Her Gift Was Priceless, But Now We're Even

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my wife just gave birth to our beautiful baby daughter Lily and I want to do something to show my gratitude for bringing this bundle of joy into my life so my thanks for her carrying a baby for nine agonizing months and enduring all the Pains of Labor is to build her a chair I mean that'll make us even right I'm gonna build a rocking chair for our nursery and this way I'm not just building something for Katie I'm also building something for baby Lily to enjoy as well I've never built a rocking chair and this is going to be a challenge so I whipped up this design from my rocking chair and because it is going to be a challenge the first thing I'm going to do is build a scale model on my laser so I've got that rough design of my rocking chair all figured out and what I'm going to do is make a scale model of that because the thing with rocking chairs is you have to make sure that it actually rocks correctly that it's balanced correctly I'm going to use my om Tech 130 watt laser to do that I'm going to cut out the parts and assemble it with just like some super glue and then I can see if everything is looking good before we even start to build that full-size version I uh thought about joining the circus but uh took a different path in life so I still have a lot to learn about running this laser but I really love the ability to whip up a quick prototype and I'm guessing this is something I'm going to be doing a lot more of in the future uh that looks pretty dang good like you want it to be kind of balanced a little bit to the rear I mean the the Rockers are sitting even the weights distributed as it should be now what I want to do before I actually go carving into all that really nice Red Oak that I picked up I want to make a full scale model to make sure that all my dimensions are going to fit Katie I'm using OSB because this is the scrap plywood that I just happen to have laying around and we'll just do like a rough and dirty full scale model and I'm going to cut that on the CNC we'll slap it all together real quick and see if it works ah oh God yeah it works it's perfect [Laughter] so the last thing I built for Katie was that red oak king-sized bed which we really enjoy so I'm gonna borrow some of the design elements from that bed and carry that over to this rocking chair first I'm building this chair out of red oak which is by far the most bang for your buck when it comes to hardwood lumber right now I prefer White Oak but white oak is running about 11 to 12 bucks aboard foot in my area compared to 350 aboard foot for redo I'm also going to incorporate the vector wave patterns that I carved into the footboard of the bed but I'll explain more about that here in a bit I've already had my Avid CNC cutting out all the parts for the rocking chair and I'm going to assemble those with Domino mortises and glue now to clamp these glue UPS I'm going to glue on these little plywood blocks on either side of the joint and I can just use a small clamp to pull the joint together without having to worry about the odd clamping angles that I'm dealing with on this piece I test these plywood blocks with a little wood glue and some CA glue and I'm hoping by using plywood clamping blocks when it comes time to remove those after the glue up the plywood blocks will break along one of the ply layers instead of tearing out the face grain of the red oak I really don't know though because I've never done this before so we'll have to see if this is even going to work so those have had a chance to dry overnight and now I gotta take off all of these plywood blocks I'm gonna try using the force of the clamps to pop these blocks off which is a bit like playing Russian roulette now I tighten the clamps until I could hear it cracking and then just kind of jump back and sometimes it was super violent but a couple of times it was kind of a disappointment just remember don't try this at Home Folks try it at a neighbor's house or in your driveway or if you want try it at home because this was more fun than it should have been [Applause] as it seems to happen every time I work with red oak I've got another piece here that has split apart that I'm gonna have to glue back together so this is why I have such a love-hate relationship working with Oak the finished results of oak furniture are often beautiful but the lumber is prone to cracking and breaking as well as chip out anytime you run a router over it oh and this is a good time to remind you that I've hidden a little Easter egg somewhere in the remainder of this video if you're the first one to find it just leave a comment with the time stamp and what it is and you'll win a free Johnny builds t-shirt [Music] okay I've got all those parts of the clamps and sanded and now I can add a round over to the two assemblies that make up the seat the seat is joined by four stretchers and I'm gonna try something new to make the tenons speaking of new the sponsor of today's video is raid Shadow Legends who's always coming out with new Champions new tournaments with over 400 million players and 190 different countries raid Shadow Legends is for anyone who enjoys awesome gameplay killer battles and amazing Graphics raid has over 700 Champions each with their own skills and abilities all with endless customization using artifacts teams and strategies my favorite part of playing raid are the dungeons there are 12 imposing dungeons each with their own brutal boss at the end which is going to take all your skill to defeat and if you're looking for a new challenge in raid Shadow Legends well you're in luck they've just added the Fearsome new boss akamori the Phantom Shogun this fearsome new boss is guarding everything you need for your accessory Ascension the new feature that allows you to upgrade your gear to even greater Heights there's also an incredible animated limited series called raid call of the Arbiter on the raid Shadow Legends YouTube channel with all of this new exciting stuff coming to raid if you haven't started playing yet what are you waiting for use my link down in the description or scan my QR code to get insane bonuses we're talking an epic Champion Knight errant and other useful things like energy refills XP boosters and skill tones once you're in the game and you're crushing your enemies come find me under username Johnny builds and if you're fast enough you can join my clan so just hit that link in the description and I'll see you on the battlefield okay up next I need to make these tenons for the stretchers that are going to connect the two sides of the chair now obviously this small of a Tenon this is more for alignment and not so much for strength I'm actually going to come back and add some dowels for strength in order to cut these I'm going to use something that I've never used before called the shaper origin now this thing is really cool it's like a I don't even know what you would call this a lot of people call it a handheld CNC that's not exactly accurate but it is a router that you move around and then it kind of auto corrects and moves the spindle for you to keep you on the tool path that you create I've got this thing on my workbench called the shaper workstation and it's got this field of tape here and it reads the tape it knows where it is it's magic I assume so I'm making those tenons on the end of the stretchers with the shaper origin and I'm just sort of Dipping my toes into the Waters of what this thing can do having the vertical work holding station means I can cut all sorts of advanced joinery including dovetails and box joints and the like and it all works with these downward facing cameras that read that grid of what looks like I don't know a set of weird dominoes this allows the shape or origin to know where it is at all times and to place an accurate digital grid over your work piece to align the cuts I just drilled pilot holes I'm gonna do dowels through dowels to help strengthen the joints of the stretchers now I'm going to drill pilot holes for where I'm going to put those threaded inserts in The Rocker assembly and that's how this whole chair is going to be held together probably two quarter 20 bolts two quarter twenty bolt on either side that full scale plywood model comes in handy again right here is I use it to align the seat to The Rocker foreign drilling through the seat into the side of the rocker assembly gives me a pilot hole for adding threaded inserts later on and this also allows me to screw these pieces together temporarily while I use one side to align the other and once I have the pilot holes drilled for the other side it's time to assemble the seat assembly now again I want to reiterate that the tenons I cut are mainly for alignment if I was going to make this again I would have cut the mortises on the seat parts three quarter inches deep initially but I kind of messed this up while I was cutting those on the CNC and only cut them a quarter inch deep I really didn't think about how I was going to make the stretchers later on now these tenons are still really useful to align and glue up the seat assembly but that quarter inch mortise and Tenon just isn't adding much in the way of strength so the glue joint itself should be strong enough to hold this chair together but like I mentioned I'm going to add through dowels later on to add a little bit of additional strength to each joint I don't want my version of Rock-a-bye Baby and tragically like the actual lullaby does and why are so many lullabies tragic I'm not singing some song about an occupied cradle falling out of a tree to my daughter and I would never buy her a Mockingbird that doesn't sing I mean what's the return policy on the Mockingbird did you not ensure the Mockingbird could sing before you left the pet store and don't even get me started on You Are My Sunshine because that song is dark that's why there's only one lullaby I'll be singing to Lily and that is so when Jeff isn't running camera one of his favorite activities is sanding so while I'm working on making the files to carve The Rocker assemblies Jeff sanded the seat assembly to get it ready for finish just like I did on my red oak bed I'm using total boat wood honey to finish the chair and I have to get the finish on before I move on to the next step where I'm going to weave in the seat also that wood honey finish on our bed is held up really nicely and trust me we've put that bed through its paces and wood honey is honey is just finished I'll ever apply since all you have to do is rub it in and wipe it off I've got a link for total boat wood honey listed down below and that link will get you a discount every time you shop at totalboat.com while the finished cures I switch gears to The Rocker assembly where I'm going to carve in a vector wave pattern that I made using the car Pro now again this matches the design element from the footboard of our bed and I think it's going to add a really nice detail to what would otherwise be sort of a plain rocking chair I'm using a 3 8 inch ball nose bit to carve these and I'll make sure I'll have links for all the tools and materials that I use on this project down in the video description in case you want to check those out for yourself thank you [Music] so in the spirit of making my life more difficult than what it has to be on every single project that I do I'm going to do something that I've never done before and I'm gonna make the seats using this macrame cord and I'm going to do a technique called Danish cord weaving I'm going to do a little bit modified technique because I couldn't find the nails that I need to do it properly I'm going to use staples instead essentially I'm going to weave a pattern on the seat and the chair back all right so any macrame purist or Danish cord purist not really sure if that's a thing any of you watching me do this please look away I'm gonna do a bastardized version of these techniques sort of combined and the good thing is this process was fairly simple once you kind of understand how the pattern works also I'm using Staples to secure the cord I actually look for the bent Nails used to do Danish cord but I couldn't find any that would have made it in time to complete this project so I'm just going to use my pneumatic staple gun and I think this tool is the difference between weaving this chair in about the six to nine hours it took me versus having days to complete this and I'm just going to give you sort of a quick overview of the process honestly if you want to try this I think the best thing to do is just watch me weave this and I think watching me you'll kind of understand how it all works so starting with the vertical black cord I'm spacing these out every inch stapling the cord to the back side of the stretcher pulling it around it over the opposite stretcher stapling it under and then doubling that back to the other side and this gives you a grid of two strands of black cord spaced out every inch now making that first layer of horizontal black cord this way allows you to keep pulling the spool without having to cut the cord until the very end but on the next step of wrapping the leftover exposed sections of wood on the stretcher this does require you to cut the length of string and then wrap it around each time you have to wrap it and then pull it all the way through so this is a bit tedious but really it only took me about 30 45 minutes to complete I picked out these three colors with the light green matching the color of the nursery and then threw in the burnt orange and pink to complement the green and this gives the whole thing sort of an earthy Southwest vibe weaving in the color cord I'm pulling a loop through alternating going over and under each set of black strands and then alternating that pattern on the next row using this technique you can actually make some pretty complicated patterns and that's definitely something I want to try but on another project for this first go-around I decided just to keep it simple and just rotate through the three colors in evenly sized bands hey Jeff have you seen that new uh app that everybody's going crazy over it's called threads you can follow me on threads under the handle Johnny builds same thing on Instagram and really Instagram is the best way to see everything that I'm doing behind the scenes and on a daily basis [Music] okay I've got the seat finished and I can move on to the chair back so here's a super quick musical Montage paired with an upbeat royalty-free banjo-laden song to keep up with the Frantic sped up footage of said Montage enjoy and feel free to tap your foot and slap her knee a couple times I know I will [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I'm adding a round over to the leg assemblies using my Rockler routing table that you've seen me use throughout this video I've got links for all those Rockler products that I use down below Rockler is a long time sponsor of my channel and when you support my sponsors you help support my channel and I always appreciate that okay all that's left is the finishing touches like adding the threaded inserts to attach the Rockler assemblies adding those dowels to strengthen the stretchers adding finish to the Rockers and then attaching them to the chair while adding in that final lower stretcher on the bottom also you may have noticed while I was weaving that all the Staples were left exposed as well as The Frayed Ends of the cord to cover these up I made a set of trim boards that hide the unsightly parts of the weaving but hopefully don't look like too much of an afterthought because this totally was an afterthought honestly I sort of panic when I realized this was going to be exposed but this solution seems to have worked nicely all right and with that the chair is done we can take it back to the house set it up in the nursery and I can't wait to show Katie and see her reaction oh oh my gosh are you kidding me are you kidding me oh my God I did not expect that at all really that is amazing oh my oh my gosh shut up this is perfect I cannot believe you did you did this is it comfy really comfy thank you [Music] so we're even right I mean she suffered through nine months of pregnancy and labor gave me the greatest gift she could ever give me and my daughter Lily and she gets a chair I mean I'm pretty sure this means I won't have to change any more poopy diapers thanks for watching check out those other videos and playlists and comment this if you watch to the end
Channel: Jonny Builds
Views: 91,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocking chair, chair build, rocking chair build, jonny builds, johnny builds, jonny builds youtube, diy chair, diy rocking chair, macrame tutorial, danish cord, danish cord chair weaving, macrame
Id: djmiM-n54Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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