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hi welcome back to my channel in this video i use tumbling tower blocks from dollar tree to make all of these diys for the first one i used one of the big 72 packs and i'm just gonna glue the three blocks together like this with some tight bond wood glue and i made 32 of these in total i just placed the tower blocks facing in different directions so the first one is the mole facing up the way then they're facing to the side the next one they're facing up the way and i just make sure that each one is touching the block a square that's facing the other way if that makes sense and i do this until i make the shape of the letter e then i glue them together in that order and i make two of these could you easily do this to make letters like f and l and i and i'm just going to take the remaining blocks and i'm going to put them also in the opposite direction from the ones that they're touching and i'm just going to show you where i put them and that's me picking the best grains because that's the bits it's going to be showing now just put them all along the edge off each side and then at that inner part but i don't do it for the top or the bottom of the ear and then just glue those ones in place that's me gluing the wrong edge so just make sure that you glue all the edges that are going to be touching and now i'm just going to take a single blocks and put them on the bottom of each part of the e like one either side and then just glue the other e on the top i didn't show on camera but i did turn it on to its side to glue it and hold it in place and not work there off camera i stained it with the waverly antique wax and i cut out three pieces of foam board to fit in the middle and um i should have put like one block on either side but i mean you can do that if you make it but i'm only going to put some fake succulents in here anyway and i'm not going to glue them down so if you want to do that it's up to you and i fill it with some of the dollar tree reindeer moss and some of the succulents from dollar tree and this is it and i made it from my little friend ethan he's six this week he loves all my crafts so i'm gonna i made it for his bedroom so i hope he loves it let me know what you guys think for this next diy i took 20 tower blocks and i glued them to together at the ends to make 10 pieces and then i'm just going to glue them so that the corners touch like this and then i keep doing it so that it makes a spiral and i'm using hot glue here because it's quick robot should definitely use wood glue i'm going to try using wood glue more often because the hot glue doesn't always hold and off camera i stained it with some minwax in early american and i'll leave a link below and i don't know why i didn't show on camera and i painted a dollar tree palette with um some black acrylic paint and i'm just going to glue the two pieces together and then i'm just going to decorate with a couple of succulents i didn't glue them down because i didn't decide how i wanted them yet but you could always put more on it and you can always hang this on your wall or something i just want to try and make something a little bit different for this one you're going to glue the blocks together like this to make a square and i'm using hot glue again but you should definitely use a wood glue and if you do use hot glue make sure you pick off the glue that oozes out for the next level you have to put the first corner where i'm putting it and then make it at an angle so the other corner is touching the other side yeah just make sure just go around and put the that corner together and then the other one so you're still making a square but it's not the same square as the one underneath and just keep repeating this all the way up until you can make the square put it together and make a square like you did on the bottom this is like halfway through so here is the top and you just want to glue these pieces together and then make sure you hold it but i forgot to film for the bottom i just glued in four of the wii um wooden cubes that you get from dollar tree off camera i painted these with the waverly antique wax and then i used some black acrylic paint to paint the edges of each of the tower blocks and this one was actually the first one i made and i made it going anti-clockwise and then these two i made going clockwise and here i'm showing you that i didn't i lined that one up properly but when i made these next ones i didn't line them up the same at the top so watch out for that because it will make them fit together better when you glue them together also i make sure they're going in the same direction and i just put an air plant from walmart and some grass from dollar tree in these i put some moss in the bottom of that one but if you closed off the top you could always make them into candle holders if you guys make any of my diys i'd love it if you tag me on instagram so i can see them and it's also the name bonnie bling's for this diy just used a big container of mod podge so that i could stand up the terror blocks around it in a semi circle and then i used some nautical rope from dollar tree and i just hot glued it to the block so that it could hold its shape then a hot glue a tower block to one end of each tower block then i put it back into the semi-circle shape and i just hot glue another tower block to on top of where each gap is and i do that all the way around making sure that it stays in the circle shape and then i made two of these and i glued them together in the middle and i'm just putting some extra tower blocks on either side and i just hot glue them and maybe just make them fit and i hot glue some of the reindeer moss from dollar tree along the bottom and then i fill it up with some succulents and i think it turned out really cute looks like a wee bridge but let me know what you guys think in the comments down below i'm using the dollar tree wood glue super glue and i'm just gonna use a paintbrush to brush on a little bit on each tower block and i am putting them together with the opposite corners touching and i'm just going to keep doing this and building it up and making a spiral until it comes all the way back to the the same as the original terror block that i started with and then i'm just going to add two tower blocks to the top and then two to the bottom and that is that a bit you could make this one taller if you like you can do that with all these candle holders i'm going to show you i'm just gonna show you different ways you could put the blocks together and the patterns that they make this next one i'm using hot glue because i'm impatient but definitely use the wood glue and this one i'm gonna stick the blocks together the same way well diagonally like to make a spiral but on their sides and all these candle holders you could stick the blocks together in twos or threes and then um build them up and make them thicker if you wanted to so here you see the spiral shape for this one i am doing one flat and one on the side one flat one outside like that all the way up and again i just made it the size that i'm going to show you but you can make these any size you want you see it turns out like this and i did paint paint one of them just so you could see and the little candle holders i got for the top i got from amazon and there's a link down below if you would like them you can make these different colors and you can always make the base and the tops bigger if you want to with this diy i colored the blocks together like this and it should definitely use i keep saying it but with glue for this because when i stained it the pieces kept falling apart and it was a bit of a nightmare and also i would stain the blocks first and then i just joined the pieces together and i made 24 of these and then i'm just going to glue them together diagonally again okay and make sure that the sides are touching i just pick off if you do don't use hot glue but make sure you always pick off any hot glue that's sticking out because you can see it when you paint or stain and then i just keep doing this and then keep stacking them up until i've used up all of the blocks this is a starting to take shape and you can make this as that size or you could make it taller if you want to i'll just give you the ideas and then you can take them and make them your own and here this is the bottom i you'll see at the end that i added on nine blocks to the bottom to make a square shape no it was a rectangle shape but i just add a couple of extra blocks on the top here so i didn't show it on camera but i did put a piece of foam board on the top and i glued it down and i stained it with the minwax and early american i just added some reindeer moss and dollar tree succulents in the top and i hope you like it thanks for watching and i'll see you again soon you
Channel: Bonnie Blings
Views: 58,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollar tree jenga diy, diy home decor ideas dollar tree, dollar tree, dollar tree block crafts, dollar tree block diy, dollar tree blocks, dollar tree crafts, dollar tree crafts 2021, dollar tree diy, dollar tree diy 2021, dollar tree diys, dollar tree diys 2021, dollar tree jenga blocks diy, jenga blocks, jenga blocks craft, jenga blocks diy, new dollar tree diys, tower block diys, tower blocks, tower blocks game, tumbling blocks diy, tumbling tower block diys
Id: mk6GoO5C5GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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