Tutorial – How to extract Google Maps meshes and import into Blender/Rhino/UE5 for reference (2024)

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[Music] welcome this tutorial is aimed to be a little briefer and more concise so it will not deal with all the pitfalls and backtracking of the previous tutorial if you're interested in those then watch that separately and view this as a compliment to make it work with current versions of the software required in addition to blender blender 3.4 or later is required we will be using elim Mel's eminent Maps models importer plugin here for blender where we can import extracted render meshes from the renderoc software by Baler Carlson but first we'll go to El Michelle's map Smalls import GitHub page and we'll go to releases and for this particular release the latest one we see that we need blender 3.4 or later in our experience but if you don't get it work with the later version make sure to use the stated version here and then there's a hard limitation of using this precise version of renderoc to make it work so first we download the blender plugin here if we scroll down and then we'll download this ZIP file just by clicking it and then we'll simply go to this downloaded file and we can control X cut this zp archiv then we can go to the C drive to users to the current user to to app data to roaming to blender Foundation to blender to blender 4.0 to scripts to addons and then here we can simply control V and this is a zip archive it will need to be extracted so we'll do right Mouse click and then with seven zip you can just extract here and now that the plug-in folder has been properly extracted we can simply delete the downloaded archive for renderoc which is a separately installed software we will have to go to the site render do.org and then we'll have to press this other builds and then as you remember here in the elim shells um Maps models importers plugin installation requirements you have renod do 1.25 as a hard limit so we'll go here and then we'll go down here to 1.25 and then since this is a 64-bit Windows operative system we'll click the installer for 64-bit Windows this will download the installer all right and when you have downloaded the file you just open it double clicking install it click install to install accept and finish all right blender is assumed to be already installed let's open renod do all right the first thing that we need to do here is to go to tools settings and then check this option enable process injection and as you see we need to restart a program okay and close and then we'll open it again let's prepare for the injection by doing file and inject into process now we won't actually have a process ID before starting Chrome in the custom state so let's make sure that we close any old ready running instance of Google Chrome before opening it again in a custom State close now if you hold windows and R you'll start a run and then you'll do CMD to open a command prompt and then in the command prompt you can just copy and paste this from the description and then you paste this in the command prompt and enter once to confirm and as you briefly saw there was a dialogue that popped up here so let's alt tuab here and here we have the Google Chrome Graphics Processing Unit process ID for this specific application so 8256 then we'll go back to renok and then we can yeah we can filter here so 8256 refresh and here we have it very good select it and inject and now we have an establish connection status very good we can all tab back to the process ID dialogue here and press okay and you see that the API is active now very good so now we go to maps.google.com and here it's important to change here in the layers pane we change so that we are in satellite view and also that we are in Globe view if we are not in Globe view then we will not get the photogrametry measures but if we are in Globe view then we get those and uh for ease of overview in my opinion we can uncheck labels as well all right so then then we position us where we want and here's a Nifty thing what you see is what you get but you can influence what you actually see here and what you thus will get by changing the browser zoom level and you do this by holding control and minus or control and plus and when you are in this custom zoom level uh in ordinary cases you would be able to see this but now since we are injecting into the process and this does not work then we can't see it but we can still do control negative contrl minus contrl minus contrl minus and when you change the browser zoom in level like this you force Google Maps to show the more high resoluted level of detail measures that there are because if we do control Z to reset the resolution for the browser here then you will see that we if we zoom in on something it will increase its level of detail and if we zoom out the level of detail will decrease these are different level of detail so load levels and in essence they are different measures for different zoom in levels but by changing this browser Zoom here with control and minus we can force Google Maps to show a much more higher resoluted mesh than the one that would have been shown in a different zoom in level and then we can all tab back into renod do and what has worked most consistently for us is that you instead of capture the frame immediately or print screen to capture it's actually been to capture after a delay and then we'll do a delay of 5 seconds so 1,1 and Etc and then we'll do capture after delay alt tab back here and then we gently pan like this and when the timer is out you saw that we now captured frame number 6,17 we'll alt tab back into render and we see that we have it here very good let's make sure to save this file by right Mouse button clicking and save and then we'll save it in a suitable directory here and now we can actually exit both renderoc and also Google Chrome very good this command promp begin close as well now let's open blender so here in Blended 3.6 we can just click outside of Splash here and then a to select everything X to delete everything and then we'll make sure in preferences we can search for El Michelle that map mod importer is actually enabled very good and then we'll go to file and import and import a Google Maps capture file and then we'll navigate to where we saved it and here the only setting you can change is the maximum number of blocks and for an initial test we might do 20 blocks just to see that we get the data imported as it should yes so here we see that we get 20 blocks here from index zero to index 19 and these do not constitute the whole model of course but just a portion of it just to make sure that it works very good we can select everything and delete and then we'll go back here and do it once again and then make sure that the max blocks is set to negative -1 that means an infinite limit of blocks so now that we know that the import Works in itself and then we can just wait for it to import the first thing we should do is to save the file so let's contrl s to save save it in an appropriate directory and looking at this model it is now composed of more than 3,600 individual measures it would be wise to first start by joining all of these into one it will make all further operations more easier to handle for us so we can select any of these actually but will Mark any of them as active and then we'll type A on the keyboard and select everything and now we join with contrl J but this will take a while so now with all of these more than 3,600 objects joined to one objects we have to take notice here that we have over 10 million vertices here this is a very very complex scene and very processing demanding changing to edit mode with tab will probably take some time what we want to achieve is to reduce the complexity from more than 10 million vertices to a significantly lower amount by merging vertices which are so closely together so the effect of merging them together into one will not produce a discernable change so let's see if we actually first zoom in here a little and we can go down here so we have some point of reference and we might want to change the clipping view distance here so we'll go here and then we'll do the clip start can be at 1 cm perhaps if we zoom in a little further that's okay we will not be viewing this building this far but it might be a good reference anyway and we have the object already selected so pressing tab on the keyboard we'll enter edit mode and here we have it and now uh it looks as though all vertices are selected let's make sure that we are in vertex selection mode and we can still press a on here to make sure that everything is selected yes there yes they are very good and now I can press M on the keyboard and merge these vertices by distance so we had over 10 million vertices as a outset and now merging with the default value reduced 30% down to a little more than 7 million we can see here and this was 1 micrometer let's see if we can increase the merging distance to 10 micromet and see if we get discernable change or not we dramatically reduced the amount of vertices I still did not notice any discernable change we will not be looking at this model this close so if we do not if we do not see any change at this zoom in level then we probably won't notice any change at a further more zoomed out level we'll increase this to 25 micrometers then and we are still hovering at slightly below 5 million vertices so the merging distance might be adequately chosen thus we can press t again to get back to object mode and we can actually see how this looks at this stage we can change to the material preview here and as of now this singular object has a lot of material slots if we check here it should still have all of those 3,644 material slots here that is very inefficient if we want to use in a separate software such as Rhino or rreal engine so our first priority from here is to create create a duplicate of this object remove all material slots and only using One Singular material slot and then projecting all of the textures from these 3,644 material Slots of the original object onto the one with only a single material slot we will do that now now we want to make sure that all of these 3,644 texture sets are baked down or projected to a separate duplicate copy before duplicating and projecting we should make sure that the transform Matrix data for location rotation and scale and as you see all of the sub matrices have been manipulated if we have this selected and then we'll do controll a and apply all transforms this makes sure that the transform Matrix is reset while all of the transform Matrix manipulations have been applied to the object itself now we can do a new collection we can place it here and then we can select the collection and with F2 we can change it to projected and the original here we can F2 select and rename uh original and then we can select the objects that we want to duplicate uh hover the mouse in this uh view Port here and shift d this will duplicate the object and since we don't want to translate the position of the object we don't want to move it then we can just press right Mouse button and now everything is duplicat as a separate copy not link but with no difference in its X and Y Z position very good now we can just click and drag this to the projected folder here and to make it even more clear we can actually rename the imported object to static mesh original and the other one to static mesh uncore projected now since the projected one here it is not projected at this stage of course and it still has all of the material slots uh what we want to avoid in this so what we want to do is to First make sure that we have this object selected and then we can go to the scripting workspace here and now here in the python interactive console we can make sure to copy and paste this script here it will simply remove all material slots for any selected objects so we'll control V there and enter and enter again to confirm and removing over 3,600 material slots will take some time depending on the version of blender that you're using you may get a warning here that the command is deprecated but if you check here in the material you see that we have no material slots as should be very good we can go back to the layout workspace and as you see let's make sure that we hide the projected so you see that this is the original it shows and then we show the projected and hide the original and now you see that since we have no material slots we don't have any textures which are referenced either so we don't have any material information here we clearly see that we have some triangle here sticking out let's see if we can do something about that for this example I think that I would recommend to manually fill in those holes which are most prominent and then actually accept the occurrence of smaller holes we also verified that these holes were pre-existing uh from the very first beginning of importing the mesh so it's a fairly safe assumption to say that these triangular holes were also appearing in the Google Maps mesh we just didn't see them from where we were positioned with the camera but to fill in these holes we can do it manually fairly quickly we just make sure that we have the object selected and then tab to enter edit mode and then we'll make sure that we are in the number two here in the edge selection mode and then we simply select with shift alt and then we select one of the edges and that should select all of the edges in one let's do it once again now now I everything is selected that are that are bordering a hole and then we'll do F to fill it might take some time due to the mesh being so very complex like that since we don't have this original triangle in the imported original mesh either what will happen during the texture projection here will not be something magical but we'll have to see the effect on that later press tab to exit edit mode and re-enter object mode before we can project all of the textures of the original imported mesh to the duplicate mesh which should only have one single material slot we first need to properly unwrap this 2B projected mesh since this object has almost 8 million triangles it is going to be very very cumbersome to do this in blender even though blender has excellent UV un wrapping functionalities it will be too time consuming to use it within blender so what is recommended at this stage is if you do not have it installed then to also to install meshlab it's an open- Source mesh editing software and it has a Nifty feature where you can unwrap an objects into individual faces which will be very time efficient and also totally adequate for our referential purposes for this mesh let's download it the windows 64 one let's open the installer and install it all right we can run it immediately or we can wait until we have properly exported the mesh so as to import it in mesh lab let's go back to blender let's export this mesh so select it so let's make sure that is selected and then go to file and Export let's export as an obj file we should limit the exported geometries to selected only we can leave the forward and up Axis unchanged uh we don't want any UV coordinates we don't want any normals we don't want to export any materials and then we can slightly change the name of this ttic mesh projector export let's open mesh lab and then do file and import mesh and let's move to the directory and open now the file is imported here let's see how we maneuver here if we just click and drag we will rotate here and if we scroll in and out we will zoom and we can pan with the middle Mouse button and then we want to click filters we want to select texture and then parameterization trivial per triangle so with the parameterization option trivial per triangle all of the triangles of the mesh will be laid out in the UI space triangle per triangle and setting the texture Dimension and the inter triangle border will make sure that these triangles are sufficiently far enough from each other so as not to produce in beding when textured so we can select 8,192 as our texture Dimension and leave the inter triangle border to two pixels or we could actually change this to 16384 which is a 16k texture if we might actually be able to project such a texture we will see perhaps we will the texture Dimension that you chose here should reflect the projected texture that you want to project in blender so this might be excessive depending on your computer specifications let's press apply all right and we see here that the biggest triangles is 64 pixels and the smallest is 2 and 1/2 pixels so 2 2 and half pixels that's very small but uh it's still larger than one pixel so that might work then we can simply click close here and having done so let's go to file and Export mesh as so it's not to overwrite the previous one and then we can do this one is not projected it will be projected uh but this is unwrapped and then we don't we don't want the normals we want to write the texture coordinates that's good okay and then we can close smesh lab and then we can go back to blend and let's see here now we want to import the one that has been unwrapped so let's go to import and import an obj since we save it in the same folder as the previously exported one it's here and then let's see we don't need to change any of the import settings so let's just do import let's make sure that this one gets a separate folder here projected to be projected un wrapped all right and click and drag it to there and now if we disable the visibility of the Tob projected layer we see we still have this one in the same place here we scroll zoom in a little and then we see here there is no real difference in position Etc and then with only this one selected let's make sure that we apply the transform for this because now since we exported us obj which has a different forward Vector Etc it has been rotated 90° along the x-axis so let's just apply and apply all transforms if we go to the UV editing workspace we can just briefly check here and then we must select all of the face here we don't need to select all of the face we can actually start by selecting some of the face here and we will see here in the UV viewport the triangles of these and you see that they are very very small and they are all unwrapped triangle per triangle but with the referential nature of this smesh the assumption is that this will be okay anyway if we click in the void here to deselect and and then type A to select everything then we see that everything fills up the uv0 to1 space very nicely and it's quite hard to see but when you go sufficiently close then you see that they are all very neatly packed here alt a to deselect and then we can go back to the layout workspace so first we can change the view mode here to the solid View mode and then we can also make sure that we show the texture uh as of now we didn't see any diff difference but when we now will create a text sure we will see it in the viewport uh let's see here so we make sure that we have our object selected here and then we go to the shading workspace and here we see that we already had an imported material slot material _ Z from the unwrapping in meshlab and now we want to add a texture here so shift a to add and then we add a texture and an image texture and we want to make a new image texture here and it can be called texture or tore projected uncore 16k I think that 16k resolution would be adequate for this large area but also with the intention of not being too zoomed in on it during renders uh if you find after baking that the resolution is too low then you would increase this but 6 case a very high amount be sure to take into account your computer specifications I'll change the resolution here to 16 384 and then I'll make sure to disable the alpha Channel it can be black as a background color image uh and the generated type should be blank like a blank canvas okay and now that we have it here we can just make sure that is selected the color space should be srgb we are baking color data in the srgb color space to an srgb color space texture then we can go back to layouts and we will find it everything has turned black and the reason for that is because we have here in the solid View mode we have texture set to color so with the material there is no other material color than the default gray but for the texture we have now selected in the shading workspace the texture to be projected very good let's go back to layout and now if we go here to render and change the render engine to Cycles then we see that we have a new menu here a bake menu and here we need to change several settings the bake type should only be diffuse there should be no direct light or indirect light contributing to the bake texture it should only be color we can use the selected active option here and expand this we don't need a cage but we should have an extrusion amount of some minuscule amount so perhaps 0.001 that is 1 mm this of course will need to be set depending on the imported object scale so you might have to uh bake and test out and change the Extrusion values if it does not produce a correct bake the maximum Ray distance can be set to zero which is an infinite amount the target here is an image texture it can be set to clear the image as for the margin type we'll select extend and then the size can be set to 16 pixels for this specific resolution size if you use a larger resolution you should use a larger margin so as to make selected active work here we can activate the original here and then we can make sure to first left Mouse button click on the original mesh and then control click on the one we want to bake to we see here that there's a small highlight here to make sure that is the active objects and then we can simply click bake here if you don't have a discrete graphics card then you might just click bake here but since we have an Nvidia graphics card here we're going to go first up here and change the device from CPU to GPU compute and there as it says here in the dialogue we should go to edit preferences and then enable Cuda very good and as for this we can leave only the graphics card checked here your mileage may vary with the different combinations all right and before clicking bake we should select the object to be baked from and then control click the object to be baked to so as to render it active and then we can click bake and now we'll just wait for the baking process baking will take some time when it is done you'll see that this progress bar has vanished so let's see if we hide the original layer here yeah and then we see that this is the projected texture down and we should not expect here to have 100% Fidelity in terms of resolution to the original texture because the original texture was composed of many many many many multiple texture sets and each of those texture had a fairly high resolution but let's see if we go for the windows here as we did previously you see that this is the original resolution and then we hide that and show the projected one and you see that is clearly not as high as a resolution but we intend to show this model perhaps from here and from here the change is not that discernable and the last step here is to actually save the internally baked texture here so let's go to shading where we can easily access an image editor here that we have here and then we can open this one which is called projected exactly texture projected 16k and opening that here we see that it consists of a lot of baked triangles here each triangle having texture information very good so then we can go to the three horizontal lines here and image and save as and then let's see here we can do a new one is baked and that's a good name for it and then we'll change the file format here I think that jpeg 8 Bits is more than enough we can do 100% quality srgb color space save this image now that image texture has now been externally saved and can be used as an input texture in any rendering software Ware let's go back to the layout workspace and then having selected the file here that we want to export we should also export this and this we have previously done in the workflow so it comes as no surprise now the previous export did not include UV coordinates we want to include that now since we already unwrapped it in mesh Labs but we can disable normals here since all services should have flat normals in this case there are no custom shading groups for this one let's limit to selected only and we don't need to export any material we will create those separately in our rendering software Choice and then we can make sure that the name here is proper and then we export and we can briefly test this out in Rhino we should first change the unit to meters navigate to where we exported it and import it here and then we'll make sure to map obj y to Rhino Zed so as to make make sure to import it in the proper orientation all right and when the object is successfully imported here we can expand the perspective here and we can look at it here clicking in the vo to deselect it and it is quite complex to work with such a large mesh in Rhino here but we will still see if we can use something here so go to material we'll create a new material here it can be a custom material and it's a very simple material no certain reflectivity and the color should be a texture assign a texture and then we should browse to that and open so now we have it here if we change the view mode here let's first position ourself and then we change the view mode here to shaded or more precisely to rendered very good so here we have it very good one final note here is that it's recommended to reference some ground truth data such as geese data from lat or some other surveyor agency with with a fixed and reliable scale and then simply scale this object to that object by referencing it it has been stated that the scale of the imported data when extracted from Google Maps should be 1 to 10 so then you can actually just do scale and then base Point can be the origin and then 10 and this should yield a correct scaling but don't trust it too much let's render this let's close Rhino down here and although it was not the intended a tutorial let's also import it into Unreal Engine so as to see how it looks there all right so now we are here let's just dismiss this and then we can actually do new level it should be be an empty level create and then control space bar to open this just make a new folder here and in here maps and then we can save this level in that specific folder and then this is a level and we can just do ultra Dynamic Sky I think is appropriate and then let's see if we open this again and we'll go back here then we can simply click and drag in this here and of course this should not be in here so we'll click cancel and then we'll do here and then we can do a new folder architecture and in here it can be Google Maps and in here it can be very good all right the asset name can be static mesh uncore campus that's okay nice and short the scaling we'll have to fix it was saved as a centimeter file which is the Unreal Engine unit and it was in a scale of 1 to 10 and it should be then 1,000 because 1,000 is 100 more than 10 cm which it should be and then we'll see here we don't need any vertx color normals can be recomputed and T can be recomputed using mangent space weighted normal should be computed we don't need a skeleton we don't want to build nanite for this specific mesh we want to generate light map UVS the scale has already been offset previously we don't want to import skeletal measures which renders the following irrelevant we don't want to import any animation which renders the follow irrelevant we don't want to import any materials we don't want to import any textures we'll import that separately and then we can import all right import was done let's see here we don't have a thumbnail preview yet but we will have soon let's double click on the file to verify that this scaling was correct it looks a little funky and we see here that it has been imported with an erroneous orientation but the scaling is good so I'll Simply Save this here and close this open the content browser and drag this out in the world here let see here reset the location rotate around the xaxis 90° let's see if we move here and see if this looks correct yeah it looks correct Like Houses extend upwards here we'll do a new material so material campus open this material hold T and create a new texture and this one yeah will need to import that as well of course so let's open the content browser here and maneuver here to the baked directory and drag this in here and we should open this just to make sure this is the correct compression settings yes default one is good and it should be srgb checked very good then we can save this and then we can select that one here so campus no sorry and perhaps we should change the texture name here so so with F2 texture campus 16k that's okay and then we can go back here the material and select campus that one there very good take connect that to base color very good and for metallic let's assume that there are no purely metallic objects here so let's keep it at default zero for the specular one we can do like this we can drag out the red channel here do a LP and this one should be the alpha so let's drag out there and then it's can be from 0.5 so the red Channel value will be linearly interpolating from 0 0 to 5 to 1 depending on the input value of the red Channel we'll input this into the specular and then as for roughness we can actually do something similar so controll D to duplicate and we'll do the red Channel again we will change the the but we'll change the linear interpolation range here so that is from 0.8 to 0 .95 and put that into roughness and as for the other material aspects we don't have anything really to enter so let's just make this a little tinier and then save it and we can either apply it to the place object here or we can apply it here and we'll do it here campus like that and then we can save all right right so the next thing we should do is in this case to open the epic games launcher to search the VA for Ultra Dynamic Sky which is a paid plugin added to the project very good now we can minimize this again and here we can go to ultr damic Sky Blueprints and then we can drag out the ultronic sky blueprint here like that and it immediately looks more more than slightly better and then let's see here there we have the Sun and Moon Target let's make sure that these are in the origin here oh let's see now we selected everything so let's go back to SM campus and they should be here exactly very good regarding the north orientation here we are going to overlook this we can just position the Sun so that it is co-aligned to the Shadows of the of the imported texture here so if we'll do like this we'll go down here in the settings and make sure that we select stockhome as our coordinates let's make sure that we find this first here very good location preset should be stockhome like that and then we can do adjust the north jaw here let's see ah okay uh and to make this work we should also simulate real Sun we can do moon and stars as well and let's see now so now it is there and it should be and these sort of photograms are usually done in the summer when activity is low so let's do six and then we'll change the jaw and let's see which one should be yeah we'll go all the way around then let's see where are our shadows here we can find that here I think all right so then we'll see here yeah it should be somewhere like that and then we might adjust the time or simply the or simply the month so let's see here we want to make it even higher like that perhaps yeah and this can be of course fine- tuned and if the orientation of the imported mesh would be according to the north then it would be really easy but let's do it like this yeah and then we position us somewhere where we find that the view is looking good uh perhaps approximately here and then we'll do create camera here and a c camera actor very good and we can pilot this like this and the question is if we should use I think really we should if we have the camera settings here let's make sure that uh that the film back here can be initially set to full frame DSLR and then we can change so that the sensor is constrained to 24 here as well so we get uh so we get a square format here and then we want to make sure that the focal length is greatly increased and while increase in the focal length we of course also want to move the camera backwards and I think this is most easily achieved if we do like this and then we can let's see here here we have it position there and then we can stop piloting here eject from it and here we see it very good and then we can change to Local very good and then we can move a lot a long way far let's see that might be enough let's go here again and control shift p to Pilot and then perhaps some somewhere along here perhaps and with ultra dnamic Sky we can see now we have 9 of 60 oh but this is looking fairly good regarding exposure Etc we can just leave them at default values for this one uh 960 it was very good we can save everything with control shift s and then we want to create a new sequence a new level sequence so we'll go here and add a new level sequence and then we'll make sure that this can be named perhaps level sequence and then tutorial test Google Maps that's okay save all right we should add and track the actor the sequence the camera actor so that we contr can so that we can control it here in the level sequence we should also track specifically the ALR dnamic Sky blueprint but we don't want everything in that we only want the let's see which one is it the time time of day is the one we want here we have it time of day very good so now we have that as a component that we can control here in the level sequence very good so 9 and 60 was default then we want to see here how long should this be perhaps um 8 seconds or so so let's see here 8 * 30 that's 240 so you want 240 frames here let's see here somewhere around there and we extend this not move it but we extend it to 240 Great and then we perhaps want to for frame one the index zero we add a time of day so we add here a new key and we should perhaps have it set to something that's completely black or so uh and they see here the exposure here we need to adjust anyway so as not to make it adjust too much as you see as it does now so we should let's see here we should add a new tracking here and that should be the the post process setting and then let's see here if we do have yeah the lens exposure and then we can do we can do exposure compensation as the tract one and then we can for the setting of The for the settings of the cam actor itself we can make sure that it is uh manual and then we can adjust the exposure compensation as we want that's very good yeah and 15 looks like it's the largest but we can enter 20 and it's 20 very good so this one exposure compensation is a value we can control here so uh let's see if we then go to sort of the middle and then create a new day sort of say and then we'll make sure that this is 960 then 960 and then let's see here let's also make positively sure that we have game settings here very good so now we can adjust the exposure conversation so that we like it so perhaps like a sunny day somewhere around there perhaps there so now it's actually turning dark here in the beginning great we have some wind in the direction or some clouds moving there that's okay and then we might actually uh produce 200 and 50 here and then let's see here they will move actually this all the way here and then we'll shange the time of day to be evening then 2400 because now I guess that we would have then a full day here it's it might be a little long until the day actually starts here so we can if we click this one and then we can do 300 and one thing to take on note is that these should not be set to the cubic one they should be set to linear because the light the sun moves linearly across the sky and not in a smooth way so let's see here if we try to play it out now yeah looks okay ah this is this is wrong this is actually very wrong okay so let's see here the timing there might need to be changed that's okay I'll save this level sequence and then I'll close this and eject this and then it is my assumption here it was a little it was a misunderstanding here because the time of day might be around 12 and now the sun is clearly where it should not be yes so let's adjust the draw position to prhs there much more reasonable all right uh since that parameter was not keyed in the level sequence I think that we will have a good result now let's go back to the level sequence and we are not piloting here let's see here where is our camera then let's pilot it here yeah this is much more reasonable in terms of orientation if you want to get rid of that level sequence icon we can just press G while here G to go to game view the addition of some camera Shake might be advisable but then due to the time lapse nature of the scene it might be a little inconsistent with what we would see so uh the one thing that we can add would be some depth of field let's see if we do like this we can exit the sequencer and make sure to exit the piloting here as well and then we can do like this so then we can quickly add to the project a basic actor but we should do a shape a basic Cube so here we have a cube and it is set to to a focal point here so we can go there and move it to there that's good uh let's make sure that this actually is invisible so let's check the visible to false or uncheck it very good uh we can rename it to our focal point uh it is a static mesh it's okay static mesh focal point great and then let's see here it's I think it's easiest if you go to the C camera actor here ah and we are still in game view so now we see it we by pressing G you toggle game View and we can change the location of that since stuff was in the way uh with this one here and I see that it's very dark so it might be impossible to view as of this but it's okay and then we'll do like this we'll go up here I think it is and then we do have a focus setting and we'll do a focus setting and it should be and the focus is different from the look at very good because the look at should be at another focal point so to say and then we can do a tracking one and the one with that we can track the actor and then we get us do focal point here very good and we can draw the debug Focus plane here and yeah we see it but it's quite far away there so there it is it should focus there so now we can actually go back to the level sequencer and then we should pilot the cam actor and we should go to perhaps the middle of it perhaps there and now this might be a little finicky but let's see here let's make sure that we can open the aperture even further so as to create a more shallow depth of field so let's go to lens settings and then we'll change the minimum f- stop to 0.05 and then changing the aperture will as for real cameras also change the exposure so when we go down here to the current aperture and set this to 0.05 it would be very very bright and as such we should go down to the exposure here and set an a lower exposure compensation and we see here that since we are so very very far from the subject even though we have an aperture that is insanely large or wide with a very very small f-stop value we still don't get the dep field that we intend so let's decrease the minimum f- stop value even more and then also change it here in the current aperture and we will have to compensate with the exposure but now we see that we get something of what we want we have a very very very blurry image in the beginning here perhaps that was a little too much so we'll increase perhaps double or half that temperature opening but double the f- stop value and then we'll compensate with the exposure like that and then we'll see how this looks and we'll have to of course get rid of the debug plane after before we we render yeah but that looks good and I think that's yeah as stated previous ly a little camera Shake might be beneficial we will not delve into that as now so let's make sure that we go to the settings here and that we make sure to hide the debug plane great and we can save everything with control shift s great so now we have 240 frames to render perhaps we can render out just a test render here at perhaps uh frame 170 and we'll go to Windows cinematics and we don't have the movie render queue as we don't have here then we'll Simply Save everything everything was saved and we can actually close the sequence and not pilot the camera and then let's see if we go to edit and plugins let's search for movie render que movie render que there we have it and then we also want to enable the Avid so that we can immediately export to a movie file and having done so we can restart all right then we can close the plugins here and we can close the content browser we can still access it by control space and then we go to our level sequence oh and it's another level of course so let's first open the level recent level the alamic sky one and then in here we as now don't see anything but now it reappeared so then we'll open the level sequence here and now having opened the level sequence and looking at this good we don't need to have it open to export so we can actually close it just to Showcase that one all right then we can go to and I'll make sure that while we render we should not have real time on here in the viewport good window cinematics movie render queue and then we should render and it should be the tutorial test Google Maps one that level sequence and then let's see here the settings first make sure to expand this it looks good then we'll expand this and then we should not export a jpig sequence or actually we said that we were going to do frame number 170 is a test we can do a JP sequence then and then as for the Deferred rendering everything looks good we want to adjust anti-aliasing and make sure that we have spatial sample count of perhaps eight and eight is that enough and uh we should make sure to override the antialising method so there is none and I think that wasn't it for the spatial one that we can do 16 and then a temporal eight but this is something you'll have to experiment with later on we will export as an avid d next so we can do that actually now but then you simply to disable it and as for the output uh yeah we don't want a resolution that is not in a square format since we have a square format intention so let's do 1080 here and then the frame rate can be set to Custom 24 FPS and then let's see here if we do the custom playback range should be custom start should be 169 and then custom and 170 that should render one frame since it goes from one frame to another and that is one frame that gets rendered all right so this is a JPEG sequence we will only render one frame deferred rendering everything looks good here anti-aliasing uh no anti lasing method instead relying on spatial samples and temporal samples that's good then we can accept this and having accepted that and we see that we have this uh shot that we already have in the level sequence we can simply do Rand the local all right yeah so it starts on a subframe Rand the range has to be rounded to the previous frame that's just a warning not an error that's okay let's make sure to open that file it will be Sav in the project directory Saved movie renders so we can do like this new and then this one should be then in Unreal Engine projects this one Saved movie renders and here it's important that if you do consecutive work like this will be overwritten let's see if this works yeah it seems as though there was some uh cloudiness but that's okay the depth of field might be a little too excessive to my taste so let's reduce that it's good it can be good to just use one frame and see if there are any settings which should be changed here so let's decrease that dep of Field Effect uh we could save the config files but they will be stored here uh until you close the editor so let's see here so we can open our level sequence here and then we can go to some mid-frame here and then we can pilot and then we see here that it was a little too much so then we'll reduce that effect by going to the C camera actor settings changing the current aperture perhaps to 1/5 of that effect which was the same as we previously set if I recall correctly perhaps then do three go down here to the exposure settings and then change the Expos exposure compensation like that and does it look good it looks good let's save everything then and then we can close the sequencer make sure to eject from the piloting and then we can do movie render queue and then everything is saved here or like nothing has changed here so we can just Rend the local and this was the warning that I uh said later that it will be overwritten yeah but it's more reasonable and as a still frame at a low resolution we know that the data itself has its shortcomings so we're not too interested in in like being too zoomed in here we might actually be able to increase the resolution so perhaps we'll do double which is a qu Drupal amount of pixels 2,160 * 2,160 and then we can try that one again it will be over written yeah okay let's see here yeah and we we clearly see that we don't want any more high resolution than this since the data itself it shows these shortcomings we can lead it there it doesn't matter if it gets overwritten but as of now we will change the setting here so as to not ort the jpeg sequence but instead the Avid DNX movie file it will be 8 Bits as the jpeg so remember that if you want like a higher degree of fidelity to the color values then you'll export as a 16 bit perhaps a 16bit exr then all right as for the outputs let's make sure that we have a custom playback range it can be 0 to 240 all right accept this and then Rend the local and just wait all right so with that saved I think it's the most important thing is actually to change the name slightly so as to not make sure to overwrite it by accident so we can do yes 0 0 and then we can see how this looks we'll open VLC yeah and it's not perfect in any sense but still one way to use the Google Maps as reference data for a light study [Music] thank you for your time
Channel: Sanning Arkitekter
Views: 8,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4qYM3Gwfw00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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