TRYING HARRY POTTER CANDY + Bean Boozled Challenge 🔮 | Collins Key

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- This one's either vomit or fruity, fruity something. (retching) (signal tone) What's up, it's Collins Key and for today's video, I need a very special guest to join me, so everyone please welcome my little brother, Devon Key. - [Both] Hey! - What's up. - What's up, bro? - Not wand, but two wands. - I got two wands. - And a map. - One for the spells, for the... Yeah. - Here you go. - Thank you very much. This one's actually my wand. One of you guys actually sent me this, so huge shout out to you. But for today's video, Devon and I, we're gonna be trying. Today we're gonna be trying a whole bunch of Harry Potter candy and if you want me to do even testing videos with Devon, let me know by liking this video and if this video gets enough thumbs up, then you know what? We will do more videos where we test out different things. - Please, please thumbs it up. - Why? You wanna be in more videos or you want to eat candy? - I wanna do more candy videos. - All we're missing now is just the Harry Potter candies so-- - So I need to make him apparate in Hogwarts. - Okay. - So first, I would have as much magical power as you do. (laughing) So (grunting). Alright, let's see what he finds. (whimsical orchestral music) - Whoa, geez. Alright, well I just got-- - You startled me so bad. - (Laughing) Sorry man. Bro, we've got a lot of candy in here but before we do this, there's one more thing and that is that I'm doing a giveaway this month here on my channel. I'm giving away a Macbook computer. If you wanna win that, let us know by liking this video. Comment down below. What is your favorite video that I've ever posted on this channel? Of course, you must be subscribed to this channel. Go follow Devon. All of his social media links are down in the description below. Add us on Snapchat. Snapcodes right over there. Now we've done... You almost hit me in the face. (laughter) Without any further adieu, let's jump right into the video. Or actually, let's apparate right into the video. - We're here. Alright. (both laughing) Lowkey, I cannot even tell you guys how excited I am for this video. - I can't wait. - Because the moment I found out there was actually Harry Potter candy, I was like I have to try this stuff. So to start this off, we're gonna be trying Chocolate Frogs right now. You gotta know from the books, every time you get a chocolate frog, you get a wizard card inside of it, so who'd you get? That's the real question. Gods of Gryffindor, nice. Bro, who did I get? - I literally got this one. - Hey, I got (unclear). Yo. Now time for the chocolate frog. This looks like a frog that's made out of chocolate. How do you open it so fast? - It's so heavy too. - I know. - I'm actually gonna go in for a little foot. - I'm going straight for the head. Go for it, three, two, one, go. - That foot was good. - Oh. It's all chocolate. - That's a lot of chocolate right there. (grunting) That's real good. - Wow these are delicious. (growling) I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Man, I'm gonna be so messed up. (garbled) Chocolate frog. Next up, we've got Exploding Bon Bons. And I am literally expecting explosions on this one. (laughter) There we go. (both whooping) So take a bon bon, Devon. I'm gonna go for this one here. Like I said, guys. If this explodes in my mouth, ten out of ten. Ooh, it smells delicious. Alright, three, two, one, go. (gasping) It was nothing. - Good though. They're really good. It's popping. - It's popping? - There's a bit of popping in my mouth right now. - Well I swallowed mine already. - It's actually popping. - Then it is kinda exploding. Perfect ten out of ten. I can hear it, bro. So for this one, we have Mad Eye Moody Eye Balls. Is that what they're called? Eye balls. - Eyeball Bonanza. - Bonanza (laughing). These are huge. Look at this. - Oh my god. Give me yours for one second. (yelling) Alright here we go. - Nasty. - Three, two, one, go. (chokes) - You're gonna choke. - Yeah for real. - I don't know what you do. (laughing) Are these edible? - I think they're candy. What if they're not? - Ow. I smacked my tooth. - Ow! I don't think this is edible. - I hope no kids have choked on this. - I don't think a kid could fit this in their mouth, bro. This thing is pretty huge. Okay, so the eyeballs are a fail. You can't do anything with these. - Don't. You're gonna crack a tooth. Alright, yeah, eyeballs are a fail. Moving on to the next one. Next up is our personal favorite, Bertie Bott's Eery Flavor Beans. Oh no, I just dropped my beans. I literally spilled the beans. I'm gonna go for a gamble on mine. This one's either vomit or fruity, fruity something. (retching) - It's all good here. It tastes like bubble gum. - Let's do this, bro. You wanna do a handful? - Alright, I'm down. - Here we go. A handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Here we go, you ready? Three, two, one, go. - So many beans. Oh god. (retching) (whooping) (unintelligible speech) I feel like I got all the bad ones at once. (retching) - Bye, bye. For this one here, we've got Chocolate Cauldrons. So basically, we're practically in Snape's class right now. Advanced potions and how do you get it out is the real question. - I don't know. - Grab it? - I'm just dumping it. - Alright. Yo these are huge. - Can you - I don't think so. - No. - Let's take a bite. You ready, three. - I don't know where to begin. - I don't know, two. I'm going for the top, one go. (grunting) - Wow. - You took a bit in the middle of it? Oh my god. - Success. Wow. That was good. The top is... Whoa. - M hm, that's marshmellows. - They're like marshmellows on the top. Okay. So the chocolate. (coughing) The Chocolate Cauldron. - Thumbs up. - Yeah. This next one we're gonna be eating, some newts. (laughter) I don't what they are but they remind me of a newt. And I don't really know what a newt is. It just seems fitting. This is a newt. Alright, here we go. Oh there's a secondary layer of wrapping around them. - Ah gosh. - They got me. - They really don't want you to eat this. - No. - Wow. - Tap newts on three. One, two, three, tap a newt. (laughter) You try to bite it? Your teeth got stuck to it. - It's pretty good. - Mine's like a banana. Mine tastes and looks like a banana. - Eyeball's the best part. - Oh really? (grunts) Yes so these newts are a win. Yay. - Yeah. - These next ones are called Acid Pops. Hopefully we don't die. - These things have salt on it. Ah, oh. It's sour. - Yeah, but it's not like... It's not warhead sour. - They're toxic waste sorry. - That's another level of sour. I can't tell if I like it or not. It's like a green apple almost. Oh! (retching) If you put the tip of your tongue on it, it hurts. Ow! No, just leave it. You don't feel anything? (laughing) - No. - It hurt my tongue. Maybe I've got a defect one. The wizards messed up on this one. Elves didn't make it right. Yeah, so the Acid Pops, yeah, these are definitely, these are a win, I like these. These ones are Jelly Slugs. - Give it here, boy. - You're excited for these? - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. (gasping) - These are so cool. - These are so bizarre. - I'm gonna eat it like Ron did. - Ready? - That's just fun. - These are so chewy. These are the most chewy candy I've ever had. - I like these. - I'm gonna do it like Devon. I can't even do it. - I'm going two at a time, son. - Wow. - Hold up, there's one at the top of the box. These ones are good. - Mine are delicious. - Weird texture. And the one you've all been waiting for, the magic wand made out of chocolate. So I mean, if you cannot become a wizard, you might as well ingest what wizards use. That made no sense. (laughter) - I don't know. - The wands. - Their wands. Yo. - Ooh. - Straight up, this looks amazing. Oh my gosh. - This looks like a wand. - Expecto Petrotem. (both humming in enjoyment) I am now a wizard! When you don't get your Hogwarts acceptance letter. (laughing) Alright. (unintelligible speech) With these ones, I'm not exactly sure how they tie in with Harry Potter besides the fact they have the Harry Potter logo on the back of them. (laughter) Apparently, these were some sort of Harry Potter thing or maybe they were just literally black licorice. But we're gonna try this out right now, see if there's anything magical about it. - Whoa. Whoa! Whoa! - Oh my gosh. - Whoa, that's so cool. - Wow. Okay. - Mm! (unintelligible speech) - It's a lot of them. They're good. - I have a mustache. (laughing) - Devon has grown facial hair. What we have here are Fudge Flies. And I already opened them up and they look like just chocolate that they told us were flies. But I think we'll give it a shot. - Any day for chocolate. I'll take it. - Let's see. It's just chocolate in the shape of flies. There's nothing else to say about this one. And last but not least, the Voldemort Skull. Now this isn't I don't think necessarily Voldemort. There's a little bit too much color. - Yeah, would Voldemort wear that? I don't think so. - Yeah Voldemort would not wear this. We're gonna eat these in just a moment but first, if you guys want us to do another candy tasting video, let us know by liking this video. Comment down below, which candy looked the best out of this video. Make sure you guys go follow Devon. All of his links are down in the description below. Subscribe to this channel. New videos every Thursday and every Sunday. Right now, let's eat Voldemort's head. This is how you win over the dark side. (laughing) Oh my god. (grunting) I'm about to kiss Voldemort's face right now. (laughing) - If that's what you call a kiss. (laughing) - Alright guys, we need to teleport back to Hogwarts right now, eat some more candy. In the meantime, I love you guys. My mouth is so full with candy, it's delicious. See you again soon, bye!
Channel: Collins Key
Views: 20,219,610
Rating: 4.9619308 out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, harry, potter, wizard, hogwarts, candy, universal studios, hermione, voldemort, hermione granger, dumbledore, taste, test, testing, try, trying, harry potter candy, new, new harry potter book, new harry potter movie, cursed, jk rowling, emma watson, watson, daniel, fantastic beasts and where to find them, fantastic, beasts, where, to, find, them, collins key, collins, key, trailer, challenge, eddie redmayne, video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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