It's a pity that you don't know this method of growing sweet potatoes in pallets. Very many tubers

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I hoped we were going to make it he promised we would find the time dreaming for eternity creating perfect memories yeah we hoped we were going to make it little did I know where that time would take us to a place where love could grow but in a different way bigger than they say now looking at you you keep me going back to those days capable of keeping track of how many nights could pass deep motels I'm driving fast and the radi playing our soundrack broken love tequila and blue CES evening's just like movie scenes along the roads in Tennesse dreaming of where we could be from the back of your dad's red [Music] track no one thought I was going to make take it no one believed i' take the time for realizing my own dreams and taking care of you and me little did I know where that time would take us to a place where love could grow but in a different way bigger than they say now looking at you you keep me going back to those days capable of keeping track of how many nights could pass deep motels and driving fast and the radio plane are soundra broken love tequila and blue grass evenings just like blue Fe SS along the roads Tennesse dreaming of where we could be from the back [Music] of no one thought I was going to make it no one believed I take the time for real realizing my own dreams and taking care of you and me I knew we were always going to make it little did I know the time would take us to a place where love could grow but in a different way bigger than they say now looking at it you you keep me going back to those days capable of keeping track of how many nights could pass de motels and driving fast and the radio plane are sound dry broken love tequila and blue grass evenings just like blue feastings along the roads in Tennessee dreaming of where we could be from the back of your death red [Music] [Applause] truck those days we were Invincible splitting up would be Unthinkable though at times it made cynical how would it change a single thing cuz they gave me you you keep me going back to those days incapable of keeping track of how many nights could pass cheap motels and driving fast and the radio plane are soundtrack broken love tequila and blue grass evenings just like movie scen along the roads in Tennesse dreaming of what we could be from the the back of your dad's red from the back of your dad's red [Music] track when we were younger we used to sit on the grass I'm among the flowers we just let the days pass by people would tell us to get a grip of ourselves and get a job we didn't care what we were told cuz when we were younger we used to sit on the grass and go downam I don't want to grow old I Wish I Could Turn Back Time stay up all night singing songs on the Terrace we didn't mind sitting out in the C it was impossible to make us embarass we were free do you remember stealing smokes from your parents sometimes we got a bit out of control when they found out we ran from home just to scare them we were free when we were [Music] 17 [Music] mhm when we got older we try to stay in touch but we had to move life ran away from us if I could go back be 17 again yeah I would just to see all my friends running around the city acting crazy like we used to do I Wish I Could Turn Back [Music] Time stay up all night singing songs on the teris we didn't mind sitting out in the cold it wasn't possible to make us embarrass we were [Music] free do you remember stealing smokes from your parents sometimes we got a bit out of control when they found out we R from home just to scare them we were free when we were 17 when we were [Music] [Music] 1 when we were younger we used to sit on the grass and go damn I don't want to grow old stay up all night singing songs on the ter we didn't mind sitting out in the cold it wasn't impossible to make us embarassed we were free do you remember stealing smokes from your parents sometimes we got to be out of control when they found out we ran from home just to scar them we were free when we were 17 when we were 17
Channel: DIY Garden Ideas
Views: 1,043,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy garden ideas, garden ideas, gardening, diy, diy garden, garden, It's a pity that you don't know this method of growing sweet potatoes in pallets, Very many tubers, method of growing sweet potatoes, method of growing sweet potatoes in pallets, growing sweet potatoes in pallets, how to grow sweet potatoes in pallet, how to grow sweet potatoes at home, how to grow sweet potatoes from sweet potatoes, grow sweet potatoes from sweet potatoes, grow sweet potatoes in pallet, sweet potato
Id: pfo-xv7f6Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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