Trying Mumbai's Famous Pani Puri (Golgappa) 🇮🇳

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"You tour Mumbai?" Yeah. Everywhere in Mumbai, Mumbai. Mmm. Good, good. Haha, I like. Good food, good food, everything. They recommend that. They have something special and they want you to try it. Oh really? Oh wow. Did they say what it's called? This thing? What is it? Some kind of cake. Plum Cake. Oh, it looks like Cherry Cake. It's not, it's called a Plum Cake. Plum Cake? Oh, so this is plum? Try, try, try. Try it? Okay. Oh it's hot as well. This has come straight out the oven. Can you be camera woman? Sure. While I try this Plum Cake. Yes. Okay. I'm gonna break off a piece And try the man's plum cake. I cannot see it. It's okay. If you touch the screen, it will, you can see. Mmm. Do you like it? Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, it's nice. That's, it's really. By the recommendations of. It's really, really moist as well. Mmm. Yeah, two thumbs up. Two thumbs up, yeah. Mmm. He's saying that it's for fee. Oh really? Oh it's too generous. Too generous my friend. Do you want, do you want to take some with you? I want this, can I take with me, yeah? Oh thank you, yeah. Thank you so much my friend, it's very generous of you. See you. Okay. Let's make sure we get the name of this bakery. They deserve a bit of publicity. Zeeenat Bakery. And that's the address right there, so you know where to come. Yeah, I got it. Good. Okay, see you guys. Bye. Fantastic. Oh. I think I'll eat that when I get home as well. That'll be nice. Juice stall. Try and get one without ice. Yeah sure. Right? Eh, do you want Mosambi juice? They have that. I want..... You have orange juice? Yeah. Do you want it with sugar or without sugar? No sugar. No sugar? It should be sweet already, right? Yeah, but then they add more sugar to it. No, I don't need more sugar. You want ice in it? No, no. Okay. You're getting one as well? Yeah, I'm getting one. Okay, I get one for you. Hey wait, I'll pay, please. Let me. One for me and one for you. Fantastic. Okay. Oh brilliant. Thank you. Good. Sorry. Excuse me. Oh, he's smiling. Sorry my friend, sorry. Very, very sorry. So sorry. It's good. He's not angry. He's just like laughing at the situation. You have a good attitude. We are so sorry, brother. But the orange juice is lovely. No need for any sugar in this. It's already sweet. Feel embarrassed at all or no? A little embarrassed. I got it on video. You know that's, that's going into, that's going into the video, for sure. Sorry. Usually I'm the messy one when I'm out eating and drinking. Look, I carried it away perfectly. Cheers! Cheers. Hi. Where can we get Pani Puri around here. Pani, Pani Puri. Pani Puri. Around here? I think not around here, right? Not many vendors. Go this way. Up this way? Okay, we'll have a look up there. Thank you my friend, thank you. Cheers. Okay. Up this way. Hi. Hi, where good Pani Puri, good? Pani Puri, Pani Puri. Pani Puri? Yeah. This one? Ask him for the good one. Famous one. Famous one, yeah. Famous Pani Puri. He said Churchgate. Station? Inside the station? Ah, okay. Famous Pani Puri. Oh thank you my friend, thank you. Oh good. So inside the station, yeah? It's a subway. It's a subway? Oh, it's a "subway" It's not that kinda subway, it's like, just a way for people to get from one side of the road to the next. Yes. Okay. So he said it's inside here or on the other side? On the other side. On the other side? Ah, okay. So this whole subway is just basically used as a market. These people, they don't have to pay any money to be here, right? They just come and set up shop. Okay. So there's some vendors up there. Yeah. Alright. Here, this looks like Pani Puri, right? Yeah. Famous Pani Puri. So when you want to find out where the good one is, you ask for the famous one, right? Yeah, the one which is more popular. The one that's most popular? Okay. Oh here we go, Pani Puri. So Pani Puri some kinda like fried, fried bread or something like that, puffed. This. Frying. Pani Puri here good? Yeah, it's good. Oh, good. I want to try. You want to try? Okay, one is. One Pani Puri is 25? Okay, I will try. So, it's like this kinda like fried, puffed, it's bread, right? It's not bread. What is it? Like pancake? It's not a pancake. So what is it then? I don't know. What is the. This is Pani Puri. But what is Pani Puri? Nobody can tell me what Pani Puri is. It's something fried, right? Some kind of dough that's fried? It's stuffed potatoes. Is it a donut? It's like a pancake or what? No, it's not like a pancake? Like a bread? No, no, no. No? I think he'll know better. What's the ingredient? Potato with green chili chutney and this chutney. So this stuff is made with potato? No. Inside is the potato? Inside it. But this stuff, what is this stuff? This stuff. What is the ingredient? We have floor, floor. Flour, wheat flour? Not flour, floor. Weat floor. Wheat, wheat floor? Weat, weat. Weak? Weat, the one, the ones that you had chapatti with. Yes? The same taste but the way that it's fried. I still don't know. Wheat? Weat. Wheat floor? Floor. What is it, flour? F-L-O-U-R. F-L-O-U? That's what I said, "flour, wheat flour" So it's bread then, it's bread. That's what bread is. It's wheat flour. It's not bread. It's not bread. It's bread. Bread is wheat. Okay, let's have it. Okay. Okay, I'll have my fried bread. My fried Pani Puri. An oh, he puts this inside it? Yeah. Okay. Does he make each one fresh or ? Yeah, fresh. Ah, each one is fresh? Ah, good. That's what you want, isn't it? And he just like pops it open with his thumb and puts in this potato. It's not potato, it's Ragula. What is it? Ragula. What it's made from? Ragula. Ragula? Yeah, what is it? It's Ragula. Yeah but what is Ragula? Some kind of broth with some kind of vegetable, right? Okay, well since I have no idea what it is. It's gonna be really hot, right, because it's fresh? I'll touch it. Oh it's cold. It's nice, it's great. I wanna try this, without making a mess. Oh he puts another one right down. Wow! It's spicy and sweet. It's like a chutney inside, right? This is my brothers. Your brothers? Yeah. Oh how are you? My hand's a little bit. How are you? Oh that's a very nice taste. Any problems, just talk to him. Oh this you, his place? The owner, the boss? Yeah, I'm the owner. The big boss? Not the big boss but it's been done, it's been built by my father. Oh really, a generational thing? We are doing this business since 1971 in this area. So this the famous one around this area? Yes of course. Okay, good. We were asking people, "where's the famous one?" We seen another Pani Puri but it looks like average. So said "Where's the famous one?" And some man said this one is the famous one. Everything is famous over here. Would not say I am the one who is famous. Yes? But what we believe is in quality. Yeah. And customer service. Oh good. That's really nice. After tasting this, how did you find it? Well it's very unusual taste. It's spicy and sweet at the same time, right? Yes, of course. Can you explain the ingredients to me? Yes of course. Yes? So the puri is made, the Pani Puri is made from what? It's wheat, wheat right? Fried wheat? No. It's made from one of the pulses known as lentil, dal. Lentil? Oh so it's made from dal, ah okay. So that is how it is made. Yes? Again, this one is white vatana, which is white lentil, which we serve. This? Yeah. This one is known as a Rugula. Ragula? Ah okay. So this is a different type of lentil? Yes. This is a white lentil? Yes of course. Ah, okay. And the Pani Puri water is made of different spices. Yeah, but it tastes to me like chutney. Yes okay, this is because we add green chili to it. Ah okay. So it's kind of like a liquid chutney would you say? Is that a fair way to describe it? First we grind the chutney and then we add it too the water. Yeah? Add some spices to the taste. Yes. And salt. Oh. That is what it is made up of. Oh it's very nice. And you said it's 25 for one piece? No, it's for 6 piece. For 6 piece? Woah! That's a, that's a generous portion for 25. That's good. Okay. So have you tried it? Yeah, I had it. You had it? It's nice? It tastes very nice. Okay, did you give it a thumbs up? I do give it a thumbs up. Okay, I give it the thumbs up as well. So this is the third one? This is the third one. Oh. But now this one. I'm gonna try not to make a mess. While you were talking, melted. Oh. And then there's another thing which is added to it which is sweet chutney, which is made of dates. Yeah. Oh, it's made with dates? Yeah. Oh, really? We put the date Yeah? and then we grind it again. Then that is how those sweet chutney is made up of. Oh wow, superb. So it's a mixture of all of those things which is known as Pani Puri or Golgappa. Or Golgappa? Golgappa. Or Golgappa? Gol, it's round. Gol with gappa. Oh, okay. So this is like how I'm eating that, like this? You eat it all in one go, right? The whole thing in your mouth? Yeah, Golgappa. You tried? You had number 4? This is number 4, okay. All in one go. Lets see. Wow, expert. It's really nice. My every day food. Okay, that's number 5. Before it melts this time, right? Yeah. All in one go. Wow. It's like a blend of the sweet and the spicy together. It's just a perfect blend. It's spicy. The last one is yours. No, last one is yours. I insist. Okay. I'll be greedy then. Again? Wow. You've got one more extra. One more? That's yours for sure. For sure that's yours. And what's the name of your shop sir? It's owned by state of government, okay? Oh really? Yeah. So, this has been allotted to us but the shop name is Ari Sareeta 144. Ari Sareeta 144? And it's near. Churchgate Station. So if anybody is in Mumbai and they want the best Pani Puri, come here. You can just look around to see where we are. There we go. Oh! Someone else vlogging. Oh, fellow vlogger. He's vlogging while I'm vlogging. I'm vlogging the vlogger. Hey. We're vlogging each other. I'm vlogging him and he's vlogging me. It's all good, isn't it? Did you come here to, you come here to eat the Pani Puri? No, I, I've come here to eat a Frankie. Dale Philip. Subscribe, subscribe. So what's you channels name? Channel name? Dale Philip, Dale Philip. My name and also my channel's name. Dale Philip. Also please subscribe to me. Yes, and your name is? Varun Dave Vlogs. V-A-R-U-N. Okay. Dave Vlogs. You guys will look him up. Well if you're vlogging about food you should try this Pani Puri. Yeah, yeah, sure, I would. Trying this? Yeah, yeah. Okay, good. Did you like it? Oh yeah, very nice. 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. It's good, yeah. A really special flavour. I've never tried anything like that before. A think it was spicy for you. I little bit spicy. Had a little kick to it but there was also the sweetness that kinda like blended with that to. No fun to it unless it is spicy. That's a good sound byte, that is. Okay. So, I just met him. Yeah. And he's a visitor from. Scotland. Where are you from? Scotland. Yeah. So he's from Scotland and. Do you like India? Coming to Mumbai to show everyone in Scotland what your beautiful city is about. Did you like India? Yes, very nice. Mumbai my favourite city so far. Oh, you can see I need it, right? Oh wow. Oh, nice to meet you. Okay, I'll check your vlogs out, yeah. Yeah, thank you so much. Don't forget to subscribe. Okay, cheers man. Bye. Do you want to eat something more? Ah, maybe the sugar cane juice, if we could find that around here. Ah, you'll have to cross the road over there. You see the blue board over there? Yeah, there's somebody around there? Where you find the Sugar Cane. Oh, that would go down a real treat right now. Just go straight from here Yes. and once you reach petrol pump then take a right. Onto the next street, the right street, yeah? So there is a cow building. So if you want you can just take a video of that place as well. Ah right, brilliant. Once you get out of that place, Yes? straight outside you will see Fashion Street, a cloth market. Uh huh. So that's another happening place over here. Ah okay, good. So for college kids that is a best place to shop. Fantastic. You can have a check on that. Brilliant my friend. Your food is amazing. Right, it was nice to meet you my friend. Okay, take care. Bye. Cheers. Okay. Let's go find some Sugar Cane juice. Oh, I'm so thirsty right now. Need something to wash down that Pani Puri as well. It was really nice, I just got that, the spiciness is still in my mouth. I just need to like wash that out. But he said he's making the sorta like liquid chutney from dates. He's grinding up dates. Yes. That's where the sweetness is coming from in that food. Oh here we go, that's the Sugar Cane man. So other places I've been drinking this it's like 15 for jumbo, 10 for full but you have 20 for without ice. I'm gonna ask him if I can have without ice. You can tell him that you don't want ice. Can I have one glass with no ice? Yeah, how much? 15? Ah okay, good. So these are the Sugar Canes and they just get squashed to oblivion. With all the juice coming out here. Just, there's the ice there but I think it's just better to avoid it in case it comes from the tap water or whatever. He makes sure he gets every last drop, every single last drop, out of those Sugar Cane. I think it goes though it, like 3 or 4 or maybe 5 times. Through the grinder. And the juice just a wee bit coming out now, just a wee bit. Is he gonna put it through one last time? Well we done. One last time. He really is squeezing every last drop out of this. There we go. Brilliant. And it's getting filtered to get all the foam and all the little bits. That is a full glass right there. Oh wow. It's so nice. Whooo. Oh, you'd much rather drink this than some kind of like sugary soft drink like Coca Cola. You've got even more sweetness than you're getting in Coca Cola, a better taste, It's fresh. and Completely Fresh. it's natural, innit? Yeah. Fresh and natural. Do you like it? Wow. I've been spoiled today, haven't I? Yeah. All this deliciousness. Ah, superb. Do you want one? No, no, I'm full. Oh, fantastic. It's very nice. Thank you my friend. Oh more of this Sugar Cane juice. In fact I'm gonna have another one of the Sugar Cane juice. Can you be camera woman again? While I just. Can I have one glass, no ice, please? No ice. How much? Huh? This one 30 rupees. and 20 rupees. 20? Ah, okay. You're really in love with this Sugar Cane juice. I need to replenish my energy and my hydration. So. Sugar Cane juice! Another one, another one. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. Good. I need it, I need it. I'm very, I'm very sweating right now. Oh you're getting water? Only water? Yeah, I want. Get the Sugar Cane juice, it's delicious. Yeah. You don't want to try this? In past I have tried it. You have tried it? Yeah. It's good? Yeah, it's good. Ah okay. This is mine it looks like. There we go. Thank you sir, thank you. Oh, gonna demolish this. Very nice. Thank you! Welcome. Oh, lovely.
Channel: Dale Philip
Views: 1,003,595
Rating: 4.8825932 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbai Street Food, India Street Food, India Travel, Budget Food, Mumbai Travel, Mumbai Food, Indian Food, Indian Street Food, Pani Puri, Golgappa, Mumbai Pani Puri, maharashtra food, maharashtra travel, Local Delicacy, Churchgate Mumbai, Cheap Eats, Budget Travel, Backpacking India, Street Food Tour, Mumbai, India, maharashtra
Id: oJiDmRf2UP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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