TWICE "Alcohol-Free" (Live Performance) | Open Mic
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Channel: Genius
Views: 6,485,925
Rating: 4.946825 out of 5
Keywords: Lyric videos, alchohol free, alcohol-free twice, gbwc0, genius, genius open mic, genius open mic live, genius open mic live performance, hip hop, live performance, lyric video, lyrics, new pop music, official lyrics, open mic live performance, pop music, rap, rap genius, twice, twice alcohol free, twice alcohol free genius, twice alcohol free live, twice live alcohol free, twice live performance, twice open mic, twice performance, twice singing, verified
Id: YgaFZsBT9Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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i was about to sleep then this drop 😅 but I ain’t complaining lol
Anyway, that was clean! Love to see them just vibin around 🎵
hoping they do one of the b-sides 🙏
I really like this performance. Call me old fashioned, but live performances which are vocal focused are the best. I mean, dancing is nice, but such performances give me a comfortable feeling, especially if the song is so chilled.
This video is a great surprise. And they look and sound great! :D
It is always wonderful and never not a nice feeling seeing all 9 together
i love the set and everything, but and don't know if im going crazy or i'm the only one who thinks this wasn't really live... some parts just look like they are lip syncing, idk
I'm sorry Tzu and that dress is too distracting. Also who's gonna tell Sharon to stop wrecking me from my bias Mina?
Is there a reason why they keep doing YouTube promotions instead of appearing in ktv shows?