Riding the Japanese Local Train Revaty Aizu for the First Time

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revity ISU is a train that runs through tobu Railways Network it has an environmentally conscious design using aluminium to reduce weight and LED headlights to reduce power consumption join me today as I ride this train for the first time squish Yak today we are in aaka but we're not going to be seeing sori or doing any of the usual tourist things we're going to be taking the LI ISU train that runs from Tokyo all the way to Fukushima prefecture and I'm really excited anyway if you like videos like this don't forget to like And subscribe and let's get into it so even though this station is in one of the most popular parts of Tokyo it's actually not too busy and from the outside it doesn't even look very big but if you go downstairs and underground you will see many different shops there and that's where we're going to be going now to get some I Ben let's go eky Ben were first introduced to railway stations in the 19th century for Long Train Journeys and they still remain popular today I've purchased my eeky Ben and let me tell you there is so much Choice down here I spent a really long time trying to decide what I wanted it's crazy how many different styles there are and I cannot wait to try this one but I'll have to wait till I'm on the train so I'll see you then train's coming it looks like a robot do you see the front of it it's kind of short so this train is actually only three cars but not for the entirety of the journey so at some point during our journey it will break off to only three cars so it's quite small which also explains why you can only get a seat on this train if you book in advance so with a lot of trains and with the shin Canen you don't have to book in advance you can just arrive on the day but with this train you have to book in advance and I was really surprised by how quiet it was as it entered it's impressive so as you can probably tell we are on the train I will say it's very spacious so even though it's not a shin Canen it still has a similar amount of space and it's very cozy I'm quite excited to start this journey it's also got quite ambient lighting the lighting is very modern this is quite a new train you can actually recline your T it feels more like a plane than a train you can also charge your electronic devices as well so really although this is slower than a shinan you still get pretty similar benefits we're moving and I didn't expect that I was like mid conversation and I was like oh my God we're moving Sky true come here come here we have just one table but we also have a secret table too this is my e and it's called and it looks amazing at least it did in the store so I cannot wait to try this so the reason I chose this one is because there's a large variety of different things in here so I can't wait to try it there's vegetables tempura rice and I think I see a little bit of mchi as well so let's dig in I'm going to start with something simple the meatball e Mas Christmas I absolutely love the way Japanese meatballs taste because they're so soft but the t is quite sweet it's really simple but so delicious it makes me want some rice so I think that's the next thing I'm going to dive into so the rice is already divided which makes it really easy to eat especially when you're on a moving train it's really chewy and soft it's really nice so that was really soft I know tempura is usually crunchy but that was quite soft I will say even though all of this is cold it still tastes really good I'm very happy I'm going to eat the tail your tickets may be please do not smoke on this tree so this vegetable section of the ubben it's called a chuen and it might be my favorite cuz I love vegetables mushroom very juicy and thick and meaty and it's completely the reason why I love mushrooms L which is actually my favorite tempera I finally made this decision after many years Lenor is my favorite emperor that Lin was perfect cuz as you been into it it crunched perfect S I only tried sat more recently in nabe and I learned how much I love it so I'm super happy to see it in this UB bent today and it is perfect it's soft and sweet and delicious next I have this meat roll let's try it so the meat roll was delicious and a little bit salty and I'm pretty sure it was beef but the inside was asparagus and it was totally unmistakable it had its unique asparagus flavor and it was crunchy as well which is actually amazing if you consider the fact that it was cooked and then also wrapped in meat but it still kept its crunch unbelievable so obviously I have beer and this is Sappo beer which is my favorite except I've never seen this one before it's made with 100% Japanese Hops and I cannot wait to try this because I think this is the perfect accompaniment to my AC [Music] this has a little bit of a citrus hint to the flavor but it's got a very strong deep flavor I love this wow oh my God so while I was enjoying my food we've actually already made it to saitama so we're moving we we're going places but yeah we're officially out of Tokyo Tamaki you can never go wrong with this I've never had bad tamago Yaki the whole time I've been in Japan don't let me down that was Perfection it was sweet it was soft it was moist great tamagoyaki so I still have yet to have bad tamagoyaki in Japan the streak continues other tempura included oine and lenon this ubben also had grilled fish and even dessert which was soft mchi filled with sweet red beans I'd never seen eky Ben with dessert before I chased it down with beer and the classic snack Kake [Music] noan I love you so we'll soon arriving at toiki station but this train actually goes to ISU in Fukushima we are getting off in toiki and we still have an hour and 30 minutes left so in total our train journey is about 3 hours but it's nice it's very pleasant we have some nice views it's very spacious so it's been quite a pleasant journey so far we're now at shimo mayi station and this is where the train divides in half so the first three cars go to ISU Tajima and the latter three cars go to tobu nickol you are almost constantly surrounded by Mountain views throughout the entire Journey which made it extra relaxing it was also nice to see other trains pass by this train is so cute with Ichigo Chan and Ichigo monster on it's adorable that's so cool the handles on the train were strawberry shaped and red and then on the outside of the train you could see all the different varieties of straw so cute we're now in kogawa onen and a lot of people are getting off here cuz this area is actually quite famous but we're not getting off here you'll see where we get off but it's not here so we keep getting these short bursts of beautiful scenery of the snow but it's like as soon as we see how beautiful the snow is suddenly we're in a tunnel again so it keeps getting interrupted as you can see but we are passing some gorgeous scenery on this train route you can see ton river which is the widest river in Japan it flows through a whopping eight prefectures before I knew it it was time to get off the [Music] train wo I did not expect this I never thought I would get off a train and just be greeted by this incredible view it's insane so we've arrived at Tami miori shobara onen GUI and it is incredible here I couldn't imagine that I would get off the train and this would be the view I'd immediately be greeted with it's insane but the train journey was really lovely so although it was nearly 3 hours long the scenery was just absolutely mindblowing and it made for a really relaxing train journey I forgot to mention they also have Wi-Fi on board which is extremely useful anyway that's it for today's video you guys but as usual I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below what is your favorite train route in Japan I'm looking for suggestions because you never know you might see a video of me on that very route soon anyway thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 58,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, Japan life, Japan trip, Japan, tokyo, 外国人の反応, 外国人美女, 日本, Japanese train, RevatyAizu, リバティ会津, 鉄道
Id: 2LmPdJvgeZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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