Monk Solves That Get Progressively More Complicated | Monk

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excuse me number eight I'm Adrien monk this is my friend Natalie teager Adrian Monk the same oh you saved it that's the only fan letter I ever wrote I am Maria Ortiz Maria it's an honor and a pleasure it's so nice when you can put a face with the the little tag in the pocket uhoh are are you approving this this has a little little stain there I knew it I knew it you are upset about something Maria Mr Monk has been really worried about you it's not me is my son Pablo oh I remember this case the model cleance the papers are wrong everyone is wrong Pablo is a good boy he's innocent oh I know it's hard you might feel better if you focused on your work you know and started inspecting these shirts again here's the thing Maria um I've I've only got five shirts left Mr mon Mr Monk you can help her yes yeah Maria Mr Monk Is a detective he's he's a great detective he's famous and you came here to help my boy uh um well you no no actually my uh my first priority really is uh to get you to focus again you know because um the shirts Maria Mr Monk I have been praying for such a one as you to help me Pablo is innocent when you talk to him you will see you me hjj I'd like you to meet Howard Gordon Howard is one of our forensic experts oh how'd you do you been examining some evidence that we just uncovered in the clear Vance case what new evidence that's right four strands of human hair found at the scene of the crime for the record Gordo is this your report for the record yes it is uhhuh and you examined these hair samples that we found earlier today I did and were you able to match these hairs to any individual yes sir and for the record who do these hairs belong to Pablo Ortiz Ortiz oh isn't that the boy who's already in jail for the murder well I think gentlemen we're finished here don't mind if I get back to my POS hang on hang on Gordo I'm sorry but you're under arrest accessory to murder and falsifying evidence what here's what I couldn't figure out if you were guilty how could all the evidence Point somewhere else there could be only one possible answer there was something wrong with the evidence we did some digging Gordo you did make a lot of money this year but it wasn't in real estate here's what happened when you did the forensic work on the Cleo Vance murder you realized all the evidence pointed to Julian Hajj you decided to cash in you made Hajj an offer he was in no position to refuse for a price you'd bury the evidence against him there was only one problem you had to close the case you needed a Fall Guy hjj remembered a young delivery boy named Pablo Ortiz a poor kid barely spoke any English he was a perfect fany how got Natasia to help him she called the police and accused Ortiz of stalking her roommate the police arrested Pablo they took hair and blood samples and sent them to you and the rest was easy all you had to do was relabel them Pablo never had a chance you can't prove any of this we don't have to you proved it for us 5 minutes ago when you swore that these hair samples belong to Pablo Ortiz so you planted that hair to test him well yeah whose hair was it it was mine Natalie pulled it out with a tweeter she just yanked it out what was I supposed to do cut them like I told you we needed the follicles no we didn't need the follicles because we knew he wasn't going to test anything that was the whole point okay don't be such a b embarrassing me listen once in am listening I forgot what we were doing oh yeah we're arresting you twoo you know the drill Gordo so it's true what they say huh you can never judge a person by how they dress well you know what let me tell you what you're going to be wearing I hope you like orange it's a little jumpsuit thing has a number right here you can wear it anywhere really indoors walking around the yard you just make sure she's [Music] okay where the thorn you better come up it's Mrs Thorn I think she's [Music] dead what are you doing we're reenacting the crime you're the victim what what if the elevator starts up it'll get caught again it's not going to get caught what then You' be the victim no no no no no shirona was always the victim I'm sure she was no I I can't be the victim I'm the detective I have to step back and observe the scene yeah I can observe step too a this is a grind no no no no you you don't look you don't know what to look for okay I mean we have a system it's a good system there's an old saying don't change anything ever that's an old saying I've been saying it for years I know it's only $2 million but 2 million here 4 million there after a while we're talking about real money yeah the answer is no okay I'm Mrs Thorne wait wait wait wait oh looks fantastic on you by the way all right all right we walk out we stop I forgot the tickets we look for the tickets I must have left them upstairs I walk back to the elevator I press P penous the doors closed the scarf gets C maybe somebody was hiding up there well that's possible but Mrs Thorne was yelling about the scarf not not about some attacker yeah so she's alone she presses fun oh my God here I have a knife hold on hold on hold [Music] on no almost got it no almost got it okay there there what are you doing huh do you think this is funny I mean you you you rifled through my pockets you make a mockery of me like this I just buried my wife we are not mocking you Mr Thor we are trying an experiment I could have you arrested and I'm going through are you okay do you need some water no I'm okay I'm okay okay bring it if you're trying to cheat me Mr Monk we'll catch you I got friends hiding in the ceiling friends in the ceiling that's right there's an axess panel above I know how you did it I know how he did it he murdered his wife good for him congratulations let's play cards stay hit me here's what happened you and your wife went out to that thundra she left the penthouse with you but she never made it downstairs you killed her in the elevator on the way down you had less than 2 minutes that's all the time you needed after all you had help are you going to play or not sorry hit me this man is delusional he was discharged from the police force 6 years ago he's not even a real cop yeah that's true but we are go on that wasn't your wife in the lobby that was Teresa toleno your mistress in Disguise come on hit me stay Teresa was a trained actress is that why you seduced her in the first place I wonder I'll split these stay hit me couble down hit me you hoisted her up through the access panel get me again and make it a 10 genius what is that 17 I'll stay hit me then Teresa took your wife's place in the elevator you had 45 seconds that was plenty of time get me and hit me stay stay the elevator door opened and you two went into your act 2000 Uptown and down let's keep it sassy you sure you want to do that you said you'd quit Natalie know what I'm doing when the door closed again Teresa started to scream your name whoa black ja believe that's the name of the game Cheryl was already dead when she pressed the glass that's why her thumb PR was upside down wait I want to raise my bats you said it yourself you have friends hiding in the ceiling it was a perfect plan everybody knew Cheryl was always catching her scarf on something nobody was surprised when it happened again it's a very interesting fairy tale Mr Monk but that's all it is a fairy tale might be something in the elevator sh blood hair you'd need a court order to even look but you're not going to get nothing in this town so unless you got something else I did I had it I had proof I just can't remember it doesn't matter you're leaving anyway this man here is cheating he's been counting cards I want him and his friends out of here and wait wait with 10 more minutes or after mire look double down no no no I told you Mr Monk The House Always Wins groundskeeping found these in the bushes they yours yeah these are my pants don't worry sir what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas monk this is it remember I was saying that they didn't match I was talking about the pictures look look look look look see that's her body right she's wearing hoop earrings so so check this out moments before she gets on the elevator different earrings different girl I'll call Wall ofer that's enough for a search warrant how many people read this paper 50,000 nobody else caught it so that means if what if I'm drunk as a skunk completely plastered I'm as smart as you [Music] smarter [Music] oh what happened here today one of my teachers died a few hours ago I'm still shaking um her name was Beth landow she was First Rate one of the best English teachers I had they found her over there by the clock tower the police are calling it an apparent suicide but you don't believe them no it's not that I don't believe them but they didn't know her why don't you think Miss landow killed herself look Beth worried maybe too much she cared maybe too much but she was not suicidal I will never believe that ever you want me to look into it I I can pay you no no uh I couldn't take a nickel it's TR just tell him to wait I'll let him know okay boys and girls let's wrap it up that's it all the medical examiner were on our way and I want that report on my desk in the morning Captain Adrian Monk is downstairs why the vice principal asked him to look into it it turns out that Trudy is former X why Lady yeah I know who Trudy was Lieutenant this is a Alma mon he'd like to come upstairs hang on nobody move what am I forgetting and we got the prints off the rail yes sir we've got photographs of everything every angle did you bag the shoes yes sir done okay medical examiner will get the tissue and the fibers don't worry sir we're covered here you got the code sir we've got it all right put him up bring him [Music] up Don't Look Down hey monk Captain shirona Lieutenant well I imagine this is your worst nightmare a crime scene on a roof no it's not my worst nightmare it's my fourth worst uh no wait fifth no fourth fourth fourth or fifth I didn't bring the list with me what's homicide doing here it's supposed to be a suicide it's not a suicide until we say it's a suicide this happens to be one no signs of a struggle no she left her jacket neatly folded over there what what's that those are her shoes she folded her jacket there why did she leave her shoes over here she jumped she was taking anti-depressants and we found a note it was in one of her Pockets oh yeah it's printed yeah usually they're written L hand I've seen him printed I've seen him written I've seen them Written in Blood I've seen them written in cramp I've seen it all whoa whoa whoa whoa easy easy easy to whomever I may have hurt the world and its problems are just too much I am so sorry Beth I don't think Beth fand wrote this note why not well it should be it's it s no apostrophe and then here it would be whoever not whomever this wasn't written by a quote First Rate English teacher but she was dist strong she wasn't thinking straight it's a suicide note for Christ's sake did anybody see her John no about 50 kids heard it though everyone was inside taking the SATs at the time but they they were in the main building and they how did they hear anything she hit a car the alarm went on she hit a car yeah come look it took me forever to figure out how you pulled it off but then it hit me you killed Beth landow before the test started you met her on the clock tower roof that morning at about 8:00 20 minutes before the test then you killed her and you carried her body down the stairs to the clock room this was inspired she fell all right but not from the roof she fell from the clock you laid her body out on the minute hand it was 8:5 so the hand was perfectly horizontal the SATs were to begin at a20 you had 5 minutes to get back to the classroom plenty of time and you let gravity do the rest it was just like one of your science experiments you took a pretty big risk philby hiding the body in plain sight but it wasn't such a bad bet that side of the tower faced the athletic field which on a Saturday morning was completely deserted Tick Tock until 8:25 when the body slid off the clock and landed on your car you made sure that the alarm was activated so that everyone would know exactly when she fell it was a perfect Alibi it was only one problem the grounds keeper just happened to see you but you took care of him later I told you Mr mon theory is just that unless you have some proof Pro it's true I don't have any proof but you do it's in your hand oh see I I found these on the roof I think they're Beth landow I think you're looking for them you didn't find them on the roof you found them in the clock room under the gearbox because I put them there 2 hours ago only Beth landow's killer would have known to look for them there it's jungle out there disorder ain't confusion everywhere no seems to well I do hey's in charge here it's jle
Channel: Monk
Views: 142,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monk, Adrian Monk, Mr Monk, Tony Shalhoub, Tony Shalhoub Monk, Monk full episodes, monk season 1, monk season 3, monk season 4, monk season 5, monk season 6, monk season 7, monk season 8, monk season 9, monk solves, monk best moments, monk solves the case, monk best solves, monk best scenes, detective tv shows, mr monk best scenes, detective monk, monk tv show, mr monk best moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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