Tuesdays with Tonya - Episode 114

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hi friends it is Tuesdays with chanya I'm CH here with my County link and today I'm out here at the Greenville High School I'm out here at the Greenville FFA greenhouse and I'm here with a special young man by the name of Jaden Hicks we're going to talk to him about being the vice president which is the state vice president at large he's going to explain that to us and then he also got first place in the agricultural communication proficiency award is that correct okay so we're going to meet him we're going to talk to him about what this has taken how this has taken place what it means and what it will be for the future so we're going to turn it around and we're to meet Mr Jaden so I'll kind of start with my uh proficiency and AD Communications so I got this from my work at wtgr which is our local radio station here in Greenville um with my work as a c-arm news director so I started that about a year and a half ago I record two four-minute stories and um local grain markets from 10 of our local grain elevators and broadcast those daily with the help of two other c-arm news directors so that led me to getting this award with lots of hard work um we had to fill out an application it's a very rigorous application process um but I got first place and now we move on to the Nationals so I'm super excited about that oh and we're also so proud of you so tell us also about the vice president position at large tell us about that yeah so um I was elected to be the state one of the five State vice presidents at large here in Ohio so that'll mean that I'll travel around the state this next and upcoming year for the next 362 days wow um I'll be going from counties different counties different uh towns visiting their FAA chapters giving speeches doing workshops and then I'll spend my whole summer this summer at um Camp FFA Camp muskingham um over on Eastern Ohio so I'm super excited about that I'll get to go to DC with that um and get to impact FFA members all across our state not just here in our County and farmers are so important to all of us so Future Farmers of America we need people like you and how cool that we've got somebody like you that is representing Dart County yeah it started with agriculture our country is built on agriculture and it's super important that we keep that going um and that's really why I'm excited about this organization or getting into this organization in the State Association absolutely yep so this is my state OFA degree it hangs by the chain um and there's four degrees that our chapter uh bestows upon its members and we got the greenand degree and the chapter degree and then you go to the state FFA degree then the American degree so the American degree is the highest degree an association can bestow upon its members and about half a percent of FFA members um across our nation get that degree so it's pretty important um and it's a very rigorous process too um lot of earnings from your SAE like mine and AD Communications and stuff like that okay that's very impressive so tell us a little bit about after school when you graduate here at Greenville and then tell us what you're going to do for the future there fall time and stuff yes so I'll be going to Ohio State University main campus majoring in Agro Science Education um on track to be an FFA adviser and an a educator um hoping to come back here to Dark County we'll see kind of where my the next four or five years takes me with uh State office and everything and then becoming an act teacher and then hopefully uh later in the future within the next 10 to 20 years I'd love to be an administrator at one of our high schools here in Dark County well anybody would be lucky to have you so thanks for sharing your talents with us thanks for taking the time to explain all this and we wish you the best of luck and everything thank you guys so much very good I'm going to also kind of scan here because people can come out and shop now correct yes they can okay so here is the FFA Greenhouse it's right here behind the school they've got beautiful flowers and I also see they have house plants been here y they've got all kinds of things so what are do you know the times that they can do this yeah so we're open Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday from um 3:00 to 5:00 and then we're open Saturdays from 9 to 2:00 um and we're open until the um last Monday in May so I think that that's or the last Tuesday in May so the 29th I believe okay very good very good oh yeah so come out here and visit their greenhouse and get your flowers because I think the weather is going to be promising so we don't have to worry about Frost I think we're going to be great so keep visiting with me as we keep visiting people places and things and we'll see you next time and again congratulations to Jaden Hicks [Music]
Channel: Tuesdays with Tonya
Views: 144
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Id: pwAIXp0v4Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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