Trying out the watercolour brushes in Adobe Fresco

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hi everyone thanks for joining me today my studio hope you're having a great day I've had another look at fresco and I wanted to try out the watercolor engine because the brushes are well not going to keep you in suspense they are stunning next to rebel I can't think of any other program that does watercolor as well as this so let's stop waffling on about it let's just get straight in and have a look at them brushes because they are awesome [Music] hi everyone so I'm back in Adobe fresco today let's open this up I'm going to choose a canvas size of 273 to by 204 eight pixels and away we go what I want to do today is try out the watercolor brush you can see I've got a photo of a pretty dreary looking snow scene it hasn't snowed this year yet this is from last year so I'm gonna begin with this sketching brush I've just got a pencil selected and I'm gonna start sketching this in so I may go for a bit might move the rice and down a little bit have some more sky in this scene which is sure to get that arising inverse pencil sighs I guess that's it no smoothing I'm gonna use this once before that's it there we go I just wanted a bit of a smaller pencil I did I do like to sort of sketch in something when I'm doing a watercolour I don't always sketch but if I'm doing watercolor it's it's got to be sketched in this shouldn't I don't want to spend too long on the sketching I want to get in and try these watercolor brushes they're really really excellent little building in here not for seeing too much about detail because this is about the brushes rather than the paint it hold if that's all a little bit high we'll see we'll see we'll see if some bushes in there couple of these tall trees this bank of the river think this was taken last year and I've got to try and make this look a little bit more exciting than the than the photo because the photo is a little bit dreary after say so that's the scene so what I'm gonna do I'm hoping I can walk on there not transparency lot layer here we go so I've looked that layer on the create a new layer how we do it yeah so I've now got a new layer selected can't damage me drawing which is cool and I can go in with the painting so I'm selecting the second icon now and I've already chosen we've got water color round detail but I want the wash brush first and I'm gonna select color I'm gonna go for blue I just want really line now this brush is really really cool but ice British sizes here isn't it I keep forgetting so oh why I got to type it in I don't want to type it in there we are that's interesting and being you make it it kind of breaks up this sort of try that's so anyway I just want to show you this before I start painting when you put on the paint you see it's flows and then if I just up the color a bit and then you paint into it look at that that is that sort of part with revell although it doesn't tip the canvas it doesn't sort of flowed down that would be really cool if it would flow like that but it doesn't so anyway let's just undo all of that oh are they are a limited number of undos No must have been thinking about it so I kind of want a gray and then I want to brush some yellow into it so let's sort of get this on the only thing that like his at this stage it's sort of glazing over it I would have been up here if it had maybe when you take power it flows when you take your and off the brush just going to work okay hoping so let's change the color I said I wanted a yellow look at that beautiful well that was if I paint over it what does it do then got a bit of an odd odd edge there just paint a little bit more on and it flows a bit more that's cool so I could bring this down let's get a wash out this this is like a proper watercolour painting let's get the old canvas covered and I guess I'm going to be doing lots of layers here just take it edge this does feel like proper watercolor I have to say and then kind of one leave some white I'm gonna go for warmer warmer blues could do with taking the brush size down now I am let's create a new layer what I'm going to do now is try and get some of these trees in and I want to try and get the distant trees and I want to try and get a fuzzy top edge you put the bottom edge I want to keep it sharp so I may be doing that with an eraser I'm guessing that's just so first of all I'm just maintain I'm just wondering what would happen if I use a color and then just white will the white act like oh oh oh white wash we have to make the brush a bit bigger it does it's a bit too white what we got here what's this water flow ha ha some did all of this I'm just wondering if I should put water on first and then flow the paint into it so I've got a big brush I could also mean the last flow not the opacity what does that do I'll just take the flow down a bit great I've got a big brush just I think along there that's interesting it kind of blocked out the pencil then go for a gray color take the brush right down size flow back up and then let's see what we get it's kind of working except I'm getting a fuzzy edge along the bottom as well oh listen to all this I've deleted me new layer or clown right new layers try again so I'm going in with a water so I need to change that back to why I think this is going to work take the flow down make the brush bigger a lot of fiddling or after fiddling and I'm just gonna paint this on to the top of that edge this time so that's now got this wet edge I'm going to go back to my blue gray put the flows a lot fill in put the flow back up make the brush smaller now that big let's try now not working so well on if it dries here after a time not Skeen that color either and they go back over it though Leeson got in a sort of a sharp edge along the bottom there that's gotten a little bit fuzzy I'm gonna put that back up to white not the opacity down I'm gonna keep the brush small the flow down I should say what's this one water flow my god so let's put that the flow back up put the water flow I like this yeah look at that just softening the tips of these bushes I put water there and will it push the paint away yeah like the clothes in it be a little bit careful distant hills yeah like it like it like it color so I'm sort of working with these blues grey blues I want to soften that as well so just go back to why so using what I gives us a slight using clear water clean water I guess was he actually starts to turn it to why if you put too much on I'm not even looked safe there's a blending brush to be honest you've got like a raisin that can just paint that away a bit what's this that ol fact she's I don't only get into those possibly not but the water flow right oh I see I could put a little attentive say yellow or something better so there's ways around it but I've got lots of water in this now yeah I like it I want to get this sort of create a new layer we get the water in but I want it I don't want so much flow to flow down because the warm blue perhaps about there and I want a combination of I asked to be darker than that and I know it's not gonna flow into that cuz I'm on a new layer I'm leaving a little bit of a gap to make it look like a traditional watercolour where you would not go right up to the edge because you didn't want it to flow into it and I'm just going to mix yellows and blues it's a bit quicker I saw river port in if I wonder if I can what sort of bushes picking up with the eraser nothing we've just got an eraser okay let's Oh what color wet splatter and what I want to do is get a few I'll stick with this brush just for a second I want to get some fewer lights in the water so I'll just make the brush a bit smaller see where that goes just gonna do that because I wanted to try and keep it horizontal and it's coming over here but I can use the razor just to lift it out a bit yes sort looking for i get the eraser i'd like to pull up it i'll leave that a little bit pause there got the water's edge in Italian a little bit well just thinking that that could go maybe right up into the okay okay okay okay okay I'm now gonna go with a dark blue small brush and just end into that a little bit let that go for Zee I'm going to clue what I'm doing you know I'm just sort of going with a flat again with a flow maybe put a few dark abyss above the top I do like doing snow scenes in watercolors it's because you can use the paper for the wine and everything I'll write that in fact I start Bank pretty much nailed I think I'm gonna go to the mic so this is I'm working with a limited palette you noticed I'm just using yellows and blue I'm pretty much going to stick with them in there I've got to create a new layer or I could come onto this layer and get a dark color because I want to just put the shadow bit in the side of the building if I had run it on the same layer it would have just flowed and I could put a few highlights there like that and that I could put the bushes in on this layer that are in front of the building as well so do that oh not on that layer that legs got the shoes on it that's come on - I think we need another layer I said below to pop a little bit of blood bottom there that will flow into it and if I was this is this opacity only you as a what if me Bush was a bit bigger perhaps I'm trying to wet the edge soften the edges off it flows right to the edge of the pain that's not quite what I'm looking for but put more water in there oh thank the stray - as well as change the opacity I need to just change the color so it's a nice light color no this just keeps filling it that's not but what I'm after what we're doing wrong maybe I've got too much paint on there it's used the eraser take some out he's fiddly but I want to get it I don't want it to be spoiled better effect that'll do it fiddly a bit fiddly I still got the opacity down yeah I should take that right up to 100% I think and I'm gonna put a few she's step into that gotta get these trees in I don't know want to do that no nice very watercolor look in oh alright now we could put it's put a little tree behind here it will highlight the rooftops and I can using razor just to sharpen that up a bit chinga back in maybe even just school these like a pet just imagine that beanies with a tissue or something just a nicer shape cool cool cool cool what's the brush looking like let's make this a bit bigger I wondered if I should try and put these trees in here Oh what also got the razor selected I just lied in the color a little bit yeah Oh slippy okay phenomena go back in it's quite a new that one is it now I'm gonna I'm gonna put the branches in so I think now's the time to select a different brush I'm gonna go with the round brush and I want okay the blue such size like that might be a bit on the large size I just want to thought that it just hasn't got they got a woodcock I guess he does I guess it does oh yeah it still flows nice like it very nice what an awesome set of brushes you've got listen you need to download this out and have a go at the water color because it is excellent I'm loving it so I now have a new favorite water color app do I need to buy rebel with this what do you think to know your thoughts on that one I'm doing these trees and I'm liking what I'm doing here but I'm just wondering wanna zoom out are they gonna look okay I think they're alright I think they are own game detailing I might go with some stronger detail under those bridges there they've popped a couple of windows in yeah yeah yeah right now what I want to do is just put yeah a few twigs I'm gonna need to make it white and I might have to you just pencil all oh look at that about to be dark color I've put a dark color under that go back to the wash brush choose a really really really pale blue I got the brush size what we're looking at waters to water flowed out of it that's what I want except I want a bit high to try look at that oh my word change the brush again I want the round brush I'm not even tried the flat brush yet I'm overdoing it I am better and then put a few of these dried leaves possibly for here I think you know what sometimes less is more so I'm gonna just add out all first let's just try this water wet splatter now I'm assuming I've got to be subtle with this I just want to see what it does the sizes stay out there I think I went a bit over the top oh that's good when you put it in white pain oh look at that maybe a bit too much there oh oh they're tricky to tap it with the finger and there's some texture in there do i what do you think mm I kinda like it but I'm just going to use the eraser and take out some of these that make it more of a controlled splatter yeah I think I'll I'm liking this a lot what bush we got now let's go with a round brush I don't think I've ever used so many brushes that's nice because you can draw into these splashes and you get these nice effects let's just sign it cuz I feel like I've finished it I'm just playing just a bit more detail a few dogs stop it Steve that's it I finished no no I'm feeling like I need to just I thought I finished but I just want to do one more thing yeah I just want to put some darker twigs in I think it will pull out yeah that's it I'm stopping I'm stopping there I am stop it stop I'm stopping that's it watercolor just a quick demo not nothing too dramatic but I just wanted to show you how dynamic the brushes were in the paint flowed together and everything so I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have a big thumbs up as always is much appreciated and if you new to the channel please consider subscribing because I have lots of videos like this and I would love to be sharing them with you so hopefully I'll see you all in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Steve Elliott
Views: 3,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going from traditional to digital art, traditional to digital art tutorial, transition from traditional to digital art, traditional to digital art, steveelliottart, stevethescribbler, digital artist, adobe fresco tutorial, adobe fresco vs procreate, adobe fresco ipad, adobe fresco watercolor, adobe fresco review, adobe fresco speedpaint, adobe Fresco introduction, adobe fresco beginners, adobe fresco brushes download, adobe fresco vs rebelle, adobe fresco vs artrage
Id: qwywUm_q2Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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