[Twinkle Catch! Teenieping] 💎Ep.10 TRUSTPING HAS FAINTED! 💘

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[Music] trust ping has [Music] fainted okay who knows what this is [Music] CH me I know I know G the answer is the seed of the yummy PR that's correct good job CH thank you this just proves that I'm a genius but I was going to say the answer first TR you should have been quicker like me you're so mean I'll get you back T ping there's one tart left who wants it to me me me me hey I really wanted to eat that to Yum Yum it was so delicious you're so crey [Music] trusting trust me couch look I got this [Music] TR whoopsies my [Music] bad you're playing dirty I call B you're so bad at soccer that I just wanted to give you a hair liar I know you pulled that stunt on [Music] purpose that's it you're both on a time out I see so mopping the floor is their punishment those two seem to biger every chance they get these days huh what's wrong trust ping oh please stop [Music] acting Tres ping are you feeling sick J no but I got a bit dizzy just now trust aha you're just acting so you can get off cleaning Duty t trust ping you're not looking good you should rest inside T ping finish cleaning up huh no way why am I stuck with cleaning not fa I know he's just pretending right now trust P being so annoying gromy come quick what's the matter it's trusting roll me I think he's got a [Music] fever I'm sure it's just a cold te PE it seems he has Jewel tomato disease ow ow Jewel tomato Jewel tomato is the red fruit from the jewel Forest Jew that's right the jewel tomato tree bears fruit twice a year ow in Jewel Forest teeny pings eat many different fruits for their health ow but I noticed that the ones who don't like to eat jeweled Tomatoes sometimes get sick like this ow then we need that food as a remedy but how can we get it chw I'll call the kingdom and ask them to send us some Jewel tomato fruit unfortunately I can't get any right now D what why not you it would have been possible in the past but ever since the jewel teeny pings left the forest hasn't been bearing any fruits da no way a isn't there any way we can get one ah I've got an idea to could this help oh that's that's a jewel Tomato Seed da H Seed before I came here I made sure to pack this seed to remind me of my pledge to return home you're the best tea pink Jo I know TI let's see what this says in order to grow Jewel Tomatoes you need soil water and thank you D [Music] ping but I wasn't finished yet so impatient the princess hasn't changed da you need three things to grow Jewel Tomatoes soil water and a beautiful heart uh [Music] please grow [Music] quickly it's already sprouting J wow it's growing so fast chew Jewel Forest seeds are so special at this pace it'll start bearing fruit soon yeah I knew this would be easy I'm good at everything why is it wiing no come on plant pull it together [Music] T if the plant doesn't bear any fruit then what will happen to poor TR ping Jo stop being such a Negative Nancy Jo ping I know we should get help from an expert in this field an expert in this field a wow it grew this big in Just 2 hours amazing the seed from your kingdom doesn't seem that different from ours but the plant won't grow anymore what are we doing wrong to the soil the nutrients may be different soil nutrients actually I brought another kind of soil from the shop let's change the soil and see [Music] what now what should we do next to him we should give it some sunlight and then we wait it [Music] [Music] out please bear some fruit I bake you if something happens to trust ping I don't worry so much let's all be patient and hope for the [Music] best I'll take over from here T big Doo only Doos get sick [Music] huh ping trust ping do you feel a bit better hey are you taking care of me trust yeah but it's going to cost you a lot I'm charging you five chocolate [Music] bowls okay T he he ping can you stay a little longer with me yeah but I'm gone as soon as you're [Music] [Music] better [Music] oh no I must have fallen asleep [Music] te [Music] hey guys come on out now hurry what's going on je deeping it's way too early the jewel tomato plant is bearing [Applause] fruy it's sweet and yummy it makes me feel better Trust [Music] yay the rush is going away the fruit must be working thank [Music] goodness T ping are you crying no of course not I'm just super duper excited to have someone to fight with again well right back at you buddy trust get ready [Music] T you'd better not get sick again T nursed him through the night jaw and I thought those two were mortal enemies I wonder Wonder Maybe their affection for each other made the plant bear fruit the jewel Forest is definitely a mysterious place
Channel: TeeniepingTV
Views: 1,757,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean Animation, SAMG, Princess, magicalgirl, transform, Romi, fairy, emotion, faires of emotion, Cute, lovely, Heartsping, teeheeping, Joahping, Trustping, EP, twinkle, teenieping
Id: vKSrG0iK5jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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