Twinmotion | How to import 3d models from google maps

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hello and welcome to this tutorial we will learn how to import the 3d data from Google Maps and later we can use it into a motion I will use two different techniques the first one is a little bit tricky but if you follow the instruction carefully it will work just fine the good thing in this method that it will capture the 3d data with the textures but it's not that high quality models to take close shots or something like that it's it's an ideal for I paired view and urban design and developments like that the second method is easier and it gives you sharp edges buildings and you can get all map all the 3d elements separated like roads roads and buildings and railway and so on so let's start with the tricky one and we see how we can achieve it okay before we start we need to prepare all the tools what we need so first one is render dock we go to this website I will put all the links in the description and when you go there you have to go to the main page but don't download the last stable version you have to click on other builds and then we get down until you find render dock version 1.2 and then choose the one fit to your operating system for me it's 64-bit windows and I will download portable zip so I have done that so before so I will not do it on here but this is number one number two we go to blender and it's well-known radio software open source you have to download it and last thing we go to this github page for mr. Michel and we go down in the end of the page you will find these maps models importer and its Levin makeup ayat you just click on it and that's it render dock when you download it it will be just like that folder and inside the folder a lot of thing is all what we care about is this one and we make a shortcut on the desktop that's all what we need to achieve method number one okay now after we got everything we need let's start it and first thing you go to your google chrome and right-click and properties and under target you have to put this line which I will attach in the description okay so you just put it there and accept and there were another window will pop up and say are you sure you you have to accept it and they say okay now we are ready and first thing now let's really focus from now on because it's very tricky and I have tried a lot of times to get it work and this is how it works first you open the render dock okay and then file inject into process and we don't have here any chrome process yet so we just try it here and you just refresh actually we have one is working and this is not good so we have to close it and we say refresh because it's important that you don't start this render dock while you have already Google Chrome open so we have no any Google Chrome here process working so now we just started and here you will find this google chrome GPU okay and then we go back to here and when we refresh we will find here google chrome GPU double click and then you have to accept this one now you can be sure that this is connected properly when you find something beside API and something active okay and also over the google chrome you will find this dark color strip line where is some information is reading so it's worked so let's go to Google Maps and navigate to any place in the world that you would love so I you just will say here for example place in Finland close and I will convert to satellite view and you have to be in 3d mode then you go to the area where you want to record okay it's just if you click by the weight control and drag lift click it will just rotate it orbit so let's just say okay this is fine for me so what we do now are you happy with this as then we go to render here and here is the thing it's very important if you just say capture frame immediately it will not work because you have while you are capturing the frame you have to be moving the map like that otherwise it will recognize it as a 2d image but when you move it like that this render dock will say ok this is a 3d thing let's capture it ok so the way I do it I'll just go to capture after delay and let's say I called five seconds or six second or saving whatever and then I say capture and fast I go here and I start to move this one and now you'll find it's a little bit laggy that minutes done so let's go here yes we find here some something if you click over it double click and then go to textured viewer you will find this area here okay I have done a mistake that I left this thing on the screen and I have to delete it so sorry for that let's go back and I do it right click delete no delete yes I want to delete it and let's do it again but this time I will just hide this one and go back seven seconds and trigger after delay and then go fast here and I start to move this a little bit until it's captured I think it's done let's double click here and go to texture viewer now we are good and to make sure that it's working properly little for example check the chunks can you see whenever all these things are chunks created and captured I render duck so we are very good all the way down we are very good so what we have to do now is just go to file save capture give it a name let's say tumblr or ski Finland and I just put it on the desktop give it a couple of second and here we go and we check how much it's not that big it's 39 makeup right so that's fine okay so far so good now let's start the actual work and open blender and clear this import and first thing we go to edit preferences add-ons and we install the plugins what we download it from github and the way to do that we just say install and navigate to the place we store it and I have put it here it's mapped modular importer just install it and you have to check this box and that's it so what this plugin gives us now if you go to file import you will find extra option here which is Google Maps capture when you click on it now we go to bring the file what we have saved save the area earlier and it called the Murkowski finland and i have used put it here this one so let's say import maps with a couple of seconds yes here we go we got the file in and let's put the texture by clicking on viewport shading and wow we got it that's very cool I love in this method even it's tricky and long thing but think about it if you have a real shot and you need something no you can't fake it like that if you just use normal 3d modeling but now you can insert your skyscrapers or building or whatever here and it will look very good in the horizon but don't go try to make very close shot like that ok this is that the part number one and I just will show it to you when I import it inside to in motion now we go here to file export and I will just choose wavefront obj and I put it same folder and I will call it first and now I will go to open epic game to emotion lunch just import come on just import it and it's navigate to the place should be on the desktop use and here we are first method okay we will have to make few adjustment regarding the scale and the rotation because I know it from practice it will be wrong so all these chunks we have captured from Google Maps and when you find it like that it will be very small and wrong orientation so we have to rotate it this way 90 degree okay and then I will transform it ten thousand and each let's say one hundred time in each direction and I know it still need more but the way to to do it it just let's make it a little bit dusk time or something the way to make sure it's correct just good three or whatever car may be better any color and try can you see the scale is very off so we just let's put it just like that and then select options and go to rotate until we just feel it's okay a Nazi yes so let's consider it's like that okay fine so I believe this is very very good way to use if you are on this level of height or very far things and then you can import some kind of building to be featured for example I I have heal let's do it I have here a file called px ok where it is here so it's a little bit thick so let's move it like that we'll get up to the terrain almost we still need to scale it a little bit down and now let's consider or think that you have this project in this area so what you have to do is just go to your place try to find out some nice shot for yourself and of course if the material is of this FBX file let's just try to take a mirror thing and let's play with position shatters so this is how I can use the first message I love it because it's textured and almost about vegetations you have to work on it so we just play here with input some trees fake to hide this old green thing first you have to hide it and play with status with the scale so all this green stuff you have to hide it like that and so on and just play with timing and everything and I'm sure you will achieve something better than and faster than you can do it manually let's now move to the easy and fast way and I call it the white model let's go for it okay let's go to that second method and we will just need only one thing to download from this webpage which I will attach in the description below and you go here to clone or download click on it and download that zip file and after that store it somewhere and then don't unzip it now we go to blender and from edit preferences install and we navigate to the place it here it's blender GIS install and then we have to check this box and open the properties important thing here to do is this cache folder you have to assign a cache folder and I have already done so so it's in the desktop cache folder and accept it and say that's it and that's it now we will find here there is GIS icon if you click on it and go to web geo data base map and you have many option here Open Street Map kokal paint and like that I will keep it as Google and satellite layer and then we say okay now you will see the whole world map here in front of you you can just scroll to where you want or if you know that specific area you want to go press G and type here the place so I will just say same place my course key and then zoom level I will put it as a 15 and then we say okay and just we wait until we get the place so maybe I didn't say it I can let's say thumb oh yeah I forget to put t plus 15 and we say okay now navigate directly way out there and after you move and you are happy you just press E ok now it captured like exported this area and now we just rotate here we have this plane so next we have to get the building so we click on GIS again web geo data and this time we get get of a street maps and now you have to click and keep shift pressed and select all this way thing so you will get buildings highway land land use all these things and important also to put elevation from object to keep saying is over the terrain and we just say okay and usually it takes from 10 to 15 minutes to get these buildings especially if it's a larger area so I will just get back to you after it's done yes actually it doesn't it didn't take too much I just took about three minutes or two minutes and now we got all these things if you don't unselect you will see it how it's very nice and now even the buildings are clear and sharp and everything looks good and most important it's selectable so this is a plane here for the water and here is the roads and here are the buildings so you have control over the things and also you can work around these things and by just exporting the image to Photoshop or 3d max or whatever 3d software and start to make real roots if you need some close shots but anyway now we time to export this to twin motion and we just say export Oh PJ do it just say second miss export now we go to twin motion and here you just say import open file and second method open open and of course we will have the same issues but notice here that we don't have all these chunks what we had we had only two so we just rotate it here sorry we have to rotate it here 90 degree no now we have to rotate it 90 degrees this way and scale it so to me this is also good it's some kind of visualization a lot of big companies use this way like white models as a background no detail needed if you don't need texture and here on the texture what comes a landscape and stuff as an indication for you to maybe further modeling and other software or we just use it as is and for me it it is very more than enough I can say for my work sometimes you need to hire this terrain so or make it down a little bit and yeah that's it I hope you get something new here or something useful for you and please if you know better way or if you have any question comment here and I will try to do my best to answer if I can and also don't forget to subscribe to get more content like this and thank you so much
Channel: Mohamed Sallam
Views: 62,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twinmotion, twinmotion tutorial, blender, tutorial, google maps, 3dvisualsointi, Architecture visualization, مهندس معماري, منزلي, 3d, visualization, how to, tips, hacks, gis, renderdoc, plugins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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