[Twinkle Catch! Teenieping] ๐Ÿ’ŽEp.03 TICKLE, TICKLE~ TRY NOT TO LAUGH! ๐Ÿ’˜

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[Music] tickle tickle try not to [Music] laugh wow so this is where human study te this school is way way bigger than our school trust do you study here every day Hey Jo yep not only do I study I also have physical Ed and learn music here W I want to see what you study Jo guys promise to observe quietly Chu interrupting class is a no no Che yeah we M hold on you can't go off on your own he wait for me they never listen to their teacher chew hey guys stay there where are they I don't see them oh what now my class is about to start at least you know that good morning principal Olivia tardy Ry well it seems you're late again today Mr DNE tells me you often leave school early too that's against our school rule article 7 we were catching teeny ping we had no choice ch what was that nothing what was that sound just now it must have been a bird chirping is it here or way over there you know that was not the sound of a bird what is it that you're hiding Ry well [Music] I hey are you are you laughing in my my face no I'm not in shock how could you be so disrespectful to [Music] me what's going on Mommy what's wrong with you feathers tickle tickle I love their reaction to this tickle Ry Ry where are that's Ry he must be an inside joke TI something doesn't seem right though let's go huh I know them I will tickle you too [Music] tickle take my someone please stop this tickle tickle tickling is super duper [Music] fun you win I give up so please stop it this must be the work of a jewel teeny [Music] ping [Music] huh that's Tickle Pink chew she likes to make everyone laugh by tickling them Che she's in the Teeny ping encyclopedia chew all right let the games begin Ro where were you guys come on let's go what on Earth oh my [Music] a teeny ping of the jewel Forest what kind of power do Who's laughing like that in my class be [Laughter] [Music] quiet Ry I I tend to laugh when I need to go to the bathroom go ahead you're excuse okay I'll be right back that's enough guys what are you doing I told you to be quiet we're training each other Jo training we're training to be less tick L one more time TR it's home I don't know if this will help us to catch her yeah true listen up before we catch tickle ping I have something to teach you CH what what is a trust us teeny pings have exactly three major ticklish spots here here and here so aim for these spots CH wo B guy the Royal teeny ping that passes the tickling test will get a chance to dual tickle poing First St joing all right here I go stop it I haven't even touched you yet a out [Music] next ready to go time going to win I got this that's our P okay not tickly at all what no way you look like you're about to lose it just give up [Music] lastly it TR I was so close y remember it takes more than training you need to to find your opponent's witness yes got it but um how will we find tickle pain I'm back guys so tickly what is this really really [Music] ticklish hey there's tickle ping tickle ping when did you get here stop it now I followed you earlier tickle let me tickle you again tickle tickle her tickl magic makes it so hard to catch her what do we do me me me me leave it to me Romy what can you do I took the tickle laugh endurance test and won she's right T Ping's ready now okay then let's do this tii [Music] ping right then cheerful TP [Music] time princess Ruby of laughter spreading Smiles wow it worked pretty cool huh tickle ping the party's over wao I've never seen you before do you want to get tickle too tickle to a bell Shield your opponent is me I challenge you to a tickle fight [Music] oh please do you really think you can beat me in tickling guess you'll have to fight me to find [Music] out it's not tickly at all Bo she's tough this is supposed to be the most tick spot the spot's supposed be too soft for her me something stronger a surprise show of laughter round bristle toothbrushes [Music] bristle on there's no way you're beating me but I'm doing everything right if the three spots don't work your weak spot is your feet you're wrong I'm right how did you know wait no hold on now M laugh the way I can hold it she did it now finish this on me hurry do it now CH yep pity pity curing into the D [Music] Cube Jewel teeny pink Tickle Pink catch how how did I lose a tickle to a tickle you did it teing teing I gave it all I had here a welcome gift for our new friend y it looks delicious the cake is mine tickle don't forget I'm still the best Tickler here tickle
Channel: TeeniepingTV
Views: 2,131,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean Animation, SAMG, Princess, magicalgirl, transform, Romi, fairy, emotion, faires of emotion, Cute, lovely, Heartsping, teeheeping, Joahping, Trustping, EP, twinkle, teenieping
Id: XJNd2Oz7nWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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