[T:TIME] Best Agent Test - TXT (투모로우바이투게더)

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Did everyone catch this - a T:Time with subs already set up?! What did we do to do to deserve this wonderful gift! (runs away in absolute joy to watch it)

Also on a Saturday!

Edit: coming back to say that there was some peak sibling energy on display in this vid!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/antillesavett 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I know its not possible or realistic but I really wish them playing the zombie game was like a monthly thing 😭😭 i genuinely haven't smiled or laughed like that from a yt vid in a while,,,they're so funny and cute

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/madlysadlyinluv 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was great! The zombie game was too dangerous to watch while drinking coffee haha that could have ended badly for my laptop.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/LoveofLearningKorean 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

this must be my favourite ttime ever! they were so funny during the games, bantering, stealing each others candy T_T especially loved yeonjun's bad luck during twister, taehyun ATTACKING during the zombie game, and soogyu biting each other and not stopping (some things never change ...)

also, i love their new ttime exclamations?!! who was the one shouting? beomgyu or kai?

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/bellsmannequin 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

The zombie game was so fun oh my god

Taehyun just bodyslamming Beomgyu when finding him and they actually bit each other lmao

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/napping-star 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

The editors are genius for putting Run Away's "It seems like everyone is happy except for me" line whenever Yeonjun is suffering in the twister game! 😂

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/tiredpandax3 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

It was fun watching them dissolve into chaos, but at the same time I'm cringing like a mom whose kids are rough-housing in their best suits before church. "Your suits! Your SUITS! Soobin, comb your hair! Taehyun, get off your brother right now! Soobin, I said your hair-"

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Margaux_H 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is such a fun T:Time!! The boys are just too funny 😂😂😂

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/pm_me_your_fancam 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m saving this fully-subbed (ahhhhh!) video for my next treadmill walking session. My reward for working out :) I can’t wait!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/snacksalotlot 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hey everyone ONE DREAM Hello, we're TOMORROW X TOGETHER Let's each say hello, who wants to go first? [The members dressed up for Halloween] We're TOMORROW X TOGETHER, over This is Black Crow, when I appear... Please give me one more chance!! Do it again Stay calm, Black Crow This is Black Crow when I come to appear... When I appear? One more time! This is your last chance This is Black Crow because it instantly gets awkward when I appear Copy, over -Did you copy that, over? -Copy that, over The mic's over there why are you holding this Copy that, over I thought it was here 'cause I was looking at YEONJUN's Huh? This is Black Crocodile Once I bite something I never let it go A.K.A. Chomp Do you hear me, over? We hear you, over This is... What was I? You... This is Black Shadow I complete missions like a shadow -Black Shadow, next? -Black Shadow sounds cool Bl-Ca Bl-Ca Do you hear me, over? This is Black Card I read people's minds So cool And he charges so much for his services too -I will ?????, over -Copy that, over My name is Black Sorbet Of course you're refreshing Very refreshing, over Very cute, over Refreshing, over Do you all know why we're gathered here today? -Why, over? -Why, over? Why, over? -You guys are being over the top -Why are we here? [Members are excited because of the fun concept] Remember what we did for Halloween last year? Yeah, we made this I remember, over Over! -Wow, it's still here -Look at this [The pumpkin lamp that they made last Halloween] And we were wizards That's scary I made this We were wizards Right, we were We were also sorted into houses Oh, right I did this, isn't it cute? -After graduating, we came to Security School -Yes [Became secret agents(?) after graduating Wizarding School] Right Agents Agents We're secret agents that protect MOA -Correct -But can we say that out loud? Oh yeah, we're secret agents Only MOA should know Today we'll do two tests to pick the best agent among us Are you all ready? Of course we are Can you each tell everyone how determined you are? I'll show my excellent physical abilities [Saying their resolution before the tests] Do you copy, over? Copy that, over Black Crow, copy that, over My bite brings instant death -My bite brings instant death -So cool, Black Crocodile I only eat half a gallon So cool I complete the missions quick like a shadow Nice nice A shadow isn't fast That's right Actually, I'm just fast Not that fast With me, there's no limit I always pay in lump sum We'll be divided into two teams for the tests Me, YEONJUN, and HUENINGKAI will be in one team And BEOMGYU and TAEHYUN will be in the other -Two people? -It's an honor, Mr. Sorbet Agent Crow, the honor's all mine But why is it 3 vs 2? Would it still be fair? It doesn't really matter I think we'll win, over Are you scared? First up is a teamwork test Agents Yes, over First is the teamwork test Have you played Twister before? -No -No, over Are you talking informally? My heart's all throbbing My heart's throbbing, over Thanks, over The agents' teamwork is very important in this game You need to move your arms and legs based on the results on the spinner You lose if your other body parts touch the mat or if you fall -So you need to be flexible, huh? -That's right Their team could actually be in a better position I have these two ordeals next to me I apologize in advance, over [or YEONJUN deal] Ordeal Ordeal -Anyways -We can do this, over Of course There should be 2 people from each team So one of us should stay out Let's do rock paper scissors and the winner doesn't play Rock paper scissors! One of you two Rock paper scissors! I'll spin it, over Will you go first, over? Yes, over Then I'll spin it, over Yeah, spin it slowly like that It's left hand, red, over [BEOMGYU starts off] Now it's us Yes It's already exhausting It's right hand, red, over -Okay, over -Go, over ???? Over Nice You can take your hand off Take it off [BEOMGYU took off his hand when it was TAEHYUN's turn, but no one realized it] Next, this side Left hand, yellow, over You can do this, over Left hand I'll spin it, over Right hand, blue, over It's easy I'll spin it right away Speedy game please Right foot, red, over Yes, over You should've picked something else I'll spin it right away Left hand, green, over Left hand, green? Yes, over Isn't it TAEHYUN's turn? TAEHYUN did it, over Left hand, green, over I want to see, but I can't because my posture's like this Right hand, red, over It's green Oh, it's green Sorry, over Dummy Sorry, over I think they're struggling too, over Right hand, yell... right foot, yellow, over -Right foot, yellow -That's easy Why are they so good? Right foot, blue, over Hey, your left arm Right foot, blue -Is it my turn? -Yes, over I'll call them out [HUENINGKAI will choose who's gonna move to proceed with the game quickly] Me? Yes You Let's make him lose Look, his left foot is sticking out Huh? Fine, over I'm all right you can go slow -SOOBIN, move your right hand to blue -Hey! So easy! BEOMGYU, please take off your left foot Do it Oh, you're good at this Ugh.. YEONJUN, put your right hand on blue That looks so hard TAEHYUN, please take off your right hand -So embarrassing -Didn't TAEHYUN just take off his foot? He has to be careful All the feet have to be touching the ground [Some members are struggling] Give him a warning I'm giving you a warning Do it again SOOBIN, put your right hand on yellow Seriously... BEOMGYU, take off your left foot He already is Alright, then we'll pass Pass YEONJUN Put your right hand on red Hey, what? He's almost dancing You can't move your hand I want to ring the bell TAEHYUN, put your left foot on red -Left foot on red? -Yes Come on, quickly -You should judge it strictly -Okay Which team are you on? Now, if you so much as flinch you're out Which team are you on?! You keep sticking out SOOBIN, put your right hand on blue Me? Not me? Oh is it BEOMGYU? Yeah Black Crow -You can't move -Quickly Left foot on green Left foot on green Left foot Ah, HUENINGKAI You're out YEONJUN's arms and legs are crossing each other! YEONJUN, I think you should give up What do I do? It's over, over So that's how you lose -The loser plays -Okay, rock paper scissors, shoot! [Choosing who's gonna play in round 2 with HUENINGKAI] All right, you're playing -Let's show them -I'll proceed quickly Right foot, green So fast -I feel like I'm going to fail already -YEONJUN -I think you'll have to lie on your back -Left hand, yellow Like this? Agent TAEHYUN, left foot on yellow Agent HUENINGKAI, left foot on blue Agent BEOMGYU, blue Right foot -Take off your left foot -Take off your left foot Left foot Aw man [Agent Crocodile's struggling from the beginning] You need to take off your right foot too We basically lost, over We can do this, over Agent HUENINGKAI put your left foot on green It hurts already -Bear with it -Please go slower BEOMGYU Put your right foot on green Oh, you're on my team You need to move your left foot, but can you? -Raise it up -I already did Raise it up more You need to take off your right hand You already did Come on Come on -Put your left foot on yellow -Come on -I came to play games -Hold it, hold it It says to take off your left hand Left hand on yellow You're so unlucky Right hand on blue I feel bad for him HUENINGKAI, put your left hand on yellow Right foot on blue Don't worry, YEONJUN -I'll pick a nice one -Thanks -Left hand on green -Come right here -Good luck -You can do it Take off your left hand Take off your right hand His pose looks cool Right foot on green BEOMGYU's just moving back and forth -Right foot on yellow -If he has to remove his hand then it's over -Come on, seriously? Right foot on blue [Only agent YEONJUN is struggling] Hold my hand Let's show our teamwork Here I go 1 2 3 -All right, let's do this quick -So cool TAEHYUN Okay, good TAEHYUN, take off your right foot Ooh, things are going to get hard for you Who was it again? Right foot on blue How did you do it? It's so tiring! Now everyone's getting difficult ones Right hand on blue YEONJUN YEONJUN, put your right hand on yellow Your butt, wait Why is your butt right there? Sorry, over He's good at this Left foot on yellow -We're agents, this should be easy for us -Right hand on blue Take off your left hand This is taking so long So two people will move at the same time You two first Put your right hand on green That's too easy! I hope we don't need to move our feet Left hand on green Oh no You got this Wow, you're good Left hand on red They're getting easy ones Right foot on red You got this Good work Let's go, agent! Wait You won't make us lose twice in a row.. Fail We lost because [BEOMGYU and TAEHYUN won the first test] YEONJUN trolled us -We tried our best though -We did We tried our best, it's fine He just fell like that How weak You're very weak We'll win the next test Let's see the next test quickly We looked at the agents' teamwork in the first test Aren't you curious what the next test will be? -We're curious -We're curious, over Give me 500 won if you're curious Since we checked teamwork will we check individual abilities? Individual abilities That makes sense But we already know who's going to be 1st in individual abilities -Not you -Thanks Isn't that what you want? The next test is about something very important to agents It's a sense test What do you think a sense test is? Sixth sense Taste Like drinking soda while covering your nose and guessing what it is I think I'll be good that It's harder than you think -Really? -Yeah Each team will take turns being zombies If the zombies find all the humans with their eyes covered in 5 minutes, they win [Zombie Game] The humans win if they don't get caught the team with more surviving humans wins [Zombie Game] The winner of the first game What's your team name? Choose one We'll be UPPUZ The UPPUZ will be the zombies first and we'll be humans first Make it good Put your heart into it He's acting like a zombie with his face Let's start the Zombie Game right away Sorry, over [Team UPPUZ will be the zombies first] You look great BEOMGYU! Come here Come here Say "Ahh" Where's BEOMGYU? Hold my hands This is our space now [UPPUZ decided to hold hands and corner people] I'm scared, what do I do? We have to do it within this carpet, right? Run run run It's okay, just run I think it'd be safer if I just stayed in the middle I'm running confidently I don't even know anymore Should I run now? Let's turn slowly first Here? I hear something [Agent YEONJUN got caught by UPPUZ first] I got caught, over It's me, you dummy This is BEOMGYU, right? -Is it you? -Yeah, it's me [HUENINGKAI's messing with the zombies] You're not BEOMGYU, right? You're not! I surrender You got caught messing around [Agent Crow finally got caught] One person left Can you help me up? I'll straighten things up, over I don't know this time Black Sorbet is our only hope, over He's here Should we stay out? Why? Why? Why? Why? Someone put a spider in my hand Your mic dropped I think there's someone here Gotcha You! No wonder why he's Black Card [Round 1 finished after the zombies caught each other!] For round 1, Black Sorbet survived so we won What was our team name? Black Cross There's only 2 people on their team so they might get caught quickly Of course It might not be fair for them so one of us should sit out It'll still be unfair Does anyone want to sit out? [Only 2 people from Black Cross can find the humans and UPPUZ can revive once] I'll walk around with this lantern -Like a guide? -Like a guide It sounds legitimate Let's start right away We're not going to be easy on you so do your best It'll be easy for us This is YEONJUN, right? I'll do this ♪I'm gonna fly around the sky♪ ♪freely♪ I can hear something from here Figure out where they are [They're guessing people with their sense of touch] It's YEONJUN [They're guessing people with their sense of touch] It's me, me What is this?! They're nearby Are you Huening? I am, over My mic dropped again Why did you hit me? It was just self-defense Can I go now? [They keep bumping into each other instead of finding the UPPUZ] HUENINGKAI? [They keep bumping into each other instead of finding the UPPUZ] It's HUENINGKAI, over -You're the guide why aren't you guiding us? -I know, right? My eyes are also covered so I don't know where I am What a useless guide It's me Why can't I see? They're here come this way I'll go the very end Who is this? -It's me, over -Ugh The very end? Stretch out your feet too [Team Cross' sloppy herding] You're all scared, right? Aren't you? It's HUENINGKAI -Why aren't they anywhere? -Why aren't they anywhere? I'm here, over Not you Who is it? Go find people stop playing the piano But for real, where are they? Why can't I see them? You can't even find one person, over? I really can't see them I got him, bite him! Bite him! Bite him! I caught you, come down [Agent Shadow got caught] They bit me! So mean Come quick [Agent SOOBIN is very dedicated to his role as a zombie] Did you catch him? All right, you caught me Come on! BEOMGYU's out You can go again, right? One more time, one more time Wait My arm hurts so much Wait Let's begin again Is it here? [Agent BEOMGYU is revived] We have to move in perfect order [Agent BEOMGYU revived] -Who is this? -It's me, over It's me, over There's a piano here too? Whoa How about you just lie down and roll? How do we do this? It's so hard I can't see Who is this -Who is this -It's me, over [Agent TAEHYUN who's been hiding is in danger] Where are you? Where are you? Sorry, I'm sorry Kang Taehyun out [Round 2 finished as TAEHYUN got caught] Why am I here? Is he allowed to stay there? That's not fair I've been messing around with the chair until now I just got here You can't stay behind the piano Watch T:TIME quickly! Excellent agents were chosen through the two tests This team won the first teamwork game UPPUZ -2 : 0 -Team UPPUZ-- Okay, okay Team UPPUZ won -In round 2, one person each survived so-- -1 : 1 All right, I get it We tied So the final result is-- 3 : 1 I know Team UPPUZ won [Team UPPUZ won with 3 : 1!] -Congratulations -Oh well -We went easy on them, you know? -Of course Black Cross was being generous Cross is generous Now the boss is going to fire all of you -They said boss will fire you if you lose -We don't do our best on unfair games It was 3 versus 2 It was unfair, because it's was 3 v 2 It was irrational The results were so bad Stop making excuses But I think agent SOOBIN did better than the others He kept calling me Agent Ordeal but wow Thank you He did better than expected We have a prize for the two best agents -The boss prepared it -It's for you Let's open it -What is it? -Pull it What is it? HUENINGKAI'll go crazy [The award is gummies that the agents love!] NO!!! NO!!! You should've told us we're getting this as the prize There's one that HUENINGKAI likes too I love this one What is this? What's that? This one looks like Harry Potter What's this? Amazing They're stealing! His hand got caught Open it, I'll take it out We'll have some next time Yeah, and we know they'll share some with us -Right? -Yeah -Because our Team UPPUZ is kind -Right The staff members can take one as they leave I'll leave these in front of the door Please give us a speech for being best agents Finally I think it was obvious that we'd win FYI, what he said is everything you said Not bad His was good, but mine's perfect That's my line You're good, we're perfect Sorry, but 3 to 2 the game was unfair Right It was unfair YEONJUN, you tried your best today Good job What do you mean? I didn't even try a quarter of my best Obviously Then I'm sure the boss will talk to you later He'd be disappointed that you didn't even try a quarter of your best See the agent's different abilities through the tests today was really fun What abilities did you see? Yeah, what abilities? That he's unexpectedly clumsy Stealing skills You're more like a thief rather than an agent I think we should catch him I steal Stealing skills He does magic with his face He not only steals gummies but also people's hearts Now let's say goodbye and wrap up We were TOMORROW X TOGETHER Happy Halloween! Bye Let me go! [The fun, best agent test is all done!]
Views: 773,581
Rating: 4.993773 out of 5
Keywords: 투모로우바이투게더, TOMORROW X TOGETHER, TXT, 연준, 수빈, 휴닝카이, 태현, 범규, YEONJUN, SOOBIN, HUENINGKAI, TAEHYUN, BEOMGYU, 빅히트엔터테인먼트, 빅히트
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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