Turns abandoned cargo boat into modern home gem (before/after)

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[Music] this doesn't feel like paris yeah and this is like countryside exactly and it's like less than ten minutes from ag de triomphe so it's like we are really close to paris without being without having that feeling of being in a city so we have the right balance between being in nature but okay so there's how many spots here oh i think 40 40 50. yeah it's about like this so this is the boat's house welcome follow me so this is our boat it's punjab and it's the region that my husband is from he's from pakistan and his region where he's originally is punjab and so we called it punjab because it was kind of a dream that he was having to to live by the water and the dream came true like after many years but still it came true you have so many plants yeah actually jeremy is my husband who who is crazy about plants yeah so actually we have a very special have a lot of plants again downstairs so we want to have that view on it so we bought the plants before buying the furniture even we have a lot of windows we still opened to the sky so light is really important yeah that was the main idea behind having this boat it's like to have actually to be in nature maximum so we are actually inside but still we feel like if we are outside yeah look at that i mean it's floor to ceiling window exactly we didn't want to cut the view regarding the water so we didn't even put any protection or security just to have like the view on the water straight away should you walk out there yeah my husband do and he watered the plants have you fallen in yet not yet but when one day it happened one day it almost happened to me but not yet people come right by yeah actually it's instead of having cars coming next to us we have like boats and this is a nice a nice thing it's a lot it's another type of life it's actually our our neighbors so we know all people here so it's mainly our neighbors that will go around how has living on this boat changed your life your your day-to-day it hasn't changed your it changed everything everything you mastered [Music] actually the colors change the water color will change so that's the advantage to be in nature so you see every thing changing actually we used to have like some ducks here yeah but they are not i have a swan also gopro and it's even it's even problematic to be in such a boat because actually we don't go outside anymore i actually it's actually yeah we are forcing ourselves almost to go outside i will go okay i will go to a restaurant but is it better than my place no and it's actually to be more light to lighter the because usually the the stairs are like that boom it's like very heavy and we want to make it like almost they are not existing those are living plants they don't yeah yeah it's all living plants you know exactly how much light exactly and water from it has light from every side i'm realizing now we're under water exactly you have tell your legs oh yeah but it feels nice no to look out and think it is your decision definitely definitely isn't it that just to have the water only water in in your sights this is the original door it's actually the engine was here so we removed the engine from here exactly the engine the engine place exactly but now it's like all our mess it's here and you actually have a washing machine exactly washing machine electric so this really was an old boat that you transformed yeah yeah it was a real boat it's actually 1950s what type of boat it's uh it's like that goes only on rivers exactly [Music] so it was built in 1954 i think over transfer for transport exactly and this one was transporting cereals that's why it was really clean it was in a very good shape actually set this up garbage um [Music] foreign [Music] wow this is a huge project why did you want to do this [Applause] [Music] [Music] my hmm 13 we were frustrated we were an apartment before and we were frustrated with having like less than 100 meters and we're for sure because we cannot have people with us receiving family friends and finally we can have our family we can host our family friends we have an italian friends with us so he he's around for a few days here so it's actually the boat that's gonna host anyone this is my myspace because i love cooking and so yeah we create a space that we want to enjoy when we receive our friends and stuff so we have a big table like of 12 people so this is gas this is this part is gas actually the gas is quite tricky in a boat so we made the the gas line outside because because it's illegal to put it inside great wow it's so calming yeah because we're lower now exactly we are lower so we cannot hear the the the cars can you see this so we cannot hear it so here inside and we cannot hear the cars so that's not bad that's great so actually we apart from the light of the morning we don't hear anything from outside like you forgot also that you are in paris it's a holiday feeling it's a holiday feeling even after a very hectic work day yeah yeah it's calm it's peaceful and this is important for us i cannot live in a city i mean like i cannot be in the middle of paris that's not us australia here is our dressing room this is there is a dressing from each side ah okay wow plenty of space huge closet yeah i can walk in i actually can even change my clothes here men and women [Music] so the bathroom and this is our best part this is the shower and the shower we have a view on the water oh yeah this is the best spot to have a shower because actually you clean up your hair for example you have the water inside of it from you we made it in italy handmade yeah and actually it's different color in every bathroom so there is a little of breath also oh yeah in the detail we have thought about every single detail we took our time it took us almost almost two years and a half to be this way and we start from scratch we did everything from scratch and we don't buy things just to buy them or just to have them that's the beautiful corridor it feels like we're on a cruise ship or something right exactly so this is the first room and still we are again underwater foreign foreign this is the bathroom again you have the blue here however uh yeah it's ours actually and yeah sometimes as i said for the cleaning and then we have that nice bathroom wow with a sauna santa is exactly so this is my office this is he's do you work from health uh time to time yeah and you work from home always yes yeah no yeah that painting that picture there yeah he's dad case in the future you decide or you have to kind of move it yes you can could you move it yes right we just drag it we drag it because it has no more enzyme right right okay so you could have it towed exactly okay foreign [Music] and this is another part like an independent one that we created like an independent studio and it has its own independent entry it has its own living place small kitchen yeah so what was that before you know actually this is uh this is a real this is a door that we bought from an old another boat and we installed it here we have to we have to have this kind of door it's a legal thing seal is that why it has videos yeah yeah it's actually uh it seals so you cannot have water going inside in case so this is a very cozy room it's a very like a in place it's very nice lovely it's very practical so we used like every single square meter in that boat nothing was left no this works like a studio apartment like exactly independent one independent yeah wow so you yeah it's uh so if you ever wanted to have a parent who lived with you or uh exactly family member friend it's all hidden oh yeah huh yeah it was a lot of work at the time i was like i'm fed up of works i don't want to do this anymore but once we see the results we say like okay it was worth it oh do you use it yeah we used it just yesterday with all the heat you don't say like yeah one day i will live in a boat it was it was never on my plan especially i'm from morocco so we don't have boats there i'm not like from netherlands or something so people can imagine to live in a boathouse one day but i've never imagined it so yeah i was not sure about his project at first i mean like it took me two years to adopt it really yeah and now it becomes in paris especially it becomes kind of a bobo thing that's because in the history people who were struggling to have houses were living in boats artists also a lot of artists were living in boats and also even painters and stuff and now it's more limited probably exactly it's much much more limited and it's being also legalized everyone has its own paper that time it was like was random really random okay and so now you have to buy someone else's exactly exactly otherwise you can apply for it but you have like 20 to 25 years wait a list wow if you apply for it you you get it yeah yeah yeah actually it's for your kids not for you you heard about somebody that was leaving or there was an opening no actually actually jeremy's made the restaurants he created like more than 50 jobs in the city and it was a gift from the city the city have to go and have a look and you will see how inspired he is about nature like you you forgot also that you are in paris uh [Laughter] everywhere it's actually we live with spiders here it's natural because we are in nature so we cannot she will go down again and again and again bye bye i don't think you could get an apartment or house not anymore i i think it's very hard to have this you
Channel: Kirsten Dirksen
Views: 3,098,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boat house, remade cargo boat, cargo boat house, floating home, floating plant home, plant home, glass house, underwater house, partially submerged bedroom, jeremie malvy, homeless to dream house, homelessness, immigrant dream, european dream, punjab, panjab, nature house, dream boat home, paris, seine, peniche home, paris peniche
Id: hiSjH9bk6bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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