Tucker Sno-Cat Recovery! Buried 12ft Deep. PistenBully 400 Helps Out

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[Music] I think it would go we're going to give it a little working watch out you guys watch it nice it's your first drive in this cat right park Pro other than maybe just a little test ride yeah just on the gravel uh a couple months ago so yeah our schedule's finally aligned and there's finally been some snow the last month or two right yeah about a month AG good nownow so far dang finny always sits there I might have to put him inside sometimes he like lays right in the way stubbornly yeah awesome over there as soon as we got turned around and out of the driveway he always he's getting out of leg good good boy he's got his dog dark so he can go how's the new snowmobile been it's been game changing man that sco Gen 5 turbo 154 is it does everything I want it to do man it's just been they kind of addressed all the the flaws of the old design and my opinion but yeah it's been gamechanging dude I had a little bit of a crash on it the other day I kind of like slipped off the back and hit my ass on the bumper yeah big bruise right now oh man actually so you had to dig out the bus a little bit a couple times yeah you know only the I just back Blade the back nice so I do it mostly with the snow cat and then I just shovel close to it I did actually dig out the front where the uh engine block heater plug is though um it filled back in I'm going to dig that out again cuz I've been running this thing fairly regularly I'm just hanging out in it while it's running and making it warm this last storm we had had a really really big wind event and uh one of our neighbors has a Tucker snow cat have you have we seen that yeah yeah the tuger snow cat so you had this sweet parking spot at the top of the pass um but as we got more snow it kind of became like a little bit of a a wind depression I would call it and he you know he was parking and then this last storm blew in so much snow that the cat is completely buried it's tuger snow cat's like 12T under the snow right now it's completely and utterly gone and he spent the last two days digging out straight down so he dug the perimeter but there's like 10 ft of 12T deep snow drift between the road and where it's parked so we're going to go in and chop out that snow drift in front of it and then pull them out whoa yeah that's awesome and um you know the snow yeah no judgment let's put it that way like this guy had a great parking spot he just hadn't really seen but we got a serious storm and it's really just remarkable the amount of snow that the when can move that that cat went completely missing within like a 12-hour stretch wow it was like a sustained I would say 50 mph wind from the perfect Direction yeah just to deposit the snow on the leward side right where cat was parked so anyway that's what's going on and it's been like a couple days Saga because we've been trying to figure out how we were going to do this and unfortunately where he's parked there are some rocks on one side and then uh there's like a gate on the other side I couldn't get in there and dig on the side of him at all so he just had to dig it out by hand kind of um yeah he's probably got I don't know maybe 12 hours into it I think or something digging but like maybe some breaks but the thing started right up man 5'9 24 valve comments fired up the engine bay was semi packed with snow but actually not too bad that's good but yeah so he had it running today idled it for like an hour should be all good yeah so we're just going to chop away this giant drift with the right blade wi for a while yeah but this cat's been great though um shout out to my buddy Zach one of the final pieces of the puzzle is we actually cut the tiller frame nearly in half a couple weeks ago and uh the whole tiller frame is bent it was twisted and bent long story short short I was just not sure how to fix it and then we kind of came up with the plan to just cut it and let it go back to where it wanted to and it did we just cut it and then just pulled it back we just put a c on to a truck and just yanked it back while it was on the ground and it has been phenomenal it is just killing it huge fix Zack Carter gangster wether this thing is a Monster yeah it's just this is full speed D is geared Sol low for all the tight work I do it makes it so much easier and more controlled safer absolutely safer low gearing kind of the different suspension setup of the car cat it's just here's my guy nice Jenny nice truck than is that the one that got briefly stuck last year and you pulled it out that is yes the same guy so it's his Tucker snow cat nice yep it's an awesome cat he's got he loves I was talking about it today he's got a 3500 also oh cool I'm not sure what era coms that was I think a 12 he cool so here's this pass which we dug out yeah the snow cat's in there to our right you're going to see in a minute like right where it is but um we're going to start cutting right about here and just chop out about 8 to 10 ft of this whole snow drift ping down the hill wow that's quite a project oh we can see the can see it running here can you see the oh yeah that's hilarious so yeah there it is in there like dude honestly you might want to just jump out and get a few shots yeah I haven't uh chopped into a pile like this since the last whale I pushed a who have thought a whale could be so heavy and the park Pro uh blade range of motion is going to be crucial for this project so what do you call these things again the bamboo yeah the bamboo oh yeah boo is that a that's a ski term or something yeah it is bamboo though it's just sticks of bamboo with paint on [Music] it I might just have to break it you're going to break it off and then you can grab it it'll just some car all right that is dense there we go nice tell her we've got a watch on that bank oh sometimes it's hard to visualize the way project can go to work in s to a nice little road to gain myself some anination it is nice to have uh tiller off for this kind of stuff you can really just breathe easy I'm always looking my Mir with this there's the SN it's cool how that drifted snow breaks it's yeah it breaks off see many layers yeah yeah that's very cool having some blade malfunctions this is happening to me the other day my right Wing's not working working it was it was working uh in the air and then it wasn't working when it was on the ground so let's see if it's doing the same thing yeah so not working right now let's see if I lift it it's working dang Dar I loosened and tightened the electrical connection on the front and I thought that fixed it so that's going to make it a little more challenging yeah but it's in the air it's working so that's cool I should be able to survive worst case scenario maybe I'll try to unplug that thing again it is always something with these snows dude there's always something that's not working yeah literally always keep tripping l oh yeah it emerges okay now the blade R's not working again all right I can plan for that at least least totally random left one's working right one's not you know that old br400 would have had a hard time getting the blade high enough to achieve this work it's definitely a good use for a park cat yeah nice hey Ray I'm going to pull that back I'm going to I'm going to pull that large chunk back you want ask you I'm going to yes so just stand where dly is I'm going to come in real easy and just guide me oh yeah good progress faster than I thought it is going nice and quick it'll be fun we'll have to probably make three down passes on that thing to clean it up look I mean it's just a wind it's amazing what snow does [Music] this snow is super super dense super heavy it's crazy hey look at that we don't want to break everything let's not for wouldn't it help if I came through like right here and took this down a foot yeah yeah cuz then we could dig yeah I'll just reach my wing in and just try to get a little bit of that out for [Music] you [Music] Wooh little neighborhood work party I know well I'm glad you came to help Bob well looks like it's ready to drive out four of these tracks they're all full of still def shoveled last less this year than last year oh no kidding give it a little Lego but don't power up just back let's just see what it does real slow yeah don't blow any [Music] hydraulic put the pl down a little bit little bit then I'll through the other Ed [Music] right oh yeah oh hello just watch that snap [Music] go [Music] go [Music] wow we got a stronger Ro we can put him off the hill hey try to push your blade down right now it's got a little pressure pulling this way LIF it up I've got my 40 foot rope you could be off the hill and give him a pull was he pinning it while I was pulling no okay let's try just coordinate tell me cuz I got some tension but tell me when to give it a little more I'll give you miss stretching yeah yeah it was stretching okay it stretched like a foot all right right is that what you guys saw what a fo I'm Jordan by the way hey I'm Sam hey Sam I know you guys that were a f i have a bar BR he can be out the hill we can break all right um Ste do you think that you still want me to try to take your SL Kay she's going to go I'll go I can start walking or if you're going to start blad this I'll just wait and then sneak by you yeah I don't know it might help him to Blade all this out still anyway what if I give this one quick heavy pass and Jordan can run on this side give it on that side you see how it's clean on this side it's clean on do that do that and then we'll dig a little more kind of have to yeah and that gets you home sure [Music] yeah I think it would [Music] go nice oh yeah got a new rope am need a toe but I think it'll go nice we're going to give it a little working get it out of there be too long too long you're going to be over the edge with this much no that's what I want I want to be over the edge fully cuz in when I was strad on the edge of the pavement it might be so long that you'll be down further than you want to be do this try it I got to be past the edge of the pavement you know for sure all right thank you guys good [Music] luck watch it [Music] [Applause] I don't know if that Knot's going to come out though oh he already had it in there oh but I you okay is legary yeah before I clean up yeah before you [Applause] yeah look great I think you're good dude you got it dude wait we did it look at that that no I'm going to just start dropping this I'm going to have to drop this probably three maybe four times to clean it yeah um all right are you going to Hawaii yeah there it is wow about 12 ft of snow just leave it [Applause] there let's see if I go down to here not working oh I go up to here working interesting something getting pinched or something curl forward working yeah it is it's got to be it's a broken wi something I think yeah you know a lot of times so that's a plug that's got probably 20 pin and I've seen where they have to just take it apart and rewire the whole plug cuz the thing uh-oh don't need to be getting a tractor stuck uhoh uhoh oh JP he knows how to ride sweet good yeah woo down we go I'm hoping we can climb up this part which is very firm right now so cold not bling it too much just to try not to disturb it yeah if we can't climb it we'll be going around the world a few times yeah man that's steep I'm not even going to try it with my tiller down I will tell a little bit not very confident to we're going make this yeah this is so stupid although in the right conditions we're not going to be able to do it four times though that's for sure it's going to get all churned up yeah the br400 I will say did better on these steam climbs oh the age-old debate yeah yeah I would say that it does have just a little less weight per surface area and soft clim does a little better yeah we might make it up that again if I can maybe plow it flatter yeah as I go look at that that chasm in [Music] there about 12 ft of snow probably that it was buried yeah 12 man clean up now the blade that's still not quite working right the Hol yeah Wow's see get up this again last chance of success each time we try each attempt I think we'll get her this time too C snow yeah love [Music] it ledge pass here widen it out yeah reminds me of being at the resort yeah theoretically one more might do it if I can make it up that would be freaking awesome what I should do is prep this exit oh bit St my dad just sent me a all I saw is just the article title ATV Rider speed through Unica streets harass police where's that from like Cincinnati or something Columbus where they big ATVs in the street quite a phenomenon those guys are great at riding wheelies like like we could never dream of back in the day oh my goodness yeah yeah it's inspirational yeah yeah the swerving wheelies yeah we both we both had 400 EXs back in the day and they were both bored to 46 CCS oh really you had that same big Bo kit yeah well something some oversized piston coming to that apparent allegedly yep but mine was not not cool we got it that time I'm going to try it one more time but if doesn't work like that is I don't love to leave that Ridge there because it's going to suck people off the trail into the edge you know I can't make that for the Sowers y I think we're going to make it making it I think we're going to get it clean in one more pass clean enough for a snowmobile trail Yeah clean baby nice and nice and wide okay this is going to be a little rough do not love doing this straight out of the pavement nice entrance for the folks yeah a little bit of fuel and we'll be out of here Co nice e70 BMW dly that's great does he still have the E36 TI good perfect that lives in a safe place it needs some love and he knows it it's uh yeah it needs a whole front kind of end rebuild and kind of a whole brake thing and yeah maybe smack you know cbx stuff yep well cool that's nice still awesome car with zero rust sweet Canada for anything yeah this amazing car runs like a champ has like 140,000 mil on it or something wow yeah 318 TI special special all right going to diesel up good storm evidence of a good storm some bomb holes [Music] y are these little random passenger cats like capable at all I mean they don't have a blade on obviously but on they're pretty good A packed Trail can they go and powder it all just a little bit Yeah they definitely can you know you have to be smart I think but yeah they're pretty impressive some this one's pretty cool that's mly with a big cabin that's just like one guy oh cool that's the one we drove to Wyoming to look at deal so so headed home all done we're done put my gloves on and clean it off so yeah the tiller frame was bent this whole right side was pushed forward 4 in at the edge of the frame which translated to 10 in in at the end of the tiller it was disastrous and it was binding up and wasn't flexing so cut it right here like 2third of the way through and yanked on it and it kind of settled where it wanted to which is a little offset and it twisted back to straight and we pulled it and measured a bunch of places and then Zach Carter baller welder just welded that thing up like a gangster you can see it looks a little off but it's where it wants to sit with the way it's bent so it's actually straight now yep working amazingly nice yeah huge Victory she'd get more attention
Channel: SamLovesCars34
Views: 106,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowmobile, sled, utah, skiing, skier, west, finn, ursa, samlovescars34, outside, winter, 2023, bombardier, ski doo, arctic cat, 2 stroke, good, stihl, shootout, compare, usa, new, old, oil, bar, vail, park city, snowcat, snowboard, fun, snowbird, alta, best, snow, cummins, pisten bully, pistenbully 400, park pro, cat, diesel, tour, awesome, stuart, pb 600, pb 400, brighton, dope, spring, soft snow, warm, storm, epic, powder, record, cheap, snowmobiling, sleds, Ski-doo, turbo, shooting, pistol, ammo, dumb, grooming, groomer, snocat, stuck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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