TVF's Aspirants | Episode 1 | UPSC - Optional Me Kya Hai?

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Liked it already. Pretty good. Glad They are getting the attention they deserve.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SouthkaMasaladosaa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good episode. The confused and naive protagonist is very relatable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aam_panna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

And here I am waiting for pitchers 2 & kota factory 2

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/samfisher999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved it . Btw arunabh kumar is back at helm it seems

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rajrohit26 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

At this point we can all agree that they're done with pitchers 2.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oldrumsoul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone explain to me what the protagonist meant when he said β€œit’s postmodernism, I’m bound to be confused”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/janbabe9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
I thought it would total to 20 after adding the government's tax. MRP means maximum retail price. This price includes everything. Okay, understood? Yes. Imagine that you have drunk water then how will you throw the bottle after that. Give it to me, sir. In this way. In this way? It has regained its shape again. This is the way the government and you people are being cheated. This will again be filled with tap water for you to drink. For this should not happen... -give it to me. Press the cap in this way and put it inside. This bottle is a waste now. The cap cannot be removed now. Okay. By doing so you can save yourself and others from drinking dirty water. Great. The country can change in two ways. One from low level that includes, workers, farmers and revolutionists. And other from the top level. IAS, IPS, and IRS. As of now, you are aspirants but you all will become an IAS in the future. But why will you become? Why not the one who is sitting next to you will not become? What is so special in you? Why will you become and not the one sitting next to you? Sir, if he studies well then he can also become. What if there is only one seat? Then I will become. That is what I am asking you. Why only you will become? What is that something special in you? Honesty. You cannot pass UPSC with honesty. Sir, my desire to change the system. You can change the system only when you enter the system. First deserve and then desire. Sit down. - Next. - Sir. - Yes. - Sir, positive approach. This is incomplete. This is world's second toughest and India's oldest competitive exam. It is not that easy. Sir, dedication. Dedication. Anyone else. Sir, passion to serve the country. Sir. I just remembered but... - Sir. - Yes. Intelligence. There should be a good teacher as well. We are talking of aspirants now. We shall talk about this when we are talking about teachers. Study on Unacademy if you need a better teacher than me. There also you will find a teacher little better than me, not much. Even you are an excellent teacher. That is why I am teaching on Unacademy. Love you, sir. Love you too. Okay, let's go back to the question. Sir, study day and night. Sir. Sir. I just remembered. Sir, patience. Patience. Sir. Perseverance. Perseverance. Okay. What else? - What did you say? - Dedication. Yes, yes... Patience, perseverance, and dedication. The one who has these three strong qualities will become an IAS. Tortoise. Do you know about tortoise? It is not a normal race. It is a marathon. The rabbit does not win here. Who wins here? The tortoise. Be a tortoise. Maximum people lose hope, break down and run away from it. And in this Rajinder Nagar, old Rajinder Nagar who will be able to hear countless stories of emotions hopes and disappointments. Many stories began and finished here. But some stories made history. UPSC exam not only sucks you physically but mentally as well. If you did not succeed in first, second, third or fourth attempt then six years of your life goes to waste. Self-confidence gets dug in the ground. Even after studying so much you feel empty from inside. No one will see your hard work. People will come and put the medal of failure and say that he was not sincere so did not clear. 99.9% of people among you will not become an IAS. I am not joking but stating the facts. There are 12 lakh people who apply and out of that only 15,000 remain after prelims. And after mains only 3,000 are left. And only 1,000 after the interview. And that is the maximum number that I am saying. That means from this classroom maybe one of you become IAS. Maybe, there is no guarantee. Did you get scared? You are feeling that sir is demoralizing us. He is breaking our confidence. But even then you continue your preparation, you'll study, put in your hard work and that makes you a worthy UPSC aspirant. It is tough. UPSC exam is tough. Everyone knows that UPSC exam is tough. Why does UPSC take such a tough exam? Because they want pressure to become your habit. This preparation makes pressure a part of your lifestyle. UPSC training does not begin from LBSNAA but from here, from preparation. It is a very responsible job, guys. Because you have to handle the world's biggest and complex democracy. UPSC will choose you wisely. You have to get hold of that thinking. When Britishers left India then the second best thing they left after railways was UPSC. Where are you? You are in the Mecca of UPSC. Old Rajinder Nagar. If you get time then look at it from height. It is a sea of unlimited dreams. My tortoises, jump into it and find out your dream. Whatever SK sir says really motivates me. Sometimes it sounds funny. Do you know he has put blue light on his bike? - Okay, so that is why people call him blue light. - Yes. Oh... I had told you to join SK sir's batch. There was a problem of my optional in your institute. You can prepare for optional in Unacademy. Unacademy has best teachers for optional. Will I get my subject in Unacademy? Unacademy has 20 plus subjects. You can do daily 10 if you have the capacity. Oh My God. Who puts blue light on the bike? Government has removed it from cars as well. Come on let's go. Come. Come. Press the cap in this way and put it inside. This bottle is a waste now. The cap cannot be removed now. Hello SK sir. SK sir. How are you, my brother? I am good. You have become handsome, brother. Sit. - Will you have tea? - Yes, I will order. Hey, get two meeting special tea for us. Meeting. We will get it. No problem. Did you pay for it? No, sir. Even we had two. He is my student and is telling me that they have also taken two. Did you sign up in Unacademy Combat Gamified contest? Yes sir. Our entire group has done. Very good. Great. Get back to class. All the best. Okay, sir. From when have you started teaching here? Uncle opened an institute for underprivileged aspirants. I said even I will teach three hours for free. Uncle is happy, students are happy and so am I. Enjoying life. Is something there? What are you staring at? What kind of hairstyle is this? Why have you grown your hair? It gives a senior look. Otherwise students do not take me seriously. That is why? How many times will you try to have senior look? You are looking a fool in this hairstyle. - Don't call me by that name. - Why? Otherwise if I comment on your hair then you will feel bad. Say it. I don't feel shy here. I will not pay attention to what you will say. Hey, buddy... Guri where were you for the last eight months? I was busy working. I read it on Facebook about NGO that you have started. NGO. There is a lot of black money in the shoe business. NGO does not mean black money. It is same like saying that every IAS takes bribe. Some are honest as well. Do you think Abhilash would be taking bribe? How do I know? He is not DM of my area. He may not be DM of your area - but he is your friend so out of curiosity... - Friend? That friend has talked to me for the last six years. Your anger for him hasn't finished yet. I would never see the face of that rascal. Okay, okay... You would never see his face but see his video full. What were you looking at? What were you looking at? Guri, what were you looking at? Look, whether the size is right or not. Is it correct? You meet me once in a year or two. Get something branded, buddy. You get free things from your factory. Rascal, you are my brand ambassador. Tell me one thing. Do you know your students call you Neeli Batti (blue beacon) - Don't change the subject. - Is it true? Is it true? It is lies, misconception. No one takes the risk of changing optional subject in the last attempt. For last three days I am explaining the same thing to you. Who changes the optional at the last minute? I failed three times because I chose the wrong subject. I am changing now and that is decided. I want to take history and you are confusing me now. History? Do you have an idea how much competition is there in History? All Hindi medium students have taken history. You are making mistakes one after another. - Have you decided to change? - Yes. Opt for Hindi Literature. None of the science and English students are there. And it is a good scoring subject. History is also like literature but that is true stories and they excite me. Genius and fools are two categories of people who change their optional subject in the last attempt. And you are not a genius. I know it, buddy. That is why I am nervous and want to change the subject. I cannot repeat the same mistake. Hey, light. Now only the correct optional can save my last attempt. That is what I am saying. All toppers since '91 till today have been either from Pub AD or from literature. Finish it by taking literature. It is not working. Hey, light his cigarette. If this subject is so important then why do other aspirants take other subjects? Why don't everyone take this? I will tell you that... Whatever subject you take, a few marks here and there is going to happen. Don't worry so much. - Chill. - Hey, keep quiet. Do worry, buddy. He does not want to pass UPSC and become an IAS. These 2-4 marks will take you from 25 square feet room to 2500 square feet bungalow. Why are you taking low scoring subject like History? By taking a high scoring subject increase your chance. Till now you did preparation with job and without guidance. Now you have come here for full-fledged preparation. All experienced ones are here in Rajinder Nagar. It is your last attempt but you still are a fresher in front of them. If you do not believe me then go and ask anyone. They'll too say the same thing. Don't you want to do UPSC? Pema Rijiju. Pema Rijiju. His entire family is IAS. Who is he? He is Honey Singh of Rajinder Nagar. Don't call me Honey Singh. Just sing that song. You sing. UPSC is just an excuse. I have to face myself. And have to be popular in rap. - Is this yours? - Yes. This is amazing. - Abhilash. - Hi. He used be in college with Guri and me. He has given three attempts and two prelims. Now he will give with good preparation. Just tell him what we three were called in college. Three of us used to roam together so we were called tripod. We were always together. - Really. - Tripod. Three of us were equal. Pema, I really like Honey Singh. Whatever Honey Singh does is not the actual rap. Just wait and watch, one day there will be actual rap in India. Rap is anger and not the dance of girls. What are you angry about? - SK. - Yes. Give me a beat. "This is LBSNAA, Crack it or leave it." "This is LBSNAA, Crack it or leave it." "This is not a song or rap but this is life." "Sometimes it is tough and sometimes it is light." "There is no day or night but everyone is tight." "Future is bright." "Sometimes it is dynamite. And height of frustration." "Fight of UPSC aspirants." "This is not a song or rap but their life." Subject change in the last attempt? Take geography. Everyone is taking that. Take that subject for which notes are easily available. That would be right. "You have to bear the the burden of studies every day." "Army of stars and people who are jealous." "Forget the sleep and just look at the books." "Forget laziness and evil eyes." "Pull it out from roots." "Kill the expectations." "Come on idiot, kill it." Same subject by which you can pass PCS as well. Just imagine if you do not pass UPSC then you have plan B. Political science. You have scope to become a politician as well. Father will not get me married to you, if you do not become IAS. Then keep begging for votes. Will you do whatever I ask you to do? Put more spicy paste. "Standing in self-doubts You fought hard yourself" "You chased AIR Again again" "Consume newspapers Become Cigarette addict" "Dreaming UPSC But no use" "As all your friends are abroad" "But you still stuck in the midway." "But don’t worry, because one day you will drive the blue beacon." "Believe me and take agriculture." No one talks about farmers. Neither in parliament nor on the road. Now I just have hope from you dear. Hey, this is a WhatsApp group named Collector Saab. This has notes, PDF of books and motivational videos as well. If you want to ask any question then put it here without any hesitation. Okay. Done. Listen. Stop sending rap here. Even this is motivational. Motivational... Come. [news playing on TV] [news playing on TV] Yes, tell me. Hey, what are you doing? I am not your relative. Aunty, it is just out of respect for elders. Don't start telling me your problems under the pretext of respect. Aunty, I could hear sounds in my room. That is what I was saying. What has happened? Handle him. Tell me, dear. Uncle, the volume of the TV is high and can be heard till my room. So I am getting disturbed while studying. Please switch it off. - Shall I switch it off? - Yes. You are a very rude person! The house is mine, TV is mine and I am watching news. What is your problem? Tell me one thing. Are you only bothered about current affairs? When intellectuals meet in Rajinder Nagar I also have a suggestion and wish to say something. What will I do if not watch TV? Do you want me to say nothing? Uncle, this would be an everyday problem then. I have come to study here. Dear that is why the rent of your room is less. You have so many rooms so you can shift the TV in some other room. Someone else will have problem with loud sound if I shift it to some other room. That person will face problem. Are you okay with that? Yes, uncle. That would be fine. Fine? Yes. What kind of an IAS officer you will become? An administrative officer should think about others before himself. You are very negative. Listen, dear. Come and sit with me. Both will listen news and your preparation will also be done. You will get full marks in GS and will thank me for that. Two years back a boy used to stay in the room in which you are staying. He was successful. How? He used to sit here and listen to news with me. Come, sit and listen to the news. -Come. -Take this. I have made 'roti' (bread). I will not reheat them if they get cold. Drink it fast. Even aunty drinks? Of course. She is a Punjabi after all. Cheers. What will you have? I don't want to drink. Just one drink won't harm you, baby. Come on baby, be a sport. I don't want to drink. How can you say that? We are Punjabi. If you area Punjabi then will you drink the entire bar? I am also a Punjabi. Am I drinking? Speak softly. Who was that old man? Walia. Walia uncle. What was it that he used to say? We are Punjabis. Those were great days. That was a good time. Listen, I did not tell you why have I come to Delhi? Do you want to open a showroom of shoes? There is still time for that. I thought I would tell you after meeting you. Tell me now. I am getting married. What? I am getting married. Hey, buddy. What are you doing? Cheers. Cheers. When did all this happen? Just few days back. Very good. When Pragati passed PCS then all boys used to judge you that why would Pragati marry you? Why would they judge me? Did anyone of them pass? Don't get offended. It was a joke. You are the first one to get married in our group. The entire UPSC gang will come for the wedding. The entire gang. - I will invite Abhilash. - I am not inviting Abhilash. Don't invite then. - So only SK and I should come. - Yes. We will get Pragati along with us. She will feel bad. There is less space and alcohol in the room. And if the girl comes then it will get congested. Welcome to Rajinder Nagar, brother. Okay, I will come and get clarified butter. Hey Haryana born Punjabi, will you drink alcohol mixed with clarified butter? Hey, mother has sent especially for you homemade pure clarified butter. SK was saying that you have become very weak. Who? SK? He feels the entire country is weak. That is there. Okay will meet you in the evening. Okay, then see you in the evening. [news playing on Radio] Bother, Sandeep. I am Abhilash staying in the room next to you. I am also preparing for UPSC. I can see. It's... Why don't you listen to this on the mobile? There is less of news and more of distraction in the mobile. Yes, correct. The aspirants around are correct in saying that anyone else may pass or not but you will surely clear UPSC exam. It is such a big thing that you have cleared mains twice. If I get some guidance then... Why would I do that? If you did not clear then you would say that I gave wrong guidance. Will I make my future here or become your guide? I just thought if I could discuss subjects, syllabus... The coaching staff will tell. What are they taking fees for? I haven't joined yet. Great! When will you do that? Do you want to become IAS first? You can join coaching later. Fine. [news playing on Radio] Okay, bye. [news playing on Radio] [news playing on Radio] Don't get so worried about the subject. Now that you have come here you will surely clear. Here. Taste and tell me how it is. Are you crazy, Guri? Please taste some. Because of you we ate so much vegetarian food in college. Come on eat. Shall I give you leg piece? Have you gone crazy, Guri? Hey... fine, then you may die of hunger. I am not going to cook lentil for you. Amazing. I'm cooking 2kg chicken in this small kitchen. It is very salty. What are you doing? For me all subjects are the same. I could have taken anything. What do you say, SK? - You can take anything. - Anything. But I took that option which Pragati took. I thought because of this I will be able to talk to her. The matter got deepened, brother. It got deepened. Your matter is solved but we are discussing it for me. What am I there for? I will make it easier for you to make a decision. Listen to me carefully. Sit comfortably. I am sitting comfortably. Choose the subject that is scoring and matches your educational background. That's it. And it should be related to current affairs so that it helps you in Prelims. It should help you in the mains and interview. Choose that subject. And you need not do mugging up. No mugging. Just like him. It should be logic-based. Its study material should be easily available with the scrap seller. So that self-learning becomes easier. And yes you need a good teacher. Because nowadays without Dronacharya no one can become Arjun. Do you remember...? Thumb, sacrifice, and Mahabharata? Eklavaya had cut the thumb. This was Eklavya and not Arjun. Really? SK? Yes. No problem. Last and the most important point is that the syllabus of the subject should not be vast. So that the course finishes quickly. And then after that we enjoy and party. That subject is perfect for you which has all these qualities. Which is that perfect subject? Will I have to tell that too? You have to decide that. I have got more confused now. What is the confusion, buddy? Calm down, buddy. How will you become IAS like this? He cannot decide on a subject then how will you take decision for the country. Explain it to him. In whichever state he goes he will make that state a failure. SK, tell him how much land my father owns in Haryana. 10... what is that called. He owns 20 acres. He has bought 10 more. 20 acres. My father owns 20 acres of land in Haryana. The entire village is scared of my father. An IAS officer came from Chandigarh. He... What? He scared the shit out of my dad in a flick of a moment. I then understood that Shaktimaan is an idiot fool. Quiet. Walia uncle will come upstairs. He is an idiot fool. Actual power is in the hands of IAS. That day I decided that if you become anything that would be only IAS, motherfucker. And when you pass through the colony... Hello. I am at Guri's place. I am Guri. Sorry, Pragati. I'll be there immediately. I'll be there. Oh no! Don't worry. I'll be back. Abhilash, listen to the two lines that I have written. I will listen after I am back. You listened to him completely... You listened to him completely and mine... I am finding something in those moments. Life is moving on. What am I thinking? What nonsense have I written? What happened? Do you think you have taken wrong decision by opting for UPSC? No, no Sandeep. Why did you feel this way? Your confused face is spoiling this beautiful starry night. Sandeep, we are living in a post modernism society. We tend to be confused. I am just a little more. Here Walia uncle, the tea seller and family used to say and now even friends have started saying that how can I become IAS in this way. Let me clear UPSC first. Every person is judging me at present. It has just been a week you are here and you cannot bear all this. How will you become IAS in this way? I am just joking. What...? What is Bureaucrat? What? What is Bureaucrat? Bureaucrat? Bureaucracy? An IAS is a servant of the public. When you will become then you will have to serve these people selflessly. This is a fact. But many people become IAS for power. Look power lights the bulb and brings light to the life of people. And power can also electrocute and kill people. You have to decide how to use power. Leave it. Tell me that why do you want to become an IAS officer? Mr. Sandeep, I want to serve the country. I want to do something for the country. This is a very common answer. Everyone says the same the thing to impress mentors. I also said the same thing. There is one problem in this. Everyone is serving the country. From the tea seller to the businessman. From sportsman to spiritual Guru farmer and tax payer. - Everyone pays tax. - Yes, everyone pays. They are also serving the country. How are you going to serve the country by doing IAS? Tell me that. Brother, Sandeep this is also a way of serving country. This is a way. But any other person who becomes IAS would also do the same as you are saying. Why should you become IAS? There must be something special in you by which you can do better than others as IAS. There must be something. Yes. What will you do? Tell me. What special will you do? Actually I have never thought about something like this. Think about it. This is where you need to think. More than interviewer you should be clear as to why you want to become an IAS. The training of IAS does not start from LBSNAA but from the preparation Yes. What? Nothing. Did you get your radio repaired? Is it repaired? Will you drink water? No, brother. Have you studied electronics? No, I have studied electrical but I can do all this. Okay, that is good. Brother Sandeep, what is your optional? Are you confused about the optional? Yes. I am thinking of changing. Is this your first attempt? No. This is last. - Last? - Yes Who changes the subject in the last attempt? What was your subject earlier? It was electrical. By failing three times I have understood that this is not going to help me to pass. Think properly and then decide. Changing subject is just like taking divorce. Very painful. I am really tensed because of this. I was clear that I want to take History. But everyone has confused me. I am not able to make a decision. If I choose wrong subject this time then everything is over. Tell me what you mean by the wrong subject. Wrong subject? The one in which we score less marks. Everything seems to be wrong. I will explain. Do you have a girlfriend? What? Idiot, I am asking about your girlfriend. Why are you feeling shy? Girlfriend? - Don't you have one? - No. I liked someone in my last job. But never had a chance to talk to her. I used to look at her from distance. She did not know about it. Stupid. Is that called a girlfriend? Leave it. The subject is like a girlfriend. How can you be happy if you do not have interest in a girl? You will break up. But the more you are interested in a girl and give her time she will give you love. - Right. - Yes. Same is with the subject. Think about it. It is nonsense to take the same subject as the topper chose. Or you get less or more marks in a particular subject. If you have studied well then you will get good marks in every subject. Toppers understand this so that is why they became toppers. Yes. Correct. You are not the only one. There were many genius or fools who have changed the subject in the last attempt and have created history. You too can make history. Who knows? Have confidence. - Is it done? - Yes. Everyone was right in saying that others may pass or not but you will surely pass the UPSC this year. Let's see. Take this and check. - Have you repaired it? - Yes, I have done it. Very good. So have you decided your subject? Yes, History. Brother Sandeep, he is Shwet Ketu. Hey, you can come in with slippers on. I know it, brother. Okay fine. Okay, brother Sandeep. Okay. Good luck. Study well. Yes. Bye. Brother Sandeep... No... - Okay. - Carry on. Okay fine. Let's go. Don't ask again. He is busy. Whom are you chatting with on the phone? I was clearing doubt of a student. It must be a female student. What are you saying? What now? Did you make this group, 'Guri's Marriage'? I have invited all friends from UPSC batch and have added Abhilash as well. Why are you getting angry? If you take a step forward only then he will... Was it my fault? Did I say it was your fault? But you can show your nobility as well. How did you make a group without asking me? Don't you see his videos? - Videos... - Talk softly. But why call him to my wedding? He is arrogant and will not reply. Just see. He is typing. I know both of you very well. We are childhood friends and it is not a joke. He is not bad at heart. Though it was his fault. Look. Look this.
Channel: The Viral Fever
Views: 31,973,992
Rating: 4.9257426 out of 5
Keywords: the viral fever, tvf, comedy, upsc, old rajinder nagar, lbsnaa, ias, ips, exams, union public service commission, web series, drama, indian web series, new web series 2021, 4K, rajendra nagar
Id: 0Kl1ucZuSZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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