Turkish Eggs (Cilbir) - Food Wishes

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with turkish eggs that's where I am never surprised when I come across a new way to use a certain ingredient unless that ingredient is eggs in which case I am totally shocked since at my age I figured I've seen and done it all and without seeing this there is no way I would have thought to pair yogurt poached eggs and a spicy red pepper butter I mean it just seems so bizarre and it is but it's also extremely delicious and maybe my new favorite breakfast so with that let's go ahead and get started with our yogurt component and for this we're gonna need some room-temperature Greek yogurt or Turkish yogurt if you can get it but you can't and then to this we're gonna add 1 finely grated garlic clove which I'm going to do on this microplane and what we're going for here is 100 percent grated garlic with 0% grated fingernail so when you get down near the end please be very careful and one little heads up here when you do garlic this way the flavor is going to be very very sharp and strong so a little bit goes a long way and then besides the garlic we will also add some salt as well as some freshly ground black pepper and of course a little shake of cayenne never hurts and then we will finish up with a fairly generous amount of chopped dill and that's it we'll simply take a spoon and give this a thorough mixing and other than giving this a quick taste for seasoning the yogurt base for our eggs is done oh and in case you missed it earlier we really do want this yogurt to be room temp in fact some people even warm it up before they put the eggs on but for me as long as it's not cold it works fine so once that set we will definitely not refrigerate it we will just leave that out at room temp and we can move on to the other major component of this dish which is our red pepper infused butter and for that what we'll do is melt half a stick of butter over medium heat and then wait for it to start to sing which in the business is what we call this out all right can you hear that that's what's known as singing butter and then what we'll do as soon as our butter does reach that state is toss in a pinch of ground cumin along with a little bit of smoked paprika and then a whole bunch of Aleppo chili flakes or some other kind of red chili flakes but I love the Aleppo because not only does it taste good but there's no seeds and what we'll do is quickly swirl that in the pan and or give it a stir with a spoon at which point we will immediately turn off the heat and believe it or not that's it we will just leave that on the back of the stove and as it sits those beautiful red chili flakes will continue to infuse that butter with their flavor and color of course and at this point as long as you can manage to cook a couple eggs we are pretty much ready to eat although I did do one extra bonus component here which was making a little bit of a parsley in jalapeno oil and for that all we need to do is grind some chopped parsley along with a diced jalapeno and a pinch of salt in this mortar and then once we have that smash down into a coarse paste we will drizzle in some olive oil and then we'll stir and smash and grind that for a minute to produce hopefully a beautifully colored very aromatic and herbaceous pepper oil which I thought would be a nice contrast with our dried chili butter not to mention would add a little bit of extra visual interest so like I said this is optional but I thought it was a nice touch and that's it once all our components are ready and our eggs are cooking or in my case poaching we can go ahead and set up our plate which means spreading some of our yogurt mixture down like this making sure we form a few ridges and valleys and then if you made it we'll go ahead and drizzle over a little bit of our parsley jalapeno oil and by the way if you just handed me some bread at this point and said that's your breakfast I would still be pretty happy but hang on this gets much much better oh and speaking of bread before we place down the eggs of our choice we want to be sure we've toasted a few nice thick slices to eat this with and yes some type of pita bread probably would have been more authentic here but anyway you decide I mean you are after all the wilber of your children and of course the mister additive which bread and that's it we'll go ahead and top our yogurt with a couple steaming hot poached eggs or fried eggs or overeasy just not scrambled please and that's it we'll go ahead and finish this off with a couple tablespoons of our still warm Aleppo pepper butter oh and I should mention I was so distracted by how beautiful and unusual this looks that I forgot to finish with a little bit of sea salt over the top although depending on how you've seasoned your yogurt you might not need it but it's probably not a bad idea and that's it once buttered this exotic and visually stunning dish is ready to enjoy so will tear a piece of our toast in half and bust those eggs right in the yolks and of course toasted bread dipped in egg yolks is never not amazing but when you add in the fact that we're doing this on top of a garlic and herb yogurt spread that's been drenched in this spicy Aleppo pepper butter it isn't entirely new and pretty thrilling experience I mean not only do we have contrasting flavors but just when the heat from that chili seems like it's getting a little too much it's cooled down by that creamy and herbaceous yogurt so while this maybe does seem a little bit bizarre it absolutely works and I loved everything about it Oh know if that looks like a lot of butter to you just relax your average American eggs benedict with the hollandaise on the top contains about 4 to 6 tablespoons of butter so this is like a diet plate in comparison just make sure you've toasted enough bread and yes of course this is a very high calorie breakfast but this is not something you're supposed to serve and then have a cheeseburger for lunch all right this is something you eat it like 6:00 in the morning and then you go plow a couple fields and maybe wrestle a mountain goat and chop some firewood and then you come home and have a nice light supper but anyway that's it my take on Turkish eggs or as my Turkish friends possibly call it chill BER like I said earlier it's always very exciting when we discover something new we can do with eggs which is why I really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links in the description below to get the ingredient amounts complete written recipe and more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,049,396
Rating: 4.9023218 out of 5
Keywords: Turkish, Eggs, Cilbir, breakfast, egg, recipe, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, easy, brunch
Id: wpuLqnK8ywg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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