TV Shows To Watch: Will Trent Season One

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ABC's newest favorite crime drama will Trent is back for season two if you're not familiar with the show stick around for the season one recap now I don't know about you but I for one am happy that strike is over that way we can get some of our favorite TV shows back like this one right here will Trent is back for a season 2 by the way if you want an overview of how it went down and what happened to set off the writer strike check out this video right here but first before we get into the details of the show let's check out some of the key players starting right here with him after all you know it is the name of the show this is Will Trent played by actor Ramon Rodriguez will Trent is a special agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation aka the gbi as far as his character is concern think Mr Monk meets Pastor basy skanks from Green Leaf he's respected for the talent yet kind of annoying with a bunch of different quirks so we're really not sure do we really like you yes we kind of do and then the swag is just undeniable like Pastor basy skanks and just like Mr Adrien monk will Trent too has an Affliction SL superpower he's dyslexic which allows him to see things from a different lens than everyone else in the room now for every Great Character there's an even greater backstory and for will Trent it's kind of great in a tragic type of way his mom was a prostitute who got involved with a sociopath former police officer who got her pregnant she died while giving birth to Will and then that sociopath police officer put will little baby will in a dumpster now he was later found he grew up in and out of group homes foster care where he suffered abuse wherever he landed now it's his mission and purpose to help others now this is his boss Miss Miss Amanda Wagner played by our favorite actress from The Wire yeah she played Kema if you remember if you know you know Miss sja John she's back on the forest in this one and she is the one the great mind behind pairing will Trent with the talents and the skills of his partner Miss Faith Mitchell now we're going to come back to miss Mandy here Miss Amanda cuz there's a good backstory that ties into will Trent that you do not want to miss but this is fake Faith Mitchell APD that's the Atlanta Police Department the APD and gbi share a building together now if her facial expression has you thinking she doesn't even like him you would be right very observant of you at least that's how it was at first and I'll get into why that is in a second but first let's do some digging into Faith Faith's mother and Amanda Will's boss used to be partners on the job they started out in law enforcement together years ago ran the same beat they were Partners when they were younger so Amanda has known Faith since she was a baby now this long-standing Grudge that faith has against will centers around her mother her mother's 30-year highly decorated law enforcement career ended because of an investigation will Trent did but a little bit more info about Miss faith here she is a diabetic will discovers that in season 1 also she has a college aged son and the father of that Son shows up in the show as well and he is played by none other than Mr rotimi AKA tree from Power okay so that's Faith up next is detective Angie palaski played by Miss Erica now this is Trent's on again off again girlfriend for way over 25 years she and wil Tren grew up up in the foster care system together she endured just as much abuse as will did actually you know what she probably endured a little bit more cuz she was actually assaulted now she's also a recovering drug addict now when you put that in perspective with television it makes for a beautiful mess and a great story she even had an affair with her now partner Michael who of course is a married man his wife invited Angie over for dinner one night you know so that they can become acquainted and get familiar with who her husband would be working with and at that dinner the wife read her for Filth but in a cal and polite way now this is him this is Angie's partner detective Michael orwood now I guess a good TV series would not be a good TV series if the protagonist didn't have an antagonist you know like my Nemesis so I guess that's kind of what you can say Michael orwood is to will Trent kind of sort in the way when the two of them are in the the room together there's a lot of testosterone a lot of bravado when the two of them get together okay now there are other characters of course there are other actors in this show and if once you start watching them I'm sure you will know and love them all but there is just one more star of the show that I'm going to mention and that is that Betty this is Betty Betty is the emotional support dog of will Trent he acquired her after his neighbor passed away he's trying to get rid of the dog he brought her to a shelter turns out that's a kill shelter and his heart would not let him do it so now Betty's a part of the family and Nico pronounced they them who you will find out more about in season 1 created an Instagram page for Betty and titled it bad Betty She has more followers than me okay so remember the information I said I will tell you all about their connection between Amanda and will Trent later well later is now so listen up all of the secrets that are uncovered in this show are absolutely incredible a nice who done it with a little bit of intricate details on the personal lives of the character like for instance I told you will Trent was left in a dumpster well what I didn't tell you is the person that found him in that dumpster was Amanda now Amanda worked the beat along with fai's Mother back in the day they were on patrol rookies in the game together young women on the force and she met and became close with a prostitute by the name of Lucy Will's mother now Lucy had this weird type of relationship with this sociopath of a police officer one day Lucy turns up dead she shows up as a Jane do in the mor and Amanda remembers she has a baby where's the baby she finds the baby and the dumpster and she takes the baby home with her until she realizes she's not going to be able to do do this and have a career so she turns will Trent the baby over to the state but not before naming him will Trent was given His Name by Amanda the name has some type of significance to her family members her people she lost her mother when she was young now the sociopath SL former police officer that had some type of dealing with Lucy will tren's mother he shows up in season 1 part of an investigation that's all I'm going to tell you part of an investigation and more and more details begin to come out and unfold about the Life The Happening the coming into the world story of will Trent now I tell you like I said if you love a nice detective who done it TV series that doesn't string you along from one episode to the next without solving not one detail or a full case give this one a watch okay it's based off of a book Karen Slaughter's book will Trent the series and they turned it into a wonderful drama series make sure you check it out watch the whole season season one and then you can come back here and check out this recap because season 2 has already started and this is the very first recap all right it's definitely a TV series that [Music] hits
Channel: It Hit! TV
Views: 333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv shows to watch, tv series to watch, good tv shows 2023, good tv to watch 2024, what's new on tv, tv shows, tv series, Will Trent, detective shows, will trent recap, will trent season one
Id: 5wHoSSCouAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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