call yourself a professor or a doctor than just having a bachelor I mean I don't like it personally that much why should I share with everyone what title I have or what studies I did uh but yeah it plays a role is there something which you found irritating about the cultural something which was difficult for you to adjust to yeah sure sure so one of the first things it's a little bit funny but um my colleagues agree with me the expat colleagues that there is a bit of a lack of social awareness and uh so for example if you're walking down the street people may not notice you and they might sort of try to walk through you my family was just here recently and that's one of the first things they said about the culture uh it could also be a a positive thing that's the way I look at it and that's because you know what people aren't actually looking at you to judge you or make fun of you or something like this so I actually find a good level of privacy in Czech Republic even in public so I think that even if people aren't paying attention to you that could be a good thing and once to got to know someone and are bit a little bit closer do their things a little bit differently than people in France once you get closer from them and maybe the only difference that I will mention is that um they don't say things um you used to to say things directly to people and here they don't say things they keep it for them so you never know what exactly what do they think exactly and yeah it's the same it's a it's quite driving you crazy because you think that you're talking you're talking and you don't see any reaction and you don't know what they are really thinking so it's very different from uh my culture it's different from Iranian yeah in what ways would you say so for example I I I I could see a lot of times if here uh some people in the street for example something happened for them and they need help rarely people stop and just try to pay attention but I I I can say in Iran I face it much more that people already try to help each other and so my culture much more maybe warm when even they don't know you as a foreigner they're much more warm and with high openness to talk with you and even invite you uh to the houses give you food fruits and uh high level of hospit hospitality I can say when you compare Iran to the check of it I can give you an anecdote maybe it will describe you more is it U when I came here and start my work they invite me to go out for a drink I was really happy because it was for me like and let's try to make some relation uh so we going to with two of our colleagues who were Spanish and When we arrive at the place well one of uh one of the forer was already alone in one table and all the Czech people they were sitting on the same table so we take our drink We join them to say let's been all together and after five six minutes they all stand up and move to the another table but during all that time they were speaking on in check so we can't tell you the reason why we decided to move but no one told us yeah come to with us which is quite strange because we ask us to join them to this party but this is for me this is typically a check I think um we are quite friendly compared to Germany for example I love chck sense of humor I think it's a really Next Level and uh Our Generation particular you know we still take a p of each other and it's really fun people get U especially now after Co I feel like um people get offended with anything and everything you know I have a friend um lgbtq few actually and sometimes we just make a fun of each other and or my partner he was um from France so he had all the lumps on during the day which was driving me crazy because I greed communism and you save everything so I was switching off all the Lums so he was calling me communist and I was calling him capitalist and even we are not together anymore when he message he like how is the Communists and I'm like how is the capitalist and some people will think this is you know like like offending like not no no no my friend I would call him like how are the fots and you know it's just a joke and I will never say it with person who I don't know but sometimes you have to use it and then he's likeo how is the het teror world doing for you you know it's just small things and what do check people value money food family family family is big check culture is quite cool actually the people are despite what people might think are actually friendly but you need to integrate yourself into the culture so I recommend uh hanging out with fewer expats and more locals trying to speak the local language and Everywhere You Go dayto day just Pi check and I don't mean just restaurants and bars where it's easy to order a beer and pay for the bill I also mean going to the pharmacy going shopping going to the markets interacting with people asking how much things cost or maybe even what they're made of and once you got to know them once you got a specific bond with somebody how would you then describe them in their interaction Styles compared to perhaps people in Canada or the US yeah for sure so right now um where I live now I have my own flat but it's in a Villa style property where there's four other families and everybody is local on check and they like me because of of it because I'm always trying to speak in check and I'm integrating into the culture more and more and so once that happens they really accept you and they really like you and they might even give you bonuses like when I first moved in there I got some things for free my neighbors offered to do some things for free and I didn't have to pay uh and they're always very helpful even right now I'm renting a parking space for one of my neighbors because he has a yard and I'm paying maybe a quarter of the price of the market because we have a good relationship so once you got to know them little bit they're quite inviting and include you in their Circle a little bit yeah absolutely right and if I'm ever not home and let's say the post is being delivered I have no issues with delivering it to them and they'll give it to me when they're free I um you know it even works with like groceries or something like this one time I was late and I used the rock service which is groceries delivered to your house and I'm like hey I'm sorry man I can't I'm not there can I deliver to your USIC no problem and that's because of the work I'm putting in with my neighbors it's because I am focused on building the relationship in general it is a very uh would say warm and welcoming culture and they they also will let you know when they're going on a trip but I would say in the beginning it takes some time so they wouldn't do that in the beginning but if you show some initiative then they also show a bit more sometimes maybe they need a little reminder doing those activities and if you're a fan of beer then this is the easiest way how to how to get on a on a good line and yeah how to make friends I would say and then what about prag culture would you say people in prag are somewhat different than people from other places in the Czech Republic yeah for sure definitely um comparing Prague to other cities in Czech Republic um there is definitely more of a metropolitan culture and people here are a bit more um focused on the career and um just just more of a City Vibe in a village people are definitely much more relaxed and they like to spend much more time on the patio drink and beers
Channel: The Movement Hub
Views: 117,665
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Keywords: Czech people, Czech culture, living in the Czech Republic, living in Czechia, moving to the Czech republic, moving to Czechia, Expats in the Czech Republic, Expats in Czechia, Expat in the Czech Republic, immigrating to the Czech Republic, Immigrating to Czechia, living in prague, moving to prague, living in prague as an expat, czech beer, why are the czechs so rude, moving to Europe, TmH&x%
Id: lTrSuLiW3hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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