Turn a Bowl - A lesson with Dale from DELBASID TIMBERS

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how are you buddy yourself you  made it out here to the burbs tell you what that's a six-pack trip that  is yeah it's a fair drive all right i'll give you a hand with  the weapons all right don't worry g'day uh my name's mark and today got something's  pretty special going on i've got a couple of bowl   blanks i've got a good mate coming over  his name's dale i'm sure a lot of you   know who he is but if you haven't  we're going to get him up here   right now and we're basically we're going  to turn a bowl why i want to start building   bowls i guess is i don't want to ever buy another  christmas present again so that's the goal here   cheapskate as you can tell dale's already  here let's get him up here the weaponry all righty ladies and gentlemen dale from  del bassett timbles hey bro good mate   welcome we've got blanks we've got some weapons  and we have the new lathe which dale also helped   me find sauce recommend and it's probably one  of the greatest things i've ever bought and i'm   pretty excited to get amongst it sweet let's get  amongst the mango what we did just do is um put a   sweat background swept back grind uh on the jizz  dale's brought a couple of his nice weapons well   pretty much it's about having the wings that start  to slope back a little bit that way that when   you're learning you're not going to dig those  wings in when you buy a ball gouge right from   the shop generally it'll just be a round profile  that's okay if you kind of know what you're doing   if you don't then we like to sweep those back a  little tiny bit you also don't need to have the   starship enterprise of grinding systems we've  just done that what on a belt sander yep i'll   um i'll chuck some footage up here of exactly  what we're doing we're doing it on the ground   today um because that was just what we need to do  so i mean it's not something that i guess is that   easy to do that takes a little bit of  practice to be able to learn how to   to freehand sharpen so jigs are sometimes the  easiest way to go and to do it with the grinder   is also the easiest way to go but the bottom  line is if you don't have that sort of kit   and you can't afford that sort of stuff with a  120 grit belt on your belt sander you can also   get your stuff as sharp as it needs to be to to be  able to cut and do out of turn cool here comes the   mats you're going to make it roundy randy yeah  all right right so this is going to be the face   so this is going to be the top of the bowl  and what we're going to see so when your fruit   goes in it your fruit goes in this side so what  we're going to do is this will go onto the lathe   and what we will do is we're going to turn that  side first okay so we're going to make the back   and we're going to finish it so if i'm doing stuff  on a face plate i will always turn the back first   and i'll completely finish it even putting  the finish on before i even turn it around   and then put it on chuck and then you do the  front okay sweet there you go get into it right see if that gets you another million views i  know what to film so what we're going to do is   we're going to start on that sort of angle and  you're going to be around here and you're going   to start nibbling this way okay okay now what  we're not going to do is we're not going to stand in the line of fire so you're not going to stand  here because if anything happens with this it's   going to go either go that way that way that  way or hit that way and then come back that way   if you're standing right in the line  of fire if something does go wrong   you're gonna cop it and we don't want  that gorgeous mug of yours to be damaged   all right so we now know that we've got the speed  right you now know what your angle of attack is   you will have your bucket on because we don't  do turning without our bucket on because that's   really stupid so your back hand is your brake  your accelerator and your steering wheel all   your front hand does is anchor the rest at  the the tool the tool down onto the tool rest right it's rude have to stop and have a bit of a  look and yeah i mean you're not quite on the bevel   there because you can feel that you've bounced  off it yeah but once you start to to get a little   bit rounder and you start to get rid of this sort  of stuff then we'll start to to get a little bit   clean that's going to be a little bit more around  backhand control as well see that you're in the   cut and you can get enough cut going the weight  of the the blank coming down onto that blade will   actually hold that in the cut and if you control  that well enough you don't even need anything   on your front hand you can take it away i mean  don't but you can don't yeah note yourself don't what are you doing hey pooper oh like the  self don't break your ribs what are you doing   little freddy see how i'm on that purple now you  watch the back end see i'm not even looking at   that plate i can look at the other end of  that bowl there i don't even need to look if i know where i am so i can come back here i  might be looking at you because i can feel where   it is and i know that i'm taking that half that  blade so i'm going to start pulling in my cups   and the bloody wonderful world of freaking  youtube is all about what speed do i have to do   you know how fast do i spin it it doesn't actually  matter because what you're needing to think about   is the meters per second that this outside rim  is turning because that is turning faster than   the center so the rpm is exactly the same from top  to from middle to the edge but this is traveling   at 10 times the speed that the center is so  i like the fact that you don't actually have   like an rpm reader on your lathe yeah because  this teaches you to actually learn good speeds   to be able to turn up the cut style has  just done which he wasn't even looking   he was looking at me just to demonstrate  something it it barely needs sandpaper so   we'll it'll need 240. all right so  i'm going to have a go now to try and   get this bowl shape happening and i'll  then come back and show you the difference   if you look at where the chisel is gonna bounce a bit now keep listening to bring your hips spread around this way  bring it around bring it around bring it round   and open it up a little bit there you go pick  up right the way through pick up yep right   now just have a little bit of a look  okay and that then can be you know   whatever shape you want it to be whatever the  bowl chooses okay whatever the mark chooses what are we gonna do we're gonna check  square [ __ ] me who would have thought   a little bit of juggling a little yeah  so that way you now know that you've   got you can even feel it if you're just  rubbing your fingers along i can see yeah we want as much of this surface to be  touching the wood we've got a set of um ah   this one we prepared earlier we'll just cut  back towards the center with the bowl gouge   we'll put a skew in there and we'll create  the shoulder we can go down and yeah put   a flat bottom on it that's if you feel that  though that's not very flat you just feel it   no no yeah so we want to have it particularly  in this corner we want to have it flat yep   so we need that flat surface for those jaws to  sit flat against the the base of that mortise we were talking about going up across the  oh yeah right let's find the green one so   okay so this is side so this is end grain  yep because that's where that fifth bit is   so pith has to be and an engrained because  that's the end of the straws yep right so   we want to come from 45 degrees across from that  back your knuckles against that isn't that chuck   running true cool perfect oh it's beautiful thank  you just like i bought one beautiful bloody hell come on call me again jesus hurts okay   cool so when we're doing sanding with this sort  of thing uh we're only going to start with this   with 120 grit and we've got it's got a couple of  ridges there so you've done pretty good with that   um if we didn't have those little couple of ridges  we probably would just go straight to 240 because   that's pretty clean okay and you don't have  any engrained tear out which means that   i'd actually sharpen the chisels decently to start  with we always cut fast but we sand slow because   if you sand fast all you do is you jump from the  hard point across the soft point back to the hard   point okay and the hard point is always the end  grain so if you think about timber as being straws   the end grain are the end of the straws if you  press on the end of straws you're not going to   compress it you can you know you can actually give  it a fair amount of welly but if you squash the   straws across the body of the straws they crush so  what you end up doing is you sand more out of the   side than you do out of the end and what you'll  do is you'll actually start to create an oval doing lateral motion oh not doing any up  and down there's no point you're doing up   and down because the ball's going up  and down so you know you've got you   know you've got a good teacher when he  does a standing for you what the hell and sing a copy of angling times thanks  buddy holiday scotties custom grip step one   now daryl gave me these very generous i have  my moments not often but i haven't good gear   amazing year oh yeah that's my turn yeah this is  the part where we get your brain working give me   the good knowledge this is great stuff i mean  we've only sanded this to uh 240 have a crack   at that that's pretty nice so then we're just  going to use the uh scott's custom grip step   one and step two and that will put a really really  groovy finish on it i don't do anything after that   that's it done dusted the back of the bowl will  be finished sounds good to me that's what i reckon   and yes we're going to use rags safety police you  know the internet's already smashed me for that   well they're going to smash them again because  this is the long part of it remember how we   were talking just before about the fact that this  part of the bowl is actually a meter in diameter   you know mass bowls 35 centimeters diameter  is what pi d yep circumference is pi d   yeah pi times diameter so 35 times three  point one four one five nine two stop it   there it is and keep it moving i generally  go from the outside to the inside but you'll   be able to see the lines of where it is if  you're looking at the lines up here you'll   be able to see when you're working the gear  so move it back and forward so even from that   if you look at that now all those little  micro scratches that we had have now gone   have a crack at that and that's really bringing  out the color of that mango and look at that i mean even up through here look we've  got greens and yellows and all sorts of   funky dust stuff going on oh even  a bit of fiddle back through there hey i tell you what if you look at it from this  angle it looks like a spaceship flying saucer so even if we just slowly  just let the light catch it   and that way you can see all the  changes in that grain so yeah we've got   all that greens and stuff around here we've got a  little bit of fiddle back through here really nice   a great straw shortage of 2021 so when we're  talking about supported grain if we think about   this as being wood what we want to do is actually  push fibers down onto fibers so if i'm going to   support grain if i'm going to cut this way i'm  pushing fibers onto fibers so if you look at that   it's pushing and it's pushing against each  other because i'm pushing down the hill   now if i'm pushing uphill and i'm cutting  against the fibers if i'm pulling like that   what happens yeah it rips it rips so what we  want to do is we want to cut if we're going to   do a rim we want to cut from in here downhill to  this way because we're pushing down on the fibers   that way when we're going back in to do  the bowl you're also pushing downhill   and you're cutting and you're pushing down  on the fibers science science sciences alrighty so i've just been doing a heap of  bowl hollowing hogging out hogging out um in   the interest of making this a beautiful christmas  present dale's just going to give me this final   nice cut so rather than flog a dead horse bust  through the other side um i'm just going to watch   him do it just to finish it off and then we can  get to a reasonable product am i going to approach alrighty so terrible light but you you  can't really see uh all the shimmer in that   we'll get it i'll get it off we'll  get dale up on the chair and we'll   say hero in a minute one bowl made of mango it's  it really has so much cool stuff going on and i   i've got a sneaking suspicion that they'll  pick this one on purpose no idea what you're   talking about but the color in that the  chatoyance in that look at the ripples   that's just really nice mangoes are really  underrated timber um it's just gorgeous love   it really forgiving great to learn with um yeah i  do a lot of stuff in mango it comes up really nice   mate can't thank you enough for coming around  so my head is so full of knowledge from one so   from here uh camera off i'm going to take this  blank and try and step through the process to   produce another bowl out of this this other  one so it will be scored what does that mean 11 for the swedish judge did  you say scored is it marked yes a lot scored with some weird timber  thing i went every time i speak to him he   brings up a new team i've never  heard of or a new definition anyway   that's a plan with that cool  cool mate again thanks so much um we might involve a beverage afterwards next time  at the shed mahal alrighty just one little random   shout out this one's gonna go to my dad now he's  been sitting up at night watching my videos from   start to finish um this one's actually going to be  a christmas present for mum so shh don't tell her   okay hey thanks later you oh yeah next time you  gotta have a catchphrase all right so don't do   it too tight otherwise you'll never get the  [ __ ] thing back off again excuse my french yes it is that's right you
Channel: Dainer Made
Views: 2,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning, Woodwork
Id: Oc8usbgWpA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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