Welcome to The Ellen Show. I am your guest host, tWitch. Now, Ellen wanted to be here. But she couldn't
make bail in time. [LAUGHTER] It's all right. But don't worry. You're in good hands. These things have been washed
and sanitized many times, many times. Now, since Ellen
isn't here today, I want to talk about something
she doesn't know a lot about. And that's going from
being a cool parent to an uncool parent, all right? So when you have
kids, it doesn't take long before they go from
saying, oh, you're amazing, you hung the moon, to eww,
you're so embarrassing. Leave me alone. Stay over there. For example, my daughter
Weslie, she's 13-- cool, like, super cool,
the coolest, right? But guess who she does not
think is cool right now? Me-- yeah, yeah. So I had to pick her up
from the mall the other day. And when I got there-- this
is real-- when I got there, she said, don't come in here. I'll come out to you. [LAUGHTER] First of all,
you're at the mall. I can go in the mall if
I want to go in the mall. You don't own the mall. I own the mall. [LAUGHTER] I don't really own the mall. But that's something
that parents will say in the
heat of the moment to prove that we're not going to
be told what to do by our kids. So we compromised. I waited in the car
for her to come out. [LAUGHTER] But I know this is
something that happens when they get to a certain age. So my son Maddox, he's 5. And our youngest daughter
Zaia is 1 and 1/2. And they still think
we're cool, right? Zaia hasn't said it yet
because she can't talk. But I know her first
words won't be, dad, stop. You're embarrassing me. [LAUGHTER] But if they were,
I'd be impressed because that's a lengthy
sentence for her first words. But then also hurt,
but impressed. [LAUGHTER] But this is something that
almost all parents go through, no matter who they are. At some point, you won't be
cool enough for your kids, even if you're Lenny Kravitz. [LAUGHTER] I'm kidding. There's no way that that
guy was not ever uncool. That's out of the question. And for the parents who think,
oh, no, that won't be me. I'll be cool. You're wrong because the only
thing worse than being uncool is trying to be cool, right? You can listen to
your kid's music. But if you try and sing
along, immediately uncool. Same thing like going to try
to talk like your kids, right? You can't pull it off. You don't believe me? I want you to try this. Try using "lit" or "fleek"
in front of your teenagers-- radio silence-- crickets,
crickets, crickets-- awkward. Yeah. So look, I guess what
I'm trying to say is that your kids won't think
you're cool all the time. But that's OK because the
coolest thing that you can do is love your kids for
who they are and always be there for them,
even if that means waiting in your car for
them outside the mall. [LAUGHTER]