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I'm with overtone labs I'm here to introduce you to a new and innovative drum product the tune Bach now drum tuning has always been difficult and time-consuming but the tune box going to change that too but is the first device to quickly and accurately measure a drums pitch to bots got a handy little clip to clip onto your drums hoop and a microphone to pick up the pitch of your drum and to mots able to pick up the fundamental or overall pitch of your drum as well as the lug pitches so you can really get your drum in tune with itself also tune BOTS able to save the pitches of your own so you can return to the same sound again and again now I'll show you a little bit more about how the tune bot works before I get into the specifics of how the tune bot works I want to talk a little bit about how a drum works now when you hit a drum you get three main pitches coming from the drum the fundamental or overall pitch is the top and bottom head resonating together now that's going to be the lowest pitch and it's also going to be the loudest pitch that you hear now the top head has its own pitch and that's going to be higher and there's another pitch coming from the bottom which is also going to be higher than the fundamental pitch now different combinations of top and bottom pitch can give you different types of sounds if you tune your top and bottom head to the same pitch then your drum is going to have a long sustain be really resonant some people like to tune their top and bottom pitches far apart and that gives you more attack a shorter sustain and that can be useful for studio recording you're really going to have to experiment for yourself and find out which kind of sound suits you best now I'm going to show you how to get the drum in tune with itself now the idea here is to try to get the pitches at the different lugs to be really close together now when I hit a drum there's a number of different is the drum that come from the drum there's the overall or fundamental pitch which is the lowest pitch that the drum produces and there's also pitches coming from the bottom and top heads now if I'm tuning the top head I'm only concerned with the pitch coming from the lugs on that head so there's a few different ways I can obtain readings for this pitch I can mute the bottom head by placing the drum on a stool or on the floor and that way I'm not going to pick up the fundamental or the pitch coming from the bottom head and I can only and I'm just going to be able to pick up the lug pitches also I can pick up the lug pitches on the stand as well I can do that by first hitting in the center of the drum to establish the fundamental or overall pitch of the drum right now it's at about 160 now the pitches that the lugs are always going to be higher than that so to suppress the fundamental I'm going to put my finger in the center of the drum and now I'm going to hit by one of the lugs as you can see this reading is much higher than the fundamental now we have a mode called the filter mode to make it so when I'm hitting at other lugs I'm not going to pick up the fundamental anymore so the filter mode makes it so it only reads a certain range around the latest reading so right now I'm filtered to two ninety four point two and this asterisk here shows you that the filter mode is on and the filter number is put up in the reference display so it's only going to pick up frequencies similar to two ninety four point two now I can hit around the drum at all the lugs and I'm not going to pick up the fundamental or pitches from the bottom hit now the idea here is to get the pitch as close as you can to the same thing so if I if I loosen this lug now it's gone lower I want to bring it back up to 295 now by going around the lugs and adjusting them until the numbers are similar your drum can be in tune with itself now we also have another mode of tuning tuning the drum called difference mode now with difference mode I can use one lug as a reference lug so if I want to use this lug as a reference lug I'm going to first hit it now I'm going to press the filter button again but I'm going to press this difference button which is set that lug as the reference point so it set it to zero the lugs pitch is displayed in this reference value here now when I hit it other lugs it shows me how much higher or lower they are than the reference lug so you want the reading to be as close to zero as possible so that lug is a little bit higher a little bit higher that one's right on this one's a little low right now it's pretty good so by getting all the lugs close to zero your drum is really in tune with itself now a handy feature of the tune bot is it's able to pick up the fundamental or overall pitch of your drum now when you're listening to someone play the drums the fundamental is the pitch that you're really hearing it's the lowest pitch that the drum produces and it's also the loudest now if I hit in the center drum tumba picks up the fundamental real simple right now my display is in Hertz and I can also have my reading displayed in notes as well by pressing this note button if I press it again it goes back to 2 Hertz this number here just represents which octave you're in so 3 means it's in the 3rd octave and then e is the note that it's closest to now this dial here shows you whether you're sharp or flat the needle here is pointed towards the minus area so it's kind of flat right now so let's see if we can tune this up and get more of a real e now you want to just tune in small increments around the drum keep it in tune bring it up just a little bit perfect once you've found the sound you like you're going to want to save that sound so if you're changing your heads or your drums just really out of tune you can get back to the same sound over and over again right now I want to save the pitch of the top head so I'm going to hit by one of the lugs and once I got that reading I'm going to select the proper save slot now as you can see here right now drum is flashing so now I can scroll between types of drums being it snare Tom or bass I'm on a snare so I'm going to leave it at snare pressing the drum Save button now goes across and now I have a number flashing and I have I can pick a number 0 through 9 but you can't use 0 as a safe lot so I'm going to use 1 press the drums Save button again and now head is flashing and I can choose between top bottom or open it's the top head so I'm going to leave it at top now press and hold the drum Save button and now it's saved that reading and it's displayed in the reference area now even if I turn the tune butt off it's still going to remember that value I'm going to repeat that process for the bottom head as well and now every time I tune to the same pitch at the top and the same value for the bottom I'll get the same sound that I liked earlier if you're having problems getting your drum in tune with itself there's a few things you can try if you've been tuning on a stand you can try tuning on a stool to mute the opposite head this way when you're hitting by the lugs you're not going to pick up a fundamental pitch or any pitch from the Bob from the opposite head now if you prefer to tune on a stand you need to make sure that you're using the filter mode that you're filtered to the correct pitch now to do this I recommend first hitting in the center of the drum to give you your fundamental pitch and then hitting at a log to give you your luggage now if that lug pitch is not significantly higher than the fundamental pitch you've picked up the fundamental pitch and that's not what you want so in that case you want to place your finger in the center of the head which will mute this fundamental pitch and then hit by the log now you've got your true lug pitch once you've got your lug pitch you want to hit the filter button and now that pitch is going to be displayed in the top left corner which is the reference display also an asterisk will be displayed on the screen to let you know that your in filter mode now you can hit around the drum and all the lugs and you're going to get the lug pitches now it's possible in some cases to pick up higher overtone higher than the lug ditch and this is an unwanted pitch if that happens and you'll know that this unwanted overtone because it's going to be more than twice as high as the fundamental pitch so in this case you want to put your finger 90 degrees or a quarter of a circle from the lug that you're intending to measure and once you've got that pitch press your filter button and proceed to hit all the other logs if your drum is really out of tune it's not going to produce a clear pitch in that case I would recommend you tuning your drum all the way and then tuning it back up using the cross lug pattern and tuning in small even increments now once your head is seated and there's no more wrinkles in your head then you can proceed to using the tune by a note on the difference mode you need to make sure you're in a safe slot zero in order to use the difference mode to reference one of your lugs if you're not in the save slot zero you're going to be using a previously saved value or zero as your reference point it'll be zero if you haven't if you don't have a save value in the save slot but whenever you turn on your tune bot it's going to be in save spot zero by default I think that covers all the features of the two mod if you have any questions please refer to ww2 muqaam and check out the how to use section thanks for watching
Channel: Overtone Labs
Views: 211,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tune-bot, drum tuning, electronic drum tuner, tune bot, electronic tuner
Id: b-gGk4N6p68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2012
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