Tutorial on Creating a Geodatabase with Domains on ArcGIS 10.2.2

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hello this is a tutorial on how to create a geodatabase and domains first thing you do is right-click new file geodatabase and the example we're using today is h0 database on microclimates so and first thing we do we want our domains so the fields we'll be using this ground cover humidity dew point temperature wind chill wind direction and wind speed first of and we'll start with is humidity and we'll be using that for the humidity field and we're gonna want a range on that of zero to 100% so the field type as a floating integer a range from zero to 100 now dew point temperature the windchill will need a range of zero to sixty degrees so we'll make that domain called temperature we'll use that for temperature at the surface as well as temperature at head level or two meters - point and windchill and like that is floating integers 1 0 to 60 all right actually we'll make that negative 30 my next is wind direction it'll be for the wind direction field floating integer from zero to 360 first edit detail then wind speed next one that will be used for the wind speed field we're gonna make that a floating integer from say zero to 50 miles and now this one is gonna be ground cover and we'll use that for the ground cover and this one will be a little different it'll be a textfield so we're gonna do coded values and for the different types of ground cover first we'll do grass and we'll have a three-letter code for each type of land code and so grass will be GRA grass specify which can be kind of grass and so any code will do snow since it's winter at this any amount Marcus water anytime next we'll do concrete cos and black crab earliest year i Sol use grv forever and will have an other field which we can use collecting the points to add a unknown land cover into the notes so we have five domains for our geo database next we'll create our future class of points that we'll be using to collect the microclimate data so we're gonna do right click new feature class balance and it will be a point feature class and we'll use the same coordinate system as parties okay so now is now we have to make our fields so we'll need first field will NATO's wind speed and that will be a floating data type and we'll use the winds be doing it down here and field properties next is wind direction which will be a floating integer and we'll use the domain interaction humanities next also flow make that under the humanity domain now for the next few since we only made one domain for the Pope overall temperature dew point and windchill we'll select that domain for each of the first temperature at the surface temperature two meters above the ground same domain and windchill which will be a text field the domain is ground cover so we'll just be able to select the coded values in the field they stand what the ground cover is and will of course have the notes field for any any variables that we don't cover in these fields above like that 50 so we can have extra room to write all we need and finish and here's ground points feature class with our fields my doubts is over there too there we go so we have wind speeds with the wind speed domain wind direction with the wind direction domain humidity with the humidity domain these four have the temperature domain of negative 30 to 60 and our coded values for ground cover and any extra information can be written in the notes field and that is how you create a geodatabase with domains thank you
Channel: Joseph Klees
Views: 11,259
Rating: 4.652174 out of 5
Id: dUGIxMme53M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 27 2015
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