Turn one sweet potato into 1000 sweet potatoes fast and easy growing sweet potato slips

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thank you wow what's up fam I hope everyone having a great morning great evening great afternoon today I'm gonna show you how to turn one sweet potato into a thousand sweet potatoes using a cardboard box [Music] So today we're going to be taking slips from our purple sweet potato because our orange sweet potatoes are not ready yet check it out this is how they look when they first start growing you see that get a little closer so you guys can see yeah right there you have one coming out right there see and right here this is how they look when they first start growing sweet potatoes are one of the easiest vegetables to grow and you should never have to buy them again after watching this video there are two things you should know before you start growing sweet potatoes the first thing is that they love warm and hot weather and the second thing is that they love well-drained loose soil so check it out if your soil is like this part that is you don't want to plant your sweet potatoes in that soil but if your soil is like this see how loose that is that is perfect for growing sweet potatoes so right now I know a lot of you guys are probably thinking can you really turn one sweet potato into a thousand sweet potatoes [Applause] yes it's super easy and anybody can do it you don't have to have any special Garden skills you could turn one sweet potato into a thousand sweet potatoes your first time growing sweet potato all you have to do is buy a sweet potato from the store put it in some soil and in two to four weeks it should look just like this we planted this in this cardboard box April 21st and today is May 23rd and check it out look at all of that growth you can also buy a sweet potato from the store and stick it in a jar of water or a cup of water and you can get these results but what I found is for beginners this is the best way because when you stick your sweet potato in a cup of water or a jar of water you have to keep refilling it every time that those roots drink all of that water so if you put it in soil all you have to do is make sure you water it every now and then if you're not getting a ton of rain already we haven't had to water these at all so and something else I found is that I think when we start our sweet potatoes like this they grow a lot more Lush and healthier because I think the nutrients in the soil helps grow more slips because when you just stick your sweet potato in a jar of water all this drinking is water it's not getting any nutrients to make it grow super big and healthy but we've done both ways but I just found that I like this way the most and I almost forgot you can keep a sweet potato plant as a house plant so you won't even have to start slips every year you'll just have them ready to go as soon as it's time to plant in the garden all you have to do is keep your sweet potato plant by window seal and they will do just fine just like this and guess what you can also eat these leaves they're just like spinach so what's better than having a house plant that you can also eat and that you'll also eat from the next year when it's time to plant slips in the ground so you don't actually get a thousand sweet potatoes from the sweet potato you get them from the slips because one slip might give you eight sweet potatoes another slip might give you seven another slip might give you ten you get where I'm going so you don't want to plant a sweet potato and expect to get a thousand sweet potatoes before you start taking your sweet potato slips you want to make sure you fill up a cup of water so you have something to put your slips in right after you cut them just like this see that and we can turn this into about what let's count one two we turn this into a three to four slips put it in your cup of water just like this and wait for roots to grow and it's that easy I like to take nice and big healthy slips like this because I found that it gives the slips a head start and they grow a lot faster than if you take those small slips you know a lot of people are watching this right now like wow I really paid that much money for sweet potato slips when this is all I had to do crazy right look check this one out this one already has Roots growing so it's gonna take out faster and you should start seeing Roots about two or three days after you put them in your cup of water seven days max is the most amount of time it should take before you start seeing Roots anything longer than that something is wrong another tip for growing sweet potato slips is to make sure you choose a nice sized sweet potato to start with because check this out we started these at the same time the only difference is that these are super small you see that you see how big this is and you see how small these are so check out how many sweet potato slips we got from one sweet potato check it out you see that let me zoom in a little closer you guys see look at that matter of fact let's count these let's count these together and see how many slips we got from one sweet potato and four weeks let's take them out and count them let's see we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 15 16 17. from one sweet potato and we could have got even more but remember what I said I like to take big and healthy slips because they take off a lot faster than the smaller ones 17 slips so let's just say each slip gives us eight sweet potatoes and let's just say what how many pounds we get from those eight sweet potatoes what 10 so this could be a hundred and seventy pounds of sweet potatoes from one sweet potato plant so now you see exactly what I mean by turn one sweet potato into a thousand is this easy I know everybody that purchased sweet potato slips right now is thinking what was I thinking I should have just did research and started my own because how much you would have paid for 17 healthy slips like this let us know in the comment section so now we have to do is place these back in the water and we're gonna sit these right bye [Applause] our window seal and we're going to plant the purple sweet potatoes right here and we're going to plant our orange sweet potatoes right here let us know in the comment section if you ever grew or had purple sweet potatoes and what do you give them on a scale of one to ten check it out our soil is nice and loose we already prepped it so now we're just waiting on the roots so after your sweet potato slips have Roots you want to make sure you plant them in a nice and sunny area that gets at least eight hours of Sun a day just like this and before you start planting your slips you want to make sure you amend your soil with things like compost if you don't have compost you can just amend your soil with a all-purpose fertilizer and bone meal and that should be all the nutrients your sweet potatoes need to grow big and healthy and if you do those things you will have a sweet potato Harvest just like this in 79 to 100 days trust me so check it out it's only been two days and our sweet potato slips already have roots see that we've already added our compost bone meal and all-purpose fertilizer to our soil now I'll show you exactly how I plant my sweet potato slips check it out look at those roots see how big and healthy this slip is perfect so when you plant your sweet potato slips you want to make sure you plant them at least 12 to 16 inches apart from each other so they have room to get big because if you plant them too close you'll probably Harvest a lot of small sweet potatoes just like that and it's that easy to turn one sweet potato into a thousand sweet potatoes now we have to do is water this and remember you want to make sure you plant the next one 12 to 16 inches apart so they have room to get big now we're going to do the same thing all the way down this row after you grow and harvest your own sweet potatoes you'll never want to buy sweet potatoes from the store again why because you'll save a ton of money and you'll find out how addictive it is to harvest sweet potatoes it's like digging for Treasure because you're sitting there waiting and you're wondering hmm I wonder what's going on on the ground and then come Harvest Time and you find out [Music]
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Keywords: sweet potato slips, how to start sweet potato slips, starting sweet potato slips, sweet potato, sweet potatoes, growing sweet potato slips, growing sweet potatoes, how to grow sweet potatoes, garden, gardening, gardening tips, garden tips, how to plant sweet potatoes, how to grow sweet potatoes from a sweet potato, start sweet potato slips, gardening tips and tricks, vegetable garden, raised bed, vegetable gardening, how to, diy, sweet, potato, slips, food, grow, growing, gardener
Id: JgzReFj-0oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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