트와이스(TWICE) - What is Love? [Stage mix/교차편집]
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Channel: 보석수집가
Views: 60,196,021
Rating: 4.8518763 out of 5
Keywords: TWICE Live Stage mix, 트와이스 왓이즈럽?, 왓이즈럽 교차편집
Id: qY22HPfafSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Hopefully their next comeback will have a fan-chant live performances. At first I was like "hey guys, will you shut the hell up", but I've missed them the last few releases.
Peak Twice in 1440x60fps. No further explanation necessary.
Notice that the majority of comments are in Korean. The top comment (4.5k likes): "진짜 하루에 한번씩본다" = "I seriously watch this once every day". Another one farther down (2.4k likes): "트와이스 노래는 추억이다. 유독 트와이스 노래는 그때의 기억을 떠오르게 함" = [roughly translated] "Twice songs are memorable and addictive. They make you reminisce of your memories from that time." IMHO the Korean GP still loves Twice, despite all the naysayers in the past year or so.
Damn just realized this has 55 million views!