Turning Trash Wood to TREASURE | Scrap Wood & Epoxy Tables

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[Music] i've had a pile of scrap wood laying around the shop for years now and i don't want to just throw that away today i'll build some scrap wood side tables and i'll limit myself to materials that i only have in the shop so i can find a good use for them instead of just tossing them in the dumpster and i want to make two of these tables and i'm not even sure i have enough materials on hand to do that so things might get a little interesting okay this is where i keep all of my scrap hardwoods all of this is left over from past projects or given to me but it's not enough to make a larger project so let's get it all down and see what we're working with [Music] we've got a variety of woods here i think this is going to be some maple that came out of a barn this is the same wood that i built the epoxy dining tables with all of this walnut is left over from the wood that i used to make the first version of the scorpion axe solid mahogany beam that was given to me and we've got some of these strips of some really pretty pallet wood that i saved and this actually came from the pallet that my x-car pro showed up on and coincidentally we're going to use the x-carve pro to do some of the work for these side tables i need to get all this wood milled up before i can start carving [Music] so okay after the milling process this is all the wood that i have now it may seem like a lot but remember i have to make two of these tables i'm not sure this is going to be enough there is some really really pretty wood in here some of it has knot holes and bark inclusions some of it is just a hot mess like this piece in order to salvage some of this wood i'm going to do some epoxy fills on the pieces like this other pieces like this piece of mahogany here it's too thin i'm gonna cut these up re-glue them back together to either give me the proper thickness or the proper width i'm not sure i have enough to make both these tables so things could get really interesting [Music] it's too cold to pour in the shop so i moved everything into the office where i actually have some heat i'm gonna use some of this total boat thick set epoxy and add some black pigment then i can fill the knot holes and the cracks on these pieces i went ahead and taped them off instead of building a form i hope i don't regret not building a form and have epoxy leak all over the place [Music] so i tried to take a shortcut and not build forms for these epoxy pours i hope i don't regret not building a form and as you can see i paid the price a bunch of the epoxy leaked out got onto my floor which this carpet is nasty and i'd already spilled an entire gallon of paint on it so it needs to come up anyways now i have to do another epoxy pour to fix this which means another day of waiting around for it to cure all because i try to take a shortcut [Music] okay while that epoxy is curing i can switch gears and start working on those table bases which i'm going to make out of steel and i get to use my brand new welding table i just got from strong hand tools this is the rhino cart this thing is amazing i've never had a welding table like this before with all the different fixturing options i'm really really excited to take this thing for a test drive i found three pieces of five foot long one inch square tube now that's not enough to create my original design so i jumped in the sketchup and i modified it from being a four legged table base to this three legged table base which really i like better because you don't have to worry about any sort of wobble and then for those lower stretchers instead of using more one inch square tube i'm going to use one inch flat bar and weld it into this triangle configuration which i think looks pretty cool okay enough talking let's get to some welding [Music] [Music] so okay minus the finishing process these table bases are done and i couldn't be happier with the way they turned out up next i've got to make the segmented rings that make up the tabletop there's 24 segments in each tabletop for a total of 48 and there's four different length of segments that make up the rings now to get the most efficient use of the wood that i milled up what i think i'm going to do is jump on the s-car pro and go ahead and cut out those four different sizes of templates so i can lay them out on those pieces that i milled and kind of plan the most efficient use of the wood that i have [Music] so [Music] okay those templates turned out really well as you saw i went ahead and laid out all my placement for each one of these pieces on the wood that i have i realized that i have way more than enough material it looked initially like i was going to be short but i actually have a bunch left over so i'm sitting good now of the three sizes for each of the tables you have to double everything there are 11 of the number one pieces which are the smallest there are three of the number two there are five of the number three and there are five of the number four which is the [Music] biggest [Music] [Music] and that is what happens when you don't properly have your work piece clamped down to that waste board not only do you need to clamp it down to the waste board you need to clamp it from the side so it can't move so i went ahead and jumped on there real quick and carved out these cam clamps this will allow me to clamp this against the side of the work piece and then leverage that so i can lock it in place all right i'm going to try that again this time i will properly clamp it down i'm also going to use a little bit of vhb tape to help hold it down to the waste board and then i'll make sure that i'm removing those chips as the machine is carving stay on top of that and i should see good results [Music] okay that was way better those extra measures that i took to properly secure the pieces down and clearing the dust work great now i just got 39 more of these to go let's do it [Music] [Music] all right these are the last two pieces to come off the cnc and it turned out pretty well initially i had some issues trying to be a little bit too aggressive with my cut settings i dialed those back you know especially cutting this really hard barnwood maple i had to be a little bit more conservative ended up working out really well now the last thing i need to do is take it over to the router table clean up the edges knock off the tabs and then i can glue up those segments [Applause] [Music] um [Music] okay i've got the forms all made and the pieces are all ready to go now what's nice is this is a piece of melamine that's left over from a past project so i was able to recycle that it's from my concrete river table that i did also from that same project i still had some of this bendable hardboard that i could use to make the form so it got really lucky there now the next thing i'm going to do is pour this thick set total boat epoxy and fill that void and i kind of went back and forth on what color to use i put a deal up on my instagram stories asking people for their opinion and what i settled on was a pure flat white epoxy finish on this now in my past projects i've done the bright colored metallic pigment swirls and those look really cool but i think on this project the wood is just really beautiful and i want to let that speak for itself on this project and not take away from that plus i think that white will look really good with those black and steel bases okay enough of that it's time to pour some epoxy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] okay moving on to the finish on these steel bases and i'm going to strip all the mill scale off the steel using some muriatic acid and then i'll come back with some of this birchwood casey presto black steel patina i'll apply it to the whole piece and it'll give it a nice consistent black and steel finish that looks really good [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay i let these cure for two days and that total boat thick set epoxy came out perfect now in the meantime i was working on the bases i've got those all finished i need to get these out of the forms run them through the drum sander and then i can attach them to the bases with some threaded inserts and this project will be done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody thanks for watching this video i just i absolutely love the way these tables came out they're absolutely beautiful those different species of wood all mixed together it just looks amazing in my opinion you know i i don't even know how you would describe this it's sort of a mix of rustic a little bit industrial and a little bit modern which is kind of my aesthetic these are actually going to go in my new house that i just bought there's a whole bunch of stuff on that some really exciting stuff coming in 2021 so make sure you get subscribed so you don't miss any of that i want to thank inventables for sponsoring this video the x-car pro is an amazing machine and right now it's still on pre-sale for 30 off and that's an amazing deal so make sure you check it out there's a link down below and a big shout out to total boat as well that thick set epoxy that i use on this project it's probably the most user-friendly epoxy that i've ever used i've had zero issues zero bubbles it looks beautiful i've got a link for that down below as well as a discount code j builds will get you 10 off of your order all right everyone thanks for checking this one out and i'll see you back here next time
Channel: Jonny Builds
Views: 212,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barnwood, barn wood, scrap wood, tash to treasure, trash wood to treasure, jonny builds, jonnybuilds, johnny builds, johnnybuilds, cnc, cnc project, segmented ring, epoxy, epoxy pour, resin, resin pour, resin art
Id: WQ2B_-iVyP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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