The Most Embarrassing Things That Kids Do | Hannah Williams

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hey guys and welcome to hand and fam now typically right now I would be on my couch with a glass of wine in my hand but instead I'm on the bathroom floor with a nutrition shake instead because just then one of those days I'm still realigning at least it's clean tonight I want to talk about the most embarrassing parts of having kids inspired by my my two boys shoutout to do you guys Jackson Wyatt you inspire me every day hey first what kids learn to talk they're always saying stuff in public out of context like this happened to me the other day at work Jackson came with me to work he's six years old he comes with me a lot I think very familiar with the whole place is ooh he's very comfortable so we were hanging out in the middle of the office it's an open floor plan we're talking and he says to me very very loudly in this open floor plan on this hey mom do you remember that time that we were going to your car and you were beating me so bad that I spilled my water everywhere I know I'm sitting there like what what what are you talking about you know you know one that time you beat me so bad my water went flying everywhere in this open floor plan office in the middle of tons of people as loudly as possible if anyone from work is watching this there is an explanation I finally got to the bottom of it and he talking about this time that we were racing to get to my car and I was winning and he was trying so hard to run and carry this cup of water but I was winning so he kept having to run faster and his water was flying everywhere and in his mind there's no difference in context when you say beating me so bad or winning in a race and it was mortifying I know that kids are always getting fixated on a range of things like an article of clothing or a blanket or stuffed animal or one toy and they get fixated on it especially if it's clothes and they will wear it until it disintegrates into nothing now my three-year-old gets very very fixated on very particular things he's just a particular kid in general so he gets really fixated on the tongue and then he insists on wearing it every single day so he was this monster drug t-shirt that he got one of these monster truck rallies it was a big deal to him and he's been wearing it for about three years now you can't tell that it's a monster truck shirt it's been washed to oblivion this is the thing when a kid is fixated on something and they insist on having it and wearing it there's just no reasoning with them there's no arguing that they just have to have it and the thing is you can't go over into public with a disclaimer take to their back or something like that you can't send them to school with a note that says I swear I have more than what shirt I just always insist on wearing this one speaking of my three-year-old next kids don't give a ride about throwing tantrums in public you just do not care my three-year-old doesn't give a bread he will wail and scream remember where we are you just doesn't care he's upset everybody has to know everyone part of the stone everyone's participating we're all at fault in the room around him if he's upset I will you're all gonna suffer and I believe in look him in the eyes if we're in public and he's throwing a meltdown got the grocery store something at all time why this is so embarrassing everybody's hearing you screaming and freaking out over something so silly and he'll stop collect himself look me dead in the eyes and just be like and just do it even louder and it just doesn't even faze them they're not in that stage of life where they have that self-awareness of like wow this might be kind of embarrassing and disturbing to everybody around me yes kids are always pooping and they always choose to poop and the most inconvenient of times it's either in the car it's in a store with no restrooms you have to walk down the block try to sneak into a restaurant weasel your way to the restroom get your kid to go sneak back out of the restaurant and go back to the store that has no restroom and it's always announced at the top of their lungs like I will be in a bookstore very quiet and what am I will be late so not only do I know everyone in the whole store knows now next kids tell people your secrets my kids have no filter and so sometimes when they're with me and my adult friends or with my coworkers or somewhere with my other peers they'll just feel free to reveal some of my very personal information like Jackson loves to point out anytime I double wear something and it's like you know here he has his brother who's wearing the same day monster prep shirt every day but no he chooses to announce to my peers and friends that I slept in the shirt that I was wearing the next kill a little hypocrisy I don't really understand what that means yet but I feel a little hypocrisy in the whole situation and last kids just collect raw stuff I was going through Jackson's backpack the other day and I opened a pouch of it and I found that he had been collecting for who knows how long he's been collecting feathers off the sidewalk that he's found who knows what kind of bird feathers has been on who knows what kind of sidewalk he's collecting them from but he had this bull blow oh there's a spider oh okay no I don't want to hurt you get get out of here get out of here I don't know how long he's been doing this but he has a full-blown collection of street feathers in his backpack just feathers it's like snacks that those thing for later except it's not a snack that you would stay for later it's the thing you'd refrigerate like my son will store have a grilled cheese in the back of his bookshelf or later and it's like you've got about a five minute window to eat that thing and then after that it's just that's really really gross so embarrassing when they're revealed when you get over something so I'll have to make up to myself and buy something weird and I'm like I swear I'm not keeping salami in my bathroom doors on purpose but you know what at the end of the day it's all evens out because do I have the time to be embarrassed no do I have the energy to be embarrassed no it might seem like it's an embarrassing thing but at the end of the day I'm so far past that I'm like this is the level of embarrassment I don't know it over here there's I'm just sitting here on my bathroom floor recording a video with a nutrition shake because I didn't need a simple vegetable today that's where I'm at right now I'm so far past when compares but I can't care anymore you know do you know what while having kids may have a lot of embarrassing moments at the very least it toughen you up for just about anything anyway the signup for today and my fist anything or you learn about the embarrassing stories please leave them in the comment let's all commiserate with each other let's just make this one big pot of embarrassing stories or if there's something you want me to talk about in a future episode leave in the comments to know if you excuse me I think it's time for me to go to bed till next time guys
Channel: Hannah Williams
Views: 91,291
Rating: 4.9854054 out of 5
Keywords: wine mom, mom in progress, family vlog, kids, parenthood, funny, family channel, motherhood, embarrassing, family, buzzfeed hannah, PFSC, parenting, mom, mother, buzzfeed, hannah williams, mom content, worlds okayest mom, 8rQn
Id: 8RyzC1k3jxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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