Tucson Gem Shows 2019

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all right so here's an example of some of the ruffs that we can find at the gym show this is Peter site and is one of my favorite gemstones here here's what it looks like in the rough well see how that Sheen still comes up on camera of it you can tell even though it's rough state it's got some really incredible features to it but this one here this is the tiger eye and it in the blue it really has some chatoyancy it's a nice stone and when you spray it sometimes I'll have like spray bottles on here so if you take a squirt bottle here and what you'll see people doing is squirting them and it'll bring out the so you can see what you know that's these aren't good examples either sometimes you'll see people spit on the rocks but enough to see what it looks like when it's polished but yeah this one when it's polished is a really nice looking stone there we go do that there's a piece of native copper this comes from I think Michigan giant chunk of copper so you know just all kinds of variety of specimens and quartz is crystals look at those things okay we're just dropping off we've got some spirit quartz and ammonites in here so first I'm gonna yeah this one is round one we're going to go back out yeah all right here 22nd Street show popping in here this is a one of these gigantic tints that you can see from the freeway there's i-10 up there there's a mountain just give you a reference point that's an iconic Tucson landmark so in here this is a what the third show we've been to kind of technically to the second thing the parking lot is completely full this is probably a busier part of the show too because it's the weekend so this is open to the public the other one we were at was wholesale only but these shows some of them open to the public like this one was gonna be a lot more crowded and if you come to these shows there's usually concession stands at Kino Park we're gonna probably go tomorrow but this one's got you know coffee stands and stuff too but be prepared to do a lot of walking if you come to these shows I'm gonna wear like walking shoes today it's like what feels like it's nice yeah here's the Tenten I shown you from the outside and then they extend down for like a quarter-mile dinosaurs dinosaurs see oh that's a sloth I think it looks like a sabertooth maybe some knives handmade knives oh I don't know some of these shows you can't film in oh man there's so much happy really if you ever come to the show and you want to buy ya a super discipline you have to like stay with it because it's like you get caught up in it I mean really you get really there's so many cool things here I mean it's just if you don't restrain yourself you're gonna just go out of control and really the time constraint too because you can see you've only been to the third show and it's description maybe Christine when she's not vlogging this one's a florescent minerals here really like that effect I was thinking of getting some fluorescent backlight partly for my uranium glass but partly just to find minerals out and about but again it's early in the show the show has only been going a few days we're only in the second ten to 20 seconds a street show but yeah this one we came to one year I think we got this was the last tent we came to and there is only like literally their bag and stuff up they were just you know there's a few things out the guy sold us okay so you can see the veins and when we take it out it naturally wants to release its pressure and split naturally and that's what you get so iridescent and it just shines up at you know I think I was talking to you last year you said it takes like three days to get to your way to get out there and out back or is this where you get it's closer to Alice Springs and we're closer to Cannes really so it's 1200 k's to get out there but they're not good roads the last 50 kilometers takes us an hour in the home Wow yeah so imagine getting there and having all the equipment and bringing this stuff and getting the Tucson and polishing it I mean just every time I come here just yeah that's where we live for six to eight months of the year really yeah and our closest neighbor that's beautiful country is there that what 16 kilometers away you don't have to worry about wildfires out there so tell other mining Lisa when how the opals formed in Australia it's a lot to do with the Inland Sea that was there so you're looking for faults and veins of down there so through the sandstone there's silica-rich penetrated down there and went into what we call sandstone boulders and the boulder levels usually occur the same and there it is in the wall in situ so what we do is top and tail if that's opal there we take the top off the boulder and the bottom of the boulder and then you have a vein all the way around and you just tap it gently and you all get the and that's natural all natural it hasn't been polished that's what nature smooth another one is that one you would have seen and that's again not being polished at all it's just nature see that split through there so when you take these boulders out of the wall it's all the pressure of millions of years is released and so the opal is the softest part of the the rock so it just wants to give and split and that's what happens there's another streak to show so there again the vein is exposed tap tap and that's a water level you can see where the Silica's runs through I think this is Christina's favorite which is a lovable durable I'll just put it up that mountain found - well yeah never it's like a film in a sunset you can't really appreciate when she's trying to sell online you try to capture the they summit just one it looks good in person I promise this is the one that looks like the ammolite yeah which I guess maybe the same type of processes I think the water that's probably quite right you see I don't think we have I don't recall that we it's um it's polished on the outside but we haven't polished it on the inside but you can see see how that's splitting through there the pressure is released but when it becomes pinched at the back here the rock won't let go so it won't split any further but if I put a saw through there and exposed the vein all the way around you just have to go tap tap and it would be over but this one it split naturally how long have you been mining the opals they're in 35 years but we've only gone direct to the market in the last five oh yeah the dealers wouldn't buy this office if we were in the mining site they'd say chop it all up into stone and that's but naturally that's all natural yeah yeah but it's like glass when it splits it's wow that is just believe me on the video of a piece of rubbish the I must be really sophisticated huh yeah really okay guys it's really hard to see the boulder opal on camera but I will post their information below if you want to find them they have an Instagram account there they're one of my favorite companies that come here to Tucson the German shows this is a Marcus rude food anyway so you see their name but they've got really nice specimens here they're at the Pueblo in and last year I came they had this piece of gold specimen it was like a wire but yeah they've got if you ever come to the Pueblo show you definitely need to check out this booth because they have what were you checking out over there you show me the cereal topaz it's called and you know it's like a lot of these I mean if you're not familiar with gemstones and don't ever say this around a vendor but it looks like glass I mean some of them I mean they're so incredibly clear like see that piece of aquamarine back there how you can see straight through it I mean it's there's no inclusions whatsoever but the I mean they've got them from all over Brazil Pakistan and show me another one some of these but it's so vibrant okay so there see that piece of silver in nature that's that's how it comes out a piece of wire yeah there it is but the crystals you never see the crystals they show me the other one over here yeah so something else too if you come to these gem shows you might see a piece of something that's rose quartz it's like 5 or 10 times the price anyways what it comes down to is the quality of the piece right it's only it's always the quality not the quantity the sculptural aspect if it's got a cool shape to it that can be work you need enemies more anonymous like that piece of aquamarine see how there's a bunch of spines on it versus well you know or like this fluorite I think that's a really rare piece there you don't see that you could spend hours at each show and not cover the half of it I mean there's so much to see it all these what country are you from I come from false German Germany okay so yeah you got all kinds of languages for in Spanish Portuguese Chinese Taiwan I mean like every every country that produces gemstones and then some come to the gem show here thank you thank you merci 3,500 over 30,000 quartz crystals how different it is and how rare it is it only comes from Brazil yeah Brazil has it okay and there's a gold specimen if you can point to that one for me yeah that one yeah that's a natural gold specimen that ones from Brazil a ton of really interesting crystals come out of his ole in Pakistan Afghanistan's got some nice ones but I've even some seen something come out of Oregon I mean they're just all over it's just a matter of getting to hear like the people from well this app I think there's piece over here I was looking at a piece last year like that one up there I think it was selenite last year and had it I still regret not getting it but it was way way over our budget so you know there'll be more or will there yeah so here's a piece of malachite now this one it looks really dull but a lot of these gemstones you can't recognize the quality until you cut into it like each one of those little globs on there when you slice it it has like rings and really polishes up this vibrant emerald green color it's a really nice gemstone really it's in the eye of the beholder in some of these you know whatever you're into I was looking last year for some what was it called the guy said it's gonna probably be really improbable to find but I'm still looking some asbestos samples but one of my favorite gemstones is Peter site and that is fossilized that's best folks well so is Tiger Ivan they call it something else just to make it more desirable so there's some quartz and that's from Switzerland right to pink this hematite both of these pieces are from Switzerland now and looks like a flower if you could see it's well the camera doesn't pick anything up really you just got to come to the gym show to the gym show at least once show me I just needed to show you this morganite oh that's from Afghanistan and it's on quartz yeah I mean that quartz I mean it's on a stand but the base see how they've smashed together yeah it's like 10 inches tall it can live all these crazy little creations show me the one over here you want to be shot out with this aquamarine quartz I mean look how wintery and I mean just look perfectly in the house so this is the mark Marcos New Deal Monaco as a picture I didn't see that specimen in there but here they are they're at the pueblo show right well every year they've been here at this at this location which is right by the lobby so if you come to this one you can see them every once in a while something will keep your eye just as you're walking by I was walking by this display booth and I saw that cute little 1442 but yeah so in the lobby they've got I don't know it's encrusted with you so some of the vendors put out a little displays here so you can get an idea of what they've got in their stores copper gemstones silver meteorites ammonites labradorite this is the gemstone America this is Spectre light and some finland different carvings turquoise opens can I get it a perspective you stay in the next to that so this giant well I'm six feet tall and this thing's taller than me just to give you an idea you come to the gym show every every show has guides with maps and then also there's usually a there's a you can ride on that's called the gym shuttle so it goes to all the shows you can just Park it one show and go all the shows but yeah it's kind of raining today a lot of vendors are closed because of that but usually it doesn't rain okay show me the piece okay I was just picturing them on and displays you know certain uh and what is this blue argonite yeah crystal and like if you had it up on a display where is featuring I better hear that background your help doesn't look together there but I just love the look of that and it's so icy and blue I love this winter colors with just a little bit of the earth tone there there's another nice one back there at you top literal yeah I really definitely going back to that one okay so just going to show you this piece here I don't want to touch it because it's $1,300 and it's extremely fragile it's mesylate with a capo light from India look at how can you believe that's a stone how fuzzy that is and then that beautiful like crystal diamond or even like a mint green anyway that piece up on a display would be absolutely spectacular with the light shining on it yeah 1300 it's gorgeous though this collector's piece cocktailing okay hey whatever it is we're here again Jim show tons of people it's a weekend begin but at least the quit raining there's that another one this is the Pueblo gym show I think we were here before but a lot of these tents are closed because it was raining and I don't blame it was really cold and rainy at the time [Music] Columbian crystal yeah I just got in trouble at an Australian booth for calling a yeah anyways I called the kangaroo wallaby okay yes this is by de jewel these are the the glass water bottles that I have at home so I just wanted to show you this is where I got the exact booth so they're at the Pueblo Gem show but yeah they've got all different kinds all different varieties with different stones held in the center this is one of the big water jugs there so they've got all kinds all different shapes we just left the Pueblo show there's another one here Nicole a Red Lion this year but you can change ownership so much that next year could be something entirely different petrified wood Oh scores ocean Jasper now this this is kind of more like Christine did a video once after we left the I'm at show and it was funny because we went out to the quartzite show which is literally in a grab a lot and you know in rocks but it's a good time get all kinds of different I mean huge variety I think I've probably said this so many times that it's probably getting like a broken record but there's just so much to see it'll really like blow your way like all these crystals from India Christine was looking at did you get a clip of these yesterday or like look at that thing look at how cute that is I think Christine was really looking at another piece no I think he did yeah anyways so yeah if you see something that the show and the price is right and you know so that's something about this shows you've got to know your pricing because we've seen things that are double the price what Christine bought it as yeah he said it on the stand for you there this is green and pop a light on more tonight and then I think there's a little bit of still bite down here at the bottom but your look that's a really nice specimen look how perfect that crystal point is and you just don't get that on a Papa light or what we're using this one looks like it's lit from inside this is just you know the time at the time thing is what I was gonna say about coming in the show yeah you've been here since they opened at 9:00 a.m. it's only almost 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. and we haven't even gone to four of four shows yet so that's again Greenup off the light I think that's more tonight or is that messily you know kiddo looks a little no I think that's morganite that's a really nice one there too but that one hmm I really want that one that one's really cool too but that's normally how you see that the green about the light is it's more like cubed you normally don't get the real perfect points like make that specimen they're ideal this is for breaking the geodes you can you never know what you're gonna find when you open it but that's really a spectacular thing about the geo just when you pop it open it's like a surprise and everyone's yeah on the outside they all let go like that so yeah this guy here we've seen him here before there is what this one Wow so this is a rootbeer selenite from Saint David but yeah this is something about this you know it's got to really be something about digging the stuff out of the ground you can tell where people get get into this because it's just a whole world agates and geodes alright thank you so we're gonna keep going we got a lot to see I mean there's just a ton of stuff from Afghanistan from stuff from yeah exactly I was trying to tell Christine in a vague way we're looking for these Uruguayan amethyst here pac-man so something else about the show that I've really had liked is the diversity of the type of people and that you get you know you've got the actual miners like that guy we just showed you back there from digging the stuff out of the ground and then you've got these multimillion-dollar pieces of this gym shuttle that you can get on and it takes all around but if I said that never mind but something about this show is that the enormity of it there's like I don't know I would guess they say it brings a hundred like a hundred twenty million dollars to the Tucson economy and I think that's just the periphery of like the hotels and restaurants and etc there are associated with doing the show so the trucking and you know even things like renting equipment to move these heavy rocks you can literally like I was saying earlier get stuff for a dollar for over a million dollars I haven't been to the really expensive show and my expensive show I mean the one that has the really high-end sapphire diamonds rubies pearls but they're definitely like the top jewelers from New York India and China will come here and exhibit sorry gonna dodge the obstacles here but it's definitely if you get a chance to come to its once-in-a-lifetime thing if you're into minerals at all there's a courtyard of one of the hotels is stolen the Red Lion garnets apatite rough gemstones cabs crystal crystal Cola fossil obsidian xylophones and you see you can see other different types merchandise at these shows too like clothing purses dogs oh look at all that malachite this malachite comes from Zambia it's kind of like my blister polishes up really nicely rules rough gemstones oh yeah meteorites this guy's got a huge selection of meteorites dude where's the blanket no don't want to be get them Rankin get the racket YouTube videos where do you live the rest the time okay well welcome to Tucson glad at this point with the weather this yeah really tell me about it yeah look at this cloudy cold air get mean yeah ly people from Japan China Canada Russia shunga Mexico Colombia in fact we haven't seen we have a friend that we met many years ago at the quartzite show sells emeralds from Colombia and he usually comes out here oh this is one of some of my favorites couldíve this is okay we show okay always usually like to ask before we film but these are my absolute favorite gemstones of all time it's pirates called pirate eyes damn a night and well this is just pieces of it but the the pyrite has replaced the mineral of the of the shell yeah so there's partially and so and these chunks are just ones that you know because you can't expect every fossil to come out perfect like that is a very very well-preserved piece so Christine just saw someone else that found her on YouTube Watson's recognized with the Jim show he live here too solid yeah that's the first time we came to the Tucson Gem show somebody was Thomas $15,000 how much did you spend [Music] yeah I was trying to guess how much you know how much people buy all right it's got to be in like the tens of millions of dollars Barrett soul gems even more funded but it's like a whole culture it really is massage Wong's spheres civilian courts Himalayan salt lamps in ships and salt lamps I just have to show you these amethyst look how pretty those are right here at views the formations are so sparkly and Larry you're so beautiful look at the size of this you guys don't BLC how big this is funny the size of this crystalline oh my gosh and then they have these drones over here the chairs he said I can go sit in any of these bathtub yeah bruise courts bathtub I love these giant crystals there's a meet we just decided to stay parked up at the last one and it's kind of chilly if definitely one of the colder years here in Tucson yeah it's been a really cold winter I mean it's super super cold they look like ice cubes the christine's looking for a Lemurian crystal and I guess yeah they're super rare Christine was seeing their barcoding on it which is this digital imprinting so you have to know how to translate the information that is coming out well I mean there's a lot of difference I love just the ways the story's been told but basically there was a grid set up by the ancient Lemuria people and there was crystals that were stuck in the sand in the sand and they're obviously in a certain formation and they weren't groaned there so they had to have been placed there by people of long long long ago because especially because of the location and the fact that they were far away from any sort of pocket board oh really that's interesting there by a civilization that doesn't necessarily is an untrackable civilization essentially and they're said to have the information from the civilization held within them and people are saying that these barcodes are are the way of translating it okay can you get to focus Christine how do you do that yeah you just have it okay oh yeah there it is so same things barcodes and so now it's it's nearly impossible to get a crystal that was actually coming that came from that grid but we still have some from the collection with these pink ones that came from the Comex of mine which is the original location now there's the Marion seed crystals that are coming from whole different states in Brazil that have the similar sort of structure and they could be office you know similar information what people say they are was like different translations of it what I mean the story is really coming from a specific grid and none of those crystals are actually accessible anymore maybe there's just a few dozen or so no one has an original American here at the show it's almost guaranteed but Comex says the first mine that they started to dig in that region listen this is at least in there within the family from the Sumerians what so now there's this Arkansas library and a lot of its marketing people wanted it has the striation that I want to show you the Himalayan fortress yeah all all hand-harvested they can only mine four months of the year because you're snowing or baldness in there nice hang our enemies really this one out here was one of my favorites if it's still here can you take that one out in the Sun Christine and should does that one resist well kind of an overcast day here which is unusual to song we got that like a little city outside of their the Christine's picking some of these out have them on the website maybe or by the time this video is up they might be sold who knows but really the nice thing about these Himalayan quartz crystals is that that each one absolutely is totally unique from the other one you go from like a light peach into a blush and then monster ones over here this one is really unique it has with this lasering it's called where it's like it's not striations but it's like cubical cuba form and it's a list like green spectrum like this crystal the crystals have gone all different directions and all up and down they say the only cell here that's useful in truth isn't that color just beautiful it's like dainty and elegant a little blush tone million crystals okay is that one and to give you an idea of the size of these so the Himalayas are really a mineral-rich so that's how they get such a variety of colors in their courts it's hard to catch the sparkle and color on camera Tucson and I wanted to come up here to show to show some of the gem shows from this perspective so right here we've got a 900 foot tent that's the 22nd Street show there's jgm jgx the ones we were just at the pueblo and the river park rapper river howard johnson then off in the distance there you can barely see it that's keno Park there's some way up and marina or Marana there's one up there and there's some of the other hotels actually the Convention Center is gonna have another one and am I missing any probably I'm missing like 30 or 40 so this is I think today's October 9th or 10th wait October I'm sorry 2019 February 19th what was I thinking I don't know why I was thinking that date so a lot of the shows have ended already but some of them will go on like electric park keno show will be going on if some of them only go on a few days so you need to check if you're going to be coming to the show oh yeah big ones you know there's always people to set up here they're sellin yeah we're gonna try and make it our way as many as we can to name it is just so much to see here so Michael got two of these singing bowls they're made out of solid quartz he got him a while back like last year at an estate sale just checking him out [Music] much of the pigments that one there is [Music] 13 or 14 so that one would be 219 pretty though [Music] I like the icy blue one what about the pink one like to play play music the same way so they cut a piece off of it in the back yeah but you have this 15 cutter and after they cut it that natives from Orange ensued the museum and they won so they can never ever cut it again oh because it was that one piece was cut they cut six complete slices like that and I was like you know Manto stick a knife in the bag and we got one of the six oh then they kept little pieces and they sell the smaller pieces cheaper programmed and what we paid for the complete space program and that slice is for sale for 3000 the slice up top here is a slice from from that okay yes yeah see that see how I just think it is from all like the other ones have like this laser beam here look at this one get a shot of this would be from Cuba so they already have a piece of it from Cuba right a piece of the booth now if you start out the door is that 138 thousand dude that was no I have no idea what the way it is my son required that so they sell small pieces for 150 dollars per gram oh wow what was that that's a tektite or what is that yeah host so that's actual real stuff I thought they were so I'm just glass okay what it is okay it's in the tektite family oh okay but it's not trying to write a detective so it's like maybe glass produced from the friction of a meteorite impact or sometimes well I'm gonna keep my eye out for that because I saw some of some dealers selling that last year I didn't know that's a real deal and then see we cut and stoned okay needed faceted stone oh yeah yeah so something else they do that's really cool at this place you can't see it but they make the the Damascus blanks for knife yeah it's not coming all these meteorites these guys specialize all your rights pinions those little cubes are cool Campo de Cielo there is a called from Peru excuse me Argentina yeah they are from two Soviet years ago I did two Sun Tokyo Munich in Tokyo but now Josh the only show he does is to Sun Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo okay and so he just picked up to 30 Tokyo I've done to Tokyo's a year for the we're now buddy sanitation of the business he's going over there frees me up I can go down to the chimney South America so I'm gonna have the County desert and go I have more than 50 trips in the last 20 years Wow now how does the what is the logistics like how are you on it so fast to get lied on YouTube or shelter yeah some of the guys are for example through pure in the mountains up your mouth living there's a telescope there and they have a program for near-earth objects so they're looking for near-earth objects and sometimes 2013 that's the one that fell over in Chelyabinsk Russia oh the busted out all the windows and and these over here are from the the meteor crater in Arizona that's how I got started years ago going to the meteor cream oh really this one we just acquired a few days ago oh it's alright it was there's a TV Oh heavy father's think that may think must weigh like 30 you can see how they sandblasted right here yeah at the back even right there oh god I think it's heavy yeah I believe our Jensen is actually nice there and it had a cleat on it yeah this should be natural like they had Tweety still on there but I took it on huh Kelly she's a local and the dark down and like that brown but it's like lifting weights yeah the biggest one ever that's my sad district lounge that when the hold is that right this is the hobo meteor it looks like a table okay one two cut up into six little piece this is a piece of it and he's got two of the city Oh what about there's no us durations in it or hardly any more because we've all because we polished it if we asked it it would have new mid lines or without the etching is have to have a larger piece to see the pneumonitis oh so so so we just polished it so how much of these pieces they're like 200 dollars a gram is so yeah it's never been on the market yeah this is probably the most popular meteorite in the world yeah yes the largest one Anna gram picks them up today the lunar meteorite Syria you haven't been ringing the Sun the lunar yes every grief here top meteorite exactly yeah so his name is Dustin oh yeah we met him last year oh yeah okay he got into a bunch of the lunar meteorite oh yeah you had a big display 25 pounds the largest collection meteorite you know yes this is the largest compilation of lunar meteorites as far as we know that's ever been put together in any Museum with NASA anybody in fact we just had the director of the Institute of meteor Riddick's from the University of New Mexico come over and say this is the best display he's ever seen and they might actually want to use it for remote sensing testing and it's comprised of five different lunar meteorites in this particular bit and this is comprised of about 25 kilograms and then in the case over here we have another number five different lunar meteorites represented from this shelf on down and this is 11228 it's got a lot of metal so the the meteorite could actually hit it and ejected onto the earth is incorporated into this particular meteorite which is kind of neat and this lunar right over here on the far right has still has fresh glassy fusion crust on it and we just never found a lunar that has so we never watched one fall we've seen many many meteorites Bob we've never seen Eleanor fall and we've never even found one in North America Europe or Asia they've all been found in northwest Africa and this is the freshest lunar meteorite we've ever family I said Josh and I just adore working together because my son has 25 years experience in the business so it's only smarted for the two kids to work together this is their business here that's John yeah cosmic meteorites Tucson Arizona they only sell at the Tucson show and Tokyo select Tokyo shows we're really lucky and I've been here doing this top Destin he sells and shows about Mesquite so Johnson you're blowing him up with stuff it does so they work together very well I feel really privileged to see a piece of the will of it yeah in person and the hole and the hole but yeah that's that's pretty special those are two exceptionally rare things I got to tell you yes you see these green wings in here those are moldavite this is NWA seven three to five and scientists are saying that this is from mercury Wow of course we have beat me happy record bars that's those but this is yeah so here's an Australian yeah Western Australian here's the sliced pieces now let's see the camera doesn't pick up the what if what's the lines in a call to goodness women instead this is the media back to eat read you being is a fine idea he'd write and here is of course oh yeah okay fine medium and coarse I like this Western Australia one we brought in a third guy from Australia Tom capitaine II so don't be doing so break down into chondrites in 800 oh and then the chondrites will break down into like H or L or ll which is high iron low iron and then Akon tried to break down into a bunch more groups and then if it's a stone a chondrite for Mars the breakdown into is called FNC sugar tight Nakhla or chattering a so yeah that thing's like what two millimeters there it's hard to see it Martian water there it is without pre-business is the pink and the lavender amethyst I like that combination yeah yeah that's I've not seen this maybe I just don't remember it from last year this is all from Brazil oh look at these pieces over here I remember seeing these last year these gigantic ones these are like a quarter-million dollars yeah Wow big chunk all right we're at one of the Columbian crystal booths and the Colombian is superfine crystals but each one is like a prism with rainbows flashing around there yeah so vehicle love formulas all right so final day of the gym show yeah and it as you can tell by the way Christie is dressed it is freezing out here and my freezin I mean 50 yeah it's pretty chilly but I think the last it's been a good show for some of the vendors you can tell the clouds in the distance strained a little bit here I mean there's good deals and there's really interesting stuff and there's one-of-a-kind stuff if we go back over if they still happen these I'll show you check that out even though the sun's out I see Christina she's over here Suge Knight blue lace agate Chung guy giant crystals obsessed with rose quartz so yeah I just think I come to the show and this show it's really you can see part of it is the logistics of moving all this stuff that booths over there and Michaels booth that we had the big here with us that set it to 20 semi loads today to bring in so yeah yeah
Channel: Christine Kobzeff
Views: 61,543
Rating: 4.790833 out of 5
Keywords: Gem Show, tucson gem show, tucson gem show 2019, gem show 2019, february gem show, shopping in tucson, shopping tucson gem show, things to do tucson, living in tucson arizona, broken river opal mining, top meteorite, shopping for gemstones, shopping for crystals, how to buy crystals, how to buy gems, where to buy crystals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 17sec (3077 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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