Trying BRITISH Snacks for the first time

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I should get you a plate, shouldn't I? - Sure. Yeah. - So I'm gonna get you a plate. Some fun service. - (laughs) (upbeat music) - Hi guys, I'm Stevie. And today I'm gonna be apparently eating so many things. I've never heard of any of them, except for sorine from glancing, really quickly. I didn't actually look too hard at any of them. - You better not have. - So my British girlfriend has chosen a bunch of stuff and we're gonna eat it. Okay, let's go. (claps) It smells like burn in here. - Yeah, there's one thing that required cooking. By cooking I mean, microwave time. I did Burn it and there was lots of smoke coming out of the microwave. - (laughs) - But, the (mumbles) is still over there. And then I've got you a new one here, but is a little bit too hot. Okay, first thing we're gonna eat is (paper cluttering) this was my favorite, well I admit, its a pork pie. - Oh God, - You never liked the sound of this. Do you? - It sounds disgusting. - Well, let me tell you, it's not. - Why would you put meat inside of a pie? - You have loads of meat pies. - I know, but that sounds weird, - Honestly, its the best. - Oh God, it's cold. - Yes. - Cold meat - Its so nice. - I mean... - I might have a pie. - Honestly, after I say it out loud, I'm like, we, I do that all the time. - Yeah. - Okay. - I'm scared. What if I hate it? What if I throw up? - If you throw up, I haven't got anything prepared. Did you get any meat there? - No. - No. - one more bite, eat some meat. You like it, don't you? - No. - What, I'm gonna have a bite. - It near freezing. What's up with England not freezing anything? - Oh my God, its so good. - Did you take a bite out of it? - Yeah. - You fake vegetarian. - Look, I'm not having yours. Me and my dad used to all eat them. - Naughty naughty. - This is all your fault, What have you done to me? - Alright, I think that could be good if there was any seasoning at all. - Icy a little bit, spicy but I didn't cut. - What a fuck! - I give that a three out of 10. - Three? - Yeah. - Okay, wow. - Cause it didn't make me throw up. So that's fine. - We've got dungeon and the doc, which is the best drink. - What. - It's. - Fermented dandy lion. What the f*ck! - Yeah. - I think you should neck it from the bottle. - Okay. (bottle snaps) - Oh, baby. - Mmm smells like... smells like cream soda. - It looks like you're drinking whiskey from the bottle. - That's f*cking delicious. - Oh my God (trumpet sounds) I'm back. - That's really good. It does kinda taste like root beer. - It does have a hint of floweriness. - It is the best. - Wow. And it's a beautiful, that is really gorgeous. - Yay. Okay, what do you rate this? - Nine out of 10. - Next, I'll break from the pork pie. Some cheese savoury. - Cheese savouries. - Have you got these in America? - Alright, give it to me. No. - The are all different shapes. - I'm hungry. - I know you know it. I'll eat it. - Give me food. - Flash it to the camera. You always have these at buffets - These are kind of like goldfish. - Yeah, but goldfish are f*cking gross. (upbeat music) These are just taste like cheese. - Mmm goldfish are better. (upbeat music) - They're really buttery. Yeah, they're just fancy. - In a family buffet, you would just have a bowl of them. - Yeah. This would be good in a soup. I'm not gonna even throw'em away. - What shape do you think this is? It looks like a p*nis to me. - It does, it looks like a d*ck and balls. Okay. Next.(claps) - Okay next, wait what'd you rate it? - Five out of 10. Oh my God, I'm so suggestive of Scotch eggs. - Well, now you've seen them you may swallow them. - Oh my God, I'm so scared. - You cook this open darling. - I'm really excited cause all the pictures I've seen, they're really pretty - Uuh baby. - Oh its so soft and gray again. Why is your meat gray? - What if I love it? - I hope you do. (funky music) - Better than the pork pie? - Yes, but only slightly. And I have the same complaints. It's under seasoned. It tastes like they are dusted cardboard on the outside. Wait, give me some salt. - I think I've remembered why I'm vegetarian. - (laughs) - Alright. Oh it looks great. - Little bit salt on there. Let's see. (funky music) - No, it's still not doing it. - It helps but not much. - Well, are you are eating it? - Three and a half. - Next. - Oh, vanilla ice cream roll. - Shut up. Oh, and stop looking. (smooch) - So this is the thing that I burned. This is the pancakes. - Okay. - So, I don't know how probably - It looks like a pop tart kinda. - Yeah. - Eew its like a hot pocket. - Sure. I don't know what that is. - Oh my God, we have to do an American one. - I would love to do American bought actual food. Not the stuff you can get in the shops here. I used to have these after school, with my tea also known as dinner. - Yeah - But I would just put it in the toaster. But I just put it in the toaster for literally like two minutes, pop it up and eat it. But apparently you can't dig that. - This is a... - We have here so many (mumbles) - A numbered one that I prepared for you earlier. - Oh my God. It's so thin. So it's got mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce in it. - Yes. - Smells disgusting. That's good. - Oh my God. I wanna try it. Yeah, I'm not supposed to eat any of this, but I can't help it when I see you eating. - Why are you not supposed to eat any of it, is there some meat in it? - It's you tasting. Isn't it not me, is you. - Babe, what's mine is yours. Of course you can have some. - I mean, I did pay for this. - Yeah. Holy shit, How much was this? - I thought you be making me a piece. - What(giggles) - I thought you... - Go make yourself another one. - No. I would have this corner. - This is really good. - Oh my God. That's childhood right there. I've already got some now. - All right, suit yourself. - Mmm, you like that? - Yeah. Honestly, it's better than hot pocket. They should definitely be deep fried. - It looks like it is deep fried. - Yeah, I'm gonna deep fry one and then you're gonna try it - You gonna double deep fry it, anyway. - Or we can put it in the oven to get it crispy. Cause it's kinda wet on the outside, but I'm gonna f*ck you and not the food product. - Thank you. - And rate it a 6.5. - Mmm. - Okay. - The same savoury. The next thing, we've gone from tea. We will rewind. - Oh munchables. You have munchables. - What. - Yeah, it's literally so literally I've had so many Munchables in my life. - Dairly? - No, but it's probably the same its got crackers cheese in them. Being right. - yeah. I mean, I'll eat it anyway. I'll say that's different. - And lots of cream. - Oh, What the f*ck are these crackers? - Aha. Different crackers. I wanna see how you crack actually. so many different ways of stuffing, aren't they? - Do they? - Two pieces of cheese, - Mmm. - I think, piece of ham, two pieces oh ham. Oh, okay. - Wow. Its trash. - Is it? Let me, let me try. - Oh my God. Why's everything's so bland. There's no butter flavor. This is made out of dust. - I love this cheese. - Oh my God. - What is your rating? - Two. Please give me some dandelion juice. - Nope. Next drink. No. - Hurry up then. - I'm getting there. Okay, the last savoury thing I think we have, is frazzles. - Frazzles. - Have you got these in America? - No. - Okay. So they are like... - They seem to be breaking. - Bacon rashes. - Rashes? - That is crisps. So they taste like... - What's a rasher? - Isn't that what you call bacon? - Wait, how do you spell that? - R A S H E R S Wait, I forgot how to spell - Rusher? - Rusher. - Never heard of it. - Yeah. - In United States are crisps. - All right. - I could do - Is it flavor or does it have real bacon? - Oh, probably just flavored. - Bacon flavor season salt. That is sad. That is not like baked. - Look, they tried to put a little strip on it. - They tried to put a punk on it. - Gross. (dramatic music) Oh, it tastes way too realistic. - Oh, it tastes like real bacon? - Yeah. - Why didn't you ever give me something when I ask? - (laughs) - I love them. - It's like, okay. - I think I've just picked everything I like. - Yeah. Yikes. They taste too fatty I think. - Mmm. Right, we each owe each one a drink. So I have drinks for you. - Okay. Open me one up and I will begin it. - No, you've had a drink now. So you need to wait until the next new drink. - I'm gonna get you to drink in about 10 seconds. - If I see you get your arm over there, I'm gonna - Well then get me a drink that's ready to drink right this second. - The Beauford drink might be the second. - Okay, let's open one then. - No. So we've got no more savoury left. - Okay. - So. - We would probably go for the ice cream before it melts. - Yeah. - Yes. Let's go for the ice cream before it melts. So this... - I'm so underwhelmed. - Oh wait, what did they used to call this? This is just ice cream roll, but it was called something. But it's basically just ice cream swelled like jam cake. - Yeah clac classic. When you think I'm jamming you think I'm - Swirl - Classic jam swirl. - Swirly jam cake on the outside. And this was a household staple of my friends. - Okay. (drum roll) - Oh, it's a little bit melted. Oh - I recommend don't squeeze it. You are supposed to slice a slice. - Yeah. - Go get me a plate. Well I'll get it. - Yeah, you get it - Oh God.(screams) (laughs) - Oh my God. - Well. - I mean, I guess we could just eat some of the... - Oh my God, Josie. - Mmmm. Bite down. - F*cking hell. - What? Mmm. - All right, Here we go. That's good. - But like how good? - It tastes like a little Debbie cake. Like the strip, we have strawberry shortcake, a little Debbie cakes. It's like double ice cream added to it. - Right. - Yeah. It sucks that we wasted it though. - You like it. - It's really good. - What do you rate it? - Mmm, 8.5. Okay, yes. I would like a pallet cleanser please. - You want a pallet cleanser? - Huh. - Okay. So you have the choice between fruit shoot. But first - A fruit shoot. - A fruit shoot, which is like a, what every kid has in pubs or like in their lunch boxes or a Vimto. This is fizzy, this is not fizzy. - Okay. I'll do the not fizzy fruit shoot. - Would you like to gounze in opening it? - That's good. - Thank you. - Oh God wait. - I feel like the baby drinking lager. - Oh, the after taste is terrible. - Kind of tastes like wee. - What's wee? - That pee. Like wee that comes out of you. - Oh, it's the black currant. Black curtain has a weird after taste and y'all are obsessed with it here. Yeah, it tastes like the bad fake sugar. Anyway. I like it though. I want to try this. - Soreen. - Cause I've only ever seen the red one. There's like a fruit cake version. - Yeah. This is the most popular one rather. - It is really? - Yeah love, yeah. This is the smaller versions of it though. They cut a snack size ready to go in your box. - Cute. - I don't know if you gonna like this. It's kind of... I love it. Got some little here. - I'm sorry. It's called a loaf. I'm already, it's already not appetizing. - I've just had a thought. A thought. - A thought. I've just had a thought. - I thought I put butter on it. - Yeah. - So... - You can put butter on the other one too. - What other one? - The fruit one. - The fruit one. - There was a fruit soreen. - Yeah okay. Do you want to get some butter? - No. Oh my God. It smells gluton free. Oh, what is that texture? - The best texture that could ever exist. It's like sponge. Give it a chance. - Absolutely not. - Okay, give me a bite then. Oh yeah. - Why does everything taste like nothing. I think you obviously have a bland palette. And so you chose the things that you know. - Wow. - (laughs) - Wow. - You really like things that have too much flavor you like. This is too much. - Mmm mmm. Give me an example. - What's your favorite crisp flavor? - Ready salted. Because... - I rest my case, - The reason why it's not up to like through the flavors is because I like neutral, - I know you like neutral things. It's fine - So that I can have nuts and all different things with it. - We have raisins. - I'm glad you have raisins. - We have boxes of raisins. - Do you have sunny raisins? - I don't know. What's on it. What's the difference? Natural sunshine raisins. - Yep. - As opposed to artificial sunshine? - Yep. I know, this is just the closet ground that I wanna pound. - Oh this is so cute. We should just make a little lunches and I wanna walk or go to a picnic. - I would love... - My God. I love raisin boxes. - I'm like you. Give me one. - Yeah, tastes like a raisin. - Do they taste different? - No. So I don't think I should rate it. I'm gonna try that pink . - Oh, the pink and whites. So you have these? - I think we have something similar. It's just like wafers, right? With - With marshmallows. - Say my great grandmother used to have them all the time. - They are - Oh, with marshmallow. That's like a different. - Yeah, its marshmallow. - Oh my God. They are huge Oh my God, this is not what I was expecting. - Its like a small actually. - Oh, that is beautiful. That satisfying. Uuh. Oh yeah. - Uh. That was unwilling. - Here we go. All right, Chronic is so satisfying It's like if you take a waffle cone - Yeah. - And then put some bland marshmallow in the middle. - Yeah. - Um. Honestly, I like how it looks and how it sounds better than how it tastes . - Mmm. - Well, its fun to eat and fun to look at. - I'm not happy with it. - That's really affecting its score. - Mmh mmh. - Because the taste is again bland as f*cked. - Bland. Mmm I do agree. - So I'll eat it though. Six. - I want some chocolate. Do you have these in America? Wagon wheels. - What is the f*ck do you think? - All right that's enough. - Oh no. - Is that's not supposed to be obvious. - Yes, why would American thing thing be called something silly like that. - Everything you do is silly in America. My thoughts on this biscuit. Whenever... - Its a biscuit? - Its a biscuit. - Oh, it is cookie. Got it. Okay. - Sure. So whenever you would be allowed, like say you have one biscuit before your tea, all of them. - Yeah. - I would always choose a wagon wheel because it has the most surface area. So you get more biscuit than if you were to do like a little biscuit like this. Do you know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - You'll see when you see it. - We don't really have like tea time. - Look at that. No its no dinner. - Oh, - Before dinner. - Got it. so you have dessert before dinner as a kid. - Yeah. If I was hungry, bet I could get a biscuit. - Yeah. - Also crisps all that. - Uh it feels like it should be a Reese's cup. - Yeah. - But I'm gonna be disappointed all the time. Oh my God. It's like a moon pie is a marshmallow in the middle? - Yeah. - Uh, we have them, but they're way bigger and called moon pies. - Oh. - Sometimes a banana flavor, which is really good. Okay. Ready? First of all, the chocolate is really good. Chocolate here is so much better than America. - I agree. - The chocolate is really good. I can't even taste the marshmallow at all. So the moon pies have like five times as much marshmallows. So I get it. This was a thin layer. The texture it's like crunchy and chewy at the same time. It's really good. I like it. But it's still blands. Give that one a five. - Plus, I hate sweet things. I've bought so many sweet things. Oh my teeth. - I know. What are we gonna do? - My teeth are killing me. Let's do a wump. Do you have wump? - No. - Okay. - Do you check to see if these were in America? - No, no, no. Obviously I thought I picked things that I thought they are definitely British, but you didn't have enough? - Yeah. - Sharing. - Aww cute. - So it just have a little chewy sweet. This is the mini version. - Oh, is it like a laffy tuffy? You don't know what that is? - No. - I feel like laffy tuffy. I think it is. Yeah. It's a tuffy. - This, f*cking like this. - Yup. - Yup. This is a nine, - A nine? - Huh. - Wow. - Finally, some flavor. - A nine? - Yeah. - Why? - I'm gonna eat that whole bag. - I'm hurting here. - Yeah, because you finally got flavor in your life and your mouth not used to it. - You talking about yourself. Oh, it feels good. Okay. You were intrigued about this earlier. The trifle. So, I've seen this one. - Hold up. What have you done? - What have I done? So usually... - Oh my God, - You don't buy a store bought trifles. - Right, speaking of yourself? - Yeah. - Yeah, I've seen trifle come down with me. - You'll grandma makes it unusually. - Aww. - Not an extra great trifle. - So my family made dump cakes. It's not gonna be necessarily similar, but make sure you're you don't you trust your aunt, - Make you go all the way down and get every layer in that. Usually they have lady finger in the middle. - Yeah, I want to have cake in it. - Yeah, but - It's just, - normally they have lady fingers in them. - I need some variation of texture. - Yeah. - And it's just goo. - Yeah. You don't really think it's all. Yeah. - Yeah. Part of them. - I thought you were trying to make a dirty joke but... - What's that? (keyboard sounds) Oh, hi there? You caught me being British, because I'm British now. Huh yey (smooching) There are three things in this world that I love; lady fingers in my mouth, lady fingers in my other places. And segues. Thank you so much to Adam and Eve for sponsoring this video. If you're looking for something different slash British, why not try Adam and Eve. They've got so many different s*x toys. And in honor of the Britishness of this video, here are some delightfully British themed toys. First say hello governor with her royal harness. So this toy is for when you wanna lie back and think of England, but like in an actual s*xy way. Then there's oh my G-sp*t, which actually isn't that British sounding. But the print on it looks like something that an old British granny would have in her kitchen or bedroom. You know what I mean? This is the jolly pop smooth. It sounds like something they would call something. That's called something different, and actually what it is. Anyway, jolly pops. This is another one. I'm just, my favorite is her royal harness. It's just so perfect for this video. Anyway, I tried to find a dildo that had daffodils on it so I could call it a daffodildo, but they didn't have one. So, and last but not least, if you're looking for a new kind of crown jewel, people will come to you from far and wide to see this tourist attraction. Anyway, to check out all these lovely products and many many more go to and use the coupon code: Stevie to get 15% off, any one single item plus shipping to the U S and Canada. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. We have Milky way. - You've had milky way? - We have them in America. - Okay. - Oh. Battenberg. It is my favorite cake all the time. - Battenberg. - All time. - All right, so it's gonna be bland? - No, it's Marzipan. - Okay, give it to me. - I'm the opener around here. - I'm so hungry. Can you tell? - Look how cute they are. - (laughs) They're really cute. My urgency, like give me the next one. - You are credibly impatient. - I feel like we're playing a game when we have to race. This is really beautiful. - I know. This one is your favorite cake. - Okay. - So satisfying. - Oh my God. I'm so jealous. - Why, you can't have it? - Well enough like wasting more than one when you are the next pie. - Tastes like fig cherries, but if it didn't taste like bacteria, that would be like an eight. - Okay. - So what is it? - like a four. There was a different flavor. - The resins are different flavors. - I love the texture. The outside is different than the inside. - I used to peel off the outside of it. - I love the sugar on top. - And how satisfying is that though, to walk up. - We love a pink food. - I hate these. Do you want to know why? - Fruit winders. Why? - I had them once when I was a young girl. - More than once? - Listen, more than once and that evening I was up all night throwing up. - Feel odd. - So I used to tell people, I was allergic to winders. - I will see how different this is. They are fruit roll ups. I mean, the packaging is exactly the same. Oh, it's in two strips. - Yeah. - Mmm they are much chewier. Unless I was just eating expired ones. Feel a little too better. - I'm not gonna try them just in case I throw up again. - I don't know if it's because of nostalgia I'm like, no this is how frillop should taste. - Yeah. - But I said its okay, I would eat it again. - You are forgetting you are American. - I'll give it a five out of 10. - Well, I really booked quite a lot with this, ice gems. - Oh my God. I just want more crisps. - Okay. - Mig vidis. - Yes. - Iced gems. - They deserve the best. - Oh my God. We're good. These are really cute. Oh, look at that. That's adorable. There's so many colors. Look, oh my God they are cute. Okay, here we go. Aw - What's wrong? - Ah, this is cute. - I used to eat these all day. You never get full from them. They are just like air. - It's just like a cracker with icing that's hard on top. Like the icings hardened. Oh wow. - You need to go to the dentist. - Yeah. We have a seven. What a f*ck is egg custard? - This is my favorite dessert. - You said that about so many things right there. - Yeah. I think I bought all my favorite desserts. - I wish you would have gotten more savoury things. Cause all we. this so much sweet stuff. - Yeah, and custard, here we go. - All right. - Oh yeah baby. - Okay, tell me you do know the history of the egg custard? - No. - No, have the whole bit, not as a custard. (drum roll) - Oh yeah, we have these. - What'd you call them? - Probably the same thing. I don't know. Tell me the how much with no surprises. - No cause you don't call custard custard. - True. - Thoughts. - It's like fine. - I give it a four. - It is fine. - Wow. I was really excited. I thought I was gonna rate these way higher. - Me too. - Aw, are you disappointed? - No. - Animals with Freddo. We go them. - No. We just call them animal biscuits usually. - Oh my God. We have so many things to make pack lunches for all of our children. - Yeah. I think I went down the packline fruits. - Yeah. - Where is our baby now? - You're just getting nostalgia thing that you like. - Yeah, I think I was. - Ooh, that's cute. - Is it? What is it? - A lion. You look so glam. Doesn't even taste like anything yet. Three, three out of 10. This looks beautiful. I will say the packaging on all this. - Wait, this is the last thing. Let's do a palette cleanser. - Right. - Vimto, baby. - Do you need to cleanse your pallet if it has no taste? Vimto fizzy, I hate the packaging. - Why? - Uuh. It looks purple though. - It is. - That's fun. It's like river Le Creux actually had a flavor a little bit. - Like what? - Yeah. Whatever. First of all, it's not French, it's named after a river and you forget that. - You've been waiting to have this argument. Haven't you? - I like this. Cause I don't like how intensely sugary most fizzy drinks are. - Yeah. - Fizzy drinks. - Yikes. - How much sodas are. So yeah, that's a, that's a good mix between Le Creux and a soda like halfway in the middle. I like that. - Okay. - I'll give that an eight. - We've got five more pounds where they can grow. - Great. Okay, last one. - So this is the brand which with little teacakes. Which you like, glue the whole marshmallow tea cakes. - Oh, I f*cking love those. - You love them? - Yeah. - Again, they're really cheap. These are really cheap too. - I like that about this brand - Me too. - When I learned that they just have stayed the same price for so long. - So good. Yeah, it is the same brand, but this is a wafer and Oh my God. I'm actually quite off this happened to be last. - Oh my God. That is a beautiful packaging. - Do you want a white milk? - Oh my God. Why am I so predictable? Oh my God. It just feels vintage. - I know. It feels old. - Oh my God. Wow. Okay. Oh my God. I have a feeling I'm really gonna like this - You love - cause I love the taste. - Its unreal. Are you gonna bite it or not. - I didn't, it didn't work. I think there's something wrong with my teeth. - Yeah. - Oh Camel. That's why I was like, why isn't it working? Oh, that's good. That would go. You want a bite? - Yeah a little. - (mumbles) - I've been like mouth watering. - Wow (claps) Mmm. That's my favorite. - Is it? - This is my favorite dessert. Yeah. - What's the rating? - Nine out of 10. - That's not your favorite then. - Why and what got better. - This was also nine. - Yeah nine point five. - Which do you prefer? the tunex tea cake, not enough teacake. The (mumbles) - I feel like I'll eat more of these because they're not as rich, but I liked, I liked everything about that. I like looking at the outside. I like looking at the individual wrapper. I like opening out, like looking at it's beautiful. I liked the texture. That is ugly. Everything about it. The packaging, Alexa, calm down, - Was that Alexa? - Yeah. - Sorry, I couldn't find the contact matching Alexa calm down. (laughing) - Listening to contacts. - What was your least favorite thing you tried? - Pork pie. - Really? - Yeah. - Of everything? - I was pissed. - I have high (mumbles) - I kinda handled that gray meat. Maybe I'll make my own pork pie. - Maybe you try a few more first. - Okay. Everybody tell me the comments, if you know about British. Who makes the best pork pie that we can still get in quarantine or if you have a pork pie recipe. - Okay, I want you to do one for me now about American, but I just feel like the UK has so many American surfing the shops and... - Yeah, you can have everything. - I don't think you can be able to find things I haven't heard. - I've said so many things and you're like, what's that? - Oh yeah. That's true. - Okay. Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed me trying all these English treats. Thank you so much to Josie for buying them. And then putting up with me talking s*it on her favorite things. - Every single thing. Everything. - Thank you so much for my patrons for supporting me on patriotic. I just out with a bunch of new, to kind of shuffle around the tiers and came out with new ones. So if you want to check those out, then click the link in the description and come on to my discord server and chat with me. Also leave in the comments. What American foods do you think I should make Josie try next. - No cliche ones. - Why? - Because I will have tried them. - Like what? Like Recess or hot dogs? - Yeah hate recess. Hot dogs, we've always had those here. - What about pickles? - Obviously I have had pickles. - Your gherkins are not pickles. They're different. I think they don't have vinegar. They something else. - What I thought was a pickle then? - It's really sour. - A sour pickle? - Yeah. - I'm good. - They're both a few covers though. Anyway, love you guys. Bye.
Channel: stevie boebi
Views: 170,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2sEMrgfrfxM
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Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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