Turning Stalls can go BAD and become Accelerated Stall demos

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this is where people go wrong and client turning stalls is they'll get they'll get like this they'll go ahead and Bank the airplane it don't realize the airplanes are over banking pretty soon the vertical lift goes away the airplane starts coming down they realize that and then they try to pull it but it becomes an accelerated salt Wow I'm Jason Miller a full time professional flight instructor on the finer points Channel you can join me as I bring you tips and tricks that I've learned in 20 years on the flight line [Music] [Music] [Music] well aviators welcome back to the finer points on this episode of the finer points I'm going to show you how turning stalls can go bad and often do from where I'm sitting in the right seat 9 out of 10 times when I ask a private pilot candidate to show me a stall in a turn it ends up in an accelerated stall I'm going to show you how that happens but first just remember an accelerated stall is any stall that occurs at a speed higher than your maximum gross weight demonstrated and published straight ahead stall speed and so when you bank the airplane and stall you are in you're doing and accelerated stall so here's what happens typically for me when I ask a candidate to do this they introduced the bank a little bit too early and they go all the way to 30 degrees a bank or whatever Bank angle they think they want to stall in and they start to pitch up but you remember that when you Bank an airplane and pitch the airplane will over bank so what happens to them as they pitch up is the airplane banks and banks and banks and banks and eventually there's not enough vertical lift to counteract the weight the nose starts to fall through the horizon the airspeed starts to build and they pull pull pull when they see this happening and we end up doing an accelerated stall which is okay it's just not what was asked for so I'm gonna show you how to fix that problem I mean it's all about leveraging the over banking tendency I was out on a flight recently with Austin and we were working on this very thing turning stalls and I started by showing him how this works exactly what I just described to you how turning stalls typically go bad and I want to show you accelerated stalls because often people get those mixed up yeah if they get them mixed up by accident because the examiner if you're my examiner you say Jason show me a turning stall the mistake I usually make is I put the bank in first and then I pull into a stall but what I'm going to show you next is if you bank the airplane and pull it over banks eventually it thanks so much the nose comes down and people start to see that they pull and it becomes like this accelerated stop right although as a result of the airplane over banking alright and so you want to see what more of those accelerated stalls before we figure out how to fix it yep all right we are all right yeah just tie my boy those get a feel for our clear and turn out so we're gonna go for it okay feel the loading in your seat that's coming around there it is good good like that right more Bank more bank or Bank good now pull pull pull pull there you go pull more feel the loading and your seat good see how hard you can pull here still can't even hear the horn right there it is there it is there it is good so it's telling you the flying club is I don't think people get often how how much pull at sea level with two people is really required right to actually stall the plane yeah that's a big deal now keep in mind if you are doing accelerated stalls for your commercial certificate um you don't want to do what he did here where he lets the pitch drop you'll also want to make sure you're above 3,000 feet 45 degrees of Bank and that you recover at the stall horn or the Buffett or the first indication you can see here as Austen does this stall that he loses his pitch right here toward the end now I did in mind for the purposes of this exercise because he's a private pilot we were only doing this to kind of back engineer into a proper turning stall so just keep that in mind if you're a commercial candidate don't let your pitch drop like this so how do we correct for this how do we get ahead of it it's all about leveraging the over banking tendency about knowing that the airplane is going to increase its bank angle if you haven't seen the lazy eight video on my channel definitely go check that one out because the beginning of a lazy 8 is very similar to the end of a demonstrated turning stall you're going to first slow the airplane down straight ahead as if you're just going to stall straight ahead and as you approach the stall speed you'll introduce a very small Bank sometimes I say almost imperceptible Bank but about 5 degrees of Bank and from there you're just gonna pull straight back and maintain coordination the airplane will naturally increase its Bank angle on its own and if you've timed all this correctly it will stall at about 20 to 30 degrees of Bank there should be no tendency for one wing to break before the other the airplane should just break in the exact bank angle it was at when the stall occurred for Austin and I on this particular lesson we're going to work into this and we started by slowing down to slow flight to minimum controllable airspeed just so we're at a very slow speed and introducing small bank angles and pitching up I call this stall exercises we've done our clearing turns safe airspace and we're just experimenting with what happens at a slow speed when you increase when you hit introduce a small bank angle and pull so we're gonna do a turning sauna palace Thailand so yeah there's light Bank and then pull up good a little right rudder just a little bit that's good that's plenty [Music] then pitch forward okay not bad okay pitching forward a little bit is why we feel that unlike sort of zero-g feeling oh we're a chai one to the right this time a little more right rudder a little more rudder good like that good pull pull pull pull pull it's perfect that broke perfect all right all right and the last step is to pull all of this together into a demonstrated power off stall so I asked Austen's show me a power off or approach to landing stall in a turn and he should set the manoeuvre up exactly as he would set up a straight ahead power off stall first clearing turns then maybe a flow check then introduced the descent with the flaps and at the very end when he's pitching up introduced a small Bank and pull so that the airplane begins to over bank turn and and the stall occurs at 20 to 30 degrees of Bank yeah this time we're gonna do it in a left turn okay all right so let's do it we are at safe altitude we've done our clearing turn four under maneuvering speed to start the maneuver and we're gonna go ahead and pull power out as if we were landing I got flaps 10 cuz we're under 110 and now we're inside the white so we're gonna go full flaps and we're gonna and 65 it is we're gonna start to pull off introduce a slight bank to the left perfect and we're gonna pull it pull pull pull to get the banks I have it beautiful like that yeah perfect looking good there's your stall [Music] all righty meters that's all for this episode of the finer points I hope you got something out of that and I hope if you ever fly with me and I asked you to do a turning stall you are not going to show me an accelerated stall we have awesome summer trips coming up the San Juan Island trip is going to be epic this year if you haven't seen it please come visit me at learn the finer points calm and check it out you can find me on Instagram and learn the finer points there are podcasts and videos coming week over week a huge thanks to the patrons and to the sponsors who make all of this possible and big thanks to you the best fans on the internet for watching and sharing this video with your friends I'm Jason Miller be sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel and until next time be safe and fly your mess
Channel: The Finer Points
Views: 162,274
Rating: 4.936389 out of 5
Keywords: flight training, flying, learn to fly, aviation, pilot training, private pilot, turning stalls, accelerated stall, accelerated stalls, practicing stalls, flying VLOG, flight training VLOG, cessna, learning to fly, aerial maneuvers, accelerated turning stalls, over-banking tendency, aviator, flying lessons, flying training, airplanes, airplane, turning an airplane, rudder, right rudder, accelerated flight training, instructor, flying instructor, plane crash, loss of control, vfr
Id: E3DqMwYwhrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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