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today i'm going to show you how i flick and if you're not familiar with what flicking is flicking is just one way of knitting and i just want to say that there is no right or wrong way to knit there are many ways you can be a flicker you can be a thrower you can knit continental you can knit english style whatever method you choose choose the method that is right for you the one that's ergonomically comfortable for you because at the end of the day we're all getting to the same place whether we're knitting a shawl a hat mittens a jumper sweater cardigan the whole point of this video is just for me to show you another way to knit if you are looking for one i personally love flicking because number one it's how i learned it's how i taught myself and it just feels comfortable for me and compared to other ways of knitting that i've tried i find it's the fastest so if you are looking to speed up your knitting or just find a more comfortable way of threading your yarn through your fingers this might be a technique for you so let's get started the other day i cast on the kalashaw a pattern by natasha hornby and i'm going to be using this to demonstrate just because it incorporates both knit and purl stitches when it comes to flicking typically this is done english style so you're holding the working yarn in your right hand and holding your work in your left hand so you knit with your right hand the way that i tension the yarn around my fingers is that i'm holding my palm up towards the sky and then i take the working yarn and wrap the yarn around my pinky and bring it up and over the next three fingers on my hand and then wrap it around my index finger twice like so wrap it around my pinky behind the next three fingers on my hand and wrap it twice around my index finger and we're ready to go and the more you do this the quicker it'll become you won't even know you're doing it it'll become second nature if you have your yarn threaded the way i showed you you're going to want to make sure that you have all your stitches scooched up as close to the tip as you can without them falling off same goes for the other needle and you're basically working at the the tippy tips of your knitting needles even this gap right here between my finger and the knitting needle is just a smidge too long so i'm just going to re-thread that yeah like so your finger is going to do the throwing essentially so it's going to wrap around the knitting needle and you're just going to knit the stitch insert the needle wrap it around and you can see already how minimal my movements are compared to the throwing method so you know just to speed it up a little bit to show you yeah if i were throwing i would be wrapping around the yarn like so doing all these movements although you can pick up speed i'm not knocking that you cannot knit fast while throwing you certainly can with a lot of practice you you definitely pick up speed but if you notice there are a lot of you know movements in here especially like in my shoulder but with flicking those movements are definitely minimized and the more muscle memory you build the quicker you become so you're basically cutting your knitting time in half which is which is really cool if you're powering trying to power through miles and miles of stockinette or garter stitch or what have you let me slow down again so you can see what my fingers are doing i should also mention if you find that the tensioning between your fingers isn't really working for you you can also thread the yarn as you would if you were knitting continental so you don't have to wrap the yarn around your pinky you can skip that step you can just drape the yarn or around the back of your hand and wrap the yarn around your index finger and that will you know for me for me this is a little too loosey-goosey but for you it might feel better so definitely play around with different tensioning and see what works for you my finger is basically acting like a little bobbin from a sewing machine if that makes sense if that helps you out when it comes to purling it's the same thing however you're threading the the yarn through your hand to purl i'm just gonna insert my needle into the front of the stitch and bring my finger up and around like so insert around i'm not gonna lie purling is not the funnest is that a word i don't know but we're gonna use it um but i find that flicking is the fastest way and easiest way for me to purl um when it comes to throwing again you know you're inserting your needle and throwing the yarn so yeah you're definitely using more sweeping movements with throwing whereas flicking you're just using tiny short little movements little tiny bite-size movements that make life just a little bit easier even with continental style let me show you well i find that i can knit relatively quickly with my with my left hand um i find that my gauge tends to loosen when i do that i just don't have the muscle memory there but you know at the same time and yeah my my knitting definitely loosens up quite a bit when i when i knit continentally um there's also the norwegian pearl where you also execute in a purl stitch using your left hand a norwegian pearl looks like this where you just bring your your knitting needle behind the stitch bring it out and around it's like you're doing a little dance with your your knitting needles and again a perfectly fine valid legit way to make a purl stitch there's nothing wrong with this way but you can see there's a lot of movement involved whereas if i'm purling with my right hand and flicking i'm just bringing the yarn to the front of my work and inserting the needle and jabbing insert jab insert jab it's it's very very fast so um that is why i prefer flicking um yeah so anyway i hope you found this video helpful if you did let me know in the comments down below and i would also love to hear your thoughts on flicking have you tried flicking did you like it did you not like it what is your preferred method for knitting do you need continental english is there is there a method that we have not heard of that we should certainly know about let let me know in the comments down below let's start a conversation about it and that said i am going to end things there thank you so much as always for tuning in and if you haven't already if you're new here welcome feel free to like and subscribe down below i'm putting out videos for your viewing pleasure every week and until the next video happy knitting and i'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kristin Lehrer
Views: 27,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voolenvine, Voolenvine Yarns, Kristin Lehrer, Kristen Lehrer, knitting, yarn, wool, fiber arts, flicking, flick, knit, continental knitting, english knitting, right hand, left hand, knit faster, knitting faster, speed knitting, speed knit, knit fast, knitting fast, flick knitting, how to, knitting tutorial
Id: 15rbVaZDpLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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