Tuna Trolling South of the Vineyard | S12 E9

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[Music] last August Fishman experienced one of the best school size bluefin tuna bites of the last decade when big numbers of 30 to 50 pound fish moved into an area south of Cape Cod this is really encouraging to see these small officials like this that 32:55 class and in in numbers I mean just listening on the radio we've heard a lot of people catching a lot of fish out here whether you're running 20 miles 25 miles down the cutting honking fishing in Elizabeth the islands all the way down or coming off the backside of the venue Durban similar locations as far as distance to run but two definite different fisheries yeah you guys that have a center console and they're used to fishing striped bass and bluefish you can use that boat and out here just be safe check the weather partner up with other boats and use a lot of the same tackle too we're using those side riggers you can use those for bass rolling as well and get you out here no real specialized equipment other than the trolling gear and some spreader bars picked up some ballyhoo and worried distant looping one of these that I think is very important is that we have two 9-inch Simrad units on board here and what's nice is we've had one with the chart overlaid with the radar which is an important because we've been in and out of the you look at the screen right now and I guarantee that's fish on the bottom sitting on the bottom and these fish right now with the tide being what it is all of a sudden these fish soon as that water starts moving those fish will pop back up yeah we're not really fishing any specific structure there's a little bit of a bottom thing but it's really not you know it's been about 130 to 140 feet what we're fishing right now is there's bait around and there's a temperature change the bluefin soon are in this kind of colder water 66 to 68 degrees you go a little further you get into the warmer stuff and start to see mahi and things like that but we stay on this cool side that seems to be where the where the bluefin are kind of stacked up right now and feeding on the sand eel and what's nice about that is the charge will even a snail trail that snail chills very important the reason why is if we run into fish I'm just gonna hit a waypoint and then all of a sudden you'd be surprised when you start finding fish at the official half a day you really haven't gone that far for the very beginning of the way you picked up the first fish hit ball pulled up there he hit most on a fish tight use them up Maggie someone from up there he is don't know which one went it's looking fishy here I know hairball behind us just drugged just picked up a fish we dropped one Larry down here on the skipjack he's already gone three for three and these guys next site you got it yeah pass it down one you got it nice nice this is the jet all the way back [Music] all right well we've just hooked up not five minutes ago and we just reset the thread went back over went back over where we were and bam right down again but we're hoping to get this guy to the boat I'm producer Matt rissalah's actually working the cockpit today and it's a great tool bluefin bite here and it seems to be one spot here I've just seen it to be holding him for right now you want me to speed up slow down I'm just listening to the Chris right now and he's letting me know if he needs me to slow it down so you can gain a little line on this fish or speed up so we keep the line tight on it we we dropped a pitch about ten minutes ago what happened so this time we're gonna make sure we keep the line tight but bump it forward a little Kevin I'm on the leader [Music] keep it right on them Maddi that's about it textbook you get going through the eyes huh ah that's a nice fish right there huh it shot out this morning around 5:30 our run talks out of here 15 miles south of watch key bluefin tuna stacked up pretty good out here it's been in the water probably about 25 minutes for 1/4 to right now we're putting this guy on ice as you can see we're not releasing him [Music] so the area we're fishing today most people have call it south of the vineyard it's a really big area but if you look on a captain Seagal map you'll see a lot of named fishing areas the claw the owl the inside fingers the dumb these are well known fishing areas for a number of different species it depends on when in the summer you're there and what the water temperature is they're sharking Browns sometimes you'll get long thin albacore tuna that come up here even mahi-mahi today we've got some cooler water it's about 65 to 68 degrees right here and there's a great school II bluefin bike going on so that's what we're doing it's it's a great little trip just about 10 to 15 miles south of the vineyard get into lots interesting fishing we got Matt rissalah our TV producer working hard in the background here we're trolling through some weed patches so just got to keep clearing the spread there's weed on the lures they're not gonna get hit so just keep cleaning them off setting them back out and Matt's working hard today he's our offshore guy he's got the experience so took him out from behind the camera and we put to work on the spread so what we do you only is when you're running out here offshore and you're running five seven whatever it is the first line you put out is usually the one that's going the furthest back in this case right now on the top of our tee top we've got one of these fin or 50s you know on it we've got a weighted belly Hugh I think we're running an Islander or a joke suit I think it is so we got that all the way back that's running back about 70 80 yards off the back now very handy this hatch is kind of a little bit about modified over here and then as I work around the start of the portside what I have on here right now this is another fin in the wash if you look back and I'll show you a little bit we've got a little spreader bar we've downsized these fish you're not paying 30 40 50 pounds so what we did is we downsize coming off the backside now we've got a little to Nepal some happens but keeping this one real in tight we're actually running this off of spinning rod its advanced all 50 swing around the boat have you come around this side behind this one right here we have another spreader bar there's a pink spreader bar that spreader bar is really kind of kicking up a lot of water it's gonna be very excitable for the fish coming from the need to take a look at that they don't walk in on something like that what they're gonna do is it's just behind it drop off and pick up one of a leaf or the rig dolly coupe which is gonna be on the thirty on our tournament tackle kind of spreader that's just kicking us out an extra five feet for running five lines we haven't crossed yet we're fishing for about an hour and let's see if we can't pick up another one we got two marks now where we've got fish we've seen other boats hooking up so it seems like even though we're not seeing much sign of life no sign of tuna on top they're clearly in the area so we're just gonna keep using the GPS narrowing down watching the temperature and try and figure out where these fish are and how we can stay on top okay boy we went over those you notice anything on the screen I'm gonna go ahead coming down here so I'll take the wheel you're on the fish Thank You Man why they all seem to be right in the same spot yeah right in that same area [Music] and he starts going under the bone [Music] it's almost done [Music] I mean you got calling in we're out of here Perry cuffs there's colors I'm not talking about leaving a little heavy right now call it further the second [Music] circular like this it's pretty much this sign if they're done so what we'll do is when a pop this guy off before he these breads [Music] you know I'm leading this fish not a big fish when we put the rod back on the rod holder pull the drag down because sometimes these fish all of a sudden fishing the big fish I'll take off you don't want that drag stopped all the way up because that's where the thing just snapped [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got the front of you want gocarygo huh good-looking fish nailed that ballyhoo right there that we were strolling along where to get him unhooked real quick in the back in the water and see how nice and bright little bit he is let's pop that hook out and get him in there we go Chris meeting Kevin break off not 50 miles south a vineyard you Schooley bluefin are all over the place right now we're doing a troll but so I'm gonna switch always see if we can't get the most light all right I'm gonna get this guy back in let it swim away help [Music] boy it's great to see these guys just snap off like that so we got some nice some nice fish in there sharing all within about a quarter mile of each other all of our marks can't have been women Napoleon yeah we've been able to use the chartplotter to kind of key in on where the fish are and see where the other boats are hooking up and we kind of narrowed it down to this area this must just be a lot of sand deals in the area that are keeping them around we're not seeing anything on the surface no whales no a real bird life but uh it's right ahead back out we drifted way a little bit fighting that fish guys you come back yoke down spread back out there and one of these rods bending over again Ronna spinning [Music] [Applause] [Music] to clear quick that it's running out of line Chris hey guys welcome back right now we've got a little well on the action we're running 10 and with one of our partner boats here and alaria back men on board the skipjack producer fishing with him at a whistle fishing with them awful lot at about eight and a half knots been a little bit of a while the radio seems to have fallen off and usually that's a telltale sign keV that uh yeah a lot of guys this morning on three four four or five or six there's a lot of truth in the area we have a pretty good bite this morning we first got out here but I don't know if the tide is slowed and we just gotta wait for it to pick up again but we'll see if it does so in a couple hours very tight [Music] and then all the other one we're off to lunch and it was bright when we went through well skipjack just hooked up they've got the bed rod it looks like Julia Hoffman who's kind of new to this whole bluefin tuna bite it's on the rod but that's what's so cool about this school is bluefin bite you can get out of here thirty to fifty pound fish it's doable you can get out here you can fight them you can land them you can release them and it's it's great for anyone who's new to the game for anglers who are just getting started into catching tuna it's kind of like a bridge to then doing more and more offshore fishing and we're going to circle back around and see if we can't show you what it's like for a you know tuna - we'll fight this fish on the back of the skipjack Claire he's come kind of still in the water there we got Bella keep packing probably has seven fish today it's good to see they've turned back on we saw them get a knockdown and miss a fish and then with two minutes later they hooked up with that one though real green launched it off the back side got a scrolling bluefin on board the skipjack I'm gonna get OCW back in the game we've had a little mall here now all sorts of boats rates fish and the Downey's style boat that he has with the big diesel in it crews are very different than all are so if you're out here you got a center console find your speed you'll you'll know just take part of when you knock down a fish was it six and a half knots with seven knots more often not that speed that you define is what's gonna pick up fish yeah like Maddie was saying earlier it's it's keeping an eye on the spread watching the spreader bars of swim and making sure that they look good in the water that's more important than the exact number of what speed you're going typically for these bluefin they seem to like it fairly fast we're somewhere between seven to nine knots for the most part that seems to be working but just make sure things look good in the water and look natural and there's [Music] oh we got fish busting right ahead of us right here look at it tight baby spinach did you see it race across a washing was out Valley gue and eatin the barely gluten and you want me guy came back up wow it's so awesome on the spinning you gotta love spinning rod this is a van stall 250 this is more than up for the task the only thing I was a little nervous of is when it was starting to strip line there when we're still in gear but it's perfect to add to a trolling spread especially when you're on fish this size you wouldn't do this if we were into the big guys but Kari you're good right there okay let me know if you need anything yeah we got some collar and if you want me to lead him just let me know I've gotten real good one of the things that these we shall deal when they come let you know that it's time to come in and start doing that kind of to inspire where they're saying yeah I'm ready to come in [Music] took one fish for the table [Music] Jeff said earlier most of these fish fashionista chat right now that South vineyard when you hit the puter you go another 10 laughs cows down you're into these fish this guy's already smoked but in the corner we want to make sure we get a quick release on him okay Kevin want to walk them over your shoulder perfect wow that was so much easier look at that cap right yeah if you want to come pop this hook out Chris I'm going to jam what a day of fishing hi buddy cap beautiful day of fishing look at that nice spin fishing for bluefin this guy came up smoked it about outfitter wasn't the fifth fish we're gonna let him go he's real clean getting back in the water give him a little push that was awesome now he jumped up there try to drop it back tease it up if they must have followed it up because it immediately jumped over to the now the ballyhoo and I'm sure that was the same fish let's see if we can't rig this we had a little bit of a troll left and they're willing to try to get out of here fishing just stop with the bending guys we're gonna get one more the lull in the action didn't last long when the tide turn tuna bite turned on as well [Music] yeah counts inch on the bar quick running out of line Chris all right I'm down I'm down I'm down come out of here [Music] figured that we could use a couple extra lines these up and this is our second fish now on the spinning gear it is a lot of fun okay if you go to the back I'm gonna guess will come right up that side clear this thing guys one thing that's great about this tournament contender 25 we have 12 rod holders 6 up the Starbridge 6 up the port side which gives me a clean deck to land this fish these have been between 30 and 50 pounds bluefin and we've been landing today out here schooling bluefin it's the perfect size for a rod reel like this I mean they could handle bigger fish but it's a lot of fun now fighting a big fish like a 2 and on spinning gear I've learned not to try and use my arms if I don't have the arms to do this but if I use my whole body lean back to lift the rod up and then reel down fast and then the last thing you want to do is just hold the rod and let the fish rest while you wrap that's how they get their strength back that prolongs the fight cheve on Mauna Kea right now all right chefs doing a good job on this this went down on the pink spreader bar yeah we got a light spreader bar chef he makes a dart to the other side just let me know and I'm watching you I'll just keep him on that side how much more fun is that on that spinning gear can't beat this fight here we go we got color as soon as you see you swivel let me know okay yep we go towards the boat leaning him over on that side I got the gloves on so that's so cool seen him take off right there that it's fun if the angler picks a corner and he likes that corner that he's in cabs in a clean corner right now we have no debris on this side it's tuning in there he's right there I'm gonna come in on [Music] friggin you listen ah little football right there have you got him he's clean right now keep a little tweeze a little football [Music] all right I like this now here we go we're back in the game we got six lines back out Maddie's rigging up a couple of ballyhoo I think we're down to our last two ballyhoo boy it's been non-stop action a afternoon starting around three o'clock extreme if you can keep the lines in the water he's been on on on we're going over a whole school of tuna right there this seems to be around this temperature break that for whatever reason that's what's concentrated the food and that's what's got the tuna in the area is that what you saw before Kevin marks like that in the 30 to 40 feet range I think it's mostly bait in sand eels but there's some bigger marks in with it and it's a good sign we even see him Fayette down on the bottom 120 fish oxygen oh no it's still there the bird flew up in the air when the fish popped off but as I was just saying we're marking that beat we were marking it earlier all on the bottom now it's about 40 feet down so it's a short trip but I've been rocking up to the top and hit the spreader bars hit the ballyhoo high spike it is just on it is on right now oh he's going across the spread holy he is going across the spread this is a fish this is a fish the bait these fish in the bait we're all up around 30 40 feet so the sand eels are kind of rising up off the bottom after these fish are feeding on and the the tuna are up high and up in the water column now that they're coming up to check out our spread I'm just gonna try and keep the boat for us to keep your fish off the corner yeah that's perfect let me know if you need anything thank you that's perfect I got color he just saw the boat look at him take off right here right here Kevin stop right there he's coming back at the boat that's perfect right there Ken Jeff just knocked a little bit I'm not not much but just push it ahead a little bit thank you here's the leader right there go out with Selena grandma this fish is just at least look at that nice a great day fishing for bluefin tuna just 15 miles south of Martha's Vineyard Schooley bluefin up to 40 pounds how much fun was this that's if you'd like to learn more about today's show log on to on the water dot comp and Kevin blink off Chris Megan thanks for tuning in
Channel: On The Water Media
Views: 44,247
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: on the water, on the water tv, chris megan, martha's vineyard bluefin, football tuna, stand up, trolling bluefin, tuna fishing, on the water full episodes, trolling for tuna, offshore fishing, canyon fishing, bluefin tuna, bluefin, on the water tv full episodes, video, offshore tuna, trolling for bluefin, tuna trolling spread, bluefin tuna tactics, tips for trolling for tuna, trolling tuna, simrad, costa sunglasses, trolling for bluefin tuna south of martha's vineyard
Id: Kf54KT-kAhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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