Yellowfin Tuna Chunking

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all right what's up reader team welcome back it's october 9th we're just getting to the mid-shore grounds yet again to do some more light tackle chunking so with me i got my buddy ted say out of the world ted hello world so how's new jersey feel bud oh look cold so ted worked with me for a couple years now and uh just about three years ago he moved down to the keys so he's up here for a couple of days so um nice have a full board but yeah it's a little different for him now so uh yeah we're just getting on scene here so i'll check with you guys hopefully when we hook up the fish see ya fish all right team so uh we've been fishing all five minutes and we got ted hooked up welcome back to jersey ted there we go baby that's tuna the only problem with ted here is that silly thing on his head i mean you know i don't know about that eagles are eagles are in first place one two and one one win dude everybody was knocking peterson for that tie i was like you watch it's going to come into play yeah we got one on now paul 40 pound uh free floater spot next one's yours strappy in yeah right those things are way too shiny you feel how thin these are the patriots oh god those are really thin yeah i like it keep your limber that's all where do you see this thing dude i'm telling you what you see if it's the size we've been getting this way to see it yeah they look like you know october canyon elephant actually they're every bit of 70 pounds and they're all mean they're all mean yeah that thing beautiful fish yeah ted's got his circles all right a few more circles here we'll get them we'll get them get them next circle keep circle timing them circles oh yeah ted's a pro got him baby yep ready one two three there you go welcome back ted you hooked him look at that oh my goodness wow yeah hopefully that's not the one fish curse you ever had that i broke the ice though yeah broke the ice one for one baby i'll take it they've even been bigger than that ted believe it or not here spin them around do the other side if you can there you go bob ready all right come on you on i like fishing i really like it just so fun i want to do it all day every day okay so you can see what i'm doing here is just doing what we call collaring these fish cutting their heads off taking the guts out and really makes for a nice product in the end it's in my opinion worth the extra effort while you're out there oh look at that a little bit of squid spot spotting some squid he came in from the canyon this one here yep just start making some room like pull out a couple bags of ice all right team so we uh we missed two bites and uh now now ethan's on so we'll see it's acting kind of sharky but you never know we fight everyone likes tuna because sometimes they just wake up they swim right at you and then before you know it you got a rocket ship on the end of your line so let's see he might have a tuna all right stay tight always keep a bend in that rod okay oh no ethan you got yourself a tuna fish bob yeah you do yeah ethan's got a tuna it hasn't woken up yet hey just check his drag make sure he's just a little above strike okay so right here that was miscommunication between me and eric that was my fault i told him you know you can probably come up to the button but i really didn't specify exactly which button so um we inadvertently went all the way up to full drag right there and that's why we broke that fish off she's a little let me see that real quick yeah that's too much yeah you were at full that's too much it's all right reel it in gotta bring it no worries no worries mate we'll get another one so far we're one for two i made a little wiggle a little bit closer to the fleet which i hate dylan but so we're tight all right nathan your job is when you run you let them run and you always keep a little bend in that rod okay bub yeah don't mess good job bub remember you wait for your shot okay bud be nice we can just pick them like this you know i'd rather tuna fish all day than go running around i was already thinking about you know should we go ma he's fishing or she bet but i want to kill all the tuna all the time you want to kill everything i want to kill all the tuna all the time good job ethan what's up baby look at that fish all right now don't reel this don't reel the swivel through the rod tip okay ethan good job you're doing great bub now when he starts doing that lead your rod to the right see that that's it good when he starts swimming to the boat you lead him to the right that's it that's it now watch now start swinging your rod to the right see that see that that's all you got to do right there bub next time if it comes up like that you can stick them like right there right there that's it you got it hey good job baby hey good stick hey good job guys ethan good job dude boys all right team quick update it's around 11 15 a.m we are two for three on nice sized tuna uh we actually moved into the fleet they were kind of we got word they were picking them pretty good in the fleet and um we're actually marking a lot more fish here between 60 and 100 foot i got one right there see there's a fish right there um but we just can't seem to get bit here um so we dropped one of our leaders to under 30. so we'll see um i don't know we'll see you guys just going to keep plugging away there's fish here just a matter of getting them to bite but we were catching more fish away from the fleet so i may actually move back over there we didn't mark much there but we were getting bit i think probably because there's not as much both traffic so we're in a nice long we're gonna do a nice long drift here and uh see if we can't get them going my team so uh down on the gopro i just checked back with you from the flybridge and uh yeah i was feeding bait out i had them weighted down with 10 ounces and uh ripped it right out of my hand so we're on so we got danny on his hopefully first elephant we'll see it didn't feel real big almost like a falsie or something but they haven't been out here so i don't know we'll find out anybody wanna anybody feel the need to stick one i'll stick it yeah it's sticking baby you feel this gift if you like that one that's nice in it yeah yeah i like that one what was real like this one yeah not a boy danny i don't know what this is oh you got a tail wrapped elephant he's a tail he's tail wrapped he's coming right in now he's basically dead he's basically dead it's okay it counts let's kill it no no you got him you got him oh he just came off the he just came off the tail wrap oh now he's gonna wake up i knew if i told you it felt like normal funny told you it felt funny oh now you're now you're now he's going to wake up he's probably pretty tired from getting drugged backwards man he's big look at him all right take your time bub that's a good job all right reaper team so you want to fight a tuna huh it's so fun it's just so fun especially once you get the grunting once you get the grunting going that's when you know you're you're in the heat of the battle when he swims to the boat you just that's it yep then you just kind of veer it out a little bit and then once we get to yeah i would stay right in this corner bub said you get in this corner and then when he's when he swims to the boat you just kind of move him a little bit to the right that's it you got it baby oh ted that's okay oh i just came off no no oh guys so danny's first tuna uh what a heartbreak on the ending uh nothing anybody did wrong ted is a very seasoned angler um you know he's a tournament winner he's gaffed probably hundreds of tuna uh it's bound to happen i know i'm gonna lose a gaff at some point knock on what hasn't happened yet but uh nobody's fault just literally slipped out of his hand it happens oh there it is the game yeah well let's do this bring him in what's that yeah i know i know it's all right we had him all right let's go um sorry buddy it's okay let's go get the gaff then we'll go do another drift all right team so it's five after one as of now we're two for seven last one there we actually lost the gaff i was able to get it um so let's see uh we started the drift over and literally right away we got hooked up so see if i can't kill this thing here yo hey he's a natural dude oh yeah he's got some salt in his veins even though he's a pa guy i'll let him slide yeah he's got some he's got some salt in his veins i can tell he's good on the rod guys this was my first uh trip fishing with danny he's a good friend of eric uh he actually keeps a boat literally right across the street i just never met him um he's a natural in the rod uh real nice guy it's what was really funny i didn't even notice until him going through the footage look at the look at the wristband it's awesome the sweatband it's like from the 1980s i love it we gotta get about past that depth stalled right there a lot of times they he's probably right at the thermocline beside that thing thanks huge dude that's that was 75 easy he's me didn't he oh whoa that was cool that was cool dude um the wind just picked up too darn much you can see it's it's kind of nasty now so we got on the anchor i'm the only boat in the whole fleet anchored let's see if it works i feel like we weren't presenting our baits right so uh we're gonna do this for another hour or two and then i think we'll probably call it a day uh we'll see no no no no no no no no bring me that rod you're way up off the bow reel okay couple cranks take a couple crank i think so okay you bring him up here you can find him up here he's gonna want to run this way the current's this way i'm okay i'm okay for now i'm actually better without it let me just get him under control here i think i can bring him back somebody stay with me yeah okay keep it bending that rock keep it bending that rod we got another one right off the bottom they're here guys we better we better kill one or two more here team we just might team i ran this fish all the way up to the bow under the anchor line all the way down the other side of the gunnel um just the kind of day that we had you know we broke them off literally right at the boat right team so uh yeah 3 30. we broke that one off um not far down so we've hooked nine killed three and uh after at least one so we got some meat on the boat but we're getting action zero complaints we're having a blast so uh we're gonna fish a little bit longer here again it's getting snotty so it's around 3 30. i think we'll give it till four maybe we'll hook one more and uh we'll go from there just like that we're on again um so and then eric said he sees him in the slick so let's see if we can't capitalize here we've had a lot of bites as our 10th bite um but we got to start capitalizing you know but it's nothing you can do nobody's doing anything wrong it's just uh it's late tackle fishing it's tough yeah get a chunk hide it in you saw me yeah nice start throwing chunks and then if you if you need to go to the bow okay dan just let me know i'll help you if he starts running up that way yeah it's good right about there let me feel hold on you're good there yep no more than that i don't think ted you got bit didn't you you just got bit right there didn't you we're gonna take our time okay bob take our time did you see that that was cool that was cool i actually thought he spit it for a second that's it good job i almost prefer the little ones i almost prefer they got a lot of back toes yeah i almost prefer the 40 50 pounder get them in quicker well these are fun these it's a challenge on this lake here they really got a good a good shot again in keeping with the theme of the trip tough trip uh we actually have a real failure here this uh canyon ex-16 you know she's been through the riggers we've uh caught lots of fish on her and uh never let us down but yeah right here the drag just literally just starts slipping and uh yeah i think we had to retire for a little bit just keep doing those swirls okay yep a little bit more a little bit more next one next one i don't know i don't like them there we go baby five for ten there we go good job 50 percent good job boys yeah yeah we got him yeah let's get another one beautiful nice fish good job danny you're a natural boy all right what's up scissors that nice fish here did you get a good picture with the other one dan yeah i gotta go did you okay i was gonna say get a nice picture oh here we go baby here we go nice and slow up and when i say guys what i say afternoon baby okay all right guys just like that we got more we got one butter ball and we got ethan hooked up to another so let's see here uh hey spot out another one so team this fleet just totally totally dispersed there's literally like three boats out here that got nasty uh so hopefully now's our chance let's see i'm gonna run give it a rod ethan i'll meet you on the other side come on take your time just get settled okay take one or two cranks and then hand the rod to me okay good job we got another bag oh good there you go perfect so every now and then you know that fish starts running into the boat when you're at anchor and every now and then you can just kind of steer them the right way um there's no way i can teach it it's all about feel ethan was doing everything right here i just you know didn't want to lose this fish we lost a couple fish throughout the day i've done this hundreds of times and you know it it's a feel it takes a little while but you know sometimes you just can almost coax them on on what you want them to do i it's the only way i can describe it yeah i'm just debating what to do he's just right under the boot watch out let me try this ethan watch me come here look at what i'm doing look at this sit barely move go so guys this is eric's son ethan he did such a good job i was so proud of him um he just beat these yellowfin tuna up and um you know he listened to instruction really well um team when you're out with somebody that's you know pretty well experienced or if you're on a charter just listen to what they say you know i'm telling you that's the key to success the reason why they're telling you that is not to be cocky or arrogant it's because they have confidence and they've done it probably hundreds of times and ethan did a great job just listening and paying attention and observing what was working and uh yeah he just did so good i'm so proud of him come on waves he's up damn i'm making any harder or easier rather spin them that way start spinning that way around the trump truck attaboy and then when he comes this way you take a couple of yeah cranks all right yes i already kind of got a pulse on this guy anyway yeah you wait for your shot okay pretend whoever i don't care just i'll lead him right to you i'll give him his head i'll give you his head oh there he comes i'll get him now just whoever's guessing i'll tell you what i'm gonna give you his head right on a silver platter kind of like right there like right there there we go i had a boy dead got him bob sure there you go baby in the booth yeah there you go that's how you stick up teddy boy oh yeah that's how you do it baby redemption all right good job ethan good job you did the work baby whoo so that's uh all right look you killed him dude that's five we killed six we leader right five we killed six we leader all right another thing we could do too is go in i think we got enough of it yeah but we can do that but we gotta end it on a good note you guys want to do that yeah let's do it we got five fish all right team so i don't know what time it is but we killed five we leadered six so we gapped and released one it happens but uh what an awesome day i mean actually we had 11 bites i think we probably had nine or ten solid hookups uh no complaints the guys did great we popped two cherries so ethan you're videoing me i'm videoing you yep danny boy we popped your cherry time too yep so just an awesome day guys so super pumped we got a little sporty ride home so we're gonna pull the anchor get home safe and we'll call it a great day so as always hit that like button subscribe ding that silly bell down to the right so you get future notifications all i do is kill tuna i'll see do you
Channel: Reaper Fishing NJ
Views: 9,912
Rating: 4.9861593 out of 5
Keywords: Sea Money Fishing, John Skinner Fishing, Vicky Stark Fishing, Jackie Shea Fishing, Penn Fishing, Penn Reels, Shimano Fishing, How to Catch Tuna, How to Catch Yellowfin Tuna, How to Catch Bluefin Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Bluefin Tuna, Fresh Sashimi
Id: njIjBWP4GA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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