Trump participates in border security briefing

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foreign thank you everybody for being here let me start out by saying what a pleasure it is to have President Trump back in the great state of Texas thank you everybody he's a great friend to Texas he's a great friend of mine when I was governor he was President anytime I called upon the president he was there to step up and help our fellow Texans and one of the things that he did better than anything else indefinitely better than any other president is he stepped up and he secured our border and kept Texans and Americans safe thank you Mr President things have changed so quickly and so dramatically under the body Administration has been amazing and disastrous for one if you just look at the year over year numbers look at this may versus last May the increase of people coming across the border who've been apprehended has gone up more than 800 percent in just that may over May and in in April it was the exact same thing we see something that needs to put in context because you hear vice president Harris talk about going down to the northern triangle as if solving the problem in those three countries is going to solve the problem with regard to the Border she is misleading America because the fact of the matter is there are people coming into the United States across our border from more than 150 countries across the entire Globe if she solves a problem in those three countries which we know she can't it means there's still more than 147 other countries to go to solve problems there they're missing the point there's one place to solve all the problems on the border and that is on the border and that's exactly where the body Administration needs to devote their resources to get the job done the problems are dramatic let me give you just one example about what's happened after you left presidency that we've seen in Texas and across the nation is probably the most deadly aspect of what is happening and that is the importation of the deadly drug of fentanyl just two milligrams of fentanyl is a deadly dose and just this calendar year the Texas Department of Public Safety has seen a 2 000 percent increase in the amount of fentanyl that they have apprehended and that's not counting what border patrol has apprehended just the Texas Department of Public Safety alone has apprehended more fentanyl to kill every man woman and child in the entire state of Texas this is deadly as dangerous and is in infesting regions across Texas as well as regions across the United States so here's what Texas has done that I want to bring you up to speed on that we have had to do to respond to this crisis we launched operation Lone Star War where we deployed a thousand Texas Department of Public Safety officers as well as Texas National Guard and they have already arrested almost 1800 people for criminal violations in addition to about 40 000 apprehensions of people who have come across the border illegally and they have busted 41 stash houses in addition to that things got so bad that County judges the the lead officials in the Border region counties for the first time ever they asked me to declare disaster you remember I declared disaster for Hurricane Harvey and some other things like that this is the first time ever I'm aware of that a governor had to make a disaster declaration for the Border situation and yet that's exactly what we did and then the state of Texas with the help of lieutenant governor Patrick we passed in our state budget that I just signed more than a billion dollars of funding for Texas to have to step up and secure our border and then after that they added an additional quarter of a billion dollars for Texas to begin building our own border wall to keep Texas safe and then on top of that we have a new program because we are seeing uh people coming across the border who have committed crimes before and we want to arrest these people and we are we through the Texas Department of Public Safety are working collaboratively with sheriffs to make sure we have an arrest program we're we're not going to be involved in Catch and Release if you're coming in the state of Texas you will have Texas law enforcement arresting you and putting you behind bars this isn't going to be the red carpet treatment that the bite Administration has rolled out this is going to be time in jail that our law enforcement officials will help achieve two other things I want to mention one is that that Governor Ducey and I uh we triggered an interstate compact where other states can join in and assist us and helping to secure our border and I know I don't have all the states but I do want to mention the ones that I do have that are stepping up to help out by sending resources it could be law enforcement officials or it could be National Guard we have Florida Nebraska South Dakota Iowa Ohio Arkansas Georgia and more just know that the people of Texas the people of America thank you for stepping up and providing your resources to help secure the Border knowing full well that what comes across the border does not stay at the Border in fact it goes to your States and other states across the entire country two other things that I created a border and Homeland Security task force that involves all of our local sheriffs who help provide advice and information about what needs to be done as well as property owner groups ranchers who have been decimated by what's happened on the their land and let me just close with that we're doing all that we can for one reason and that's because the way that the people along the border are having their lives turned upside down I cannot tell you the number of stories that I've heard from people who have had guns put to their heads or guns brandished at them in their ranches and their homes in their neighborhoods they're afraid to have their children go play in their yards the Ranchers have their homes invaded their fences ripped up their livestock lost their game lost it is a far more dangerous situation than it's ever been the people of Texas have been pleading for us to be able to step up and help restore Safety and Security in their lives and that is exactly why Texas is stepping up and doing a job that is truly the federal government's job a job that you did but a job that the body Administration is completely failing us on now with that there's going to be three law enforcement officials who will provide you additional information and then we will look forward to hearing your remarks and it starts out with the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety statement crawl hi Steve yeah thank you Steve very much I've got a mic coming for you here we go in fact you said that so nicely I hope you say it again all right let me try it again now it's on the mic but uh there's no question that you have and I know anybody in here that's dedicated theirselves to law enforcement recognize that and also you've always backed the law enforcement community and we appreciate that so thank you God bless you thank you I can say this uh just not because he's my writing official but because it's true Governor Abbott has done more than the other Governor to protect its people to protect the border and to enforce the rule of law than any other governor in the nation and I can also say maybe much to rent or a congressional colleagues that are here today uh take Texas State legislatures done more to support the brave men and women of the U.S border Patrol in the U.S Congress has I think they'll they might agree with that show on that but with that um Mr President we can begin uh first side please I was visiting with Sheriff Martinez and we both agree that uh and this is no question about it the result of the U.S government not securing our board with Mexico it is transformed the Mexican drug trafficking organizations that were relatively benign focused on marijuana in the 80s to the most dangerous ruthless vicious and depraved criminal organizations in the world and around our front door Texas has 1254 miles of the border with Mexico and and there's 63 000 square miles in the area that the cartels operate their smuggling operations from Brown Cameron County to El Paso County and we're mindful of that the Mexican cartels because the poorest border and they exploit it they they apply all the elements of military military force including command and control Logistics intelligence information operations and the application of deadly force to support their criminal operations they also recruit our kids and kids in Mexico to support their operations on both sides of the border and they have foreign Partnerships with the most vicious gangs in Texas and across the country whether it's it's local Regional or transnational gangs it clearly is a certain threat into or a problem in fact if you have a drug problem anywhere in the country you have a border problem if it's cocaine methamphetamine Fentanyl and heroin the Mexican cartels own it plain and simple and they work with the gangs in those community and they're responsible for a number of level of balance in those communities as well as a result of that this all goes back to the Border if this slide here you'll see that there's six of the eight cartels that operate in in Texas and there's also 16 gangs that support for criminal operations in that area of operation the next slide the governor talked about consequences a little migrant apprehensions during the perk of time this is just January you can compare it between the same time last year and you can see the dramatic increase that the governor talked about in terms of 800 percent uh next slide those are the numbers right there and that's the difference between January of this year and January of 2020. you can see a 527 percent increase you know from the same time period and that makes a difference because what happened is immediately bore Patrol was overwhelmed because many of these were unaccompanied children and family you know as soon as you know that that they cannot you know process them quick enough so they're overwhelmed it leaves a gap and what does that Gap do it leaves an opportunity for the cartels to smuggle the drugs that we talked about transnational gangs and also criminal criminals from around the world that exploit that and we're mindful that we had in May of last year but the governor talked about the differences we had an 800 percent increase from May of 21 and may of 20. we also had a 500 percent increase the number of special interests aliens the rapper headed from the border in May of this year and that's a concern because we recognize as people recognize that criminals around the world recognize that there's an opportunity now to exploit the border and and come in to use those Avenue to be able to come in undetected and that's the concern that we have here certainly in Texas next slide please the governor talked about fentanyl over two thousand percent increase that's what the Department of Public Safety saw he talked about the number of deaths that it caused the next slide are federal agencies this is from epic this means the federal FBI ice HSI border patrol the numbers there are staggering and the amount of people they could kill over 130 million I know the governor I was talking about it and it's just it's amazing in terms of what's crossing our border at this particular point in time next I'll conclude right now governor with uh Mr President with uh one remark is that the at in March 4th when Border Patrol was being overwhelmed you know Governor Abbott made it clear he directed the Department of Public Safety working with the Texas National Guard and our local law enforcement partners and certainly with border patrol all five border patrol sector Chiefs to ensure that we're conducting you know an enhanced surge operations on the river in the brush on the ground in the air and we support the border patrol in a way that we can enhance the the operations or the control of those particular areas we've been doing that since that time the governor talked about the statistics and what's more important in terms about what we protected in that area we've deployed over 1200 officers we've Governor the state legislature authorized another 100 Troopers they'll be deployed or provided in the Border region and we graduated with an academy here in the next month that they will be deployed to the Border as well because the governor's made it very clear that you cannot have Homeland Security you can't of Public Safety unless you have border security and I can tell you building the wall and building a fence whatever anything you can do to prevent the cartels from coming immediately off the river and in the United States is valuated to law enforcement and is clear and it must must be a major part of any type of strategy so with that I'll turn it over to the sheriff to speak sure so thank you director so to explain further about how this is not just a border related issue how the issue and challenges come Inland we have with us today the sheriff from Tarrant County Texas which is where Fort Worth is located Sheriff Weber thank you governor and Mr President welcome to Texas sir and and uh what a great place to be and uh and thank you for coming down here and thank all the leadership governor and the rest of the leadership that you brought and the our Congressional Delegation to put a light on this to broaden it so the rest of America sees what we're doing down here and what we're going through because it is affecting all across the nation is that as we shine this light I am from Tarrant County that's the third largest county in Texas 15th in the country is that we have experienced in our current Intel as of yesterday was is that a year ago fentanyl was barely on our radar well today the intelligence that that I have is that it has flooded our area and even low-level dealers are now having large quantities of Fentanyl and not only do they use it in the pill press which makes it look like a safe drug to the young people they think it's something safe as uh is that they're also lacing it with heroin and methamphetamines and other drugs and we have seen for instance methamphetamines since January where it was fifty dollars a gram on the street to now about 15 to 20 dollars a gram so we're facing just an abundance of dope as it comes in and currently you know as as the governor said it only takes two to three milligrams of fentanyl to kill somebody and what we're experiencing Tarrant County Way Beyond The Border we're a hub we know that we're a hub where we have cartel agents embedded up there that we're trying to locate and arrest and prosecute and we're doing a pretty good job of that in some cases but we know that that as it comes into the county is that it does have an effect and we're seeing a 50 percent increase in deadly overdoses this year in fact in the first quarter of uh 21 it was three times the amount it was last year with fentanyl overdoses and uh you know to that end the group of people that it's hitting is the 16 to 24 year old group because again it appears to be a safe drug they think it's a pharmaceutical drug because of these pill presses that they're using and while everybody in this room are great Partners is that we do not want the next mom to walk into that bedroom as occurred in Tarrant County just a month ago and our 15 year olds dead because they vote Deed on on fentanyl they got a hold of something that they thought was safe and they had no idea that it was it was pressed and some cartel lab far far away but today as we as we talk about this today is that we know that the cartel the Mexican drug cartel is responsible for where it's going and it's going all over the country it's I'm in Fort Worth but it's happening and I'd be admit to say it's on every sheriff and every Chief and every director of public safety's radar is this business of Fentanyl and the deadliness and the threat it is to us as it continues to grow coming in from China pardon me coming in from China no sir it's coming in from the cartel that China is finding it are they getting it from China they are getting it from China but they find it easier to come through the United States it's an easier port to come up through the United States and as we interview people we caught that's what they're telling us way up in Tarrant County is it's coming right directly from this border and we believe because of all that I certainly believe and I believe the law enforcement in the room is that the drug cartels of Mexico should be the number one enemy of American law enforcement plain and simple and we need to draw a line in the sand to protect our children and we also need our parents if I may say our parents need to invade the space of their children and know what they're doing on social media and know who they're connecting to because we need everybody's help or they're going to be walking into that bedroom unfortunately in that 15 or 16 year old is going to be gone thank you thank you sir uh one one last speaker uh that is also a sheriff that can tell you a little bit more about a different type of deadly consequence of the open border situation uh Sheriff Martinez from Brooks County good morning Governor president welcome to Texas I'm on highlight Brooks County as it is we're 70 miles north of the river we do have one of the busiest checkpoints there in the southwest corridor um real briefly between June the 22nd and Friday the 25th we recovered seven bodies in the brush okay now in June of 2020 we had four bodies recovered in June of 2021 we had 16 bodies recovered 300 increase okay now lost callers from June the 21st through June the 27th we've had 25 separate lost callers calls to the 911. now as a result of that we only only 17 were recovered and and that kind of goes back to the fact that the bodies were recovering and of course all these recoveries I have a good collaboration with the local border patrol that's our resource that's pretty much what we'll refer to and kind of guide us through a lot of issues so in going with them and talking and collaborating Brooks County itself has had 185 percent increase in apprehensions we've had 110 increase in none encounters which means getaways 110 increase in that 250 percent in smuggling cases increase 44 migrants who have who have significant criminal history for sexual assault actually 238 increase and and that's another issue that we deal with sexual assaults rape cases that occur within the brush that we deal with quite often 490 increase in 9-1-1 calls 391 percent increase in rescues again thanks to to the partnership we have with the voter Patrol I think we need to understand that the current Administration needs to understand that the correct word he needs to go out to the American public and in saying that this challenge is is not quite been managed because we're really not putting the hands on those that need to be arrested okay I think that there's a lot more out there that we and we just don't have enough resources I always refer to Brooks County as the void and the donut or our resources at least a narrow way even though we get a lot of help from the from the state police with a helicopter but by the time they get there it's pretty much over they're gone and of course there's a lot of damage being done to the ranchers as a result of the of the Pursuits we simply cannot reach everything out there therefore we do not know who's Crossing who's coming in and that's the main key we need to know who's coming in and so far the criminal usually just infiltrates itself within the group and they leave him alone yesterday as I was entertaining to news outlets we had a a stash house that one of my officers and three border patrol agents secured 17 from the stash house and three Got Away through the window so for officers to handle 17 people now as a result also since we're doing some kovic testing we've had kovic these persons that uh the decedents we check them and then we have two copics so kovic is still out there very much alive okay so all these getaways all these other people that are coming in not being tested or we don't know which direction to go in going into the states it's it's going to harm the United States it's going to harm our country so we need to be careful with that we need to address all those issues thank you sir thank you Sheriff thank you very much Mr President well Governor thank you very much it was an honor to endorse you and strongly endorse you highest and best endorsement and uh I did notice your poll numbers are through the roof and I'm very happy and you've done a great job and we're really honored to be with you and with Dan with Ken we've had a great team and the people in this room every one of us a friend of mine in one form or another we dealt with each other for a period of four years and we brought the border to a level that it has never been marked you have been incredible Tom Tom Holman has been unbelievable nobody knows it like Tom and I have to say Chad you did a great job you stepped up you came in and you stepped up and you did a great job and we appreciate it and you're still doing a great job but the Border has never been this way it went from the best border we've ever had in the history of our country not 20 years you know they like to say over a 22-year period no it's the best ever by far it took two and a half years to start the wall because we were sued by everybody and then uh and largely by the Democrats in Congress by the way and now by the way they're doing a disinformation campaign they're saying that the unsafe border is your fault you believe this because they're getting killed with the borders so now they're saying oh we got a problem so let's blame the sheriffs let's blame the governors let's blame everybody else but them they're also saying it would defund the police they came out with a term to fund the police and they're you know it's well documented that's for sure just look at AOC and look at Omar how's she doing how's her country doing by the way and they're telling us how to run our country right now how are they doing and now they're saying no no it was them us that wanted to defund it's Denver it's like Russia Russia Russia everyone said Russia Russia Russia I said what's that all about then they said oh you were very friendly well that's been proven to be false not only false it was them that were associated with Russia it was them the Democrats and Hillary and the group that gave money to Russia so it's a disinformation campaign and it's a terrible campaign where they're trying to say this is a disaster for them let's blame the people that have really done something about it and can do something about it but when your hands get tied because you're no longer control the White House or congress it's it's a disgrace Dan we worked on it hard and we worked on it along and we discussed it every week right and we had it down to a point that we'd never seen anything like it I'm so glad that you mentioned the fentanyl because the fentanyl was almost a non-factor and now I hear it's just pouring into our country and it's the most dangerous of all but just pouring into our country and we stopped also uh human trafficking mostly in women the human trafficking was almost stopped we built almost 500 miles of wall despite uh two and a half years of lawsuits litigation started by Congress Nancy Pelosi in the Congress they sued us for everything and we won the suits and we started and within a few months you would have had the world totally complete and they ought to paint it they're supposed to paint the wall and they aren't even doing that they got to get a coat of paint on the wall uh believe it or not it does rust maybe that's what they like let it rust let it rot but we built a wall that was not a wall that anybody could get through we had very few breakthroughs unbelievably it just the only breakthrough is let them walk around to the few open areas where you have we had problems on land disputes etc etc all of those problems were resolved so we got them resolved so you could have completed the wall in a couple of months and they decided not to now I hear rumors that they want to do it but it's only common sense you know they were saying we want uh high-tech security and I used to go around in speech as I say the two things that will never get old are a wheel and a wall and that's true I mean when you get right down to it the wall worked really worked and again almost 500 miles of wall and then we had another 200 that we were thinking about doing less important areas from the standpoint of people coming in but nevertheless you're very important we discussed it and we did a great job and within a period of a few months it was all dissipated remain in Mexico so important Catch and Release we broke that one uh chain migration where people come in and then they bring everybody else in with them we we did a hell of a job and we had it down to uh really a science it was down to a point where people just weren't getting in unless they came in Legally and again the drugs had had dropped by 70 80 90 percent in some cases and Fentanyl is true it almost dropped to nothing for whatever reason but I guess the reason was we were tough this was a great group and all they had to do is go to the beach if they went to the beach and did nothing they would have been fine and they could have even had other people with your policies take your places if they felt that they want Democrats but that usually doesn't work out too well but uh Chad you and uh and Mark and and Tom on the outside I mean it was just an amazing group of people and I'll tell you Brandon has been incredible from day one he he came to me from day one and said no no games no nothing you knew that we were going to do it right and I'd ask them a lot I'd say what do you think about this what do you I was calling him once every four or five days to get his advice because nobody knows like for instance on the wall I was going to build a very good precast concrete wall would have been really fast I loved it I was going to do super hard Precast the 5 000 pound concrete and the border patrol hated it because they wanted to be able to see through I said why and after we go through then we put the panels on top and uh here's your own nodding it's true the panels on top it's sort of a safety climb no climb panel and that panel adds great difficulty to being able believe it or not because a couple of people said why'd you put the paddle on top and it was a really a no climb paddle it's very hard to climb it once you get there then you have the panel on top of everything else so I did it a hundred percent as per border patrol ice and everybody else in conjunction even with your top people we designed a wall that was uh terrific you know you see it as steel but it's not really it's Steel in the outside it's hardened concrete on the inside of the bollards and then it's also rebar and it's a very heavy rebar and a very powerful rebar very strong rebar steel so we had steel concrete and steel and when they cut through it it's they gotta really want to get through they gotta really want to get through and we've had almost no instances of that so we built a wall that was uh not penetrable and we uh we were just about finished and then we had an election where we did much better than we did the first time and amazingly we lost check out the New York election today by the way they just realized it's a disaster they were unable to count the votes did you see it just came out they're missing 135 000 votes they put 135 000 make-believe votes in our elections are a disaster but this election because of you and Dan and Ken and everybody uh I want to just thank the people of Texas because we won in a landslide it wasn't even close well I I always said you know they were saying well Texas is going to be close they said well I'm in favor of oil I'm in favor of God and I'm in favor of guns and they're not and if you're in Texas and you don't like guns God and oil I don't think you're going to do too well and they didn't do too well they didn't do well at all they did poorly but we did well and we did well in other states too we did well in states that we lost we did really well much better than we do we got 12 million more votes than we got the first time one of the media called up and they said could I ask you what was the difference between 16 and 20. they said well the big difference is we did much better in 20. and they thought about they said you know you're right isn't it but uh the vote counting was probably a little bit better for them in 20 because what we've done was appreciated by the people and we better get our elections straightened out because you're going to have a Runaway Country you're going to have a Banana Republic you can have a third world country here pretty soon because our elections are a mess but I just want to thank all of the sheriffs that of my friends I want to thank the governor the lieutenant governor and I'll tell you what good luck Canada I know you have a race little race coming up huh yeah I know and I'll be making an endorsement of somebody in the very near future how many people are running against your account two two that's all that's it well that's not bad for you yeah we're gonna do fine you're gonna handle it all right anyway but he has done a really good job so uh and there's my my doctor right over there my doctor he said you know sir if you want you're really smart you were to take the cognitive test I said oh what's that Dr Ronnie right now we call Mr Congressman what it what a job you've done Ronnie they went after him and it didn't work out too well there you are the Democrats went after him like you wouldn't believe but he did a test did I Ace it I aced it and I'd like to see Biden he said he won't I said he'll get the first two there's 35 questions and the first two or three are pretty easy they're the animals is this a lion a giraffe when it gets to around 20 he's gonna have a little hard time I think he's going to have a hard time with the first few actually but uh so we really have something to be really proud of what we did and honestly very simply we have to do it again you have to go back stay in Mexico that was very hard to get that took us litigation dealing with Mexico I really think the president of Mexico is a great guy surprisingly he wants to see this worked out because he has people pouring through his country by the by the millions by the way not you know I see a hundred thousand here on for every person you catch and these experts say four or five get through but I think it's a much higher number than that you know it's a big border I think it's a much higher number now the wall has stopped a lot of it and you're going to finish up some of the wall and maybe they're going to finish it up they're under a lot of pressure to finish it up so maybe they're going to finish it up you know Tom is probably saying I doubt it I mean the real question question is do they really want open borders or are they incompetent there's only two things you're either incompetent or for some reason you have a screw loose and you want to have open borders now the problem with the open borders is that countries are opening up their jails they're opening up their prisons you guys see this and they're letting all their prisoners out you notice their prison populations are way down they do do it very slowly because they don't want people to know this but I know it and they're letting all of their murderers rapists drug dealers and human traffickers out and they're coming into the United States of America at a level like we've never seen they weren't coming in with us and in fact one of the quick stories I tell is that when we first started I said get them out and I said to uh I said really more than anybody I guess to you mark you and Tom I said get him the hell out the MS-13 gang members who they say are the the worst in the world they certainly might very well be I see what they do with knives where they cut them up into small people they cut people up into small pieces because it's more painful than using a gun I said get them out and Honduras Guatemala El Salvador would not accept the people under the Obama Administration they wouldn't take the people so the people came back to me just which they said I'm sorry but they won't take them I said who won't take them Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador they won't take the people back I said oh really why they don't want them I said okay how much money do we pay them sir we paid them 500 million dollars a year what does that have to do with it sir I said a lot we're not paying them anymore and then I got a call the next day from the heads of the three countries we would love to take MS-13 back they are wonderful people we'd love to have them back where they belong and we never had a problem after that but now I understand they're not taking them back again because we don't deal with those countries right I get along with the three people plus the president of Mexico Beyond he's a fantastic man he really is he's a fantastic man very different persuasion his thought process is very different could be on the Socialist side but I'll tell you what we worked along really well together and he's a terrific man and a terrific person and he loves Mexico I will tell you that but uh we opened it up they used to have airplanes on the runway so we couldn't land our planes with their MS-13 horrible criminals in the plane so we couldn't land him we couldn't get buses back and once I did that they took them all back so we had all these great policies going and they were all ended one day they were ended this doesn't take place over three months or five months this took place in the first week they were ended it was almost like they were ended because I did it but you know we did a great job in the history and I appreciate what you said Sheriff because in the history there's never been and not me all of us together there has never been a border so secure as the border of the Southern border that we have and now it's opened up and don't kid yourself they're coming in from the Middle East and they're coming in and they're bad they're coming in from the Middle East I'd say well where are those people from Sir they're from Yemen oh really Yemen right how's that all about they would dump them off in South America and they make the journey up because it was easy to get through that way through the southern border and that stopped with us that stopped fast and now we have an open really dangerous border more dangerous than it's ever been in the history of our country and we better go back fast and you know I watch a couple of even you people said that well we could start it immediately well it's not going to go fast because you have to go back down and start the whole thing up with Mexico and with the three countries it's not going to go that quickly you know they say well we should just immediately go back it's not that easy this was a lot of hard work and very good negotiation we did great negotiation and we did things like uh we're going to charge you tariffs if you do this or if you do that and all of a sudden they said Well we'd love to have you have it your way we want every point every single point and I don't know if they're going to be able to do that so it's not that easy to go back I will tell you this is bad news for you and you know it and a lot of people like to say to the media well we could immediately I saw today we should immediately go back to the Trump policy it's not that easy now it's not that easy but we have a sick country in many ways it's sick in elections and it's sick in the border and if you don't have good elections and if you don't have a strong border you don't have a country so with that we're going over to the border right now but we're going to the real part of the Border where there's real problems not a part where you look around and you don't see anybody and uh we're going to admire the wall and how it works because wherever we have the wall that's what made the big difference it made tremendous difference and I just want to thank the people in this room you have been incredible incredible Partners including those characters back there that are all friends of mine every single one good job on television yesterday morning uh really good Brian I tell you really good so I just want to thank you all very much it's an honor and we have a tremendous crowd waiting for us and I don't want to keep this man I don't want to have him be late I want to keep those approval ratings right at 92 percent okay thank you very much thank you very much thank you thank you Tom 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Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: Fox News Channel, FNC, Fox News, News, live, live stream, live streaming, live video, live news, live updates, fox news live stream, fox news live, fox live stream, fox live, trump, donald trump, president trump, trump border, trump visits the border, trump live, live trump, trump visits border 2021, trump at border, donald trump live, greg abbott, trump greg abbott, what time is trump going to the border, trump at the border, trump going to border
Id: u2KUj0ViuN8
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Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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