Trying CRAZY High Heels From WISH !! pray for my ankles & my moms :O

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hi everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video today we are doing a video that nobody asked for but I feel like you might enjoy okay so basically wish am i right what we have learned in previous videos and we are continuing to learn every single day is wish sell some weird interesting random stuff that is usually very hard to find yet wish is like all purpose everything's there just google it and it's probably on there so this leads me to the point of this video so I was looking at shoes on wish for a different video and then all of a sudden I found these extremely I mean excruciating ly extremely high heels and when I say high heels I mean high heels like oh my gosh so yeah I bought 9 pairs you can't leave me alone with wish you can't and 9 pairs you're probably wondering oh my gosh that is so many pairs so like I thought that these shoes weren't going to arrive so I bought quite a few hoping that I would receive enough to make the video and then they all came so we have a lot of shoes to try and I'm sure the shine and the funniness will wear off of me just tripping and falling over in these shoes but hopefully it will still entertain you maybe it will help you out if you're looking to buy some shoes like this I don't know either way I'm very excited and I like literally can't wait to break both my ankles like I have never been this excited to break my bones before so without further ado let's get into this video of trying high heels the highest high heels in the world maybe not maybe just on wish either way the highest heels I've ever had let's get into it now there are some that are more intense than others so I'm just gonna grab a bags at random and see which ones we get these ones are nudists look buh-bam okay so this is like this is tame compared to some of the ones I bought this is like a tame shoe and look at how high this baby is also I have a little bit of PTSD from shoes just because I really suck at getting my size so I got this in a 36 I'm a size six and a half hopefully it fits we'll figure that out later but oh my gosh everyone silently take a second and just pray for my ankles and my head and any bone that could possibly hit the floor when I put these on I feel like I have to try and break the heel because like oh good quality okay so I just pulled up the app for these these are the women new fashion open toe high heels fashion shoes party shoes large size so hopefully that doesn't mean they're gonna be like size large and these were fifty dollars without shipping the shipping was probably like $15 so let's just say that these are like $65 shoes not cheap for sure not so they're a little bit pricey the quality feels good but I think we're all waiting let's put them on alright so I'm going to put on the first pair of shoes now keep in mind I am not good at walking in heels let alone these heels so let's just preface this whole thing I'm gonna go ahead and put my hair up because I'm scared and I don't need any more distractions other than one and I'm coming at you live with two cameras we're gonna get closer with wow my ankles were just cracked every single time two cameras we're gonna get close-up of Wow my ankles okay you know what I'm gonna put these on hallelujah they at least fit if everything else is a fail they fit though wow I don't even fit in screaming okay alright oh my gosh my toes look in serious amounts of distress okay oh my gosh I'm literally sweating I know that that looked fake I swear to you that was not I was gonna try and strut okay [Music] next next pair is oh my god oh my gosh okay what am i doing like what is this video I swear no one even asked for this like what is wrong with me okay believe it or not this pump is actually way higher what is this this is literally like my highest heel that I've ever worn like out in public is definitely been like the size of this pump like is this like a five inch pump it's so crazy look how high the heel is the heel is literally the size of my head like almost to a tee look at that it's got a bunch of straps that wrap around one around the ankle two around the base of the foot this should be hilarious quality again quality check this is the only way I know how to check quality well if I can snap the heel it's no good I can't snap the heel and thank goodness because these were $73 before shipping almost $100 shoes it could have been $100 after shipping so these are pricey shoes oh my gosh they're so crazy I literally can't wait to put them on okay I'm gonna go put these on like right now these are the highest she sees definitely beat the last shoes for height so let's put them on I think I just realized how dangerous that this actually might be like I actually could break my leg could you imagine if I actually broke my ankle doing this oh my gosh that would just be so stupid of me actually surprisingly they're not that uncomfortable like they have like nice pads on the feet I think that the straps are a little bit big for my feet I look absolutely ridiculous my camera can't even catch all of me unless I go over here and now I'm just a really weird person skulking around in the corner of my room Wow these ones are probably the highest holy crapola these are much higher than the last ones oh my gosh I'm sorry I'm just like I have a mirror this way and I'm just like how tall am I right now like how much taller am I is this what like six foot five people get to see I never got to see this this hello I truly don't think that I can try and struttin these but I will try shout out to people who can walk in these oh my gosh okay oh my god I'm dancing so it's alright we're changing it up a little bit now we've got a blue bag very fun I'm gonna rip into these these are packaged pretty well here we go let us see this looks like see I would never usually say that this shoe looked tame but in comparison to the last ones we tried it this looks a little bit tame but I remember why I chose these these were $27 by the way and the reason I chose these was because look at how small look at that that's literally like the size of a pencil like I'm not kidding I could write it with this I'm doing it right now not just in comparison to how high it is but also in comparison to the last shoes heels we've tried like there's a reason that the heels are a little bit thicker it's because it's so tippy now look at this one what that is insane but of course I am going to try them on we'll see how it is I want to see if the heel actually makes that big of a difference because I kind of think it will like a high heel versus a wedge just like so different let alone a pencil versus a high heel way different oh my gosh these are so difficult - oh my gosh they're so difficult look how small that heel is that's insane okay I feel like I'm at such a loss for words because I don't even know what to do I feel like I'm in a straitjacket so I'm just gonna say these are pretty cool if I even oh my gosh if I saw someone in public wearing these how literally how going to like a dinner could you imagine I've seen it before I've seen it and I didn't appreciate it at the time but I appreciate it now also yes my feet are purple I've bad circulation okay next this one feels like it could be another really big one let us just open this up I wasn't even having to open these up just a little bit to see the product because when you feel it you can like obviously know it's a high-heeled so I was just throwing them to the side oh my oh yeah so these are kind of a play off of the thigh high tide Lisa boots I tried in another wish video I actually wanted these because as the whole world knows at this point because I literally won't shut up about it I was gonna be Patrick this year for Halloween I wasn't but I kind of got these in mind for that because they look so much like the boots he wore but these are hot super high heels platform pumps night club cool boots and they have three and a half stars so not the best they were originally $528 but I got them for 75 dollars before shipping they are again almost the same build as the last black ones I got but they are boots so hopefully that will help me hopefully by the end of this video I can walk in these very easily will see let me put them on again I don't think I can break this heel like this is this is thick plastic alright my socks are on and that can only mean one thing it's boot time let's lace up oh my goodness okay okay these feel the best by far oh my gosh I can actually walk in these where where can I wear these where is it socially acceptable for me to do that actually it's socially acceptable everywhere should I though oh my gosh look at this close-up look at these shoes I feel like I'm like venom on spider-man I don't know why oh my gosh I literally love these and I can walk in them see okay I honestly think boots are so much easier to walk in just because it holds your foot in place whereas the other ones I'm like falling out the front so if you think these are awesome these are the easiest ones to walk in and I can dance [Music] okay these ones had an issue at the border they said that they were damaged but under inspection I don't think they are damaged so I'm not sure but these are really bright red now I'm sure you guys are probably like come on change it up but like these to me felt like so different from the last ones because look at the heel look at that it like goes in and then out I feel like this one is gonna be one of the easier ones to stand on just because the base of the heel is gonna be like the widest but still like let us not forget how big this pump is like how high I'm gonna be off the ground is going to be insane and these are like bright red I love this color fav color so far for sure oh my gosh these are fun heels they kind of support good like not great obviously I'm going to fall down but not bad I want you to try affair okay like I was really guarding against that happening I was trying so hard to I do it good and that just totally did happen like I can't even breathe okay okay okay I got this oh my goodness can you imagine really being this tall okay okay I honestly I know I'm good now honestly you can't let me go oh my goodness okay I've got them now no I I'm honestly okay I could walk in these they're not actually cuz they're so platform they're not actually too tall it was just yes you know what it is it's cuz they're so loose around the ankles [Laughter] oh yeah I really like the heel that is so fun oh my god what is it oh okay I know my head's not in shop what is that it's a plate and it's got a note on it oh it says I'm hungry are you tired of fast food or running to the grocery store I know I am hello fresh has you covered I've said it before and I'll say it again hello fresh has the most five-star recipes than any other meal kit so you know for sure they're gonna be yummy me and my mom can 100% support this we have loved every single recipe we have tried and just so you know you can add or change delivery dates or even skip a week whenever you need to it's very easy unfortunately our regular helper for these sponsorships isn't going to be here today they actually got hurt on the job I'm not really going to get into what happened but we're gonna have to find another help so I'm so excited I'm so hungry right now and you know what honestly you guys we have been turning people on to hellofresh everyone who like asks about it we're just like oh we want to hear about hello gosh it's so convenient I do love I understand own about it sooner honestly Sam I really want Middle Eastern spice check yeah that sounds really good let's get cooking okay [Music] [Music] oh my gosh this looks so good I'm seriously so hungry and ready to trek why am I going in with my fingers oh this is ridiculous holy that is so good if you're interested in trying hellofresh you can get $90 off your first month with my new promo code you'll start at five dollars and 66 cents per serving you can go to WWF fresh calm and use my code Mia maples 9 all right now from the brief intermission I am fed and I am ready to proceed okay so these ones are very very different I have yet to find ones like these these are the 2019 new ultra high-heeled transparent high boots bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla fish mouth shoes so very interesting $73 like these shoes are not cheap you guys like last time I spent $73 on shoes personally like not for a video I mean was it all right so these are holographic usually you can't see on camera but I'm looking my monitor and it looks like you already can that is real hollow everyone these are super high transparent boots they don't just go like they probably cover like your whole calf look at that on the bottom it sparkles this is show-stopping I'm excited to have these who knows why I'm probably never going to wear them maybe if I do a little drag something or do something very loud and fun we'll see either way love the hollow love the shapes it said snakeskin but honestly it looks more like hexagonal but whatever whoa okay remember when I said boots were easier to walk in I might take it back here they are so they go like just under my knee and they are holographic all the way up they actually feel like really great quality like oh my gosh one thing I will say just like all plastic shoes it's gonna get sweaty there's gonna be humidity it's gonna look gross and soon for me very soon because it is so hot right now these are small heels as well oh my gosh oh my gosh like okay here's the question to everybody who wears shoes like this is it just practice makes perfect like if I keep wearing them am I eventually gonna get better at it because I'm willing to put in the effort to get good at this because like this is really a Power Move what do we got going on here okay these ones aren't transparent and okay apparently says the ad I can take off the shoe how do I do this and like stuff things in here so that intrigued me obviously because who doesn't want to just stuff like garbage in their shoe like how awesome would that be I think that would be so funny like imagine if you just had like a granola bar wrapper in here you walk in it's so bad oh my gosh I'm getting better all right I still haven't figured out how to open up these shoes and like get in the pump so that I can put stuff in there but when I do I will fill it with sparkles I will fill it with trash I'm not sure but anyway these are actually not actually a line Wow oh my gosh these are hard to walk in honestly though the quality of all these shoes has been like literally perfect so good they weren't inexpensive so I was hoping they'd be good but they are I don't think they would break Wow like if I wore these for like longer than an hour I would definitely get a bunion okay second last pair which ones did I get let's see okay this is another transparent pair of shoes these are different they're like slide on ones and you can't get in here yeah not much different honestly than the last ones open them on for the laughs but not very different I'm hoping out oh my gosh this plastics really hard Wow look at the front of my feet they're like getting cut by this plastic these aren't kind of comfortable though but oh my gosh I could fly out of them so easily in comparison to the last ones like this too transparent I definitely like this one more not being said though get me out of all right last pair I don't think we started off or I don't think we ended off on a bang they're just these black ones with clear right through the middle a gold heel a little charm again really really high but I've definitely seen higher like the second pair we tried on was insane so again I will throw these on these ones were $35 and verified by wish so let me try and break the heel Oh one day I'm gonna be able to break one all right we got the last pair on still haven't broken my ankle so let's see if we can finish this off safely okay well done I hear something it was nothing feel good quality they don't they feel extremely painful obviously but there's not much new with these ones okay so if my makeup looks a little bit different now it's because I legitimately was just crying laughing because oh my gosh I did not expect when I invited my mom to try those shoes that that was gonna be the outcome to those of you who stayed for that thank you and it's gotta be worth it because that was like hilarious she was okay by the way but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you enjoy it and click the subscribe button if you want to see more these shoes were great not really my style but they were great and that's all I gotta say see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 2,844,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, wish, wish haul, haul, try on wish haul, trying high heel shoes, the highest heel shoes in the world, trying the highest shoes on earth, trying crazy product from wish, trying wish strange products, is this worth your money, trying on crazy shoes, high heel try on haul, haul of shoes, try on haul, huge shoe haul, huge high heel shoe haul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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