Turbo LS truck build. thought I blew it up. but it's done.

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all right guys today we're working on the turbo ls street truck build again we've been doing a lot of work on this thing we got it running we got it driving we've done pools we might have found some issues so here's the deal i've been driving this thing a lot doing running errands took it to get coffee with chrissy which was pretty fun she wasn't expecting to have much of a reaction and she couldn't stop smiling i told her she wasn't feeling mom like everyone needs a little turbo truck in their life and it worked but anyway been beating the song out of this thing and we've been working on boost issues so with my wastegate placement we've been having boost groups so i've been so focused on that i didn't notice that the air fuel ratio was getting weiner and weiner and weiner as time went on so it was getting a little lean up top and i'm concerned we might have heard it now it's a built motor maybe not but we need we need to go through it we're gonna pull the plug exchange the plugs check the plugs and do a compression test hopefully the motor is healthy then we can move on to the other stuff we've got a few things to upgrade so thing one is a transcore transcore's in the front right now it's not in a great spot i'm not in love with it so i think what i'm going to try to do since it'd be easy enough is move it under the bed we'll just have to extend the wiring thing too we need to run our fuel pump power off of our msd solid state relay here we're still using the factory circuit and that could be part of the problem so this all came about they were watching data logs so so i didn't bring my laptop i didn't do a full-on data log so i'm watching it here you can see we get into boost air feels good and then it starts leaning out into the 13s 12s and that was when i got concerned so i was able to take my data logs here and put them on a flash drive and then put them on my computer so the reason i really wanted to see the actual logs on the computer was because i wanted to see what was happening you know the holley self learning is really solid and you know i've been putting all my faith in the hallway to do its job and read the air fuel and make real-time adjustments now it was doing that but it can only do that to the limit of your fuel system so we can't add any more fuel than you physically have and that's where we have a problem so the injector duty cycle was like 95 we're maxing out the injectors now it doesn't mean that it's too small of injectors that could mean we don't have enough fuel coming from the pump so it's compensating by opening the injectors longer so i think it could be one of two things one we still have the stock fuel filter that could be clogged two it could be voltage drop because we're using the factory power circuit not a hundred percent sure so we're going to change those things as well with all that done we can take it for a drive and see if it's fixed so along with a way to start this video out but that is the plan that is where we're at fingers crossed we didn't hurt the truck another thing we need to do is set up our crankcase ventilation we're just bending through these two 3 8 barbs and we're just venting to the engine bay right now one of those i'll get to it when it's ready to drive and been driving it still haven't got to it one of those things so we need to take care of that too i've got black valve covers i'm going to switch on i'm kind of tired of the red anyway so yeah okay enough jibber jabber let's get to work so the very first thing i wanted to tackle was pulling all the plugs out making sure they weren't visibly destroyed and compression testing the engine so when i had been driving it and right as it started to really lean out it started misfiring and i was really concerned when it started misfiring but luckily as we were doing this we found a couple of really burnt plug wires which we knew was a possibility they were both touching the header we had this this heat sleeving but you know that can only do so much so that was a good relief that okay uh there is a problem that's definitely causing a misfire it might not be a mechanical issue now i'm normally an optimist that is not a mechanical issue but you know it's one of those things sometimes you can't help it so i decided to pull the down pipe and to my surprise the bolt was completely seized on the v-band i mean completely stuck impacts weren't doing anything so luckily monkey fab garage had sent me these flanges and clamps for building downpipes on these turbos and i didn't have any other extra four inch v-bands so i didn't want to cut it off and not be able to put it back on but luckily monkey fab garage saved the day we had that i could cut it off with peace of mind knowing that i had one to put back on it and we could still drive the truck around so with that cut off we were able to pull the downpipe out get it out of our way and make our lives a whole lot easier when it came to getting these last couple plugs and plug wires off got my old trusty dusty grandfather's snap-on compression tester this thing has seen some years and it still works like a champion original packaging dude right [Music] all right i'm gonna prank her watch the thing let me know when it stops trying to do about 10 cycles [Applause] [Music] what's [Music] check out that garage bill co hoodie though available on garageballco.com check it out link below i just dragged it across dude mine i've drug it all over it was like disgusting from sliding on the concrete on my back all right well sigh of relief what highest 178 lowest 170 even number six was the last one oh that was 175 on the dot too damn that's consistent we've got all 175 except one 178 and that might be like a six really and then one one seventy which could be closer to 175. try that one again you want to let's do it just for curiosity give it one more revolution and see give it another chance one more chance number six right yep number six let's see there it is i might have just stopped that one early yeah hold on i'm not you gotta show them that's number six right on the money yep so wow consistent i mean it's a brand new motor but i put it together i mean i was tedious i took my time but you know feels good to be able to confirm so so far so good we put the new plugs in it and then start working on everything else so i started stripping down the front end to get my new fans on josue started working on relocating the transcore the way the lines were ran the only way to run them they had to run right by the exhaust so i figured it wasn't helping our cause and our trans temp so i got the front end stripped down you can see our new 16-inch race fans versus the 10 inch race fans we had on there temporarily massive difference now i think power wise they probably pull a similar amount of air the 16 is just going to be pulling it from a much larger surface area which is good because we have a massive mishimoto radiator in this thing so i don't think we'll have any cooling issues normally i'll build a shroud and whatnot but i just didn't think it was necessary so we got those in got them wired up tested them out and well you know they work just like they should always a nice feeling after you swap the part in so then i worked on getting the front end back together getting the intercooler back in getting that bolted up while josue was working on hard wiring the fuel pump we knew that could be one of our issues is to having not enough fuel so we wanted to hard wire with heavy 10 gauge wire now the next thing i wanted to do since the downpipe was out was to modify it a little more it still doesn't quite clear the frame rail i already scalloped it and i just needed to open it up a little bit more so i started grinding and i realized you know what it doesn't need to go far let's try heating this thing up with a torch hitting it with a ball peen hammer and see if we can get enough clearance that way just we're so close we're so close i didn't really want to go through the process of cutting and cutting out a pulley and welding it all back together if i didn't need to so got that notch and decided to throw the downpipe back in now just to see if it fit or if i needed to pull it back out and do some more modifications we had to do a little shimmy to get everything to line up but now the downpipe finally fit and cleared the frame rail so then it was time to move on to our valve cover breathers now luckily i already had this extra set of black valve covers i put the red ones on i knew i wasn't going to like it long term but i tried it i was bored of it i was tired of it so we decided to switch to the black ones which made our lives easier because we were able to modify them get them all set up and then just hot swap them instead of having to pull the old ones off modify and put them back on so we started by marking everything out drilling our holes it's it's kind of a process to get the shape cut out for the the breather it's a kind of a rectangular hole so we get them clamped down i started trying to do it with the body saw but it just was not happening so i just reverted back to the old carbide bur carbide burrs on a dye grinder are the best thing ever especially the aluminum ones on aluminum and they eat some aluminum so it makes quick work of it now the struggle here was i was trying to retain the baffle that's in the the holley valve cover but the problem was to get through that baffle with the bolts i had to drill it way out and the one was kind of right on the crease and i tried to make it work it wasn't happening i decided to ditch the baffle entirely so with that in mind we made quick work of the second valve cover because we weren't trying to do all this weird odds and ends to get it to bolt on with the factory baffle now these motion resource breathers are really nice because one they bolt on so you kind of put them on any valve cover two they have their own baffling which is baffling is super important i had to take a break to help josue uh twist these wires together the guy was twisting them by hand i was like nah dude chuck them in the drill spin it makes quick work of it but anyway uh the breathers are really nice they work really well they're internally baffled so we just had to do some mods to this valve cover to get them to all fit correctly there was just some ridges and stuff in the way but we got them on got them done all right we got the breathers on both of our valve covers they're all tight lock tighten the crap out of them obviously because it's an internal bolt you don't want that falling off down in your engine so yeah got those done we've got our new hardware we're good to go so i did have to ditch the baffles the holley valve covers come with these really nice baffles you can see where it's all cast in for this 3 8 you know just barb port but the two 3 8 bars are just not enough for you know a big ring gap boosted application so we had to just stitch the baffle so anyway i need to start pulling these valve covers off the sway is running the fuel pump wiring we're going to run a ground all the way to the battery make sure that stuff is all good to go we don't have to worry about it so nothing left to it but to just throw the new valve covers on now we gotta take each coil pack off individually everything's really tight with the downpipe here that i shouldn't have put back on i meant to just test fit it and i just didn't think about it and ended up putting it back on for good but either way simple enough job to swap them over and get the nice new ones on all right well we've got a good amount done me and hustle hustled on this thing so we've got the valve covers on crankcase ventilation i've got some new plugs in it so these i got a lot tighter than the previous ones the previous ones i just left them in the out-of-box cap which is probably mid-20s we got them down to 18 so be a little tighter plug gap less chance of a spark pull out uh we got some stock ac delco plug wires on this side they make kind of a tighter turn and keep it from just hanging out on the downpipes so maybe that'll work probably not long term long term we're going to have to relocate the coils probably and do something about the plug wire rounding but for now that's what we got that's what we're working with hopefully it works uh so i need to finish up the wiring so we got the wires all ran so we've got 10 gauge power to the fuel pump 10 gauge ground to the fuel pump we've got our 14 gauge wire going to the trans cooler fan which he relocated back here there you go so hopefully that works out better for it then when i had it running to the front it had to run between the down pipe and the crossover so it was just by a lot of heat we'll see how that goes so all this is done so we'll have proper wiring to the fuel pump now we got a new fuel filter in so if that was it that'll sort that and if neither of those things are it then our problem is just that we're making too much power so uh the fuel system we have with the line size and the pump we're limited to like 650 700 so we could be making that power level at 14 15 pounds because this thing is a six liter with a decent sized cam and really good uh ported heads it's possible but the only way to know is to fix the potential issues so on top of that we've got our second wastegate coming in so we're going to put another wastegate on the crossover and that should allow us to control boost and bring the power down in case we are already at the limit of the fuel system now i'm already planning fuel system upgrades i'm already down the rabbit hole with this thing man i'm trying i'm gonna try to hold off i'm gonna try to get it sorted where it's working with the setup we have enjoy it for at least a month before we go put a bigger turbo and a big fuel system on it and stuff so more on that later point is we've still got work to do to get this thing squared away so i'm gonna quit driver jabbering i'm gonna get back to it so one of the first simple things i wanted to do is go ahead and get the oil changed we are through the breaking oil phase we've done two changes with the break-in oil it's time to put some good synthetic in it and have it good to go for at least you know thousand two thousand miles or so all right i want to give you guys a quick little car life lesson something i've learned over the years it's all pretty true and it saved me a lot of time when i kind of switched to this mentality so the easy the easiest solution is to always assume the worst case you've got a weird noise something weird's happening worst case scenario and i mean i'm i still do it i'm normally the guy that's it's fine but on this thing i was worried i hurt the motor and we did a compression test and it was okay but it's easy to fall into that mentality and i can tell you it can cost you a lot of time if you just let that take hold and just assume yep it's got to be that i once parked the car for six to eight months i bought a drift car my buddy convinced me it was rod knock and it's not his fault i asked him you know what do you what do you think this noise is oh it's definitely rod knock i was like crap man i can't drive it i parked it for six to eight months didn't drift didn't have the money to fix the car and then one day i was like you know let me go just try and drive it it wasn't run knock it was just a lifter noise from it being an rv so you know i could give you a bunch of stories about this but it's something that's easy to do and there's you'll start to notice there's people around you that are always the ones to jump to conclusions that jump to the worst case scenario oftentimes it's not i would venture to say it's far more often not the worst case scenario than any of the times it has been the worst case scenario in my experience so here's an example this is just a good way to give you guys an example so look inside this valve cover you see all of that nastiness right a lot of people would look at this at first glance and say oh man bro milkshake your oil is milkshake coolant's getting in there you got to change the head gasket you got a really badly blown head gasket we got to pull the heads off this thing's f so let's take a look at the oil what do you know not a drop of coin not even a hint of coolant perfectly fine so it's one of those things i mean you and you'll learn these things along the way but you know that's just moisture trying to get out of the valve covers and since we didn't have great uh breathers going on we had too too little of crankcase ventilation that stuff was just getting trapped in the valve cover so that is one of the big reasons we needed to go with two 10am lines so we can get all that out and into the catch can but if you didn't know that if you hadn't had that happen to you before you might just assume it's a milkshake next thing you know you're changing a head gasket for absolutely no reason so my point is don't jump to conclusions when you have an issue don't let people talk you down the rabbit hole into a conclusion when you have an issue thoroughly verify first before you make any rash decisions so can save you a lot of time in the long run so anyway a lot of gibber driver to say oil looks decent i'm probably going to cut open the filter to make sure we don't have any big particles caught we're going to have a decent bit of metal in here this is only the second oil change on a freshly built motor new bearings new rings honing etc so we're going to have some material for the first few oil changes which is why when you build a motor you want to change the oil very frequently you're trying to get all that debris out it's not that the oil is deteriorating you just you need to get all the crap out of it so anyway i'm going to fill it up with oil and then we're going to start working on our catch cam lines get that sorted out and uh see if everything works all right time to start making some a n lines pull down the trusty am line and fitting tote start getting our fittings in place i like to put all the fittings i'm gonna use in place just to make sure all the different angles and sizes and stuff look like they're all going to work together and how i thought they would in my head so we get them all in place it's a pretty simple setup and then we start building our first line so i'm using these mr gasket co lines and fittings i really like these lines and fittings and this earl's assembly lube has been a life changer so i like to get one fitting on one end of the roll put the whole roll back into place route it then put a piece of tape and mark where i'm gonna cut it just so i can be confident that the cut is right i'm not guessing so we get the line cut on these because they're going to go over the downpipe area i wanted to put some of this earl's heat sleeving on him just to make sure that they're protected there's pretty far away but you know nice to have so we get the other fitting on get it all tightened down and our line is done we've got line number one done nice uh nice cute little guy so we go ahead and get that line installed back in the truck see how it looks then we can start working on number two all right catch can lines are done really happy with how those came out looks snazzy blends in pretty well the fittings and the lines so solid super happy with that so that done the wiring's done we've got everything hooked up there we just got to make sure it all works we got the new fans in so really all that's left is just basically fire it up and see if everything we did works and make sure we got no leaks so we've also got a new tune to go in from matt apple so i've been tinkering around with the tuned stuff myself trying to learn the holley software better i've had it forever but i just it just it works it's just like out of sight out of mind it does what it needs to do i don't ever have to mess with it whereas on this truck i want to tinker with the fun stuff so he went ahead and set up some safeties for me so we've got a duty cycle safety so if the duty cycle gets above ninety percent it'll start pulling timing we've got an air fuel safety to coincide with that so if the air fuel gets above 13.1 above nine pounds it'll start pulling timing and then oil pressure one so we drop below 44 psi in boost it'll start pulling timing so uh nice to have on this i normally don't have safety set up on the miata for example because it's a competition car and a drift car in general right so if i have a safety that pretty much kills all my power and i'm riding the wall in the bank using every ounce of power i have foot through the four board and it drops 50 100 horsepower i'm i you know i that could be the difference between me keeping it off the wall or just going into the wall uh same within tandem if i'm in front of somebody and the car just kills power they might slam into me total both our cars so in that situation it's like as much as i want to save the motor it's not worth risking totaling the car right so but in this situation we're just driving this thing around having fun ripping it on the street so like if it kills a bunch of power while we're doing a pull then it it doesn't really affect us in any negative way it just helps us save the motor so yeah anyway gotta get this loaded in and uh see how everything is all right well it's implies it's still 199 but i think a lot of that is the 187 degree thermostat because by the time the thermostat even opens it's almost 190 and then the water's gotta then start circulating and cooling down so i think it's just gonna run around 200 with that thermostat i'd like to put a 160 in it i'd like to get it to run at like 170 180 just so we have more wiggle room to let it get hotter if we're really beating on it but even with the 10 inch fans when i thrashed on it i mean i never it never really got over 200 205. so we'll see we'll let it play out it is nice to have that thermostat right now because when it's cold out it it gets up to temp pretty quick all right well in typical florida fashion from one day to the next we went from about as nasty of a day as you can get just drizzly overcast gloomy to about as beautiful as it's gonna get perfectly clear dark blue skies not a cloud in sight and uh the weather the temperature is like perfect it's like 55 60 degrees a1 so perfect day to go drive the truck test it out see if uh all the changes and upgrades worked see you again if the fuel system is better try to do a pull i'm a little nervous i don't want to beat on it if we are out of fuel system until we get the second wastegate on it can control the boost better and creep up on the boost you know start adding and adding boost until we get to okay we're starting to limit out the fuel system but maybe we'll get after it we got safety set up so you know i don't know we'll see so yeah point is we're gonna go for a drive and go to the parts store anyway enjoy this beautiful weather this is exactly what projects like this are for [Music] all right well test drive uh unsuccessful uh we've got a nasty leak from the rear of the motor either the rear main seal or the rear of the pan i did overfill it a bit more this time so it might be the pan i assumed it was a rear main seal and that we had just pushed oil out the rear main seal because we didn't have enough crankcase ventilation before i have seen that happen i've had that happen where if you uh undershoot the crankcase ventilation like that pressure is going to go somewhere and usually it'll push out the rear main seal the front main seal so that's what i assumed it was so i figured it would be good now we might just have residual left in like the bell housing case that's still dripping out but it's dripping onto the crossover and i mean to the point where it's smoking which is weird to me because it should have been worse before and it would drip but it would never smoke like that like it was burning off the crossover and smoking so that's a problem we have to fix that not trying to set this thing on fire didn't even get the rip on it i did like a quarter throttle pool that was about it let this thing go off and uh see what we can figure out here all right so i started digging trying to look for this and i had pulled that bell housing cover off and it was completely dry above it so the oil was running down over top of it it was not coming down from inside it there was nothing coming from the rear main so we started kind of looking up following the trail up and it looked like it could be coming from this oil cooler block off plate i had the factory one on there the gasket was pretty worn so i went ahead and threw this earl's one on there that has an eighth npt port just in case we ever need it and just to kind of isolate that make sure that thing wasn't warped and there was nothing like that going on i also checked the valve cover it did look like maybe it could be coming from there but it also looks like i could have just spilled some up there when i was putting oil in it it was hard to say so wrapped all that up took the valve cover off check the gasket gasket fine put it all back together fire it up got under there with a flashlight washed it for a few minutes and i didn't see anything new i didn't see any oil we cleaned it up pretty good so i figured we'd take it for a drive and see if it starts smoking or not one way to find out right oh i think that's safe to say the fuel system fixed it cause that was elevens it was right now just fine no problem did you see the boost it was right at 12. it's still aggressive but now once the converter is hot all right well drive went pretty well super stoked to finally do some long bulls without it breaking up or cutting out or anything like that uh we did still hit boost cut boost guard set at 14 pounds we still got to get the wastegate done which you know we knew we didn't change anything in that department but good news bad news situation so good news is we have room to grow with the fuel system we are not maxed out on the fuel system as i suspected it was an issue with either the filter or the wiring so could be a combination of both but i think a lot of it was the filter because it got progressively worse and that last couple pulls i did when it really went lean and broke up it was definitely worse than it was before i compared the older logs you know from the early pools to the later logs and it had gotten worse so before with it breaking up and leaning out to you know 13-5 air fuel at 12-13 pounds it was using 95 percent of the injector duty cycle so the holley was doing everything it could to bring that air fuel ratio down it was pretty much holding the injectors wide open it still wasn't enough with the pump hardwired correctly with the new fill filter at 14 pounds it was only using 72 percent injector duty cycle so issue is definitely solved we can make even a little more power on the fuel system as it is now which is great i don't i don't want to start upgrading this thing just yet we are going to upgrade the fuel system the search tank and so we can do e and flex but i want to enjoy it for a bit before we go down that rabbit hole now i did say bad news there is a bad news bear situation so the bad news is we still have oil leaking on the exhaust i mean this thing was smoking like a freight train when we pulled in now i look down there there is oil running down the bell housing but it all looked like it was stemming from the top upon further investigation it is the valve cover gasket i did verify by taking my phone go like this get it start recording with a flashlight and then you can tuck it down in these areas that you can't see and then watch the video back so we did that and you can see the gasket is folded over so that's why it's just pouring oil out all over the manifold so we need to fix that so fix that we did we started pulling the valve cover back off i had gone and got some new fresh valve cover gaskets this one i had reused off the red valve cover now granted it was still pretty new since i built the motor but they just don't like to go back in that well the oil tends to swell them up and they don't ever quite fit right they get a little too big so got some fresh ones i super glue them in a few little spots just a few drops of super glue just to hold them and lock them in place because sometimes you know you'll go to flip it over and put it on and you won't realize that the gasket fell out and got crooked and that's kind of what happened to us before since those are the old gaskets the gasket popped out in one spot and got pinched and it's just going to pour oil out all over the header so get everything tidied up get everything bolted back together so we can go drive this thing have some fun first and foremost and see if it's still weak and we'll know pretty quick as long as it's not pouring smoke out the hood it's probably okay [Applause] i don't smell any oil yet all right well we appear to be weak free got no smoke on this side nothing dripping on the crossover oh as i say that now we gotta drop i have to look and see if that's residual or not all right well rearrange the garage for future projects me and osway went and took this thing for another rip i really wish i brought you guys along because longest pool i've ever done from a start to probably a hundred of course i didn't film it but no [Music] no more awake no more weeks so it was just residual we cleaned it off more got all the leftovers no more leak my goal was to have this thing completely finished before i ended this video out you know done ready to just drive for a little while before we work on it again however still have one more little batch of projects to do first thing obviously add that crossover wastegate that way we can control the boost we can turn it down i mean we can turn it back up to this if we want but we have we need the control two i ordered two bullet style mufflers for the tip section so i have two three inch ones and then a four inch one in the four inch section there's just no room to add a real muffler so they're pretty small i'm hoping they'll help enough to get us by if not we'll have to rebuild the whole exhaust you know maybe do a cut out to this part and build a back half but that's going to kind of require relocating the trans cooler but i think we might need to go a little bigger on that anyway the point is we're going to try to quiet the exhaust down that and the wastegate those are the two things with that done we're pretty much done as far as this iteration now you know it's bad when you've already completely planned the second iteration but rough game plan is found a bigger turbo that'll be good for about a thousand wheel upgrade the fuel system so we can run e and fuel that thousand wheel 900 to 1000 wheel upgrade the rear axle convert it to five lug put some drag wheels on it with some uh nt triple five r like street legal drag radials and lower it so lowered the drag wheels uh better rear axle bigger turbo it's gonna be sweet as much as i love it right now i'm already excited for that but we have to park this thing for a bit or not park it but we have to stop the upgrades on it for a little bit just enjoy it one because that's what we should do two because we have plenty of other projects to work on which is why we push these things in the garage so anyway that's the plan one more set of projects on this thing hopefully and then uh we can just enjoy it for a little bit while we plan uh phase two so with that that is gonna be it for this video uh thank you guys for watching thanks for subscribing goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Taylor Ray
Views: 167,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turbo miata, ls1 miata, rb miata, miata fails, miata crash, miata how to, turbo miata drift, miata drift, sr20 miata, jz miata, 350z fail, turbo 350z, 350z crash, corvette drift, corvette slammed, jdm corvette, corvette fails, 2jz corvette, 2jz mustang, cummins, rhd, k24a2, k swap, ls swap, drift build, cefiro, house buying, scam, auction buy, truck rebuild, auction rebuild, budget build, turbo k24, turbo ls, drag build, cummins swap, fummins, tool review, best tool
Id: ZDMW5qwuOPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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